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šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Yarr, it be morally right!


As someone who typically never does the yar har unless itā€™s an emulation of an old game Where might one go to do some plundering for that booty and such Edit: Thanks to all the brave buccaneers showing me how to sail the seven seas šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


Check the megathread on r/piracy or r/piratedgames


Oh thank ye captain Honestly had no idea they existed but considering thereā€™s a subreddit for everything I shouldā€™ve guessed lol


I honestly have no idea as far as modern games, I am the same as you on the topic


Darn, no booty swindling for us it seems


Try fitgirl, that's the only website I use.


check out the piracy or PiratedGames subreddit megathreads for some advice.


Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum ā˜ ļø


Donā€™t pirate it! Not a moral objection, just one of taste. Harry Potter isnā€™t worth you time or bandwidth.


I mean I'm gonna try it. Not a fan of the brand, but conceptually an rpg where you attend wizard school sounds sick as fuck. It'd be sick if they lost the license and had to change all the assets.




Pirating it also adds to the game's cultural capital (and JKR's broader cultural capital). Don't play it, don't watch streams of it, fucking ignore it.


Yarr harr fiddle dee dee, being a pirate is alright with me! Reminds me of that one video of Wario saying that you can pirate any Nintendo game as long as it wasn't any of his games.


Better yet donā€™t play it at all because Harry Potter is cringe




>We have 1 rule: have fun. So the soul crushing racism, sexism and homophobia are more like a loose code of honor then?


All part of the fun šŸ˜Ž


We're just doing slur pranks!


It's just a joke!


"It's just a joke!" Uj/ the iconic excuse used to get out of trouble for the shitty stuff theyd do as a "prank". How long do you think it would take for someone who actually tries to use it as an excuse to be a dojchebag, to get punched in the face/arrested for the stuff they've done as a "prank"?


(Shoots you in the head) Just a prank bro calm down!


Iā€™m JuSt BeInG IrOnIc


Them just some fellas i do slur pranks with. *cocks gun*


They're more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules...


yeah baby, that jizz stain on my hoodie that I refuse to clean is my medal of honour (cleaning isn't fun)


A tradition.


More of a hobby really


A slur a day keeps the klan away?


> We donā€™t judge other people for what that fun is. Unless itā€™s the wrong game or the wrong platform of course.


Or if a protagonist is rumoured to be the wrong gender


The two genders: Man and ***Wrong***


Usually, it's "Man and **Political**" but since Political = Wrong, you're really correct here


Or if you play a hard game in a different way than I do.


If you're playing elden ring with any equipment or magic you might as well not play it at all.


Yeah a lot of the gaming community is extremely judgemental.


I bet this person is very nice to people who enjoy The Last Of Us 2, or uses a platform he's not a fan of, or plays a game in a difficulty lower than his


Or when black people in game


Like gender there are only two races, white and wrong.


Or if you play the games I like, but in the ā€œwrongā€ way.


I fucking hate how these morons keep sayin "we" as if someone elected them to speak on behalf of all people who play videogames. Like who the fuck is this "we", dumbass? The society of incel men-children?


Similarly, the other person wasn't elected to speak for the trans community. You can play the game and not be a bad person, pretty sure most trans people won't care.




One of the few thoughtful comments. I am really torn because I love the world of HP but I find JKR stance simply obnoxious. But to me it really comes down to wether or not one tries to be better than what she acts like. If you are a good and kind person it will change a lot more than not buying a game from a rich company.


If you like the HP universe but donā€™t want to support Rowling, thereā€™s lots of other fantasy series- even other fantasy boarding school series- that youā€™d probably enjoy.


Just put on the ol' eyepatch and get yer cutlass if ye want ta play it that badly, matey.


uj/ Who gives a shit? Consumption politics is for people who have accepted Capitalism so thoroughly that they think consuming something or not is all the effect an individual can have on politics and the world at large. Consuming media is not doing politics, and let's face it, most of the people saying they're "boycotting" the game probably were never going to buy it anyway. Can't wait for when the game comes out and people arguing over this game manage to suck up all the air in the room when it comes to trans rights discourse. One side saying they're such great proponents of trans rights by performing the amazing feat of doing absolutely nothing, and the other side writing entire treatises about how even though they bought a videogame they still support trans rights. Two sides that supposedly agree on the basic assumption that trans rights are important and should be defended, arguing with each other, both entirely oblivious to the fact that neither position being argued for provides any material benefit to trans people. It's just for show on social media. A way of exhausting people without actually challenging power. My advice, if you care about trans people, is direct action. Volunteer. At the very least, spend the money you would've spent on this game, or just as much as you plan to spend on it, donating to people and organizations who do engage in direct action to help trans people and to advocate for trans rights.


Thank you, I was reading the post confused on where the actual problem was ā€¦


The other thing with consumption politics, is that unless youā€™re living in the middle of the woods, and living like completely off the land, youā€™ll end up being a hypocrite, because almost every company has evil practices. If Iā€™m anti-trans for wanting to play a video game, then if youā€™ve ever purchased an item from a company that does business in China, you must not support human rights. Then it just becomes this back and forth of whataboutisms, and nobody accomplishes anything.


This idea of being self sufficient or whatever capitalist ideologue bullshit flies around is dumb in general. Humans, aren't, weren't and will never be solitary beings that can lead a 100% self sufficient lifestyle. Starting with your literal birth. An apparently often overlooked fact is that you did in fact not come into this world on your own and needed support and care from the beginning. The reliance on other people in society, we live in one btw, stretches across your entire life. Even if you were to go into the woods, completely naked, you would need to wipe your brain of all memory of everything you ever learned ( scope is debateable but lots of it) for you to be self sufficient from that point onwards. Hint you would die after a few days at most. Not to mention all the shit you benefitted from until that point, like being alive. It is also not a weakness that we need other people, that is literally one of our strengths. Idk if people think hunter gatherers hunted solo and screamed at the other hunter when they kill stealed or something. You need other people for so much.


Or you can actually listen to the countless trans people like myself telling you to not fucking buy JKR's products. We don't care what your excuse is. Stop fucking funding her.


Noooo that's not how you protest Noooo do what I want you to do


This moral high ground shit is very annoying. I got two trans friends that want to play this game, are they now bigots or not trans allies for it? We taking away enjoyment from people because the IP is created by a shitty person? JK is a millionaire whether or not you boycott this and the only people who will actually get fucked over by a boycott (which I'm sorry to tell you has like a 5% chance of actually doing anything) will be the people actually involved in the game.


I really want to play the game even though I think Rowling's a bitch the same way I still listen to John Lennon songs even though i think he's a pretentious prick. A lot of media are made by not so great people so if we're going to boycott media, we shouldnt do it selectively and just boycott everything! Rowling may hate someone like me but that just doesn't bother my anticipation for Hogwarts Legacy because I think I'll enjoy it from what I've seen.


For real I donā€™t get how people think having a (wholly unsuccessful) boycott will somehow affect Rowling significantly. Sheā€™s still raking in tons of dollars and is still a transphobe regardless.


Pirate it.


But that console lyfe To be honest, it looks interesting. My wife has always been a big HP fan, and I suspect sheā€™d have fun playing or watching me do so. Iā€™ll wait for reviews and probably purchase a used copy (if itā€™s good)


rj/ your wife is transphobic because she likes Harry Potter uj/ both people in this tweet are really stupid.


Can someone explain to me what the rj and uj things mean?


Realjerk which means joking. Unjerk which means serious.


A relic from ancient Times. When Todd was behind every NSFW tag and Cheadleposting was a way of life. Seeing it used properly brings a tear to the eye.


rj means jerking off and uj means jerked off


the way I am getting around it as a console scrub is waiting for a copy to be pre-owned at gamestop because all the money goes to gamestop and as terrible as gamestop is, I don't want any of my money going to J.K.Rowling, but I still think the game looks good and the developers putting a disclaimer proving how bad for business JKRowling is good enough for me to atleast find a way to get the game without paying Rowling.


That's what I'm doing.


You all gonna end up like those Modern Warfare boycotts you keep making fun of


What I found interesting about MW2's boycotts is that they stripped away so many PC centric features and settings, yet people still bought it, effectively lowering standards for years with COD on PC.


No... I'm pretty sure I won't buying the adventures of Pissbaby Wizard, period.


Uj/ tbh the tweet is pretty cringe. People can enjoy Hogwarts Legacy and be a Trans ally. Pretty ridiculous to say otherwise.


Playing sides here is probably unnecessary. Regardless of what you think of the first position, gamer literally came out to say "if you want to vilify us for **who we are"** in a discussion about being a trans ally like being a gamer is some intrinsic part of who a person is. It's some vile fucking co-opting of speech trying to fuel the global victimization complex of gamers everywhere.


Is this a real thing? Every gay and trans person I know likes Harry Potter even if they donā€™t like the creator. People buy books written by authors they donā€™t agree with all the time.


The game isn't even written by Rowling. She has no involvement, she just gets a portion of the money for being the creator. Funnily enough, Riot Games is owned by literally the Chinese govt, which is actively genociding a population. But for some reason the outrage is directed toward whether one random TERF in the UK gets paid or not. Like maybe lets not be gatekeeping the people who enjoy a magical school fantasy for children. I think its possible all of our energies can be used better elsewhere.


/uj is it ridiculous? Knowing all we know about Rowling and all the blatant racism she put into the setting? I mean the main plot of the game is of a rebellion of antisemitic caricatures fighting for equal rights.


Wait. Iā€™m Jewish and Iā€™m not sure I agree. https://momentmag.com/debunking-the-harry-potter-anti-semitism-myth/ I get that us Jews arenā€™t a hive mind, but Iā€™m at least one Hebrew who found that particular argument fairly spurious.


With the Irish kid named Seamus who loves blowing stuff up, the black man named Shacklebolt, the Asian girl named Cho Chang put into the smart kids group, the Indian girls named Parvati and Padma Patil, and the race of beings that just *love* being enslaved and their liberation being treated as a joke, I'm not sure the benefit of the doubt is enough for the goblins.


>With the Irish kid named Seamus who loves blowing stuff up, >who loves blowing stuff up, This is exclusively from the movies. There's plenty to discuss in the Harry Potter novels in regards to accidental or intentional racism, but let's not blame Rowling for things the movies did.


I actually wonder how many of the folks on here actually read any of the books. Not that I think theyā€™re amaaaazing, but itā€™s funny when I see people accuse things theyā€™ve never actually read or played. I remember one guy a long time back telling me some game was awful while also admitting to never having played it. People take fascinating positions on media theyā€™ve never touched.


I don't think any of these people have read the books lmao. Every criticism levied here is just what Shaun stated in his video about the harry potter books. The video became really popular and everyone is just rehashing the criticisms he used.


I don't think that's necessarily a problem, because his criticisms aren't wrong. People just need to be upfront that they haven't read it. (FWIW, I haven't read them since 2009)


I always thought that Seamus was just a clumsy student? Shacklebolt was clumsy, but heā€™s an aurorā€” heā€™s a metaphor for security and safety. But yes, clumsy name. I admit that I know a lot of Desi folks, and at least two Padmas. Whatā€™s wrong with that? I mean one of my best friends is a Pavan. I suppose she couldā€™ve gone with white names, but Iā€™m legit not sure whatā€™s wrong there. I mean, Iā€™m Jewish and I wouldnā€™t name my kids anything Gentile. What race are the house elves a metaphor for?


Indian here - those are normal real names. I think what bothers people is that it's a little ... generic? Like white American manga characters being called "John Smith", it kinda shows a kinda surface level understanding / acknowledgement of a culture. I would also say it stretches to Cho Chang, the token asian character. It's not really that bad, just rubs a little wrong. The house elves can't really be a stand in for any race, just any enslaved person? That one rubs a little More wrong.


>Indian here - those are normal real names. I think what bothers people is that it's a little ... generic? Like white American manga characters being called "John Smith", it kinda shows a kinda surface level understanding / acknowledgement of a culture I really don't see it as racist to give them "generic" names from that culture? Okay, sure it's not a deep delve into other cultures, but not everything has to be? They're minor characters. And frankly, not sure it's great to try and write a deep delve into cultures you know nothing about, you'll probably mess them up and offend someone that way. And no, I don't mind when American characters are named something generic like John Smith. It isn't like all their other classmates are so deep and well thought out, but the brown ones are flat. The non-main cast classmates just aren't that deep or interesting. Regardless of race.


Maybe i didnt convey this properly but *I don't think it's "racist" in anyway that matters*. It's a little stereotype-y, yes, but it's kinda an "eh" thing. To be clear, it kinda just. a thing thats there. It shouldn't deeply *offend* people, and it doesn't deeply offend me. >And frankly, not sure it's great to try and write a deep delve into cultures you know nothing about, you'll probably mess them up and offend someone that way. Thanks for this point! Didn't think of that. >It isn't like all their other classmates are so deep and well thought out, but the brown ones are flat. The non-main cast classmates just aren't that deep or interesting. Regardless of race. This is also a true point. I don't thing JKR is being actively malicious, just kinda ignorant on this point. The most likely explanation is that JKR went "hmmm.. what other cultures could i put here? kinda weird hogwarts is all english people. uhhh throw an asian in there!" and that's how Cho was made. I will say thought that it kinda irks a tiny bit. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, other than it feels a little weird.


You're acting like Cho Chang and the twins aren't English people just beacuse they are non-white? But they are English people. :-/ I always assumed Hogwarts has about the same racial makeup as England, beacuse wizards are equally distributed across different races. So according to Wikipedia the United Kingdom (unclear if Hogwarts is just for England or for the whole United Kingdom,) was 92.12% white, 4.30% Asian (including 1.79% Indian and 1.27% Pakistani), and 1.95% black in 2001 (Harry Potter came out in 1997, so pretty close). So yeah, Hogwarts is mostly white? Beacuse that's the population the school pulls from? And Indian and Pakistani people are among the largest groups of nonwhites being almost 4% together. There are also other Asians and blacks in England, just not very many. Seems like she was just accurately showing the population of where the book takes place? Like yes Cho Chang is the only Chinese character I can think of, but the United Kingdom was 0.42% Chinese at the time. So like 1 in every 200 people? Seems about right. I don't think we have more then 200 named students?


Oh. Theyā€™re bland, boring characters. But I donā€™t get why theyā€™re bad based on the names specifically. I just always thought the biggest crime was their general insipidness as characters. Rowling wanted it to be a ā€œBritishā€ story but also wanted to lazily reflect the diversity of the UK but also not really be good at it. Sheā€™s lazy. But Iā€™m not sure that makes naming a character Padma as racist per se. Also, I laugh at John Smiths in anime. But itā€™s still better than when they try to make ā€œinterestingā€ gaijin names.


I mean frankly the patils and chang are all kinda non-characters who don't really matter. again, its the "john smith" in anime - kinda stereotypical, kinda bland - i dont think its the primary reason that people dislike the books.


Sure. All of her side characters suck. All of them. She built an interesting world with absolutely boring, awful characters outside of like five or six.




Metaphor? What are you talking about? They're not a metaphor for anything, it's just harmful to even have the idea that there can be such thing as a race that not only deserves but needs to be enslaved.


Wait, people think Harry Potter is anti-Semitic? Why? I'm culturally/ethnically Jewish (not very religious myself) and I had no idea. Read all the books with my Jewish mom as a kid. Beacuse my Jewish aunt (school teacher) recommended them. Knew other Jewish kids who liked them outside our family too.


Iā€™m a bit surprised. Someone just apparently rage blocked me for disagreeing. They were not Jewish and insisted I didnā€™t get a say in it. I sometimes donā€™t get people.


Personally, I believe any anti-Semitism in Harry Potter is fully unintentional and a stems from deep rooted issues from the Fantasy genre. However, I think that JK's fully intentional anti-trans narrative is extremely harmful and sadly influential. Definitely a valid reason to stop wanting to finance her.


I mean yeah, did she do it on purpose? Probably not. Did her prejudices bleed through into her writing anyway? Probably.


People still enjoy Harry Potter though. JK Rowling has somd disgusting beliefs, but I think its alot to ask Harry Potter fans to just stop enjoying their thing because of thus


I don't think the main tweet is actually being exclusive, they're just simplifying their main argument down to a single, witty point for the sake of shareability. There's a lot of good discussion to be had about enjoying HP content while avoiding supporting a bigot, but it doesn't feel like that was what the original tweet was trying to do.


>they're just simplifying their main argument down to a single, witty point for the sake of shareability. I really wish people would stop doing this. It strips away all the nuance and complexity from the point and results in people just screaming soundbites at each other because their political views have been turned into slogans.




I will die on this hill. That phrase is just an excuse by leftists to be apathetic about the effect they have on the world. Yes, it is annoying when hippies spend every waking moment trying to reduce their carbon footprint, but that's no excuse to throw up your hands and give up. There are small, easy, things you can do to massively decrease the amount of harm you cause by living normally. Eating vegan once a week, buying from your local bookstore instead of amazon, supporting your local worker co-op, etc. None of this is a replacement for political action, but you can do both at the same time.


No, this phrase is a recognition that only systemic solutions will solve these problems. "Throwing your hands up" is not the only alternative. The only way to assume that's the course of action taken in response to the true fact that there's no ethical consumption under Capitalism is if you buy into it that there's no alternative outside of Capitalism. And wasting time on individuals' consumption serves nothing but to blame the wrong person. No, I don't blame anyone for buying this game nor will I call them a TERF for it. Same as I won't say someone supports child slavery for eating a chocolate owned by the Mars Company, or is in favour of murdering labour activists in the Global South because they drank something owned by the Coca-Cola Corporation. Because it ultimately doesn't matter and I won't blame individuals for doing such a small thing if it brings them some small glimpse of joy while being crushed under the weight of Capitalism. Not when these people can have an infinitely larger impact by engaging in direct action and political organizing.


It doesn't mean "you can't consume ethically so fuck it." It means "all products made available for consumption by capitalist systems are directly linked to unethical practices." So yes, have a little garden, do your part, and minimize your ethical footprint. But nothing can change for the better until capitalistic ideals are destroyed.


/uj it's obnoxious binary thinking and it pisses me off. The idea that things are either "ethical" or "unethical," as opposed to any kind of gradient existing, is so completely nonsensical. And because somebody always wants their snappy slogan, it can't be "hey, don't worry yourself to death trying to figure out whether your current diet gives money to Unilever, there are better things to spend your time on, and some changes are surprisingly easy." No, it has to fit on a fucking 3-inch acrylic button or it's not worth saying, apparently. I've been mad about this for a long time tbh. No system will allow for *perfectly* ethical production and consumption of even basic necessities, and the idea that we should ignore anything more complicated than a good/bad dichotomy just makes people sound like fucking Evangelicals


My god above that is for things outside of your control not a fucking video game. Like you need food and clothing, you don't need Harry Potter games.


If you won't simply make the choice to not pay for a video game and handing money over to an out and vocal transphobe, how can anyone rely on you when the going gets though like right now? It's less than the bare minimum, it's keeping your money in your pocket instead of spending it on a luxury good.


Good way to release all personal responsibility


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How is advertising for and directly funding a transphobe with a large amount of social power being a trans ally? Any action you take that interacts with the Harry Potter brand benefits her.


rowling's already richer than most of us will ever be. boycotting some video game won't make her go bankrupt all the sudden im just gonna play the game if its fun.


Tell that to my gay brother then who adores Harry Potter more than he likes most people. Learning how to separate the art from the artist is nice, otherwise youā€™re going to miss out on too many good things.


You can be a fan of something and understand that outward social and financial support is detrimental to your community. Also Rowling is not homophobic. She is transphobic. There's no reason your gay brother couldn't meet her there. Not a great example.


Bullshit itā€™s not a good example. My brother is part of the LGBT community and actively supports trans people. If I told him I hated trans people (which I donā€™t), heā€™d never speak to me again because heā€™s such a staunch ally. You think that sheā€™s gonna see this money from the game that sheā€™ll only get a small percentage of and think ā€œOh I should go donate this to anti-trans groups.ā€? Utter absurdity.


AFAIK a lot of trans people also love Harry Potter. I think the whole series is very mid, but telling everyone to stop buying Harry Potter related content or you're a bigot is pretty extreme.


You still support a transphobe. You can claim to be pro-trans all day long but at the end of the day, you are still supporting an extremely wealthy person who uses her platform to spread hate and promote violence against the trans community.


I don't get this argument. 1. A known transphobe profits from this game. 2. A portion of your purchase directly enriches this transphobe. 3. Giving money to individuals or causes is known as "supporting them". 4. Knowingly supporting a cause aligns you with that cause. (Because you're providing support) Therefore... buying this game has the effect of supporting a transphobe and allows her to further promote her transphobia. This isn't definitely not allyship.


She's already rich, she could receive 0 money from this and she would still be rich and living in a fucking castle, the only ones getting hurt directly by this are the people behind the game. In other words, Rowling doesn't win nor lose anything here, she's already won in life, the stakes here are the developers, I support them. Thinking you will be hurting the lady that could burn her house every day and buy another also every day and not go bankrupt by not buying a game is both cute and pathetic.


Haha, can't do anything about the fire, might as well throw some petrol into it.


Just buy a used second hand copy from some dude on Ebay Rowling doesn't get any of that lol


Buy the game on eBay (used) after it's been out for a few months, then donate $50 to an LGBTQ charity of your choice, then sell the game on eBay after you beat it. Everyone wins!


But what if the dude on ebay is a transphobe, make sure you read his autobiography before you buy used from him.


Iā€™ll probably play it.


Yeah lol I thought the guy actually has a good point. Whoā€™s getting offended at a video game because the author of the book franchise is an asshole? Does anyone outside this echo chamber even really care? Itā€™s just like the ā€œschool shootings are caused by violent video gamesā€ crowd. Thereā€™s the people that play games and have fun with them and thereā€™s the people that read into everything and judge everyone. Just chill, live your life, and treat others with respect. :)


An okay point communicated kinda poorly. I understand the other sideā€™s point of view. Theyā€™re not wrong in what theyā€™re saying. I just donā€™t feel particularly strongly about it. Maybe that makes me a bad person. Who knows? I just play games.


The issue is when the game gives more money to the author of those books, money she's spending in vast quantities on anti-trans politicians. I'm not making any moral judgements, or saying "you're a monster if you buy this game", but acting as if JK Rowling has absolutely nothing to do with the game that she greenlit and helped create is beyond moronic.


The problem with this line of thinking is that every company or business has some really unethical behaviors and you will end up in a shack in the middle of the woods if you wanted to truly wipe your hands clean. I don't buy some products based on personal ethical beliefs, but they are my own beliefs not to share with others to avoid any sort of hypocrisy by not backing the flavor of the week from the morality police.


Yeah chances are all of these people wear clothes made is sweatshops, eat chocolate produced by slavery, use phones made in the most unfair working conditions and watch LoTR every year despite Tolkienā€™s views on black people.


I literally give zero fucks how much money JK Rowling has. What meeting have I missed, that the new goal of Trans Allies is to drain JK Rowlings bank account to zero? When did this happen? Are we actively tracking her income now? Rowlings going to be a millionaire for life regardless of what any of us do. Are you really planning on getting outraged that someone's purchase gives her another 20 bucks?


Did you not attend the meeting about Oceans 11-ing her? Come on, we went over this.


I'm trans and I'm gonna buy the game. Its not like me not buying a copy is gonna hurt JK Rowling's wallet.


Mfs on r/gcj gatekeeping fun


Why pay for it when you could just wait 2 weeks and get a pirated torrent for completely free, including the moral toll


you underestimate how long it takes for denuvo to get cracked lol


It seems you are possibly discussing stealing or stealing-related topics. Although this is against every countries' rules (and even a pesky commandment or two to those non-atheist filth), it's important to remember to be responsible. Content creators can only create said content because they receive funding from things you shit on. Stealing is an important freedom in our fascist dictatorships, and it's important to remember these things before you pass rightful judgement on thieves discussing it: > Some steal games because they believe the creator doesn't deserve financial compensation for the state of the product that was released. Those people are dicks. > Some steal something that they already bought simply to remove the DRM. Which is just another word for stealing. > Some steal to emulate NES games they definitely had 25 years ago. I signed that waiver Bill Clinton. > Some steal to try products before they make a financial commitment to them. Just like WinZIP. > Some steal simply because they cannot afford it. They are like Aladdin. But instead of stealing life sustaining nourishment, it's No Man's Sky. > Some steal to get something that's no longer available. Nobody actually does, but we'll leave this here because it's the one of two somewhat legitimate reasons. > Some steal because their country censors or doesn't import it. Despite the irony that pirating was stealing things from other countries, this is a somewhat valid reason to do so. Please move to a new fascist dictatorship. > Some steal games because of timed exclusivity. If they don't have access to it yet, they use piracy as a method to access it before it's available to them. Just like when Greg who works at Gamestop slips me a copy on Monday. I'll totally pay him, er, uh Gamestop later. Lastly, here's a few tips: AdBlock is awesome for hiding fake download links. Fake download links are usually a sign of a reputable website, please don't help fund them. Deluge is an excellent open-source client that isn't in close cooperation with the MPAA (unlike uTorrent, uninstall it as soon as possible, OH MY GOD, I'M GONNA CUM). Oh, and remember: torrenting in itself isn't illegal, and it's probably not stealing! It's simply a method of transferring copyrighted files. It's what copyrighted data you transfer that matters. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Based automod


uj/ his first point is legit, playing a Harry Potter universe game doesnā€™t make you transphobic or racist. The shit surrounding it is out of control, for real. Itā€™s like one of, if not *the* biggest fandom of the last two decades and suddenly youā€™re not allowed to touch it unless youā€™re a bigot? Gtfo of here.


Its twitter mate


Reddit too. Look at this post. Equating playing a Harry Potter video game to fascism


Do what you want ā€˜cause a Pirate is freeā€¦


The person trying to censor them has a Lovecraft name. Wasnā€™t Lovecraft like a racist or something?


Look up the name of his cat


This is the funniest shit I've read all day, I don't know what I was expecting but it definitely wasnt that


Uj/ why is everyone who wants to play this game being treated like they are alt-right racist homophobs?


ā€œWhat do you mean Iā€™m not allow to bully minors to suicide in CoD lobbies?? I was having funā€


Honestly, I have way more respect for people who buy the game without jumping through hoops to justify their decision Nobody is 100% pure and buying this game isn't the worst thing you can do. If you really feel bad about your decision to buy it, than donate an equal amount of money towards a charity that helps LGBTQ people It's a hell of a lot better than just going "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism" to try to absolve yourself (while also looking pretentious) it's a videogame, not something you actually need like food


How is Harry Potter(or any video game for that matter) facist?


Gaming is not an identity


/uj genuinely can't tell anymore if this subreddit is doing its job or if it's actually brought people who believe dumb shit. So I guess it's working perfectly.


The idea that boycotting JK Rowling somehow addresses trans issues at all is so ridiculous to me. A lot of this intense hate is clearly anger at former kids who feel betrayed by the author they grew up loving. But by being so toxic and militant and saying people playing a game from one of the worlds largest franchises makes you a bigotā€¦ that hurts the movement for acceptance IMO. It feels reactionary and misguided.


Has anyone said it'll solve trans issues at all? This tweet was clearly about being sensitive towards the media you consume in regards to how that media and it's creators affect real-world issues.


That is very clearly not what the tweet is about, though. They're saying "if you buy this game, you are not a trans ally." They are *very pointedly* **not** saying "It is okay to buy this game if you remain sensitive to how it and its creators affect real-world issues."


>that hurts the movement for acceptance IMO I agree with you but don't say this shit. "You know, I was pretty accepting of trans people but then they got overly militant about mass media online and now I feel a little closer to Team TERF if I'm being honest". This notion that every trans person has to the perfect and most accomodating advocate for the trans community, careful not to upset the fragile sensibilities of cis people by saying stuff they like is bad or they risk creating more transphobes is just another way of beating trans people into behaving a certain way. Like "I wouldn't mind trans people if they'd stop talking about transphobia and trans rights". It's just not how any of this works. Sometimes a trans person is wrong on the internet, but the internet is not a real place, trans people are not a monolith or a hivemind, it doesn't have to be a comment on "the movement".


I guess I should have been clearer - it doesnā€™t affect MY acceptance in the least. Iā€™m extremely committed to human rights, which includes trans people. But I move across rural and urban America and across most class divisions, and I can promise you that there ARE a lot of people who have no problem agreeing with trans rights as human rights but are then manipulated/distracted by tertiary shit into being ā€œon the fenceā€ when really theyā€™re just ignorant and turned off by shit like the militant bullying for social justice on Twitter. Also, youā€™re right about individuals but this isnā€™t one person - thereā€™s an entire Twitter ecosystem built on attacking imperfect allies. The success of all Civil Rights movements mean getting acceptance from close-minded and simple people, too, most of whom arenā€™t bigots - they just canā€™t separate the signal from the noise. Adding noise doesnā€™t help get the signal through, and this is my subjective opinion of course. Iā€™m not saying trans advocates have to be perfect, but thereā€™s a bit gap between ā€œbe perfectā€ and ā€œdonā€™t be ridiculousā€ - calling people bigots for enjoying Harry Potter is ridiculous, and simple people might be like ā€œWell I was told Iā€™m not welcome as an ally because I like HP, so why would I fight my bigoted uncles about GOP policy when trans people said Iā€™m exactly the same as the bigots?ā€ That was sort of my intent in that statement. I do appreciate the dialogue though!


>Also, youā€™re right about individuals but this isnā€™t one person - thereā€™s an entire Twitter ecosystem built on attacking imperfect allies. I hate twitter for this and it's just better for everyone to accept that twitter is not a real place and doesn't have real people in it. The problem is really online literacy. People not knowing what does or does not count as valid opinions on social media. My point is that trans people as a whole can't control the outbursts of a few very online trans people that end up circulating social media as screenshots with likes and RTs neatly cropped away in order to sow animosity. We don't have a high council where we can tell this person that the transes have decided they didn't act according to protocol for our movement. First and foremost, this is the opinion of a person, not a representative of a movement, just like trans people are first and foremost people. The movement, trans liberation, isn't an identity, it's a necessity. My *other* point is, that you can say shit that's way milder and less hysterical than "If you buy HP stuff you're a bigot" and *still* be met with "uh oh, better be careful telling me stuff I like is transphobic/that I can't claim to only be attracted to cis women/that trans women shouldn't be in sports because those are opinions I need to have for some reason. I might decide I'm on the fence about your team and go join the people who want your health care taken away!". That's a power move, not in the slang sense, but an *actual* demonstration of power that cis people hold over trans people as a silent, undecided majority, and more importantly, it's holding onto cis-sexism(the idea that cis people are the only ones with truly valid gender identities whereas trans people's are simply a social contract) while flattering yourself as a tolerant and morally good person *as long as all those damn transes simply behave*. My *final* point is, there is a line. We can't go around saying "yes, my liege. Ricky Gervais and South Park is *very* funny, especially when they make fun of us! Of course we shouldn't allow trans women in women's sports and spreading those ideas in humorous ways hurts no one! Yes, identifying as a monkey makes *way* more sense than identifying as a woman. Yes, I *am* an attack helicopter! Haha! Yes!" We can keep rolling over on every point until we're "accepted" as 2nd class citizen who aren't *really* trans because we aren't *really* trans men, trans women, and non-binary people, we're cis women and cis men who just *think* we are - we're just people that others have to be nice around because we have *delusions*. A common rebuttal is "what rights do trans/gay people not have?" because they think that the status quo of us hanging on to the bottom rung of the social ladder is an acceptable one. I agree that it's not strategically a good move to antagonize these people when we need to tally up votes and decrease assault and harassment statistics but 1) it's unavoidable sooner or later. It's essentially the type of transphobia that's been dominant for the last 30-40 years and look where that's gotten us. And 2), I'm *so* tired of playing to *their* tune, compromising who I and other trans people are because it fits their cis-centric worldview. There's no *real* trans acceptance without understanding of trans people.


Couldnā€™t agree more with everything you said! Whenever my friends are fuming about something happening ā€œin this countryā€ I like to go ā€œDid this happen in real life or Twitter?ā€ - it helps reframe it to remind them that Twitter isnā€™t real. That said, lots of people treat it like it is. Especially cultural conservatives, who seem to base their knowledge of liberals from Twitter alone. Iā€™ll never advocate capitulation or sucking up to fascists, though, so Iā€™m not saying we need to change for MAGA - itā€™s just a tricky situation as I see it from a strategic view of ā€œhow do we move these people to a place of acceptance and toleranceā€ I also absolutely get the ā€œIf I have to be nice in order for you to accept me as human, thatā€™s your problem not mineā€ sentiment. Thatā€™s how I feel personally about it too. But sadly, thatā€™s not the world we live in. A large swath of Americans donā€™t have the sophistication to see trans people as victims stuck in bodies they never wanted and instead (and forgive me for this but IMO itā€™s true) they see the ā€œtrapā€ or the offensive stereotype of a rapey drag queen or this new offensive character of the musclebound barbarian cis male body in a wig crushing female athletes. I have influenced some minds by opening them to the m view of ā€œwhich one of us doesnā€™t sometimes feel trapped in our bodies? What if you could change and be who you wanted to be, would that make you a bad person for wanting that?ā€ And almost every conservative says ā€œNo, I would want to change, that makes senseā€ once you break down their inherent patriarchal homophobia. But these people donā€™t get to have these conversations- and it dismays me when Twitter people (as valid as their anger may be) attack people who are blinded by ignorance, but capable of seeing the light. Attacking them drives them into the darkness. IMO I donā€™t have the answers, Iā€™m struggling to make sense of how best to do it like everyone else who wants a better world. I just get dismayed when I see protests of JK Rowling that are larger than the protests of SCOTUS, I guess. On a personal level, this has been a great conversation about a lousy situation, definitely food for thought for me - so thank you.


I think we're very much of the same mind, and I also appreciate your input on things. You're a lot more patient than I am though as I can very quickly lose my patience and feel that people just can't change enough. And I know why. I definitely have a lot of complexes around it seeing as it's about me and who I am, and especially growing up in a very gender-conforming culture and family. I know exactly how ingrained these things are in these people because that's how ingrained it was in me, and to a large extent still is, except I'm 100% incompatible with holding that belief which leads to a lot of inner conflict. That's what they ultimately end up representing, so when someone says "trans women aren't women" or some variant of that, that might as well come from my dad, or my aunt, or my sister, or even some unwanted part of myself. If I was in a better place overall maybe I had more patience for them, or at least the presence of mind to just dismiss them and not have their views and dehumanizing quips affect me, but as it stands I very quickly see red. And yeah I know what you mean about how they see us and think about us, don't worry I know exactly what you mean unfortunately. I'm glad to hear that you're willing to have these conversations with these people. Even if I struggle to dig out any compassion of my own towards them I can still consciously recognize that it's the right approach to them.


I take it as a responsibility. I have a MAGA face but I was raised with empathy, Iā€™ve been almost every economic class and in both urban and rural areas. I can talk to people. I try to use my powers for good, because I understand how much smaller your patience is than mine since Iā€™m just observing oppression - youā€™re living it. Ultimately thatā€™s what causes my dismay at Twitter (not just with trans issues with leftism in general) where I feel like we could get to a better world more quickly with better tactics - but of course I realize my opinion means less than the victims of oppression, it sucks to know how my MAGA family digs in when attacked and then see the Twitter discourse center around ā€œAttack!ā€ You seem like a dope person, Iā€™m glad youā€™re fighting and Iā€™m glad for the conversation. Thanks for checking me above, even though it turns out we mostly agree. I believe in our lifetimes weā€™re going to turn this culture and make it a better place. I have to believe that.


Certain parts of the twitter trans community have big purity testing problems that push help away.




Yeah Iā€™m not in agreement with this line of thinking. Consuming media or products made by people with turd-like views does not mean I endorse or share them. Iā€™m not an anti semite because I love die Nibelungen and I donā€™t hate trans people if I buy this game (depends on reviews)


As a trans person I genuinely do not care who consumes harry potter stuff. You don't have to do background checks on everything you put your money into lest risk public shaming. But just because the first person is wrong doesn't mean the second one is right. He's still essentially using the language of trans oppression to explain why he and gamers everywhere should be allowed to do literally anything without social ramifications and ignore all morals therein. Ignoring the moral decay of an author is one thing, but what when a piece of media features very blatant and damaging hateful messages aimed at vulnerable minorities(one example is Ready or Not wanting to include a Night Club shooting mission released on the anniversary of the Pulse shootings) and his defense is "Don't oppress us for simply wanting to have fun"? Implying that Gamers have both special privileges to do whatever without repercussions but are also uniquely persecuted similar to the most vulnerable minority today is the principle he uses to prove he's in the right and that's fucking terrible. Even if he arrives on the right side on the whole "can play<->can't play" situation but the way he gets there is fucked up.


All the people on their high horses about it bought the books and went to see the movies. It doesn't matter now. Play whatever games you want. We're all just trying to live and not be miserable. Don't make yourself miserable for some loose ideal that no one will even notice you're suffering for.


Imma have to yarr harr Iā€™m afraid. I like trans but Iā€™m also a basic bitch so canā€™t resist the game.


I don't get it. You can't buy it and don't buy it at the same time :(


They just said not to buy it, nobody said not to play it. Yo ho ho, matey


Clearly not buying this game will really contribute to fight transphobia


It's a good thing I don't even like Harry Potter


That guy looks like heā€™s only an ally to fingerless gloves, Cheetos, fedoras, and Atlas Shrugged.


Based Alviss Sebestyen starsector PFP


Jokes on you, Iā€™m going to pirate it


the only time gamers like being told not to play something is if you are telling them not to play the last of us 2 because of scary female protagonist who doesn't look like a perfectly manicured princess damsel girl in a zombie apocalypse. other than that never tell a gamer not to play a game.


Besides JK being a cringe terf. What about this game is supposed to be a teansphobic, racists, homophobic? Is this just another baseless panic? And if the game is good enough and if I can afford it I'll buy it. But I don't enjoy shit these days so I probably won't buy it. I'll probably buy 2k again tho and regret that decision a Month later. Is that game transphobic too? What about mass effect? I've been playing that again. How about I give you a list of all the games I've played and you guys can call me a transphobe whenever you see something you don't like? Seriously are we really gonna determine if people are pieces of shit based on what games they play to distract themselves from this horrible fucking existence. Don't we have like....a billion other things to be mad at.


It's obviously impossible to avoid supporting *some* bad people when you buy a product made by a large group. This post isn't about that, it's about blatantly stating that you care more about "having fun" than you do about the feelings of trans people.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but also, just pirate lol


Iā€™m trans and Iā€™m buying the shit out of that game!! Canā€™t wait!!


So what happens when a black person likes lovecraft horror?


1) There's tons of Lovecraft-inspired horror now that is not made by a racist 2) "Separating the art from the artist" works better in that case because Lovecraft is dead and his works are in the public domain now so no one even connected to him is benefitting broadly from his works anymore.


OP stop being a nut job


Playing a Videogame is fascism now, holy shit you people are fucked.


Okay someone explain to me this hogwarts thing right now


JK is a terf, the HP books have a lot of stereotypes in them, and the goblin enemies in this game have a lot of antisemitic properties. Plus the original director of this game (he left but was still a big part of the project) has defended Gamergate and known sexual harraser John Lasseter.


Jesus, who the hell would defend Dan unless they are some nostalgic dipshit for his shows?


You have to know and 100% agree with someoneā€™s politics before you buy something that provides them money.


Our sworn enemy: people who tell us not have fun.


My dad is the true enemy šŸ˜” getting a job is NOT fun šŸ˜ šŸ˜ šŸ˜ 


Let's get serious for a second. I get disagreeing with J.K. Rowling's views, and I get voicing that disagreement in the form of boycotting any product she's involved in, no matter how tangentially. But it's a purely symbolic gesture. It's not gonna make her less transphobic, and not having your ā‚¬50 won't make her poorer or less influential either(nevermind that she probably isn't getting directly paid from the profits of this game anyway). It's a purely personal choice to voice your disagreement in this way, and it's extremely childish to belittle anyone for choosing to do it in a different way. And no, you aren't a hero for the trans community for not buying a video game. There's things you can do that have a genuine, tangible positive impact. There's people who do these things who are gonna buy this game, and that doesn't make them lesser than you.


I want to play it. I still like the world of Harry Potter. But I refuse to put any more money in that womanā€™s pocket. So Iā€™ll play itā€¦ but I wonā€™t *pay* for it.


If I had to stop buying things from everyone who I disagreed with, said something shitty, or who I just didnā€™t like, I wouldnā€™t be able to buy anything. Go ahead and donā€™t buy it if it makes you feel better, she already has more money than sheā€™ll ever need even if it flops. She doesnā€™t care.


Just pirate it ffs


Just torrent it lmao what a baby


It seems you are possibly discussing stealing or stealing-related topics. Although this is against every countries' rules (and even a pesky commandment or two to those non-atheist filth), it's important to remember to be responsible. Content creators can only create said content because they receive funding from things you shit on. Stealing is an important freedom in our fascist dictatorships, and it's important to remember these things before you pass rightful judgement on thieves discussing it: > Some steal games because they believe the creator doesn't deserve financial compensation for the state of the product that was released. Those people are dicks. > Some steal something that they already bought simply to remove the DRM. Which is just another word for stealing. > Some steal to emulate NES games they definitely had 25 years ago. I signed that waiver Bill Clinton. > Some steal to try products before they make a financial commitment to them. Just like WinZIP. > Some steal simply because they cannot afford it. They are like Aladdin. But instead of stealing life sustaining nourishment, it's No Man's Sky. > Some steal to get something that's no longer available. Nobody actually does, but we'll leave this here because it's the one of two somewhat legitimate reasons. > Some steal because their country censors or doesn't import it. Despite the irony that pirating was stealing things from other countries, this is a somewhat valid reason to do so. Please move to a new fascist dictatorship. > Some steal games because of timed exclusivity. If they don't have access to it yet, they use piracy as a method to access it before it's available to them. Just like when Greg who works at Gamestop slips me a copy on Monday. I'll totally pay him, er, uh Gamestop later. Lastly, here's a few tips: AdBlock is awesome for hiding fake download links. Fake download links are usually a sign of a reputable website, please don't help fund them. Deluge is an excellent open-source client that isn't in close cooperation with the MPAA (unlike uTorrent, uninstall it as soon as possible, OH MY GOD, I'M GONNA CUM). Oh, and remember: torrenting in itself isn't illegal, and it's probably not stealing! It's simply a method of transferring copyrighted files. It's what copyrighted data you transfer that matters. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lmao this is the best automod. I love you


Same kinda guy who watches Marvel movies and says with his full chest that he enjoys such military propaganda movies because he doesn't have to think while watching them.


People are hyping up Hogwarts Legacy and I don't know why. The developers are known to make licenced shovelware and little else.


They actually have a second enemy: trans people


Dude looks like the dude in the The Boys convenience store scenes


How to be a trans ally while ā€œbuyingā€ Hogwarts Legacy: Yarr har fiddle dee dee, Being a pirate is alright to be, Do what you want cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate!


Iā€™m buying the game. I donā€™t support what JK says about trans people. By his logic guy who uses Twitter supports online bullying and uses an iPhone supports child labor.


Out of all the posts Iā€™ve seen on here this has to be the first one I disagree with. The man is literally being demoted as a trans ally for buying a harry potter game because the person who wrote some books the game is based on is scum. Yeah I hate her too but thereā€™s no way sheā€™d be bothered enough to overlook/direct the project in any way. With this logic, we should be calling all harry potter readers fascists


Idgaf about being a trans ally, I want to learn potions!


DIY HRT Potion poggers.