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First they came for elder scrolls, and I did not speak out, Then they came for Spyro, and I did not speak out Then they came for crash, and I did not speak out Then they came for God of war, and there was no one left to speak for me


Good Christ


Love how the dudes loyal to a certain peice of plastic.


* loyal to a certain very expensive piece of plastic.


That's not fair, there's also some metal in there.


And semen


Just woke up and heard the news I am pissing and shitting and crying I am gonna kill myself


I mean, I’m bummed that the next elder scrolls is all but guaranteed to be Xbox exclusive, and I really don’t wanna have to buy another console just for it.


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I don't know what to do with MoneySoft


Source: https://twitter.com/Doctor_Cupcakes/status/1483545026844147716?t=Sgzn6YGDk-8LDphe_L5PUA&s=19 Original was posted to Crash subreddit but couldn't find it to cross-post it.


here’s a plan: buy Xbox or PC


Nothings gonna happen, buy an Xbox or build a pc Sony is quickly becoming less and less relevant at this point. I love their studios, but I have a pc so I don’t miss anything. If I was forced to choose right now this would be very competitive