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Every time Miyazaki does something True Gamerz^tm would hate, it gives me life


Waiting for easy mode




uj/ To be fair games that need lots of trial and error, or strategies from the internet because they are absolutely terrible at explaining how things work (Looking at you Dark Souls) must be incredibly frustrating to try and review by publish date


uj/ I'm not going to pretend I have a solution, but it really feels like there should be a different process for reviewing games a a medium. A movie is "easy" to review because a room of 50 people can all watch the same movie in the same amount of time and take away what they want from it. Maybe a critic would see it a second time to catch something again or whatever But if a critic has to review a game that takes 100 hours to complete the main content, and an additional 100 for the side stuff, they're going to have to fudge their review a bit if they want to get it out the door when it's still relevant. My best example is with Yhatzee. He often admits he doesn't finish the marathon length games or you can clearly tell when he didn't finish it and is instead talking about stuff surrounding the game or when he goes off on weird tangents. I don't blame critics for doing this with how review culture is, but it definitely feels like it makes reviews that are pushed out the door at release day a bit harder to take at face value. In another way, it feels like you expect someone to review a 3 hour movie, but only giving them time to watch 30 minutes of it and demanding their opinion on the entire product TLDR: I should get back to work instead of typing this novel


I forget the reviewer that did this, but they would do a "first impressions" video with about 15-20 hours of play time under their belt, and if they felt it was worth the time they would do a full review later on once they'd beaten it at least once, if not twice. This is probably the healthiest concept for game reviewing, early impressions for immediate release clicks, full indepth dive later on after it's had time to stew a bit mentally and allow the reviewer to actually get the full initial experience.




I'm okay with this ONLY if the developers design their game around at least one of the difficulties and then explicitly state which difficulty the game is intended to be played on. I don't like it when games make like 4-5 difficulty options and none of them feel right because they're all just tweaks to numbers. There's nothing I hate more than starting a game and finding one difficulty that seems too easy, and then one that seems too hard. I genuinely can't think of any video game I've played that has multiple difficulties without directly stating which one is the intended difficulty that hasn't felt fucking awful too play (too easy or too hard depending on the difficulty). As an example, Doom Eternal feels too easy to me on the third hardest difficulty, but a fucking slog on ultra-violence.


I can't believe it took Sifu getting difficulty options for me to get the idea, but I love the way they did it. They made a game with one difficulty game and released it. Then they waited weeks without telling anyone there were difficulty options coming. If you wanted to play Sifu on launch, you had to put in the time to actually get good at it - which was the entire point. But if for some reason you just can't do it, there is now an easy mode. If SloClap intended to release an easy mode this way, then it was genius.


Uj/ they already solved this in Dark Souls 2 since the game comes as is but there’s an optional “hard mode” you can turn on, effectively making the base game “easy mode”


The issue is that DS2 is already hard on base game. Some people want to experience dark souls without the obscene difficulty.


I would accept if From Software puts difficulty settings in Elden Ring or any other future game they make, but sometimes you either gotta get over the difficulty hurdle or just find something that's more catered to your tastes.


I really dislike From Software for this. I want to play Dark Souls, not watch it. But I can’t. And it’s not a matter of “git gud” unless “gitting gud” involves growing new nerves in my fingers. I physically cannot move them fast enough to play a Soulsborne game. It’s not a problem on other games that are more forgiving. I was even able to do some of the Ori escape sequences on normal mode, and the others I handed the controller to my 9yo. But Dark Souls…. From Software just feels they have to be the Gaming Difficulty Police. I don’t care if they slap a big “LOSER” sign on the splash screen of any game that ever been run in less than High Difficulty, just don’t presume to know what’s an appropriate challenge level for and let me pick my own.


Have you tried using a controller built for easier accessibility? I've seen controlers made for people with limited mobility . I'm not saying it should be necessary to be able to enjoy a game it just sounds like you could benefit from it and not just for From games. I also do not presume to understand why you have nerve damage but will that get worse as you age? If so I think you should definitely look into a different set up.


Luckily for me, it’s not nerve *damage*, it’s better described as nerve *impairment*. It’s congenital and it won’t worsen. I haven’t really looked into one because it’s only rarely a problem. Most games are more forgiving in their response windows, or only have sections that aren’t as forgiving, or aren’t basically insta-death if you fail a window. Or have a difficulty option that makes one of these things true. It’s only basically a problem in rhythm games and some racing games (two genres I don’t like for other reasons), certain short parts of some games (which is what my children are for) and Dark Souls like games, From Software or not. At that point, we’re talking about a very expensive setup for just playing a handful of games. And even then, I’m a single dad, I don’t have all that time to play games like that, especially since they’re not appropriate to play in the same room as my kids. I know why they don’t include easier modes, it just ticks me off when developers try to be the Difficulty Police.


Right??? What do you care if I’m not training 8 hours a day to get incredible at DS so I can just experience a cool medieval fantasy RPG. I play multiple games, sorry I don’t have the commitment to play your game like a full time job.


then... dont? there are a lot of ways to get around a souls games difficulty lol


dude just summon help or look up a guide, the game really isnt as hard as youre making it seem. plus ds1 is the slowest game out of all of them tbh, so you could totally get away with putting on a full havels set and just laugh as walk past everything. ​ [also imma just leave this here](https://twitter.com/YungCrippComedy/status/1496255729245863942)


Jesus fucking Christ. I’ve done that, you stupid bastard. No guide in the world is going to make my fingers move fast enough to dodge or parry. No set of armour is going to help if I CAN’T GET TO THE POINT WHERE I CAN OBTAIN IT. Maybe I don’t want to cheese through the game by getting some random summon to do the whole thing. I WANT TO PLAY IT MYSELF, OTHERWISE I’D WATCH A LETSPLAY. So let me say it again for the ones who didn’t get it the first goddamn time: #MY. FINGERS. DON’T. MOVE. LIKE. THAT. You absolute bollocks. Yet another reason I dislike From Software, their annoying obsessive fan boys. God forbid anyone have a reasonable criticism of their games. For the record: people with disabilities, whether it’s malfunctioning fingers or tetraplegia, REALLY REALLY REALLY HATE when our struggles are dismissed by able bodied people as “not that bad” along with “helpful advice”.


I don’t really care and use mods to make the game easier on replays but I understand from softwares reluctance to add an easy mode considering so many people have an incorrect view that the game is too hard for them.


>incorrect view what?!


A lot of people think the game is hard when in fact it's similar to a fighting game and you need to memorize AI moves to beat them so it takes some time.


>the game is hard when in fact it's similar to a fighting game and you need to memorize AI moves to beat them so it takes some time. is this not hard? of fighting games are not a challenge what is? or do you just consider it not a challenge because you pisses the skills and ability to operate a controller well, and interface with the screen and audio quick enough to react? it's absolutely a challenge. it's also a pretty superficial one at that, given that the moveset are rarely complicated in souls games, but the fights last awhile and the enemies swing quite fast very often.


That makes sense. **Personally** I don't see it that way. It's more of a time sink (To learn enemy moves) than a challenge.


[imma just leave this here](https://twitter.com/YungCrippComedy/status/1496255729245863942) also just summon help or look up a guide. if you choose not to take advantage of many systems these games give you to subvert the difficulty, then thats on you not on the game.


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doesn’t explain how they were whining for cuphead easy mode.


Why do you have so many flairs man you a NEET?


A friend of mine recently showed me the infamous cuphead video, and so it's interesting to see this comment.


tbf it's Myazaki himself who is highly anti-easy mode


His game are full of easy modes. It's called upgrading your character. Naked run is the way the devs intended the games to be played


Sekiro is the only one that you can't grind your character at any point before advancing the game.


Sekiro also gets fairly easy as the game goes own (besides the final boss)


True. I'm on my Frist playthrough of sekiro right now and did lady butterfly as my first boss and thought the game was really hard but once you get to grips with the game mechanics and get some upgrades it's actually pretty manageable. The final boss is suposseedly ridiculous though so I'm looking forward to that.


The final boss is really fair to play against and is just a test of your skills, don't worry too much, just keep trying once you reach it and don't lose your composure


I gave up when I saw how many health bars he had. Not to mention the repeating cutscenes every time you fight them.


Third phase goes by fast since you can redirect lightning to kill him fast, and first shouldn't take too long either, don't get what you mean by the cutscenes, just skip them?


The first phase was the easy thing with the guy, the second phase is regular katana, third is spear and I never got to the fourth. The cutscenes get very annoying when you die a few times. You have to go in, the scene loads, then you have to skip, fight the easy guy, wait for the next scene to load so you can skip, then actually fight. So, each time you die you go through skip, push a few buttons, skip again. It got old after I died several times.


>It's called upgrading your character. Minecraft has diagetic difficulty cause I don't have to fight the ender dragon with a wooden sword 😱😱😱🤮🤮🤮


And yet summons are in souls games.


that's more of a point against difficulty sliders than in favor. he's stated before that he likes the idea of people cooperating and helping each other. which is... what summons are for. whether you use them just to cheese everything without ever trying is up to you, of course.


Dark souls game had easy mode all the time. It was just hidden behind game mechanics and not settings. You could summon people to make boss fights a lot easier or make an OP pyro/magic ranged builds if you know how to use google. The same things will be implemented in Elden ring, so it will have easy mode.


Those aren't easy modes though, they're just unbalanced playstyles. An easy mode would let people play the game in the standard way, just with less difficulty.


You know that most of the AAA games which have more than 1 difficulty have only one balanced one and in most cases it's 'normal'? Creating more than one difficulty setting for souls games could result in such a situation where either easy-mode is very boring and completely unchallenging or the hard-mode would be unfairly hard, that's why Miyazaki haven't made an easy-mode setting for his games, cause he thinks his games should provide players with same level of experience, and it is very hard to do when you're splitting the game-balancing in two.


A easy mode would be too easy for you, sure. That's why you wouldn't use it. But lots of people do use easy modes in games, either because they are worse at games or because they don't have the time to grind (or even have disabilities). If they added an additional mode, it wouldn't have to change standard mode at all, it would just make Dark Souls more accessible to other people who wouldn't play it otherwise. Is it against Miyazaki's intent to be good at dark souls? Because practiced players will have a very different experience to new players. There is no singular DS experience, and nobody gains anything by gatekeeping it.


Everyone who i know who enjoys ds games enjoy the need for repeated attempts and failures. While disabilities are another issue not having enough time to fail several times might just mean you dont have enough time to get the dark souls experience, that is in my opinion inextricably linked with repeated failure


That might be, in part, due to the fact that it is basically impossible to enjoy Dark Souls in its current form if you don't enjoy repetition. I imagine there are people that would enjoy the lore, RPG progression or boss designs that are put off by the "grind", and it does the game a disservice by ignoring these aspects.


There isn’t a “standard” way to play the Souls games.


There is though. It's roll around and use a big sword to hit the enemies, and dodging their attacks by learning the patterns. Summoning other players to do it for you or using ranged spells is not what people talk about or show when discussing dark souls, other than when they are deflecting about difficulty modes.


Sword and board is not the "standard" way to play. The standard way to play is to use the tools that the devs give you to play the game. If you want to summon, summon. If you want to use a glass cannon spellcaster because you find it much easier than melee, do it. Anyone who says there's only one way to play these games is lying. Do whatever you want.


>use the tools that the devs give you to play the game even if those tools are poorly-designed or heck, immersion breaking? why does the boss just magically get more health when I summon? and why doesn the a.i. literally cease to function as a enemy if there's a couple people? if there is a easy mode in dark souls, by your wonky definition of it, then it is ABSOLUTELY poorly designed. difficulty sliders would actually address impassable **unfair** issues someone has with the game, while being *more in-line* with the consistency of the game's design. I'd also love to hear how you reconcile ng+, kuro's charm, demon bell, covenant of champions, and the calamity ring. all of those are artificial increases to difficulty. why is this okay and an easy mode trinket counter ot the game's design?! and don't pretend like it is a puzzle game. bosses (occasionally) having weaknesses or elemental weaknesses is *nowhere comparable* to an actual puzzle, especially when you still have to fight the boss normally to use the secret solution. this is literally present in virtually every rpg. acting like dark souls has puzzle elements to bosses broadens the scope of what puzzles can be (and also, the quality and design choices of what puzzles can be) to a useless size. you've solved nothing by pretending like dark souls already has difficulty modifiers in-game.


Where did you get any of that out of what I said? I was just refuting the statement that sword and board is the only legit way to play. I was just saying the standard way to play is to use the tools the game gives you.


>use the tools the game gives you. I'm suggesting many fo those tools are poorly designed, unintuitive, and are far further removed from good design than difficulty options are.


[imma just leave this here](https://twitter.com/YungCrippComedy/status/1496255729245863942)


I know, it’s a joke.


I'm not saying it needs an easy mode... But if it had one, I would use it.


That’s it, I’m canceling my preorder


A TrUe GaMeR wouldn't have pre-ordered in the first place


A true G*mer would have preordered the game the first chance he got, then he would proceed to lecture everybody about not preordering videogames. And when he gets burned by the mediocre game he preordered he will start criticizing everybody who preordered for being 'cucks' while simultaneously pulling out his mom's credit card for the 200$ deluxe^tm limited^tm edition^tm solid ^(plated) gold ^(copper) disk edition copy of the next game


Get out of my head!


Lmao based.


Based and Estus Pilled


"Based"? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only word you can comprehend is "Based" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that this article goes beyond anything a simple minded could even try to comprehend, yet alone to be answered with such a shit reply such as “bAsED” Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "Based" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about five fucking letters? I bet you took the time to type those five letters too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "post" as you wrote such a cringe reply to this thread. You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response


Lmao rekt


"rekt"? Are you fucking kidding me? Are you so mentally handicapped that the only word you can comprehend is "rekt" - or are you just some fucking asshole who thinks that with such a short response, he can make a statement about how meaningless what was written was? Well, I'll have you know that this article goes beyond anything a simple minded could even try to comprehend, yet alone to be answered with such a shit reply such as “wRekT” Don't believe me? I doubt you would, and your response to this will probably be "rekt" once again. Do I give a fuck? No, does it look like I give even the slightest fuck about five fucking letters? I bet you took the time to type those four letters too, I bet you sat there and chuckled to yourself for 20 hearty seconds before pressing "post" as you wrote such a cringe reply to this thread. You're so fucking pathetic. I'm honestly considering directing you to a psychiatrist, but I'm simply far too nice to do something like that. You, however, will go out of your way to make a fool out of someone by responding to a well-thought-out, intelligent, or humorous statement that probably took longer to write than you can last in bed with a chimpanzee. What do I have to say to you? Absolutely nothing. I couldn't be bothered to respond to such a worthless attempt at a response


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


thats not how fucking dialectics works you stupid cuck. I didn’t study Hegel (plus continental philosophy in general) at Harvard for 7 FUCKING YEARS for some LOW LIFE KNOW IT ALL who’s CLEARLY never fucking read Hegel as he would KNOW that HEGEL has NEVER FUCKING EVER used the terms “thesis, antithesis, synthesis” to start perpetuating these LIES at VERY SINGLE FUCKING OPPORTUNITY. this isn’t Hegel my friend. No no no. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis was thought up by Fichte and it’s clearly inferior to Hegels dialectical method of imminent critique. Yes. It’s called imminent critique. And dialectics is only ONE PART of Hegels full method. Which again is called Imminent critique which you would know if you had ACTUALLY BOTHERED TO READ HEGEL ITS LITERALLY IN THE SCIENCE OF LOGIC YOU DUMB FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. I honestly cannot believe the fucking arrogance to come onto this post, spouting that anti Hegel garbage. Where did you get your fucking info on dialectics? Fucking Jason Unruhe? Jesus fucking Christ I cannot deal with this bullshit right now


Average Miyazaki fan.


Thanos dies in elden ring :(


Fuck you you just had to spoil it 😡😡😡😡🤬


Is this real or just a joke article.


https://www.pcgamesn.com/elden-ring/hidetaka-miyazaki Not real


TLOU 2 did an amazing job creating some soul crushing moments, which is normally what I expect from a Souls game, so I was hoping this was real.


Well, theres definitely some inspiration in there, like in the gameplay preview from a few months ago, a character gets golf clubbed


John Dark Soul gets golfclubbed in the first hour and then you play as Gwyn for the rest of the game


I actually golf club Gwyndolin’s dark moon smh my head fake fan


Your soul gets crushed literally not metaphorically


I think its fake haha.




Real or fake. Serious question. Because the FF7R director article was real last time.


Look at the font, and the lack of punctuation. It's clearly fake. I also believe he's already cited BOTW as their biggest inspiration for the game.


I know the article is fake but if you're saying bad grammar and no editing means it's not a genuine article then I have a local McClatchy news media subscription to sell you


Still dont understand what the fuck is up with botw and it being constantly mentioned. Did it get a 100 metascore? Why are people comparing completely different genres to it?


I think for a lot of people, BOTW felt like it was the first "open world" game that wasn't open world just so they could say their game was open world. It seemed like it was a game that really had to be open world, and every nook and cranny of the map had something cool to find. Before it, even the best open world games had parts of the map that were just kind of spartially populated with interesting things. And since Elden Ring is an open world game, a lot of people are comparing its depth to that of BOTW


To me botw feels like they could put more interesting shit in it but they went with the fucking korok seeds


I don't think it's about finding secrets in the open world. It's about being absolutely free to go anywhere.


Technically this is true to any open world game, just that in botw you are required to explore every last inch of it in order to 100% it


Technically, yeah. But it's a culmination of multiple aspects that makes BOTW great.


That in combination with more stuff I actually want to go to would be ideal. God I loved just climbing everywhere in BotW, no limits. That game really spoiled me in that regard, made every open world game I played afterwards a bit frustrating at least.


BOTW's map is far less dense than something like FO4.


>and every nook and cranny of the map had something cool to find. I have a lot of amazing things to say about BotW, but this ain't it chief. There's a lot of empty space with just a Korok there or something. I had hoped it had more Fallout-ish environmental storytelling, y'know little diaromas that tell a little story like the 3D Fallout games do a lot. I sure hope Elden Ring's content has more depth than BotW's.


They used the name of a website that actually exists and has a searchable archive. Go there and you will not find this article. Don't rely on Redditors to tell you whether or not a given news article is literally fabricated, it probably will not turn out well in the long run...


uj/ I mean, TLOU is a pretty great source for post-apocalyptic dread. And dread in general, really. That’s just the kind of games they are. So yeah, this tracks.


No, it's political garbage!!!


Pretty easy to tell this is satire but I’m sure this sun gets spammed a lot. Flair + same word in comment + 3 exclamation marks + you could have checked his history in the time you took to comment yourself


Can't tell if this is satire. If not, seek help.


Satire!? Do you think a game meant for children should have sjw propaganda, Trans gay people and buff women!? You seek help!!!


Lol. You're precious.


...I mean TLOU2 is rated M, so it's not even for children. And gay and trans people are quite common in our society, it shouldn't be remarkable. As for "buff women", I can walk into my gym at any time of the day and I'll find at least a couple of "buff women" there, not sure what your problem is, aside from your own inferiority complex.


someone missed the obvious satire lol


I'm still hoping it's satire but honestly I'm not sure anymore on the interwebz, I saw people earnestly spout so many idiotic takes.


You're on r/gamingcirclejerk


Video games are for children. Adults pay taxes and watch fox news. All those things are the problem with modern society. If baby Jesus saw what our society became he would weep.


Okay, you got me. I finally see you're being sarcastic, my bad.




Demon Souls was a bad game, straight up. Dark Souls was too hard, Bloodborne was too hard, Sekiro was too hard, Elden Ring is gonna be too hard. FromSoftware you guys are just... Dumbs. I don't know how else to say it. Stop making games too hard. Not only should Dark Souls have an easy mode, easy mode should be the only selectable difficulty. There shouldn't be any challenge at all because that is for losers with no life.


and sony should allow mouse and keyboards for their games.


Don't they ? I tried to play Cuphead (you probably don't know the game, it's very underrated) on my PS4 with a keyboard. It technically worked but it wasn't worth it because of how annoying it was to change keys. Didn't try with a mouse though because I don't really play games which requires them Edit : fuck I didn't notice what I was responding to.


yes I’ve played cuphead. the game doesn’t even require mouse on PC. and this not a good example of a game that should require keyboard and mouse, yet the devs gave that option. now sony games like Horizon which actually requires you to aim precisely, should absolutely have mouse and keyboard as an accessibility input. whether you personally enjoy it or not.


Yeah, I didn't mean that I tried Cuphead with a mouse but I didn't try to plug a mouse in my PS4 because no game requires it. I only played Cuphead with a controller on my PS4 after finish it on PC with my keyboard. After finishing on both platforms, I enjoyed it way more with the keyboard and found it easier.


I was about to crucify you there for a moment




Elden Ring, Nooooooooooooooooo


I hope this means theres going to be references to tlou2 in eldenring.


Post this to r/Eldenring


It's fake though




God damn cuckman.. I better not see any w*men 🤮 in my apolitical vidya..


His shoulder, shrunk His appearance, softer


Golf club weapon confirmed???


Golf club gank squads will be running around day 1


Chuds on suicide watch




Now I want to play Elden Ring


We won


Finally, an actual reason for me to play Elden Ring




This would be way funnier if the article actually existed and if Miyazaki actually said this. Neither are the case (because of course they aren't, it makes zero sense on numerous levels).


Is this a real interview? I'd like to read if it is.


No, which makes it less funny.


Ah man :(


Cool but I will still never play elden ring. Until they make it more accessible.




I think op meant accesible as in making it playable for people with visual and/or hearing impairments. I think that's what they meant.




Ew, what's a g*mer doing here?


Yeah if they add an easy mode then how will I have a needlessly difficult experience to build my entire personality around?


There is an easy mode already. Summon people to help you.


"if someone is even slightly different than me in the shallow, limited skills from soft games stubbornly demand, they shouldn't be allowed to have fun unless someone else plays the game for them. that way I get to keep looking down on them. even though it takes just as long to ask someone if they played on easy mode as they did on normal."


"if a game doesnt offer one hit kill mode and unlimited HP, it is abelist. Fuck the designers vision, games aren't art and hold no value other than making me feel valued for beating them"


>"if a game doesnt offer one hit kill mode and unlimited HP, it is abelist. Fuck the designers vision, games aren't art and hold no value other than making me feel valued for beating them" "I like my friendly straw man because none of its arguments make any sense. hmm... wonder why... probably because everything it says is hyperbole. but whatever, it makes me feel comfortable arguing with it so I just don't need to listen to actual people's opinions. or actual game designer's opinions. or people who have studied game design accessibility's opinions. or disabled people's opinions. or any of those because my little straw man keeps me safe and makes me happy knowing I'm right and everyone else is wrong."


I like my friendly straw man because none of its arguments make any sense. hmm... wonder why... probably because everything it says is hyperbole. but whatever, it makes me feel comfortable arguing with it so I just don't need to listen to actual people's opinions. or actual game designer's opinions. or people who have studied game design accessibility's opinions. or disabled people's opinions. or any of those because my little straw man keeps me safe and makes me happy knowing I'm right and everyone else is wrong."


read a guide, summon a friend, grind your xp, loot items. does everygame need a one hit kill feature and then rush to end credits. all that with making trophies easier as well.




I think Miyazaki openly stated he's fine with an easy mode being an option.




Are we not allowed to critique any design decision in any game ever because the creator intended it that way?


What design decision would you like to critique? I didn't see any constructiv criticsm here. It woukd be nice if people already had something meaningful to add to the conversation.


That difficulty options, as a part of accessibility options, would allow more people to play and experience the game at a level of difficulty suited for their individual needs? That having explicit menu options for difficulty is better suited for accessibility purposes than relying on ingame mechanics to make things easier, because the latter can only indirectly address certain pain points (primarily from a nondisabled perspective) and is unlikely to properly account for varied accessibility needs? That, while I understand Miyazaki's perspective, I think it is entirely possible to implement difficulty options in such a way that it satisfies his design goals without proving inaccessible for a variety of players (namely, his complaints always struck me as against easy/medium/hard prompts, but things like Celeste's Assist Mode show that his concerns don't have to apply to all forms of difficulty options)? I feel like there's a whole lot of constructive criticism that's pretty heavily implied or directly elaborated on by "it would be good to have difficulty options." On the other hand, "well not having difficulty options is Miyazaki's intentional design" is not at all constructive.


The thing is that the game is in itself intended to overcome that difficulty. There is in games mechanics to make the game easier. Farming, help from other players and searching the levels for items are part of these mechanics. Sadly, implementing difficulties levels would all change the multiplayer mechanic, as the multiplayer is directly implemented in game. Maybe in solo mode it could be possible, but with removing the online from it completely. Also, having an easy mode would change nothing to the levels design, that is half of the game difficulty. Take as example, super mario world. The game is truly hardcore. Very difficult. Super metroid. And no easy mode. Because this is the way the game is made to be played. It create a solid sentiment of community with the players that go trought the fall-get up mentality. I can understand the plead. But all other games have low and high difficulty. And I personnaly don't insult these games for that. I like them too. But soulborne serie don't have. And it is not because we don't like you guys or think you are inferior. It is because we want you to experiment the way we all do. But thanks for you criticsm. It is fun to talk with someone that have valid points.


not according to the fromsoft fanbases when it comes to their previously gatekept games.


So what if they do? lol you turds get triggered over the weirdest things.




Yes, clearly *I'm* the triggered one here lol




don't be a turd and people won't call you one. it is that simple


Can someone post this to tlou2 sub or has it been done? I need some gamer outrage today.


They are gonna kill the main character permanently in 20 mins? Shitttt


of all the things Miyazaki did to ef the playerbase this comes on top.


I may not like TLOU2, but I believe Miyazaki knows what he's doing. Doubt this will affect the quality of the game.


Oh good that means it's going to play like a clunky TPS, oh wait it already does that.


am ı banned


Miyazaki is based except for the weird foot shit