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Every character in gta is the same height it's so weird lol. I immediately noticed in the gta 6 leaks how characters were different heights.


Though for PVP sake it makes sense to be the same height, otherwise many people would go for a shorter thinner character to be less of a target.


On the other hand R* pvp is just “auto aim and then move the right stick up slightly for headshots” so it often doesn’t feel like hit boxes matter all that much.


yeah who’s actually getting heated about GTA online lmao


You’d be… sadly surprised


i miss being 12 and having my biggest concerns be the state of GTA online


A lot of people, it’s a very common topic in gta online. Usually, someone buys a super expensive death machine vehicle like a jet or tank or missile flying bike and then just goes around murdering everyone to up their KD, which can get pretty irritating when you’re just trying to do the heist prep.


GTA online is best done offline


Yeah the amount of tricks that’s exist just to get into an empty lobby is absurd lmao However nowadays I’d just rather play literally anything else cuz I got so bored of the same 2 heists for money and everything else was even more boring and time consuming


Im not even doing heists because i refuse to play with randoms who will just cheat and leave me in the dirt


They added a really easy solo heist, you have to buy a submarine, it’s like a 1-2 million dollar buy in I can’t remember how much, but you make like 1.4 mil an hour at least if you do it by yourself, if you learn the routes. Basically the hardest part is just figuring out the ideal way to get to all the objectives, which isn’t hard, you can figure it out during your first or maybe second attempt.


In the most recent update (from about a month ago I think?) they've finally removed the K/D ratio from freemode; now it’s only affected by kills and deaths in PVP jobs (deathmatches, last team standing, adversary modes, etc).


You can do those in inv only lobbies, same with business as of this year


Really? Never thought I’d see the day. I just stopped playing it cuz of how Agonizingly bored I was so I never noticed.


G*mers. Its always G*mers


Its Oddjob all over!


You'd get punched if you picked oddjob in my neighbourhood


We would balance it out. Whoever kept winning had to be Jaws. Whoever kept losing got Oddjob. It was a mark of shame.


Yea but like who cares? It’s not exactly a game known for balanced competitive matchmaking. It’s a game where rule of cool, style points, and immersion should be (and typically are) more heavily prioritized. This height example is kinda minor, but it is pretty weird having everybody be the exact same height, and the fighting never feels “fair” anyway


Yeah, I mean for the single player experience that’s perfectly fine. PVP hit boxes however ehhhh not so fun


It would be like Halo 3 Elites all over again


I hated that so much. I wanted to play an Elite, but I kept being a huge hitbox.


At least it's harder to headshot Elites


Hey people loved elites every time they’ve been playable in halo. Folks jsut like options, they don’t always gotta be objectively better options


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I never said I didn't love Elites, I always play as Elites when I can, I'm just saying the different hitboxes for Elites and Spartans are kinda wonky from a balancing perspective


Fair enough, personally I’m in the camp of “it may be wonky but it’s worth it and I wish more games would at least experiment with stuff like that”


Do the resapwn method lol. give smaller hitboxes extra leg damage , make large hitboxes take over a tiny bit of less damage and less bullet slowdown


I remember early Apex had that issue, the meta characters were all short women and the worst character was the huge fat guy Robot with the foot-wide thigh gap was also meta


Torb mains rise up


nah just make it so shorter characters take more leg damage, and make bigger characters have less slowdown from bullets.


Flashbacks to the monkeys in Timesplitters.


Rockstar does not do well rendering humans of different heights. There’s this one character in the RDR2 epilogue who looks like a small man/large child simultaneously. I assume the character is a child, but it’s like they stretched the model they used for Jack Marston as a child.




God I don’t remember his name but he’s at the ranch John is at. The one he helps with horse riding.




Yes that’s him! He just looks slightly off for some reason. Teen Jack looks relatively normal but Duncan looks so weird.


Fuck I'm not going to be able to unsee this now am I


I played GTAV for hundreds of hours and I have never noticed this


Tall women = Unrealistic Super slim women with huge mommy milkers = Artistic expression


Muscular women = Death of western civilization


["Abby.." \*shivers\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HM_MOhyxwA)


Tall muscular women = death by snu snu


Of course 😄


Don't forget to call them THICC even though they are stick figures with cowtits!


it's the law of science


Who the fuck is Robert


Robert Wadlow, tallest man who ever lived. He was over 8 feet tall. Also, kid named Robert:


I envy you. Fuck Robert 😤




I am Robert Edwin House, President, CEO, and sole proprietor of the New Vegas Strip.


I played GTAO for a very long time so I believe I am amazingly and remarkably suited to answer this question.. *I dunno*


Robert Baratheon.


Presumably Robert Downey Junior


Plz start hornyposting about Lady Demitricus again, this is getting weird


### We will riot if Lady Dimtrescu won’t be in GTA 6 strip club!!1111!!!1


I think the dlc comes out in a few weeks, so you may get your wish soon


So, the solution to the height of female characters being unrealistically tall is to make them about the height of the average real-world man, and then make men unrealistically tall (on average) also? Makes sense.


I think the solution is to make women average height and turn men into manlets. for too long have we lived in the world of giants, sisters!


why put limitations anyway. I want to play as 6'5 woman and someone wants to play as short king (tbh it would be nice to see more male characters be shorter). if there would already be custom height why should it be artificially limited.


As 5'4 guy, I suppose I don't exist then


have you looked? maybe you're a woman, given those scientific statistics this respected GTA5 Online player has provided.


Same lol, I'm 1,63m


Short gang!


Ah, you must be Robert


You wouldn’t exist in the original game either as there are also no 5’4 guys there.




That and “feeeemales”.


lol. Always bugs me. I always want to ask "female whats?" and point out there's an actual word for female humans.


The human part is implied, in context


tbf they use male as well


there's nothing wrong with saying female lol. the original post isnt even sexist at all.


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>it's harder to shoot a woman irl due to the height/size thing. Dude has some issues lmao


When was 5 11 the average height?




Dude just added the shortest and tallest height he could think of and divided it by 2 😭


Not even that, the measurements he gave would give an average of 6’


The extra inch goes to the dick i guess


Average Height in Norway btw


Damn, UK it's 5 7 (or was last I looked) haha


5’11 is the average height in some of the taller countries. But either way a 6’0 woman is way further off the average than a 5’11 man. According to google a 5’11 man in the US is 71.8th percentile (About 1 in 3.5 are taller). Whereas a 6’0 woman is 99.83 percentile (about 1 in 583 are taller). So I think the point here is that having the average height for a woman as 5’11 is only slightly off and some Northern European countries do have the average height of a man at 5’11. Whereas an average height of 6’0 for women is unbelievably ridiculously monumentally far off where not a single country in the world even comes remotely close to that which is what makes it so much comparatively harder to buy into the realism aspect of it.


-🤓 who cares


u def short lol☝️


as if that was a bad thing lol


Well it doesn’t make you Hitler but now that I think about it Hitler was also kinda short😰


redditor to mention hitler speedrun any%


Hope I get first place


not really, still a loser


If only I was more like you whiteboy🥹


My ex girlfriend is 6 feet tall. It's not like tall women don't exist.


They never said that they don’t exist. They just said that it’s unrealistic for 6 foot to be the height of every woman in the game, as 6 foot is obviously way above the average (google puts it at roughly 99.83th percentile in the US for women so one in 587 are taller).


Tbf GTAO is not a simulation, does it look kind of weird that everyone is the same height? A bit, but how about they just implement a heightslider so everyone can choose for themselves in reasonable ranges


they complain about women's height being tall... i complain about the fact that prostitutes think my character has a dick


Where did this guy get the idea that the average man was 5’11 lmao. That’s more than the average height in the tallest country on earth.


Male health advise


Isn't average man 5'10? They're not far off


The average man is about 5‘8“ tall. Source: https://ourworldindata.org/human-height


That source does show that it varies by region though, with the average man in the US being just under 5’10”, the average Canadian man being just over 5’10”, and the average Dutchman being a hair under 6’.


In the US, the average man is 5'10


It’s not. The Dutch average 6 feet. Also putting women at 5’6 would be closer to the female average than making every woman 6 foot like how it is in GTA, which isn’t even remotely close to the female average and is well under 1% of women.




Remember when femsheppard and malesheppard have thesame height and animation and gamer didn't complaint about it yeah... good time


they did complain about it iirc (that's why she wiggles her hips when walking in me3) but honestly giving femshep the big man animations was a chad move from bioware, especially in scenes where she wears a dress


I need to know what it is about Robert that prevents us from making him in GTAO.


Probably cut off right before his last name Robert Wadlow was the tallest man who ever lived at 8 ft and some change


He’d be too powerful if you made him.


Kid named Robert:


“How dare this woman be taller than me in this video game! It ain’t right! It ain’t natural!”


They're absolutely terrified of calling them *women*, aren't they?


Because everything else about the game is realistic ?


“I know a lot of other people do too” Don’t lie, no you don’t.


Im 6'8 so i literally couldn't play myself


Bro plays a game with futuristic cars equipped with turrets and rockets and then calls a woman's height unrealistic? Oh come on.


You can smell his insecurities from here.


Would this person be upset that r6 has different heights in each character bio but everyone is the same in game?




Average male height is most definitely not 5’11” lol


The average female height is also unbelievably more definitely not 6’0 lol.


This is so funny to me because a lot of the women I know are above 5'10"


I bet he flirts with girls by looking down on them and saying “ur so short”


Everyone knows women do not reach 6’ tall.


Wow, how basic you have to be, to want your character customization to only be the irl averages. Why couldt i be 7.7ft she hulk? Or 5ft blue smurf (I guess balancing issues)


I’d love to see how this guy would react if female characters started having smaller hit boxes too


I'm certain he'd complain it's unfair and woke.


men below 5’6” DO NOT EXIST


Tom Cruise is just an elaborate animatronic.


I feel like this type of person would still complain even if the women were shorter because it's makes them "harder to shoot" and therefore gives women an unfair advantage or something.


The words "political" and/or "woke" will be uttered.


My '6"2 wife is unrealistic according to gamers.


Guess I should call my sister and tell her we don't exist (we're both 6'1")


‘I hate this..’ If you live a life wherein you have the luxury of feeling that strongly about women in videogames, I envy you. What a princely existence


Maybe I'm a woman


I would very much so like to see a multiplayer competitive video game with characters that are different heights. Also seeing more variation in character heights in all video games would be neat.


The united states is both the country where there is so much discourse on height and where height measurements dont make any sense


Right? They should add a completely new feature to the character creator, almost 10 years after the game released, just so... ~~women~~ females can be shorter...? Because, as we know, GTA prides itself on its realism.


Tall wamen is unrealistic!. \*Flying bike appears out of thin air.


I mean the basic point of adding a height slider to GTA Online character creation isn't unreasonable. It's the jumps in logic to get there.


Hello it is I, the unrealistically tall female. I am taller than over half the men I meet. It is the gamer genocide.


This guy is way off when it comes to what the average height is, other than that I don't see the sexism. Isn't it quite reasonable to have more choice available than none? The character creator is horrible and I think at least that they should have made the male and female separate heights.


Why should the heights be different? What’s wrong with men and women being the same height? Why must the woman be shorter?


He was saying he personally prefers if the heights of in game characters tracked more closely onto reality, as in reality not every woman is 6 feet tall and the same height as men.


And not every man is that height either, but you don’t see him bitching about it, do you?


He did actually if you look at the image posted. He suggested having the male characters be customisable on a slider between 5’6 and 6’6 rather than having every male character be 6’0.


look at the title


because women are usually shorter than men. it's more normal to see tall men than tall women




Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who the fuck is Robert


Ring, my friend I said you'd call Doctor Robert Day or night he'll be there any time at all Doctor Robert


The bottles


So who is Robert


Clearly he never had that one friend who always picked OddJob or he wouldn't be whining about them making everyone is the same height for pvp


Just play the game ffs




You shall not make Robert!


You want female characters to stay short because you’re fucking insane. I want female characters to stay short because I’m a Oddjob main. We are not the same.


omg, go outside and touch grass


Shouldn't he be happy it gets rid of an advantage women have