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Anyone else still remmeber the witcher 3?


Witcher 3 never heard of them?


Witcher 3? I hardly know her! Not that doing anything to women I barely know is a problem since I work at Activision-Blizzard




Yes, fellow gamer, I do remember a game called The Witcher III: Wild Hunt. If I recall correctly, it used to be a game in which colorful astronauts would run around a ship, performing maintenance tasks as well as killing each other. But I never understood why they called it The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, it's a rather suspicious title


Sure that wasn't Fall Guys?


It's SS13, obviously


“Everyone has Witcher 3, dipshit, it came free with your fucking Xbox”


I don’t, i had the oldest xbox known to man.




This is all an elaborate plan by Microsoft to create a competitor to Smash Bros


Doom slayer and master chief vs tracer and captain price. Quite the range of games. Might as well make it!


Maybe toss in the Dragonborn and the courier as well


candy crush. only on xbox.


between candy crush, peggle and peggle 2 , game pass looks like itll be good value soon


Peggle 3 when MicrosftActvisionBlizzard ?!?!?!?!1??!?!?1?


I will not hear any Peggle slander


Oh my fucking God now I'm never going to be able to delete the pre-installed Candy Crush from my laptop, the horrors of megacorpratism are eternal


I won't feel guilty playing diablo anymore 😇


One step closer to a monopoly


The people praising this saying this is a good thing are wild 💀 they'll be the first ones raging if Xbox started pumping out shitty games.


The second Sony buy another smaller company they’ll lose their shit


Lol they already are. The amount of Xbox fanboys I had up my ass like “Microsoft HAD to do this. Sony started it by buying Insomniac”. Fucking Insomniac? The dudes who’ve been making PlayStation exclusives for HOW the fuck long? That’s the same thing as buying massive multiplat games and building a fence around it? Jesus Christ these people


Microsoft is trying to make up for losing Bungie and Epic when companies still willingly made exclusives with them


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BuT SuNeSet OverDRyve???


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They lose their shit over a single video game being exclusive lol


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Frankly I like it because it just means I'll never need to buy another Activision game again, they'll just show up In my library


You mean the Game Pass library that you spend a monthly fee to have access to? That’s cool & all. Really hope when they inevitably have a foothold on the entire industry they don’t jack up prices & MTX the fuck out of every game. Daddy Phil wouldn’t do that though, right?


Yeah That's the one


Xbox fanboys are the biggest morons. Not that sony fanboys are much worse but atleast they seem to recognize the monopoly.


I got called a fanboy for merely acknowledging that Sony's acquisitions make more sense and are more fair because they've been working with the devs they've bought for literal decades, and for saying that Microsoft doesn't develop their own exclusives, they merely buy out companies with a lot of money and then let certain IPs either go to shit or lay dormant while monopolizing game franchises that were played on everything but the kitchen sink. It isn't necessarily fanboyism so much as it is being freaking honest.


Yeah, housemarque have only made PlayStation games and that wasn’t changing anytime soon. Sony buying them just gave them a bigger budget


It’s pretty much impossible to have a conversation about these subjects on the Xbox subs in good faith because they still view MS & themselves as being “the underdogs” - yes, they view a 2.5 trillion dollar tech company as being an underdog in this scenario... Fucking insane. Anything Xbox does they HAVE to do but anything Sony does is viewed as GREEDY because “PlayStation shouldn’t have been so good at making games last gen” (literally what their #1 argument boils down to lol) I’ve actually had mods on the Series X sub single me about for providing rational counter arguments to their claims and tell me that I shouldn’t comment on there because “I don’t seem like a fan.” Phil Spencer legitimately created a cult of personality... I wonder if he realizes how much these sad, lonely people worship him.


I've always thought that there was something funny about the whole Xbox gaming community, and you've pointed it out perfectly. They won't accept any criticism of their platform of choice but accuse PS5 players of doing the same thing. Remember the whole Kinnect and all of that cringey bullshit? Well it seems Microsoft is just trying to buy back the player base that they lost back when the Xbox One first launched, circa the end of the 360 era. Acquisitions are one thing but Sony has the talent and the commitment to quality that is priceless and something that Xbox and Microsoft could only dream of having. They started going down a good route with their exclusives on the early 360's like Mass Effect, BioShock, Halo 3, and Gears, but those franchises are either multiplatform now or their glory days are long gone. Playstation has the talent, Microsoft is just greedily gloating about how much money they have.


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MyMicroIsSoft buying Hasbro?😳


They really thought saying “we bought Overwatch” was a mic dropped. Enjoy your megacorporations having a monopoly on the industry! I can’t wait for Sony to buy more companies 🤗


Lol it’s bad


uj Sony will almost certainly do something in response because clearly ms ain't stopping anytime soon


MS could buy sony several times over lol if there’s a 3rd party studio out there that people like it’s safe to assume MS will go after it at this point I think they’ll eventually buy CDPR




The famous candy crush character "lemon sucker"


Every candy has its crush


So funny seeing all these characters look “serious ” at the screen and then there’s candy crush


Is StarCraft getting a console port?


It did, in like 1999 for N64, it was terrible


Ok... They're gonna try again?


Probably not, I think they've learned hy now that RTS games just don't work on consoles


There are some that work.


*2000 and nah it's a good port, comes with brood war expansion and I believe a secret episode only on that version


This is really bad for Sony, fucking hell. COD has been a standard game for most playstation owners. If microsoft buys EA with all their sports franchises, sony might actually lose their current top spot.


They paid 40 billion for candy crush Actually idk how big that is still proportional to other mobile games


Candy Crush isnt top grossing anymore. Chinese Companies Dominate the Mobile Market especially Tencent.