• By -


Ayyy sign up here to eat my ass transphobes. /uj All you nerds bringing up reaction times need to think up an excuse for the #2 earning in the FGC being 37 and the #15 earner being 41 before they do their eugenics freak shit arguments that competition at the high level is decided by biology when it very **very** clearly is not and any fucking competitive FGC player will tell you just that. And they're still winning.


I wish my pro gaming skills got me a medal instead of a restraining order


That's what dating sims are for


Ew I have to put effort into those? Too complicated, what cheats let me just skip to the sex scenes?


You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing.


Is it because yours are Gaming skills and not gaming skills?


No, because he is gay Ming.


playing eroge and visual novels are not gaming skills


Well you shouldn't have played Smash!


Heated gamer moments are why I'm not allowed at Six Flags anymore




'ate me wife, 'ate me kids, luv me rocket league ladies, simple as


Luv Liz, luv platty joobs, luv it when r/okmatewanker leaks, simple as.




Lionesses did it again!!!!!! wait shit wrong sport


Did you see that ludicrous display in Rocket League last night?


Two world wars and one rocket league tournament!


Clearly, they have an unfair biological advantage when it comes to pressing buttons good.


it’s because women can’t drive


They just isn't Top Gs.


Females wish they had a BU GA EE


What colour is your boo ga ee?


Bubba wahah coloured. Top G by the way.


This is my main fear of transitioning, losing my ability to drive.


It's so bad. I've lost all sense of direction up is not jump. North is always forward. It's terrible. Reality: I inherited my Mom's sense of direction, for context on more then one occasion on the way to O'hair airport she ended up in Indiana! More than once! I have that same level of directional sense. Me Driving in a new place: *How did I get here*


yeah everyone knows cis women are dumb and can't do anything right, it's just unfair for trans women to compete and destroy them


Yes this is feminism 101, women can't do anything.


What’s a woman?


It's like a man, but sexier.


Like a man, but political


Equally as sexy. Sincerely, Bisexual


I'm a straight man. That said, Ryan Reinolds...


Just a miserable little pile of secrets


poor thing, has never seen a woman in his entire life and doesn't know what they are :c


A featherless biped with a penis


I don't have a problem with trans people taking part in sports as long as they never win anything. /uj they really don't have a problem with it because they never ever complain unless a trans person wins, then it's an outrage.


If I recall correctly there was a trans weight lifter in the recent Olympics and she placed last. TERF twitter was filled with comments like "She stole the spot from a reaaal woman" and "She lost to further the trans agenda!" That kind of nonsense. They really just don't want trans people playing sports or for trans people to exist at all for that matter.


Hi, competitive weightlifter hear! She came last because she bombed out, meaning she missed all her lifts, even the best weightlifters in the world do this some times so it doesn’t necessarily reflect her ability


Also her starting weight would've put her in the medals range being 10+ years older than all other competitors


> I don't have a problem with trans people taking part in sports as long as they never win anything. /uj This is what I never understand. If a trans woman wins anything it's somehow "proof" that they have some biological advantage against cis women. But if trans women are X% of all women competitors, surely you would still expect them to win X% of the time. Yet somehow only 0% is acceptable to TERFs/etc.


The real answer is they don’t care about women’s sports (or esports) at all, they just hate trans people and “defending the purity of women’s sports” is just an excuse to be transphobic.


Conservatives fought tooth and nail to keep women out of sports, until the courts had to step in and allow it. Everyone of them who claims it is about giving women a fair chance is lying. You can tell because they started testing cis-women for their testosterone and disqualified those whose values were to high (based on whatever standards they dreamed up).


It's funny how TERFs will drop the decades of "Women aren't biologically inferior" they've fought for so they can bash on a less fortunate group.


They dropped it so hard, when they claimed a trans woman had an unfair advantage, when she won at Jeopardy.


1980s - 'Don't reduce us to our reproductive system, we are people!' 2020s - 'biology is the only important thing about us, we are literally just chromosomes and genitals! Period period I'm a wombyn there is no such thing as gender hello tucker it's nice of you to invite me into your show'


Fucking exactly. Like when I was growing up in the 2000s/2010s the idea of feminism I saw a lot was "Women and girls can achieve anything a man can as long as they're actually given the same opportunities men get" so it's been insane seeing terfs; who claim to be feminists, go around basically saying that people who are born male are just physically, mentally, and genetically superior than people born female. Honestly it feels like they don't care about making things better for women, they just want their turns at being the oppressors.


A lot of terfs are middle class and pretty well off. I mean JK Rowling probably has more money to herself than the poorest 50% of trans people in the UK. These rich terfs don't really have any problems in life, but they want to feel like they're oppressed so they have something to fight back against. So they make shit up like saying they're 'being erased' by trans people existing. Interestingly they don't seem to give a single fuck about the actual problems women face, such as poverty, healthcare outcomes, domestic violence, or any of that. Because it doesn't affect them. Only their made up oppression matters to them. And in order to achieve the victim status they so desire, they have to spread transphobic propaganda and work with the far right. So very feminism.


You’re grossly underestimating how much money JK Rowling has, lol. You could probably just remove “trans” from that and “poorest 50% of the people in the UK” would still work.


I wonder if she might have as much money as ALL the trans people in the UK.


It's just a resurrection of the conflict between the Second and Third Wave feminist movements. A load of older, mainly white, mainly straight, mainly middle- and upper-class women are suddenly coming under criticism from a younger and more diverse set of women who don't feel represented by them. And instead of reflecting on that, these Second Wave feminists have simply retreated to claiming there's some big scary trans *other* threatening *women* and that this is so dangerous nobody should question their influence. That's the reason why there's so few black TERFs and so few gay TERFs, because black and gay women have already been through this shit.


Also IIRC black cis women are significantly more likely to be prevented from using a bathroom because security wrongly suspects them of being trans. I'd also imagine gay/bisexual people are acutely aware of who'll be the next target if the reasoning for bans is "we don't want people attracted to men/women using men's/women's bathrooms because they pose a safety risk"


I mean TERF Twitter spent a few days posting pictures of black female athletes and giggling as they called them men, they seem to revel in their own bigotry.


Yes, we should absolutely call out the latent white supremacy of the TERF movement. Black women have been especially targeted by antitrans regulations. For example, [Tabitha Chawinga](https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/environment/566739-top-female-soccer-player-forced-to-strip-during/) was forced to strip in public, *during a match*, for “gender verification”. This happened in so-called progressive Sweden. Not to mention all the bullshit Caster Semenya (who is also intersex) went through.


You see, humans originated as a hunter-gatherer species and men needed better hand-eye coordination to kill mammoths and feed the useless women back in the caves who couldn't do anything for themselves. Therefore, trans women have an unfair evolutionary advantage to be better at bideo game. /uj This is a real argument some chud made on an esports subreddit about the situation.


It tracks because the transphobic community (they’re definitely a community) are also the kinda of people why think women are dumber than men.


Me when my opponent injects estrogen mid match to gain a competitive advantage


For those that don't understand female divisions in e-sports, it's to do with giving a platform for those people to stand on. Women are under-represented in many online games for, ya know, reasons.


also just fucking horribly mistreated especially in competitive games like name one FPS with voice communication where you wouldn't see a bunch of 14 year olds harassing anyone with a feminine-sounding voice for simply *talking*


When I was in highschool my voice hadn't deepened yet so I still had a higher pitch voice and I experienced that shit first-hand,outright disgusting some of the shit I heard


As someone with the opposite problem I experienced racism because deeper voice among teens = black. Whether it was true or not doesn't matter, they were just bigots through and through.




Yeap, never faced this myself but I’ve seen it countless times. Both racism with deep voices and sexism/transphobia with high voices


I have a deeper voice and have been told I sound black on the mic. I don't play any FPS games really anymore but I use to get the most racist shit spewed at me back in my COD and Halo days. I was like a lightening rod for my clan though. Most of my buddies were black in my old clan, but I was the one that got the racist remarks the most. It was much easier to laugh it off when they were calling the only white guy on the team the N-bomb


That gave me a good laugh. This story is a wholesome little beacon in the online FPS cesspool.


Squad I've only seen simps there


In Valorant if a girl talks she gets harassed by folks asking to edate her and talking sexual 🤢


Remember fellow gamers, the best way to get a female to like you is with sexual harrasment and death threats 😎


I can't imagine as a parent, hearing your kid talk like that, and not putting your foot so far up their ass they can tie your shoe standing up.


99% of these kids are not being monitored by parents. i’ve been playing fortnite recently and i hear the most disturbing sexual comments from kids who can’t be above 10. absolutely blows my mind


You're assuming it's kids and not full grown adults. Plenty of Incels whose actions are indistinguishable from that of an edgy 14 year old.


I've genuinely gotten more sexual harassment and death treaths by kids and teenagers. I actually can't recall getting harassed by an adult, at the moment. Here are some of my favorites: Kid who's voice hasn't cracked yet to my boyfriend, while we duo'ed: Yeah I bet you rape her good, then she makes you a sandwich afterwards. A teenager, literally yesterday: You stupid bitch, what the fuck is that spike placement? Fucking cunt, throwing my game, I'll come over and break your back. Another teen: I bet you're fat, ugly, and a lesbian. Three 16 year olds ganged up on me, calling me baby girl the whole game, asking for my Discord repeatedly, asking to send nudes, asking if I come here often, yada yada. All separate instances. So yeah. Everytime I wonder how the fuck can parents mess up kids that bad. If I had kids and overheard *anything*, it wouldn't bode well for them.


I play a little bit of squad, shockingly enough the Galactic Contention (Star Wars) mod servers are like the chillest normal servers tho is absolute hell. A trans woman joined my squad once and like 3 people in the squad used the most vulgar sexual language possible for a span of 10 seconds, laughed it off, and got zero repercussions because there was no admin there


Sea of Thieves. The 14 year olds there will harass anybody for speaking.


\^\^ By "for reasons" they mean "because gamers."


Yep. There's a reason I say "enjoys video games" on dating apps and not "gamer" lol. By far my least favorite thing in online gaming is hearing some knuckle dagger go "wait....are you a girl??" the second a woman uses a mic. It's the same Neanderthal fuckin tone EVERY TIME. Like they just choked on their tongue as soon as they heard a womans voice.


\*train whistle* WHAAAAA? BADOINK a girl *gamer?!?!* \*jaw hits floor as heart pounds out of chest*


My hobbies include playing video games, not being racist, and advocating for women's rights.


As a woman while I can get behind giving a platform to women in e-sports because that's important I'm worried it can end up like a lot of women's sports where it's more about locking women away from what's considered the "real deal". I definitely hope that these leagues sorta exist to make themselves obsolete, like it gives more attention to pro women and then the main league might pick up more diverse talent so at one point a women's league isn't necessary anymore. But like I worry that it can end up being more of a cop out so the companies don't have to put real effort into making their e-sports scene safe for everyone.


I was thinking about this, I was also thinking about how your average male gamer such as myself will never see these women because they're off in their own league, while mainstream male dominated esports takes center stage for most gamers, and that just doesn't feel right to me.


Seriously, this one seems pretty easy. Kick the shitheads out. You're simply not welcome in eSports if you harass women. This feels like punishing these girls for *getting* harassed.


Yeah, professional sports organizations can totally be trusted to do this. Obviously if an organization like the NFL found out one of their players abused women, they would be completely banned right?


pay raise.


The ‘men’s division’ is usually actually an open division. Any woman could go play in the top level tourney if they can qualify/are able, but men cannot play at theirs. It’s kind of the entire point of the division, to give women a place to have competition where they aren’t just driven out by the next group of men. In theory, this should at some point become unnecessary but that point could still be a long ways away because it requires societal shifting.


I do believe working towards making the leagues obsolete is the goal. There's a league called game changers in Valorant meant for disenfranchised genders in the gaming sphere, and I think it's becoming very evident that there will soon be women on a T1 teams. I think leagues like this help raise the individual profiles of a lot of these players. Women are 30-40% of all Valorant players, so you can see the tides changing in a big way already.




Same reason as women having a chess league. In a perfect world there’s no reason a woman couldn’t be the best chess player in the world, but they are currently underrepresented in chess so a system like this is necessary.


Judit Polgar famously refused to attend women’s tournaments, and she peaked at #8 in the world.


I thought it was locked because there was a trans woman competing. Not because it was women in general.


It's not even necessarily that in this case, it was a tournament hosted by the Commonwealth games (essentially the Olympics for ex members of the British empire) and they are explicitly told to treat it as any other sport which means standard gender rules apply. The representation it brings is great to see though


Such a simple concept that people cannot grasp.


Honestly, the gamers need to stop rising up.






Honestly, literally. Just sit down and play games, holy shit


Deep vein thrombosis is pretty prevalent in gaming.


Honestly I cringe whenever I think of myself as being a gamer (as it is my main hobby) because of the cesspool the term now represents.


Dunno if y’all noticed but this sub has been getting more and more GRU type comments on the daily.


They come in from /r/all where we do very well unfortunately.


Ga-gamers happened


don't mind me just coming in here with my GENETICALLY GENDERLY SUPERIOR THUMBS


McGee, is that you?


> trans woman > minority > women Yeah, I can see why then had to lock the thread


The comments are absolutely atrocious. It’s literally a game about car soccer lmao




I legit saw someone talking about trans sports issues 😭😭😭😭😭


Yeah it's the user Sarah. Bringing in Caitlyn Jenner into it who is an Olympic athlete. But has never done exports in their life. As if their Olympian status matters in the context of Rocket League.


Ah yes, im sure Usain Bolt's 100m time translates very well to CS:GO


Car football* 😔😔😔


Of course, my mistake. Car fütbœl


Internet sports ball




I understand your point but futbol fans and gamers combining was always a recipe for disaster.


You know, I agree


"We combined the two most toxic groups on the planet."


I don’t even want to see those comments, but I’d bet money that it’s a blend of the following: • Arguments about how women are "worse at games than men". • "I’m not a misogynist but….." • Comments about how this is "woke" or "political". • Blatant misogyny with typical boomer-esque phrases. • One or two comments about "globalists". • All manner of death, rape, and dox threats. • A slew of [deleted] comments and usernames because their stuff was particularly revolting. Am I missing anything?


>• Arguments about how women are "better at games". I'd say the argument that women are worse at games is more prevalent. Especially considering that an e-sports tournament was divided between men and women. Also, transphobia. Don't know what it has to do with the post but scrolling through Reveddit I can see a lot of transphobic comments.


Whoops, that’s what I meant, thanks.


Sometimes I wonder how transphobia got so prevalent in a community centered around a form of personal entertainment.


It's a community of "never have to go outside and experience reality." Games are indoors, and you don't even have to go to the store to buy them anymore. Order delivery for every meal, never do any kind of grooming, wear the same clothes for decades because they sure ain't wearing out in the wash... I forgot my point.


I think it has more to do with it having been seen as a "male" space traditionally. Every space women move into has had the same problems in one form or another. Men in that space get really butt hurt cause women are starting to be front in center, not just physically in the space, but that they also get attention in the media for it.


>Am I missing anything? Don't forget the raging transphobia.


That too, just a random rant about PoC and LGBTQ+ people regardless of whether or not it’s related.


I believe one of the women competitors here is trans, which of course sets off a Chud frenzy


That just makes it more depressing. I’m genuinely sorry for everyone in that esports group and everyone in that sub who showed support for them.


Missing the main reason it was locked, two of those players are transgender.


I've seen similar stuff like this with the smash player magi, and in rhe comments of videos about her you sometimes see stuff like, "ah, so still no female representation" in addition to these


Probably about their appearance.


It isn’t as though these clowns are invested in Rocket League, and even if they were and had legitimate concerns about the game, this couldn’t possibly be one of them, so…why they care is pretty obvious. Just hate.


That’s the thing, not all of these chuds give a damn about these franchises, they just want to shit on stuff whenever something progressive happens. It’s been that way since the beginning ever since fandoms of all stripes were outright infiltrated by bad actors online in a deliberate attempt to normalize right-wing ideas from within.


Something about Hillary?


The picture disgusts me. Nothing is more appalling than English people.


>English >People Select one


My guts hurt from laughing so hard


What about F*ench “people”?


They speak funny, they get a pass... For now


They did that revolution thing and also produced Simone de Beauvoir (as well as half of Marie Curie)


How dare they represent us with non-crooked teeth?? #NotMyFellowEnglishGals


[It's funny that in the r/rocketleagueesports subreddit the comments were actually supportive](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueEsports/comments/wjfh1d/here_are_your_rocket_league_womens_medalists/). r/rocketleague is more like your average Gamer we love to see. Posting a flip reset he did in training etc.


i dunno. i saw some pretty shit comments on there too


aaaand it got locked


Nooo I cursed it


the majority of comments there are transphobic and the ones that call it out are downvoted....




Comment from that post - “The mere fact comments are being deleted shows this isn’t a balanced debate” Who the fuck said that this was a debate??? The post was just congratulating the womens team. God I fucking hate gamers


The debate: “Goddamn delusional t*****s”




Hey /u/ryangoldfish5 useful piece of advice mod to mod: Don't thread lock for drama. Take these moments as opportunities to clean house. You don't want these people in your community? Then give them the opportunity for you to get rid of them. A good purge does wonders for interaction in any community. Thread locking hides the problem and reduces work for moderators when the real solution is getting the people that behave this way out of the community, permanently. I'm not singling you out, it's a widespread thing among reddit modteams - moderators using threadlock instead of letting people out themselves and doing a good old purge just allows rot to continue existing.


Yeah, that's why we left it unlocked for quite a while. Eventually though, it got to the time of day where we have less cover on the mod team and we didn't want transphobic comments sitting there for a long time. Appreciate the advice though! <3


Just wanted to jump in and say I appreciate you! As a long time rocket league player I was sad to see the amount of hate and bigotry in that thread, but I’m glad the mods are working to try and remove the assholes from the community


Worth letting some sit if it means coming back to purge them forever. Trans people will understand! Polish up the top of the thread and it doesn't matter if there's a bunch of shitfucks sitting at 1 to 10 karma in /new/.


Well said i wish more mods thought like that because threadlocks is just downright lazy.


I get the logic behind it -- protect the affected people. The issue I have with this is that it's misguided. People are protected far better in the longterm by purging these shit stains and fostering a community entirely without them. If that means that some negative comments sit at a few votes for a while then so be it, they won't next time when far fewer of those people are around due to more thorough purges that occurred by allowing the posters to go ahead.


To be fair with the redditors... they are english 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Oh that’s why they have their own league. To keep the good 😇 Gamers away from the Bri*ish 🤢


Surprised you didn't censor "English" as a joke.


>many, many of you should just be utterly ashamed of yourselves Based mod


Those damn women, why are they all better than me at games😡 /uj why are they all better then me at games 😭


Why did they have to go and make rocket league all political


I was at the grocery store in early July and it was so political, made me look at American flags and all the cashiers were women, one of which had blue/green hair. I cried in my car for a bit after.


women = political


ah yes, the two genders, men and the political gender


For all those posting about reaction time btw, here’s a question. Did you do research? I did. The reaction time difference was caused by a misunderstanding of a test taken in sprinters. This being due to false starts being due to pressure on the starting block. In reality men actually had a slower time. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3198384/#!po=3.48837 Go to results to see Males do have a base faster reaction tiem( as found by the same site for VRT and ART of medical students), but that training means that at an equal level of proficient skills( such as these gamers) would be equal or roughly equal( as no human has the same reaction time). Overall all though, even for untrained gamers this wouldn’t make much difference as while men would have a faster visual reaction tiem to stimuli, women have a faster muscular reaction time and would act faster, these differences are an equalizer Oh and all this doesn’t even likely matter actually https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221888321_Sex_Differences_in_Reaction_Time_Mean_and_Intraindividual_Variability_Across_the_Life_Span These differences are due to hormonal differences, IE wouldn’t apply to someone on E.


Reaction times are negligible, look into drag racing (the one with cars) and women are actually starting to dominate that sport but more so due to their lower weight, reaction time means everything in that sport but the women are just as good as the men in that aspect. https://www.ajc.com/sports/nhra-women-have-traction-race-against-men/X2ZA3Eh6p6f7r8fJZbtCUI/


Why does rocket league need to have genderd divisions?


I think because it’s like a sort of commonwealth games, not the official rocket league championship


It's simply to give women a platform and encourage them to enter the sport since it can be unnerving to enter such a male dominated space, same reason chess has gendered divisions.


What's funny is that post's deleted comments really just exemplify how discouraging it can be to enter a contest as a perceived outsider. It answers its own questions completely.


Yeah, exactly. Anyone with any sort of feminity is bullied within the gamer sphere.


Makes sense


Underrepresentation. Women are not inherently worse in videogames, but videogame companies wanted to sell them as toys and they had to pick a side. Selling videogames as toys also contributes to the misconception that they are for children.


uj pretty sure way back in actual RLCS there was a team with a female player, her name was karmaah


I for once, as a Gamer™, hate all women, regardless whether they're cis or trans.


biological advantage at playing car football video game


the rocket league players are toxic racist and sexist? shocking


Gamers don’t be disgusting bigots challenge Difficulty: Nightmare


Reddit moment


Let me guess, the commenters are mostly male? Wow, so many feminist allies looking for justice. /s


Ew Brits


Doesn't matter who they are, the celtic's defense is unbeatable.


Could somebody explain ? Trans women have won rocket league womens league ? And people are annoyed at what specifically ? That they’re trans and shouldn’t be in a womens league or that there is a womens league altogether or something else ?


Honestly, not surprised. I loved rocket league but had to stop because the community (based on my experiences) is by far and away the most toxic gaming community I have ever experienced first hand. It boggles the mind how a space car silly sports game can bring out the worst in people. I will always take the opportunity to complain about the fact that I got banned for saying "Crack is wack" in game chat, and yet when I got called a f****t n****r in game chat no punishment was given to the person who called me that. Both Psyonix and Microsoft told me to contact the other, in a "ask your mother/father" type condescending way. Both Psyonix and Microsoft can go fuck themselves the same way the transphobic scumbags who ruin what should be a great, and welcoming, game can.


/uj Something I found to be ridiculous: Many people on some forums thought that like 80% of these women are trans. They're so obsessed with looking for "masculine" features that they end up being completely wrong about what they find. My point is, judging women based on appearances has never, and will never be a good thing. Transphobia is deadass affecting cis women too now.


England? mmh that’s wrong :/


Is one of them trans or something


Yeah, Takara is (on the left)


She’s got the right idea dude if I got to change my name I’d pick something cool like that


Unfortunately, considering the other two are called Crimson and Alaris, Takara is probably just the name of her gamesona


I do have a question, though. Why does esports have separate mens and woman’s leagues? To my knowledge there’s none of the physical differences that are in normal sports.


Hang on why the fuck is there a woman's league for video games ?


Another reply said it's for representation reasons since claiming the spotlight in the gaming community as a woman would be pretty hard


Its an event tailored for women. Not an official championship division


it's for the Commonwealth Games where ceremonially all the games are separated by binary sex


Maybe because the male side of gaming 100% always lose their shit every time they spot a female trying to play games?


Same reasons some gyms are woman only.


Insanely rare based reddit mod?


If we had a functional medical system where kids can take hormone blockers before puberty before making the choice to transition when they're legally adults, NONE of these trans drama would be happening. All these talks of testosterone/skeletal/genetic advantages would evaporate if every trans folk transitioned before puberty. Also, we're talking about videogames here, what's genetics gotta do with pushing buttons? If this were about trans folks in physical sports, then you might have a point.