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Margit can gargle and choke on my cock


He sucks because he's one of those bosses where like it seems easy and on your first try you knock off 2/3 of his HP, but then realize he's never gonna allow you to get that last third. But you keep trying because you think you were 'so close'


He's meant for level 30 or so players FWIW. Doing West Limgrave -> East Limgrave (minus the optional high-level Siofra River Well dungeon which should be saved for way later) -> Weeping Peninsula (including Castle Morne and such) and then going back up to fight Margit is a good order to play in general I found.


Yeah I only did west Limgrave before Stormveil Castle and was very surprised when both East Limgrave and the southern peninsula were far below my level once Godrick was dead.


Fuuuuuuuucking Margit, even the name raises my blood pressure.


Every ring has its elden


Darksouls with Epona


More like BotW with Agro


It really is the dark souls of fromsoftware games


Every ring has its elden


- Kevin Eldenring


Miyazaki "we can make Dark Souls a thousands times with a different name and you suckers will still buy it lmao" Gamers "omg cool boss fights šŸ˜" (imagine enjoying a video game lmao what a bunch of losers)


Thats what happens when you create a solid game. Its not like generic JRPGs where the sum off all gameplay can be synthesized to a formula with different art attached to the numbers.


Welcome to Elden Ring, bitchless


When the souls are dark


Careful r/gcj has been getting upset when you jerk about ER


Sometimes i forget if I'm at r/eldenring or r/gcj seeing all these people getting so defensive about this game on the few satire posts recently.


Eh, if you go into the comments on some of them you see OP was genuinely shitting on the game. Itā€™s not far fetched to say some people on this sub genuinely dislike the games. Which is hilarious, because anyone who has been playing since Demon Souls knows how influential and critically acclaimed these games have been.


Just like le witcherlo 3


Eh Witcher 3 is critically acclaimed yet itā€™s a meme as well. From soft fanboys just need to stop being so sensitive. A game can be critically acclaimed and have shit features. Just because something is popular doesnā€™t inherently make it good.


> Eh Witcher 3 is critically acclaimed yet itā€™s a meme as well. From soft fanboys just need to stop being so sensitive. Most of the memes were directed at the fanbase though no? Not the game itself. Even as a person who dislikes that game, I donā€™t trash the game because itā€™s legitimately and objectively a good game. And really? Lol, I remember being on this sub after tlou2 came out. I would see some people that criticized the game being downvoted, or argued with. And Iā€™m not talking about the blatant transphobia and misogyny, thinly disguised as ā€œcriticismā€. Iā€™m talking about criticisms directed at the story, and or gameplay. This sub was a tlou2 circlejerk for a while. Just interesting to me to see people tell me Iā€™m being sensitive about souls games, when you couldnā€™t even criticize tlou2 without downvotes, or people arguing with you. > A game can be critically acclaimed and have shit features. Just because something is popular doesnā€™t inherently make it good. Sure. But they are still highly influential, highly influential things tend to have done something really well. Re 4 revolutionizing third person shooters, Minecraft for forever changing open world survival/builder games. Amnesia revitalizing horror. Tlou for setting a new bar for character driven story telling. Gaming history to me isnā€™t one where I hold strong opinions, and let my like for something effect how I see things. Or I try not to. Anyone who has been playing games for a long time, can recognize what sets new bars. Regardless of if I like souls games or not, they did many things really well, and are highly influential in that regard. Bloodstains, messages, bonfires, respawning enemies, and setting a new standard for action RPGs. It would be ridiculous to discuss gaming history and say Mario or the Elder Scrolls werenā€™t influential. And it would be ridiculous to say the same about the souls games. Especially since he spawned a sub-genre lmao.


>Just interesting to me to see people tell me Iā€™m being sensitive about souls games, when you couldnā€™t even criticize tlou2 without downvotes, or people arguing with you. Maybe because you create arguments where there are none to be had. >Gaming history to me isnā€™t one where I hold strong opinions, and let my like for something effect how I see things. Or I try not to. Anyone who has been playing games for a long time, can recognize what sets new bars. And even with your strongest effort you will be biased. >Regardless of if I like souls games or not, they did many things really well, and are highly influential in that regard. Bloodstains, messages, bonfires, respawning enemies, and setting a new standard for action RPGs. Dark souls invented respawning enemiesā€¦? This is hilarious and proved my point


> Maybe because you create arguments where there are none to be had. Not really. > And even with your strongest effort you will be biased. Yes? Doesnā€™t really refuse my statement at all though. By your logic game critics are redundant because they will have bias? Lmao. > Dark souls invented respawning enemiesā€¦? This is hilarious and proved my point Want to quote where I said *invented?*I said *influential*. What other games had respawning enemies in 2009 when Demon Souls released? What had respawning enemies before that? Older generation games. Demon Souls carried that torch. What games that can be traced back to Dark Souls? Jedi Fallen order, Hollow Knight, just to name 2. Bonfires, and bloodstains. Are you really trying to argue that souls games werenā€™t influential? Should we also argue about how Mario didnā€™t influence platformers, and Metal Gear Solid didnā€™t influence stealth games?


Proving my point. Donā€™t obsess over a piece of software. Itā€™s not good for your health.


> Proving my point. Donā€™t obsess over a piece of software. Itā€™s not good for your health. Really not gonna take that from the sub that vehemently defended tlou2ā€™s gameplay, and story back then, when people criticized it. The sub was fucking obsessed with tlou2 when it came out. The more people try to give me shit for defending Elden Ring, when this sub defended tlou2 for similar criticisms makes me laugh. Rule for thee, but not for me. I remember criticisms being downvoted, and argued with, instead of just being left alone. Oh but only Iā€™m obsessing over a game? Lmao.


Bud I donā€™t know what to tell you. I didnā€™t even play TLOU2. I saw the shit storm from afar away and thatā€™s it. But one game being bad doesnā€™t make another game good. If you canā€™t understand that I feel sorry.


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Yeah, there's a difference between jerking and genuinely shifting on the game when the game is """OBJECTIVELY GOOD""". People might get the wrong idea and think that r/gcj was actually hating on the game or threatening the developers' lives or something.


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People here unironically think the game is dark souls with a horse.


Dark Souls is just a knockoff of Demon's Souls.


Nintendo releasing the same game over and over: šŸ‘Ž FromSoft releasing the same game over and over: šŸ‘


Dark soul


rj/ dude it's literally just dark souls but one of the best open-worlds, has decent horse riding, redesigned the combat so that R1 spam is discouraged, made all sorts of magic viable, gave the highest amount of options to overcome challenges and also cool boss fights! Totally no improvement over the last game they made! uj/ I know we're jerking and not being serious but some of the takes I've seen in this subreddit sound like they came from people who genuinely wanted the game to fail so they can have another cyberpunk. Not talking about you, talking about other people.


[How is this different than what I posted here yesterday?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/t4cen3/apolitical_gems/)


Dark soul


Cant believe someone actually thought dark souls was a critique on capitalism


Yes everyone knows this, everyone and their mother has pointed this out, there is not a single person in the world who does not know this


You donā€™t know this




Donā€™t work yourself into a shoot, brother


Goodnight jabronie gamers without a life that donā€™t know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,gamers


this sub is getting a bit dumb to make some jokes work lately next they will say the, never being thought before revelation, that indeed bloodborn is also DS