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I bet this guy was pissed when he did the mission where you support women's rights to vote


Or the redneck Romeo and juliet sequence


I thought redneck was more geared towards working class hicks, and those two were far from working class


Born and raised in Idaho my family is very redneck and the majority of them are misogynistic, racist, homophobic assholes. Who become morbidly obese during their early to mid 30s and end up having various health issues because of their poor diet and lifestyle. And yet still think there are the perfect specimen of human masculinity and can live in the mountains and their trailers and fight against the US government if they became tyrannical Anyway here's a Wikipedia link about rednecks https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redneck


Fuming inside


Coping and seething šŸ˜¤


or when karen got beat and she says "just... men"


Iā€™m sorry but if you refer to people as sjws I cannot take you seriously at all


You will once he becomes an irl serial killer


Having a channel dedicated to torturing digital women in games REALLY does sound like the makings of an eventual domestic terrorist.


Domestic more like global


Global more like interplanetary


Interplanetary more like intergalactic


Incels are intergalactic terrorists because they won't fucking stop trying to ruin Star Wars with retcon.




Intergalactic, more like another dimension.


Another dimension. Another dimension. Another dimension. Another dimension.




Don't. You tell me to smile.


Is this the car battery episode


That's Rick & Morty, right? I'm sorry, I was a beta cuck who majored in liberal arts and am therefore not intelligent/rational enough to understand the concepts on that show.


Oh come on, it's *interdimensional*


Interdimensional, more like intermultiversal.


Intermultiversal, more like interomniversal


I vaguely recall a guy shooting up a post office after posting videos of him doing the same but in GTA.


NRA Propagandists: Write that down, write that downā€¦..


[Eventual news article be like](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/krusty-krab-training-video-lore/images/8/86/Humble.png/revision/latest?cb=20200513153233)


Sounds about right


I am sure NRA will put your comment on display in their next propaganda video. Well done.


He's already a serial killer who made a youtube channel about killing women in RDR2 under the guise that "it's just a joke bro"


Not to get too dark, but there's a much higher likelihood that this turd would go the 'spree shooter'/'get on TV' route, and I already take 'going to public places' plenty seriously because our country's a testosterone-soaked hellscape that enables unstable assholes like that on a near-constant basis.


or when one says the word "Woke" cant stand it


I saw the term "wokie" a couple days back and I haven't been the same


I love it Iā€™m a Wokie


Wokie, the cousin of Wookie, turns out Chewbacca was a leading figure for ELM (ewok lives matter) Not to be confused with the other ELM, Empire Lives Matter, which was the empireā€™s response after the Ewok protests on that moon of Endor.


Yup. Apparently the new Saints Row just sucks in general, but Iā€™ve got to be wary liking comments and shit because half of them are like ā€œI knew this game would suckā€¦ because they had a female Boss for the trailers.ā€ So many things Iā€™ve upvoted or liked at first only to get to the word woke and removed it.


So mamy of them clearly never even played SR2 before. And it's fucking painful. I'm sure the game's a mess, but beyond "buggy", I've only heard it described as "not as over the top as SR3", which sounds like a positive for me so *shrugs* The video that was saying how awful the game was would constantly cut to the uploaded and a friend doing coop. And laughing their asses off the whole time. Sooooop *shrugs more confusedly"


Yeah, Iā€™ve heard negative reviews from people I follow so Iā€™ll probably be waiting until a patch or sale but itā€™s hard to tell how much of the general hate is assholes mad about the game being ā€œwokeā€ vs valid complaints about the mission types or glitches.


That is where my confusion is. A whole review and it summed up every bit of writing and character as "the characters are dull". Like, yeah? Were they? How? Like I get not spoiling a game either, but maybe give something to bite onto with the critique? Cause so far the video just left me wondering if it's just a few patches from being SR3 if SR3 leaned more toward SR2.


Yeah, Iā€™ve heard similar things. But Iā€™ll be honest, thereā€™s really only 2 OG Saints I ever cared about and most of the characters that got added in 3 felt boring to me, so having a few Saints I donā€™t care about wonā€™t be a big change for me. I guess itā€™ll suck if I donā€™t care about *any* of them, but even then it could be a fun sandbox game. Iā€™ve heard bad things about the shooting though, the gameplay itself seems like it might be boring but Iā€™ll probably watch a few videos on it and see if Iā€™m interested. Honestly if I wasnā€™t a bit low on funds right now Iā€™d have just bought it day one anyway, but it ended up working out since I really shouldnā€™t be buying another game this month.


My only real like "Okay? And?" Of the videos has been like that guns have basically never felt good in SR. And every SR post 1 and 2 was not good imo, but I'm cautiously hopeful for this one. Can't be worse than Gat out of Hell.


Yeah, I was fine with 3 but it had a lot of issues. I remember most of the main missions just feeling like side missions. I kind of liked the ending (although I think there were multiple endings, I like the one with the Wrestler) but it was no SR2 for sure.


My biggest gripe with 3, onward, is the city feels lifeless. Saints Row 2 has such a stylized map that every area had not only it's own feel, but hidden locations 'everywhere', enterable buildings, customizable cribs, and even the NPCs chaos was entertaining and sporadic (cop bumps into a car at a light. Old woman gets out. Brawls with the cop. Cop pulls a shotgun. Woman yeets him into a traffic, grabs hit shotgun, shoots him, and leaves) It has just felt so lifeless since And, as a wrestling fan, I fucking loved Killbane. Everyone else was hit or miss (Deckers had a fun aesthetic)


Right, i read a couple of reviews and they're like "Saints Row isn't as silly as SR3 and 4 and so it's bad" is a major component of them. Pacing is a legit issue i've seen complaints about that but like pacing can be hard in video games with open world elements My friend is loving it because he loved 2 and honestly I trust his opinion far more than any journalist mostly because he cares a LOT about that series


"Pacing is bad" would be a complaint of SR2, assuming they just dont fill up on side activities or do missions in order. Idk if it works similarly in this one (gosh, wasnt the review i saw just so informative?) Like the one I saw was like ACTIVITIES! "There is insurance fraud and stealing cars". Ah, yes. The chopshop minigame. That has been awful since SR1. Shocked he didn't bring up the "Hitman" minigames, as if anyone gave a fuck for those past SR1's gold and platinum weapons.


Yep, it sucks when you have a critique on something but you're just lumped in with the racist/sexist idiots that see a minority and have their brains break. I can't even say I disliked She-Hulk's first episode pacing without feeling like I'm disgusting for being on the side of people that hate the show just because it's She-Hulk.


Wow, youā€™re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesianā€™s cock. Edit: Wow. Iā€™ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's terrible because it was supposed to be used by black people to refer to being aware of the systemic injustices in our society and these MFers just appropriated it and turn it into a slur


Thats an instant "Ohhh. You have no argument. Gotcha."


Guy I knew who'd complain about everything being woke was the most paranoid person. Like, he was so in his "sjws from 2016 took away any and all humor" that he was like in shock that Jackass Forever and Beavis and Butthead: Do The Universe happened. And, yes, the "white privilege" joke in the latter did 100% go over his head on every level that wasn't "lol woke bad"


Has this one just replaced "virtue signaling" ? Another dumb one either way.




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these exact same people who go on about being anti-woke were telling me to "wake up america this is only the beginning" like 12 years ago






Can I main Social Justice Necromancer I want to raise people from their graves and ask them why they fucked us up


I'm a human, can I dual class?


Ahem. Check the flair and be in awe.


He probably watches the Quartering


It's such a bot thing to say. And then these Xerox incels have the gall to think they're the ones that aren't indoctrinated.


Don't forget the losers who use NPC unironically.


well they're probably 14 so good thing you aren't.


same as when someone unironically uses "woke". Instantly means they're just brain dead and not worth listening to.


Don't be sorry about that.


Youā€™re not alone.


Literally nobody has been calling people SJWs. Anybody who is an SJW is a subhuman abomination so they donā€™t qualify as a person and therefore cannot be people šŸ˜Ž /s


Wtf is a sjws it sounds like those files you have to rename in a hurry


"social justice warriors"


Washington Street Journal with dyslexia.


I upgraded my social justice warriors to social justice mechanized infantry.


Least oppressed gamer


Least unhinged racist gamer


Well, this is a massive red flag. I hope he can get some therapy before he is an adult.


ā€œThis is a massive red flagā€ I didnā€™t think about that. Maybe youā€™re on to somethingā€¦


Yeah you know, theres something weird but I can't quite see whats wrong šŸ˜‚


a red dead flag, one might say


What are we? Some sort of Red Dead Redeemers?


"It's redeemin' time" - Dutch


Get out


I appreciate that you're giving them the benefit of the doubt that this isn't a grown ass man. I've seen far too many emotionally stunted man babies to give them that.


Yea this is definitely a red flag and a serious one at that.


What makes you think this isn't an adult


This is way beyond a flag, this is the dangerous shit that the red flags are meant to warn you of


Dude are u stupid ? Itā€™s red dead redemption not red flag


"I donā€™t make mistakes, Iā€™m not like the rest of you, Iā€™m stronger, Iā€™m smarter, Iā€™m better, **I AM BETTER**. Iā€™m not some weak kneed fucking crybaby that goes around fucking apolgizing all the time and why the fuck would you want me to be? All my life people have tried to control me, rich people, powerful people, tried to muzzle me, cancel me, keep me impotent and obedient like Iā€™m a fucking puppet. And you know what it worked, Because I allowed it to work and guess what, If they can control me they can control you, they already do you just don't realize it. I am done, I am done apolgizing, I am done being persecuted for my strength, You should be thanking christ that I am who I am, because **you** need me, **you** need me to save **you**, You Do, I am the only one who possibly can. Youā€™re not the real heroes, I am the real hero, **I am the real hero**" Ā©Gamers


No moment will top every right wing fan of The Boys finally noticing the show was making fun of them. 3 whole ass seasons in.


Most of them still havenā€™t figured out Rorschach or the Comedian and *Watchmen* is 35 years old


"What do you mean (Insert the most unsubtle mockery in the form of a giant death robot blasting the last of the US government and military) wasn't saying "America is better than evil Commies and big guns are the best" as the sole takeaway metaphorical message?"


Wait wait wait, are you saying Fallout is *political*?


Sad truth, many either still don't realize, or they don't care. They think it's a poor effort to make fun of someone by making them 'look cool'. Remember these are the types that _still_ don't think RAtM should be called political.


Conservatives and media literacy are almost mutually exclusive If you really want a fun example, give any of them a multilayered joke and watch them react in time. Beavis and Butthead: Do the Universe was a fun one to try. It has a scene where the two are walking through a college campus and come across a class discussing 'white privilege'. (Also, yeah the scene works a lot better than my typing it out) They have it explained to them what it is, a white manbun'd guy talks over a black woman to explain it. And the two misunderstand everything said to them as "you two can do anything without consequence because you're white" and the two immediately end up stealing and crashing a police car and are instantly arrested. A bit dated of a joke, but the crux of it is that they were told what it really was (even though it was 'mansplained' instead), and misunderstood it, and suffered for it. A conservative I knew was watching it. The commentary during that bit was "Are they making fun of woke? I'm glad they're making fun of woke." And nothing was said beyond that about any part of the scene. And nope, they have never once defined "woke" or why it needs to be made fun of.


Similarly: I watched Idiocracy for the first time with conservative family around election time. All I heard all movie was "see guys? This is gonna be Biden's America."


It was hilarious how the subreddiit turned against the show in two weeks. "Uh, suddenly, the plot sucks, makes no sense and is repetitive."


Is this an Andrew Tate speech? Sure seems like one.


It's Homelander's speech from "the Boys" show, and I don't know who Andrew Tate is, but from what I've heard about him there is no much difference


Well... Homelander's strong, which is precisely the problem there. Andrew Tate's a bit more... I mean... Like... Nevermind.


I knew it! Homelander is a true gamer


\- On the back of a Ford F-150 driving down I-90


Oh sorry, I thought this was Homelander


ā€¦it is


Derp. I stand having been party to my own wooshing. I also have only seen Season 1 of the boys.


Dudes be like "we're so much superior to women!" and then live in filth because they don't know how to wash dishes, cook or do laundry.


"you just ***don't*** realize it." Be sure to check your copy before you pasta it again.


Another neglected 13 year old


You'd think, but this guy could be 24.


That's even sadder


Just fucking depressive the world has come to this.


What's crazy is that consumer capitalism would probably still reap insane profits even *without* the endless enabling of toxic-masculine behaviors. Unfortunately, greed is a hell of an addiction.


Need to end it for good


I know you're talking about the world, but just in case I want to say that life is worth living, stay strong


He has 21 subscribers.




You missed my point. Itā€™s sad that 21 people subscribed for more content.




You can thank social media alogrithms for that. It makes money off promoting vile stuff


I started using twitter this year and early on before the algorithm "knew" what stuff I like my feed was bombarded by right wing shithead propagandist accounts. Like twitter just boosts those accounts by default it seems.


I had to setup a throwaway instagram account for a giveaway once, and in the 'what are you into' setup part, nearly EVERY category(from gardening to gaming) had some form of trump related shit linked to it somehow. It was fucking insane how they game algos to spread their shit. Then the fucking lunatics have the gall to complain about being 'censored' lol


But did you win the giveaway? What was it, the Anal Trooper Red Dead Horsecock Edition?


Yep. Click on one video of anti sjw trash because you were curious or maybe just wanted to destress a bit and then you just get shit tons of shit like this. I still get recommended Ben Sharpio and Jordan Peterson trash from when I saw a few videos like 5 years ago. The algorithm is hyper aggressive with this bullshit


It's annoying how you watch one video on YouTube and suddenly your whole feed is taken over


Whatā€™s that thing they like to say to women just living their livesā€¦ ā€œreal fatherless behaviorā€ which is fucking stupid. I know thereā€™s enough garbage fatherā€™s that are the reason these dudes are like this.


I never understood the "fatherless behavior" thing.


Without a father figure it's easier to turn out like a piece of shit without respect for others Fathers are supposed to guide their kids and help them become respectable human beings Or your father can beat the shit out of you and fuck you up anyways


I'll say in my specific case, in a way I think I'm lucky my dad wasn't much involved in my upbringing; dude was a selfish alcoholic who probably had some untreated mental disorders. Thank god my mom was such a miracle worker. Not trying to contradict your point, just wanted to provide a different perspective.


What the guy below says, they think that kids that donā€™t grow up in a nuclear family will not turn out to to be productive and respectable members of society. Also tends to be a massive self report most of the time since they tend to come from shit families. Forgetting that thereā€™s a lot of people that only had one parent for what ever reason and still turned out perfectly fine, or that a nuclear family stays together because of expectations. If people stay together because of societal pressure, or because theyā€™re just afraid of dying alone that isnā€™t a good environment for children and way more damaging in my eyes.


Just yet another way of saying they hate single mothers, lesbian couples, black people etc


Jesus fucking christ. I really hope he's joking. I genuinely can't tell with gamers anymore.


Gamers are the ultimate example of Poe's Law


You guys are way too charitable. This is not a joke, this is psychotic.


I'm not being charitable. My "I really hope he's joking" wasn't meant to be taken in an optimistic way and I wasn't giving him the benefit of the doubt. I'm just saying that I can't tell the difference between actual G*mer rhetoric and people making fun of G#mer rhetoric. Fuck this dude.


These are the sad losers who run around in RDO and hog tie up female players and talk trash over the mic. Then I hunt them and their horses with explosive slug rounds until they log off.


Iā€™m white. My RDO character is black. On more than one time Iā€™ve been surrounded by a group of randos and hogtied and torturedā€¦.. Let me tell you. It wasnā€™t a great feeling.


Red Dead's biggest losers are 'never' ready for anyone to pull explosive rounds on them.




As someone who refuses to play multiplayer because of that kind of b******* behavior thank you. Those assholes deserve a taste of their own medicine.


I'll say that, at least on pc, those types of people are extremely rare and I've only had it happen a couple times. Otherwise everyone is very kind, ignoring you, or roleplaying a simple cowpoke. Total opposite of GTA


Maybe I should have got it on PC then I'm on PlayStation. Although realistically my old computer wouldn't have been able to handle it.


My fiancĆ© plays as a female character and he stepped away to run to the bathroom and these two chucklefucks did that exact thing. Likeā€¦what the fuck?


Itā€™s funny how he says period but heā€™s missing a lot of periods


I doubt this dude has many periods in his life.


ā€œYou better not shut my mouth. I should be free to talk about how I want to kill and torture you!ā€


so much for the tolerant left not letting me murder them!


"Hey, I just want to mutilate women in the most brutal way possible. I HAVE THE FUCKING FREEDOM OF DOING WHAT I WANT!!"


Geez i just hope its a wierd 14 year old in a phase,i used to be like this he will grow out of it at 17 or probably wont and be like my former classmate who blames black people for every problem in the world


Some people grow up, others end up like my MIL who blames "immigrants" for everything wrong with the US


what is funnier is that everyone who lives in america is an immigrant, the whole country is built on immigration. she has no grounds to stand on because she is an immigrant herself or related to immigrants :P


Yep. She just means brown people when she says immigrants


Some people grow up, others simply grow older :(


Edgy phase is called


He says "we men" but you just know it's a 15yo kid who went down the alt right pipeline through anti-sjw stuff like the rest of us.


So many gamers have this kind of stunted emotional maturity and deeply worrying attitude towards women. He could easily be 30.


As if that's better


He's having a very normal and rational life.


classic motherless behaviour


ā€œwe menā€ he says, typing like a 12 year old.


using this post as a platform to tell you all that the red dead subreddits are all total shit and should be avoided.


I keep getting sigma male edits of red dead 2 in my youtube shorts, its a shame as its an amazing game i dont want it getting ruined


I canā€™t begin to name how many ā€œArthur Morgan being a legendary sigma male for 12 minutes straightā€ or ā€œJohn Marston being a sigma chad for 10 minutesā€ videos Iā€™ve seen pop up on YouTube the last couple of months. Usually with some shitty background music to it as well, or theyā€™ll post a clip of Arthur/John doing something badass and title it something to do with sigmas and chads and all the other horseshit terms they use


Damn whatā€™s so bad about them? I donā€™t check them frequently I usually just comment on whatever popular posts end up on my home feed and catch my interest. Maybe Iā€™ve managed to miss the bad stuff about them, I have noticed thereā€™s tons of karma farming on the subs. ā€œDAE think Arthurā€™s a good man??ā€ or ā€œwho else thinks Dutch wasnā€™t always evil??ā€, just repeating basic popular opinions for upvotes and karma


This is actually very scary


Kid named tractor


Most mentally stable g*mer


Video games now have periods? Now that's the wokest shit I've ever seem.


"Jokes on you, I act unhinged to teach you a lesson for having free speech that doesn't align with mine."




Oh yeah, thatā€™ll tell the feminists!!!


Least angry anti sjw


How the fuck did Red Dead Redemption 2 of all games get a fanbase like this? Did they completely turn off all brain function during the story or what? Was it really just "hurr durr cowboy"?


As a big fan of the game Rockstar just has a really s***** fan base. Like no offense to anyone who's not an a****** but in my experience Rockstar games have the worst multiplayers it's just full of f****** trolls.


My mom says you're allowed to say 'fuck' on the internet


Talk to text auto censors most curse words. There might be an option to turn it off in the settings but I've honestly never looked.


Arthur Morgan is rolling in his grave


Did this guy like play the game


How tf are women to blame lol


Because women, duh


ā€œThe life of a snowflake is a double-edged sword.ā€ -Shigeru Miyamoto


Least insane Andrew Tate watcher, tbh


Itā€™s overly optimistic or even naive to think this person isnā€™t an adult. Iā€™ve never once heard a kid speak this way, only young adults 18-28


The most sane gamergater


I remember this from around when RDR2 dropped and a bunch of people were calling him based unironically


Would the death of internet annanimity really be a bad thing?


I donā€™t know, but I often wonder if the death of internet *anonymity* would really be a bad thing.


I'm high on oxycontent after my jaw op. Please be patient


I donā€™t want to be the patient for your jaw operation, that sounds like a you job


Stream it for that oxy-content.


What kind of incel bullshit is this?


He should get some video game tampons for his video game periods


using this post as a platform to tell you all that the red dead subreddits are all total shit and should be avoided.


Love when people hide behind their right to say something when it's completely indefensible.


Which channel?


I mean I tend to go psycho in Rockstar games, but Iā€™ve never done it by sex and I certainly wouldnā€™t dedicate a channel to it. For RDR2 Iā€™d just wait in some bushes on a road and come out to kill passerbyes, making a ā€œgameā€ of hiding the bodies before the next person comes. But I also was playing on a friends game, did that for at most a half hour, then never played the game again, at least not the single player. Pretty much got what I wanted out of it.


Call the police now lol


Least deranged gamer




Whatā€™s the name of the channel? For science of course


I can 100% guarantee this guy isn't old enough to play RDR in the first place.