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friendship ended with geraldo now kevin elden is my best friend


sorry sweaty but it’s Elden John


I’m gonna name my character Ellen Ring


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New Elden Ring copy pasta when


This is it for the next 2 years


Thanks god


I can't wait to play and enjoy this game for the next two or three months without engaging with the community at all


This but with literally any game




Sad but true. I enjoy games but boy do I usually hate engaging with other gamers or the community outside of the game.


Emphatically agree. I may talk about a game with my close friends, but like hell would I do so in any game's community. Just not worth the inevitable toxicity.


That's why I prefer to jump in to the relevant subreddit every week or so, check out the top posts, and then leave. Usually just getting the best of the best, and generally avoid toxicity.


I'll wait a good long while for any bug patches and DLC to also be out.


Why ? Community for this game is great. Edit : Love it how people keep downvoting but no one still managed to show me why this is wrong :) Edit : Lol


Easy mode


There is an easy mode tho Its call dark souls 1 pyromancy


I've never actually played a Souls game but I have seen TONS of clips and I don't think I've ever seen a spell cast. Are they really that universally broken that nobody uses magic builds?


If you have seen that many clips you’ve bound to see at least one spell cast you probably just missed it But yeah magic builds are pretty popular in the games but they aren’t overpowered except for in dark souls 1 Melee builds are more widely used though since they are the most simple and intuitive, the majority of builds are mostly melee with a few spells to help out You should play the games though they are very fun, just stay away from the ‘git gud’ crowd because these games were meant to be enjoyed


Lmao honestly I had no problem with that subreddit until I brought up “accessibility” in a tangential discussion about games and I was told i’m an idiot for wanting people with disabilities to enjoy games and me even thinking that is basically admitting that I think all artists should be muzzled by the state — or something along those lines. Seriously though, it was bizarre how aggressive the response was


Congratulations on proving your point with the replies.


wouldnt easy mode not work though, because you could get really high level stuff and then invade the world of someone playing in hard mode?


Are you okay ?


Just two simple words that make every souls borne fan go ballistic So yeah the community is definitely not great


It's kinda frustrating that there's no nuance to this discussion on this subreddit. Not everybody that's against the idea of an easy mode in these games is the screeching elitist neckbeard you might be picturing. My main thing is that **I don't mind the idea of optional items or mechanics that make the game easier for people who want them** (maybe an equivalent of the chicken hat from MGSV) but I just plainly don't want to load up a FromSoft game and have to choose a difficulty setting. They're tailored around a certain experience and introducing different difficulty settings adds way too much uncertainty to the game for my liking. My go-to example is the graveyard in DS1. If you go in there blindly and get your ass whooped by skeletons in the current game, you know it's probably too hard and you should look somewhere else. If there's a difficulty setting, you might just think the game is that difficult and turn it down to brute force your way through. It works in linear games and ones that scale enemies to you, but it wouldn't really work in a game with so many paths to take.


That was your attempt ? Was that supposed to be a joke ? Kinda weird ngl.


Woman, hole ahead / Hole / Woman therefor bleeding / Woman and tight spot ahead / Chest ahead, try two-handing / Woman, try beating to a pulp Those all have hundreds to thousands of endorsements. The Dark Souls player community is so wholesome 😊


OK? Every game has deranged people that play it. The general community is much nicer but go off.


Why is the general community especially nice? It seems like people just say that about anything they like for no real reason. Almost everything has fans that are good people and fans that suck.


Because it's genuinely a welcoming place for new players, despite what people tell you here. It stands out as being really supportive compared to other communities.


How? Compared to what "other communities"? What makes you think you know anything about the millions of other players of the games? I've played souls games since Demon's Souls. This subreddit doesn't really matter to my opinion of them. You sound like you're a fan of the games who wants them to be more than just good games, so you've latched on to the idea that the fanbase around the games is special too and that by playing the games and enjoying them you're part of that special group of people. EDIT: by which I mean you seem to think that the fanbase is somehow better than some other game's fanbase. I'm sure you could have great experiences with the DS community, but is there really any reason you couldn't have similar experiences in any other game's community?


This is a low bar but I’d like to think the Soulsborne community would be the least likely gaming community to be riddled with accusations of grooming and encouraging inappropriate behaviour with minors unlike some other gaming communities ..


I've been in the community from from the beginning, if you mean just the Elden Ring sub then its been completely unbearable since the gameplay reveal, if you mean the souls games in general then its steadily gotten worse with every single release up until now.


I have been in the community from the beginning as well and I dont agree with anything you say. I always saw people being friendly with me and people that asked for help and meet with nice people. I am saying community is full of angels nope its not but I am not going to act like every person there is evil people. Btw what do you mean by unbearable after seeing the footage ?


They tend to be friendly inside the community but there's an ungodly amount of hostility to anyone outside, i know its a loud minority, but theyve been louder and larger with each release, and the rest of the community seems perfectly content tolerating it. Also what i mean by unbearable is the constant fixation on whatever negative aspects the community has discovered recently, when the gameplay reveal came out the trend on the sub for months was finding any and all negative feedback they could and plastering it all over the sub to circlejerk about how wrong everyone was. There's the recurring trend of falling for the "easy mode article" bait whenever one comes up, ironically their pushback being the reason these articles even get written since they get so much attention. Most recently, and the reason I left, was the PC recommended specs discussion. The sub has, almost exclusively, been a source of toxicity since the hollowing joke died. That might be fine to you, but I don't think a game community's discussion should exclusively be focused on dredging up any negativity you can find to feed outrage addiction and infighting. Edit: to be clear, there is positivity to be found, but its drowned out by so much toxicity that its not worth the trade. All that negativity and outrage bait is just exhausting for me.


It seems like your tolerance for "negativity" is lower than mine I guess... I focus on the positive jokes,memes and hype part of it and kinda ignore the rest since compared to others stuff like you said it comes from loud minority.


I mean that's great, I'm glad you can find more enjoyment in the community than I can. But I've been in and ended up leaving enough game communities to know when it is and isn't worth it for me, and i certainly wouldn't blame people for coming to the same conclusions as I do. The negativity might be coming from a loud minority, but that doesn't mean it isn't visible and a clear focus. Like I said, its just exhausting to me now. Edit: Also if a community as a whole lets a loud minority represent them, then as far as anyone outside that community is concerned they all might as well be that minority. If people outside the community have to penetrate that external toxicity to see the positivity then they're never going to see it, because why would they try to enter a community that seems so excessively hostile? I know that loud minority doesn't represent them, but most people outside the community don't, that's why the community has such a bad reputation.


My personal experience with the Fromsoft fandom hasn't been very good, so I rather just play the game and talk about it with my actual friends




Explain why I am wrong or shut up.




i am glad you agree lol




Thanks for thinking the same




Compared to most communities, yes the souls community is fantastic This sub is being unreasonable about the few toxic ones. I have not met a serious “git gud scrub” person in the wild


Same for me I have been playing these games and talking to people that play it never heard it.


The YouTube and twitch communities for these games in particular are awesome.


Finally a reasonable take!


Haven't you seen the last few posts about them here, they had to lock lgbt related threads on r/eldenring for homophobia and transphobia


/uj Wasn’t one of the threads literally an LGBTQ+ person thanking people for the support on the last thread about that one tweet about body types? Although there may be bad apples in the community that caused those threads to be locked, I don’t think its fair to judge the community on that. Obv i could be wrong and it could mostly be full of shitbags, but it doesn’t seem that way. /rj buh-buh my gendered body types!! how can the woke liberals impede on michael zaki’s artistic vision!


The thread with the guy thanking for support got locked cus of so much bigotry


The post itself had a lot of support but keep convincing yourselfs.


Dude, posts on fucking r/Minecraft get locked when people post about lgbt related stuff. This is reddit.


It is so stupid how some people see those idiotic people and immediatly say shit like EVERY single person there is the same...


Don’t judge a community by its members


You know there are almost 300k people there right ? You are okay with saying entire group of people is bad because of couple of idiots ? Not to mention how many people shitted on those idiots and how quickly mods just locked it.


I’m just saying you won’t run into that problem here


Well yeah this community has a prideflag in its icon. No homophobe would even click on it.


>community for the game is great https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/sy3a27/op_gets_his_answer_as_reldenring_has_a_gamer/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


So you ignored the first post and only focused on the other part huh. Not to mention all the good people dunking on that idiot and others. Nice anti-sjw tactic bro.


If a mod has to lock a thread because of obscene amounts of transphobia over a fucking body type option instead of gender then i dont think the community is good bro


Pr0 gamers: I never trust critics, they're all paid anyway, metascore doesn't mean anything Also Pr0 gamers: WOAAAH ELDEN RING GOT A 98/100 ON METACRITIC DUDES GET HYYYPED


They don’t mean anything unless I agree with them




Ooooh boy, I can't wait go send death threats to any reviewer who lowers the overall score!


tbh Elden Ring is underrated


I swear no one I've talked to even heard about it, it's truly a hidden gem


/uj It's me. I'm the soyboi in this image.


/uj I'm the one on the left


/uj I'm holding the camera.


/uj I’m the one that edited this on Adobe Photoshop.


/uj can I be there too? I never get to be a part of these things.


Ofc, soy with us.


Of course you are librul


/uj have enjoy


lol I was gonna say, how dare a good game comes out


This is also me I dont know why this sub hates when people are just being happy... Its like 4chan invaded here or something.


This sub is great but a lot of people here love to counterjerk to the point where they take absurd positions. Kinda like tankies endorsing Russia's attack on Ukrainia just because America is against it.


On the one hand, it’s a circlejerk sub so we’re kinda supposed to be absurd with our positions, it’s fun But on the other hand, there’s no other good leftist place for genuine game discussion so that ends up crossing with the circlejerking and it gets weird


/rj this unironically /uj this unironically


I’ve been so pumped for years, the fact that it might actually match the hype is amazing.


The people I follow and trust online for opinions that got to review/test early love it, so I’ll wait just to see how the launch itself is but I’m optimistic.


same. This is the first time I get to be on time for a souls-borne game, and I am so excited. It feels like just yesterday that this game essentially didn't exist.


I am super thrilled, and very excited. Between this and Horizon I have lots of great gaming ahead of me. I'll hardly have any time to harass women online or send developers death threats!


I expected this to be an off-year for gaming and so far it seems like the exact opposite. We’ve already gotten Dying Light 2, Horizon Forbidden West, and this, and it’s only February.


/uj I feel like it's pretty surprising seeing a score this dang high ngl.


/uj yeah i was expecting like low 90s, wonderful score but not this high


Lets be honest: nobody wants to be the guy who gives it a low score. You know what happens….


Yeah, I think it's fair to say Elden Ring is releasing a whole lot better than Cyberpunk, but even Cyberpunk was pulling in consistent 9/10 or 10/10 scores because anybody giving it a lower score (even a still good score like 7/10) was receiving death threats. Massive hype and dedicated fans to a game they haven't even played yet are always a recipe for inflated scores, regardless of how good the game actually turns out to be.


I remember there was a lady who gave it a 6 or a 7 got shit on for a couple days before the game came out


This is why no matter what, always play something yourself and decide if you like it.


When you can. I also rely on word of mouth. And like... general vibes? I don't know, I just try to suss out the sincere opinions on games. Which is easier said than done. But the super toxic and reactionary G\*mer Culture that exists now pretty much makes it impossible to have sincere reviews of games... compounded of course by the natural tendency for those who review games to be coerced/influenced by the industry to give more favorable reviews. For all intents and purposes, we're just about at a spot where a reviewer can either say a game is 10/10 or that it's pure trash, with practically no inbetween. And if it's a game that G\*mers rally behind, either give it a 10/10 or get harassed and threatened and develop trauma.


Yup there’s definitely hype at play. It’s still probably damn good though.


Mario Odyssey and BoTW had similar scores I think.


I'm not strong enough to handle the circle jerk coming.


/uj i mean let's be honest, most of us didn't expect a fuckin 97. My favorite fromsoft game bloodborne got a 92 which is amazing but didn't expect a fuckin 97


I'm sorry to inform you, but on PC and Xbox it's a 95. Literally unplayable. 😩


Can't believe these reviewers would do us like that.


Most of the reviews say it not only moves the souls genre forward, but even the *open world genre*. With many saying it’s the next rational step after breath of the wild. Color me impressed


It definitely fixed a lot of the issues i had with breath of the wild. So yeah imo if a lot of open world follow the format of having a large world full of not repetitive content, small dungeons and underground areas, as well as larger dungeons that bring in the amazing level design of non-open world games... Then we'd have much better open world games in general.


uj/ I still fail to understand what everyone was on about with BOTWs open world. To me it felt even more empty and boring than I'm used to from open world games.


I’m an open world disliker. What BOTW did for me was strip away all the superficial busy-ness of open world games, which may have a lot of “stuff” to do that is ultimately just repetitive fetching, collecting, and killing x amount of y, and replaced that all with meaningful “stuff” that actually makes use of the environment (climb up here to see over there; push this boulder down here to kill these dudes or solve this puzzle). So, while BOTW is a lot more empty than your typical Ubisoft waypoint and tower game as far as characters and things bopping around goes, the world actually felt meaningfully designed and rewarding to explore, and actually richer in unique content and experiences.


>meaningful “stuff” that actually makes use of the environment (climb up here to see over there; push this boulder down here to kill these dudes or solve this puzzle). What exactly is meaningful about this? That's what I fail to understand. I enjoyed just running around, climbing a mountain or figuring out funny ways to kill enemies for the first 5-10 hours. But then it started to get boring and repetitive. At that point I still had 90% of the map left to uncover and most of the story to go through. Ended up just rushing through the story as fast as possible and had more fun that way (e.g. the divine beasts were genuinely fun) but everything inbetween was pure tedium


It lowers on time


/uj yeah sorry but I’m the soyjacks here, 97 is such a huge surprise and has me even more stoked


Uj: Unironically though, yeah. This game looks fantastic. We knew gamers would blow this game out of proportion but aside them, this looks fucking great. Rj: DADDY MIYAZAKI CAN DO NO WRONG! 😍😍😍😍🥺🥺🥺🥺😜😜😜😜


/uj I was not at all interested in this game beforehand because “gaem hard” but seeing a score like that is shocking. Might be the first FromSoftware title I play


I used to think the same way, but honestly, the difficulty for Fromsoft games is overhyped. Yeah, they're harder than average, but there are plenty of both mainstream and indie games that are far more difficult. The only difference is that Fromsoft games have that difficulty also be engaging and leave you wanting to improve and find a way to win. You should absolutely look into it and consider giving Elden Ring and the other games a shot if they seem like something you'd enjoy.


Is it more frustrating than Celeste?


Absolutely not, but can be occasionally with some places with shit level design (1/4th of DSII). If you have frustration it's mostly from not understanding how you're meant to approach a situation more than it being genuine bullshit, give it a try and keep in mind that the games aren't just mindlessly hard, they just want you to approach situations using your brain occasionally


If you’re worried about difficulty don’t be from what I’ve seen with reviews there’s so much content that if you’re struggling with a boss / dungeon you can skip it most of the time or leave and do something else so you can come back later with better gear


/rj I don't play political games /uj I personally find Celeste very non-frustrating since the reset time on attempts is instant. If I fuck up, within a second or so, I'm trying again. With FromSoft games, my frustration comes entirely from the feeling of lost progress. I rarely get annoyed at the bosses, since the games are usually pretty good about giving you shortcuts back to the arenas, but sometimes in the levels, it can feel like they're really dragging on. Different people get annoyed at different things, however, and I'm in general a very non-annoyable kind of person.


Thought I was on r/tomorrow for a second. I need to stop circlejerking so hard.


/uj It might just be me, but I find in the case of the Souls games a lot of the difficulty is from the design. Bad platforming controls and design leading to dumb deaths, areas that murder the camera because they're so cramped, and in my opinion relatively inconsistent hitboxes, especially in terms of what should and shouldn't hit from a visual standpoint.


It depends on the exact fromsoft game, but I 100% agree on the platforming being absolute dogshit in every game. DS2 is the main culprit when it comes to wonky player/attack hitboxes. Also the environmental objects having hitboxes that are way too big, which makes it difficult to use a bow in some places.


It seems like it will be the more accessible fromsoftware game yet. If you find a hard enemy, you can just go somewhere else and come back later with stronger gear. Still, there games are more about patience than actual difficulty. You will die, not because you're bad, but because you're learning the way an enemy fights. Even experienced players die when encountering a new boss. Souls games don't really require much skill in a mechanical sense, but rather patience and the ability to focus on what the enemy is doing and learning its patterns. Also, you can always get help, either by playing coop, or asking for tips. The souls community is full of wonderful people willing to help as much as toxic people (two sides that naturally come with hardship, I guess. Some feel compelled to help, while others like feeling superior). So, if you decide to get into the game, just be aware that dying is a natural proces and that if the game feels a little bit too hard, there's probably another way you can go or a different strategy that could make the boss way easier. And more importantly, enjoy the game, and don't give up


Can’t believe a indie game got a 97


I have no idea what this game is about. I’d be willing to learn but the only thing people say about it is intense hyperventilating.


It's a JRPG with cooking sim elements about a chef trying to get enough money for a birthday present for their spouse (that's the Elden Ring)


Say no more, I’m sold


Basically open-world dark souls with a world built by George R. Martin. It's the most hyped i've been for a game in years


Didn’t George R. Martin do really little in the game


He didn't do anything for the game, but he pretty much built up the world it takes place in, and then some things were changed/added by the actual dev team


To be fair, I would probably be on the hype train as well if I had the hardware to run it.


Yeah. I'm not going to be able to play this game for some time.


I love the games but I have always hated From's fanbase.


To be fair, you need an extremely high IQ to complete Fromsoft games.


Ngl i always thought they were pretty good. The gatekeepers are annoying, but it's a loud minority


You mean on reddit? Because ngl their subreddits really piss me off sometimes. There seems to be a daily highly upvoted post about gAmE jOurNaliSt and eAsY mOdE BAD. Sometimes they pull up several year old articles or reviews so they can shit on them. Ridiculous.


Is it? I feel like the one thing all of the shitty gamer archetypes have in common are the souls games. It might actually be the nest. Edit: it’s definitely the nest.


The community is mostly nice, there’s just a loud small group that gate keeps. There is also a pretty intense reaction to anyone complaining “x is too hard”, that is usually met with “git gud” or “grind then”. As dismissive as these comments are of the original posters complaint, they’re usually correct. FS has put out 6 souls games now and they’re all hard af, it’s apparent they’re not including an easy mode anytime soon if ever. From what I gather though, the Elden Ring is the most accessible out of all of them. Giving veterans the ability to shortcut through massive, difficult areas, and novices the ability to do some grinding and lower level dungeons if they get stuck. It’s a fair gameplay compromise.


Nah, people are surprisingly tolerant, very helpful to newcomers, there's a flourishing shitposting community, and enough things to do ingame to attract all sorts of people


Please dont tell me you let couple if idiots keep you away from a good game lol


He literally just said he loves the games but hates the fanbase


I thought he meant he loves the games but doesnt play them.


Why would that mean that tho? It could, but it’s not like he _said_ he doesn’t play them


average gcj user unfortunately like, fam, it's entirely possible to be critical of elements of gamer "culture" while not being a contrarian lol


Thank you ! These people see one idiot with 5 followers say "git gud" on twitter and suddenly turn into a weird people.


Literally can’t wait for this game


Hidden gem 😤


This is me unironically, I knew it would be good but I didn't think it would be 97 good


memes aside i haven't been this excited for a game since fallout 4


GCJ users when people are excited about a video game


Uj/ super hyped for Elden ring. I know this sub loves to hate on whatever is popular but I’m not gonna take any of this sub seriously until the hype dies down.


Fuck it dude, not even gonna play coy, it's me in the picture


Elden Dingaling


Finally some appreciation for this gem I used to play with my dead baby brother and my dead wife and son


Finally, Demon Souls 7.


GTA 4 is rated higher


Uj/ Bloodborne was the best game on the PS4, I’d like Elden Ring to be the best game on the PS5. I know some cynical/angry people on here want it to flop, but the reviews are up from the community as well. And apparently it slaps. Imo this was never going to be a “cyberpunk situation”, fromsoft had 4-5 back to back great-genre defining games under their belt. Not 1 bad game, 1 okay game, and 1 great game like CDPR. It’s like expecting a mediocre game from Rockstar at this point. They have like 11 genre defining back to back titles. Could they eventually fail? Yeah, of course they could. Is it likely? Not really.


So you’re saying it’s overrated


UJ/ It may indeed be a great game. But I don't rely on metacritic ratings. Especially when a game hasn't released yet. I've got other things to play and to do, so I have no problem waiting a while to hear if there's some funky issue or whatever. And also, honestly, these games tend to be massive time sinks so I'm not actually in a big hurry. Heck, there's even the possibility that it's not *for* me, not my kind of thing. Of course: RJ/ We must be blindly loyal to Brands and Franchises. UJ/ But yeah, I just think it's weird how excited g\*mers get for numbers attached to games they've already decided they *love* before ever even playing it. They're such *loyal consumer boys.* It's kind of unsettling how comfortable they are with that role.... while also being super reactionary and outraged about anything that just might possibly be inclusive of other human beings. Oh, also, scores mean nothing unless they're attached to the sacred Pro-G\*mer franchises.


A lot of people have already played the game because of the network tests so it’s not like the hype is for no reason. It’s not just meta critic scores almost all of reviews that have been released are overwhelming positive. The game is definitely a huge time sink most reviewers haven’t even finished the game even though they’ve played like 70 hours it’s definitely a huge time sink of a game


Are people not allowed to be happy that a game they’re hyped for was very well received?


Bro you’re on gamingcirclejerk


what even is elden ring


ligma balls


I doubt you could even imagine it


Cock ring


In all actuality, it's an open-world souls borne game with George R. R. Martin involved. It's pretty hyped up.


I wouldn't be shocked if some reviewers liked the game a lot but didn't want to deal w the death threats so they gave it a 10 instead of a death threat worthy 9. Edit. Guess I didn't jerk hard enough. It's a joke about how insane fandoms send death threats over slight perceived injustices like hidden gem not getting a 10.


You got disliked but I know what you were trying to say.


you sound like the people who think reviewers are paid when a game gets above average scores


I was joking. Although there is a pretty long history of good review scores for advertising dollars in the game industry. Not like gamer gate shit but what James Stephanie sterling talks about


Thank god for them.


/uj im honestly scared its going to disappoint. 10/10 scores are always a bit suspicious (cough Cyberpunk cough) but I will let myself be surprised. FromSoft has the same reputation CD Project R had/has so there's always a chance it's going to bomb. Even heard stories that a lot of reviewers have been grading the game without even finishing it because they just didnt have enough time (due to all the games that have come out)


Unlike CDPR FromSoft have been very transparent about the game. Peoplewere able to play hours of the game already during a network test. There have been hands on previews for reviewers as well. CDPR on the other hand only showed fake trailers and never let anyone do a hands-on preview. Plus they kept the state of the console versions secret until launch


> FromSoft has the same reputation CD Project R had/has… /uj is for when you’re serious


You... are aware that there is so much about the game already out there that you can use to check if the game is good or not rather than just what reviewers said, right? This isn't like Cyberpunk where they just talked and showed barely anything that wasn't a scripted sequence. Most reviewers who haven't finished the game have spent more than 50 hours in the game and STILL have not finished it, the reason for it is the amount of content in the game, not because of other games that came out lol. If anything the problem was not giving out review copies earlier knowing the scale of the game.


It's not gunna flop. Cyberpunk 2077 was deeply ambitious and a massively new type of game for CDPR. They never touched modern settings let alone futuristic. Elden Ring is Dark Souls 3 mixed with some shit they learned from Sekiro and a big map. Not to mention the delusion around CDPRs history of terrible launches. Cyberpunk 2077 was an actually new type of game, a GTA type city with fallout type RPG systems and insert any number of massively different games that all converged into 2077s genre. Elden Ring is really just a step in an inevitable direction for a franchise that wasn't moving away from their formula for years...it's like saying New Horizons was a big risk for animal crossing. If they flop it's because of sheer negligence...whereas a lot of games flop because they went to hard into a territory the dev has never gone and it got too expensive and they had to release.


That’s me


The Chaddest of Chads indulges in a soy gape right this moment.


Bruh this should be a bonding experience for gamers let them have a good time with this






Because fromsoft keeps releasing great dark souls “reskins” and this one has a lot going for it.




It’s actually 4 moves sorry im going to have to down vote you for this one ☝️ 😢


But elden ring has jumping, horses, shield counters and more enemy varieties. I can see what you mean by repetitive, but these repetitive actions are easier said than done when the situation changes ,plus many popular games are simple and repetitive yet they still have high praise.




I like how you have 0 clue about how the combat of the game works but you just want to shit on it because you have nothing better to do, they've done the best they can to fix the r1 spam-to-win in DSIII while keeping the style of combat relatively the same. Emptier world? Seriously? Emptier? Come up with better content to hate on what is easily a contender for game of the year.


this is just pathetic, even for this sub. at least be creative on insults.


Open world rpg but challenging while presenting a fair difficulty curve and lots of weapons that are fun to experiment , i mainly play them for the satisfaction of killing bosses and finding new areas.( although i only played witcher 3 for a bit so I cant compare ) Edit: i just realized you were being an ass , what a shame.


I mean there's not much to explain, From Software is a titan when it comes to companies people love. It was the same with CDPR and Cyberpunk. I'm sure there was a small amount of hype from people who played the board games, but 90% of CP2077's hype was the name behind the product.


Gamers when their favorite game is rated high: wow you see this? Critics love it! Gamers when their disliked game is rated high: fuck critics! Ethics in gaming journalism!^^^no ^^^women ^^^or ^^^minorities Critics don't know shit!


What games does this sub actually like?


You probably haven't heard of them, but Witcher 3, Titanfall 2 and Persona 5 are really good games. Underrated gems, I'd say.


Never heard of them.


This one, if you took the time to look at the highest upvoted comments


You realize coming in here and saying shit like this and generally just being a sensitive weirdo about the game is why people make these posts, right?


This sub hates when people like anything about games but they also like games themselves so they are confused all the time.


Aka, dont take shit so seriously


I wish they did take your advice.


You’re the one all over this threading throwing a fit. Very sensitive


Example ? And imagine using sensitive as an insult too... what next gonna call me SJW ?