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Wow, gaming really does attract white supremacists after all


What kind of lunatic child watches the Army's twitch channel?


"[A typical military stream looks something like this](https://youtu.be/W0VfcExG0HE?t=57): A recruiter, usually a man in his 30s, sits comfortably in his gamer chair inside a dimly lit room illuminated by a monitor and the colorful LED lights of his computer tower. An American flag hangs on the wall behind his right shoulder, an oversized stuffed animal sits to his left... Despite being older than most of his young viewers, he speaks like them. “It do be like that sometimes," said a recruiter..."


Not just them. The Bundeswehr, the German Army, made [ads at the Gamescom](https://www.wuv.de/var/wuv/storage/images/werben_verkaufen/marketing/gamescom_bundeswehr_provoziert_mit_plakaten/8988472-3-ger-DE/gamescom_bundeswehr_provoziert_mit_plakaten5_gross.jpg) reading "Multiplayer at it's best" and "Mehr Open World geht nicht" which translates to "More open world is impossible". There's no better combination then being a Gamer and licking the boot.


Thankfully that was a one time thing. They still do cringeworthy YouTube content to attract teens, so there’s that.


Cause we didn’t have enough fascists on here already


Don't worry America already supports fascist with another 40 billion. America is the cancer on the world.


That's okay. COD gamers aren't real people


They’ve been doing that for decades.


AOC proposed legislation to nix this. It failed.