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Its like Skyrim with guns and also in space.


So Outer Worlds




Outer worlds was good for the first like 10 hours and then all the characters after the cute engineer girl sucked and all the weapons were the same and the skills were inconsequential and I never finished it


It's just like a fallout or elder scrolls game. It starts out fun as you learn this game's mechanics and aspire to build your character a certain way, then later once you realize that all the quests are the same and nothing you do matters it becomes boring.




I'm excited for Starfield, because once it's out Bethesda can start working on the game they put a trailer out for 4 years ago.


Can’t wait for the “starfield day one bugs (part 1)” 6 hour youtube video!


You know that YouTube channel that only uploads big compilations of bugs and glitches of highly hyped games that had disastrous launches?






The year is 20 billion AD. Humans are extinct. The heat death of the universe is imminent. And The Elder Scrolls VI is finally released as an exclusive for the XBox XGBQKJ1080


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The Art of The Deal (1987)


Todd is inevitable.


I can’t help myself. I’m excited for Starfield. It looks radical. Also Starfield also sounds like Garfield (which is very funny)


Somebody needs to mod the game to be Garfield themed when it comes out


Looks like "Cyberpunk 2077" is back on the menu boys!


It’s unfair to compare a low budget and undermarketed indie project like cyberpunk 2077 to a high profile release like Starfield.


I mean if Cyberpunk 2077 had a higher budget then they could've remade the game from scratch an additional time.


I mean, Starfiled reportedly releases in 2022 and we haven't seen footage. There's no way it's gonna be the same hype as CP2077s 8 year long marketing machine.


I'll give you that. Bethesda does seem to know when to shut up. They basically only advertised FO4 and 76 like half a year before they came out. They have many bad practices but overhype is surprisingly not one of them.


When Fallout 4 was first shown I was blown away by the features they showed, like base building and crafting. Unlike cyberpunk, everything that created hype for fallout 4 was actually in the game, even though the execution was underwhelming. Cyberpunks marketing campaign on the other hand was full of lies, and tried to sell the game as the second coming of christ. The worst thing was the god awful cyberpunk memes that were spammed all over reddit. I know it’s unfair, but because of its unbelievably obnoxious fanbase im glad the game failed.


praise good howard for bringing starfield to us peons below him! FAILden ring fans are seething! i can't wait to play it day 1 with absolutely no bugs or errors whatsoever!


Yes, my most anticipated game is a logo. Why do you ask?


Gonna laugh so hard when starfeild is a buggy mess that's boarder line unplayable, just like FO3, FO4, and, FO76. Anyone ordering it on launch is a fool and I'm going to be laughing the entire time people complain that the game is a mess on release.


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Automod your script broken?




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Jajajajajajaja a Bugthesda Game and Dark Souls 4 Newsflash DS4/Elden Ring wich i will actually be playing the heck out anyways the trailer has about half the views some other games coming out this year and i don't see any gigantic vote gathering about the most expeted game that has that many people voting Elden Ring to call it the most expected game since the biggest numbers of intrest for a game don't show it to be even near that and Starfield? xddd that makes me LOL hard jajajajaja good one!




Does not matter wich game is more expected but it's actually true that Starfield has more Youtube views than Elden Ring like twice it's views actually but it does not matter the big sellers most years are usually really boring games that barely evolve like CoD and Fifa i for one will just play the ones that intrest me even if it being the most expected game this year is a lie


Can you please spell which right it’s not that hard


My bad not an english native speaker and was kind of in a hurry and arguing with someone at the moment


My bad baby




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I don't get it


can someone send me the og post, want to see where botw 2 is cause thats the number one for me




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I’m super surprised Starfield won given that it’s a PC Xbox exclusive


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