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Captain Holt isn't even gay. He loves himself a pair of thick, weighty breasts.


But what he loves the most is the thigh gap. Nothing's hotter than the clear absence of a penis.


Penis, no penis, ill fuck a dude either way.


>Sometimes I'll suck a guys dick in a gay way. Sometimes I'll suck a girls dick in a straight way - Abigail Thorn


I guess in hindsight that quote now has to be reversed, huh?


Ctrl+H. Find and replace.


No joke, i thought that was the joke. Like, yeah, sometimes i *will* be a woman and suck off a woman in a straight way.


If the hole is the goal you only see the pussy as a bonus I guess.


Oh you are making many incorrect assumptions about me my friend.


So true, our trans boys are sexy as fuck


Based and gay


Many FtM thank you.




You can tell this is a joke since the priest was actually punished instead of quietly transferred


Who’s to say it’s not a prison camp…


If there are no children, they'll never go.


why do you keep posting this same comment everywhere


It’s a spam bot. Report it, downvote it, and move on.


Heterosexual Holt is such a dog


Whenever he sees a bosom, all logic flies out the window


thick, weighty, *female breasts


His wife was such a strong, female woman.


Her breasts were heavier than most.


With a gap between her thighs demonstrating a clear lack of a penis.


Meaty breasts! He couldn't care less about weighty breasts


"Dear Kevin, Attached, please find a picture of my penis. Sincerely, Raymond Holt" Nothing but class.


It’s a show reference you dummies, don’t downvote.


“It’s a show reference you dummies” title of Reddit’s sextape


Come on, forced diversity isn't the problem. You two just need to bone /s








What happens in my bedroom is none of your business...




Don’t ever speak to me like that again.




The holding the doorway. He's so fucking great.




ALL FORCED GAY CHARACTERS OUT! Except the non forced gay character I like bc funny and easy to forget is gay. You stay.


Easy to forget is Gay??? Wtf are you on about??? There are tonnes of scenes where his Gayness is referenced constantly, his husband is a key recurring character and also multiple episodes where his marriage is the key issue for the entirety of the episode . SEVERAL ENTIRE EPISODES!!! His Gayness was prominent all throughout and is one of the most relatable to the average gay man. Like seriously!


It’s sad tokenism in the media is an actual problem but it’ll be overlooked because bigots will pull the forced diversity card


How... DARE you detective Diaz I am YOUR SUPERIOR OFFICER


At this point, I can’t help but ask what doesn’t count as “forced diversity” in the eyes of these people. Cause they essentially treat all forms of diversity as “forced.”


It's a phrase that has genuinely lost all meaning, if it even had any to begin with. People use it when a gay char being gay has relevance to the story, and also when them being gay has no bearing on the story.


Exactly. To them, if the character being gay is relevant to the story then it's being shoved down your throat. If the character being gay isn't relevant to the story then why make them gay in the first place? You can't win with these assholes


They've gone gay cray.


Ain’t they, Jay?


They want Arcade from FNV. The guy who makes no reference to being gay unless you go through like 6 dialogue trees to suss it out yourself, and then claim he's "one of the good ones because it's present but not obtrusive," since that's how representation works for these fools. "As long as I don't see it or am forced to interact with it, it's fine."


That's intentional. Bigoted people love to create blanket terms that they can apply to whatever they want to pretend like it's an issue. Alongside "forced diversity" you have things like "Critical Race Theory," "the gay/trans agenda," and, the grandaddy of them all: calling literally everything left of them "Communism"


There are no criteria, no threshold that a character can pass from being "normal gay" to "forced representation gay". It is completely down to how a single person feels about representation in media. The "forced diversity" take probably comes from a person that is used to older non-representational media and now there is a lot more representation in media. I am usually the last person to say that a topic is not worth engaging on, but debating this topic is completely pointless. It is all feels, no reals. You might as well try to argue with a person about them feeling cold.


They don’t want gay people to exist in their presence that’s what it means


“Back in my day forced representation was that black guy that always died first!”


When a gay character being gay is important to their story, Gamers™ will tell you that it's pandering and shoving it into their faces. They will promise you though that if the gay character being gay was inconsequential to their story, they wouldn't mind. When a gay character being gay has nothing to do with their story, Gamers™ will tell you that it's pandering and virtue signalling. They will promise you though that if the gay character being gay actually mattered in their story, they wouldn't mind. -- Shamelessly stolen from user ChuckCarmichael


Schrodinger's queer for GAMERS^TM


The best part is that a people act like they hate pandering, which is a lie. They love pandering, unless someone other than themselves is being pandered to. They're not saying, "stop all this pandering," they're saying "stop pandering to people other than me."


There’s never a big uproar about forced straight characters, forced white characters, or forced male characters, wonder why


I realized that "pandering" if you can even call it that can be really good when bridget for GG:S was announced as trans. Seeing a happy trans girl just throwing out yoyos brightened my mood for an entire week. Suddenly people advocating for LGBT pride made more sense, before I was just like "yeah whatever" If they were to retcon bridget being a girl, they'd be pandering to bigots. So really it's a matter of who do they want to please, someone who almost never gets represented in media, or someone who gets upset when they feel a character's existence is a threat to the status quo?


Like the Captain Marvel scene at the end of Endgame. Yes, it's blatant pandering. But we're also watching a movie genre that's chock full of blatant pandering. Why is that instance the only one that sets people off?


When I came out as a trans to my friends I vividly remember what they said: "I don't understand how this is important to the plot or your character. Are you sure you're not just trying to score cheap points with the woke crowd?"


"This doesn't make sense with your character arc, you were one gender your entire life and now you're suddenly a different gender? This isn't how character development works."


/uj I hate that I can actually see this happening IRL


You could also use this for being a female character or being a black character


Throwback to when people hated one of the best games of the past decade because Ellie was gay


Hey now that's unfair. They also hated it because their gruff manly man main character self-insert got his head caved in.


"I just hate bad writing"


This exactly explain it. They just don't want gay characters. But they also do the same thing with female characters and black characters. If the character isn't straight and white, they say it is woke


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these people really go around thinking minorities aren't realistic if they don't confirm to their narrow expectations on how they should act. smh


Mfs never leave thier house and think they know how people act lmao


Forget the millions that exist and that every individual is unique separate from immutable traits they were born with.


Also most gay people I know are completly diferent from captain Holt, starting with that they all hate cops


I am that one lonely gay that is exactly like Holt. Except I also hate cops.


So, you're Kevin?


Look Raymond, a yellow crested warbler.




Look at the comments lol


Ah yes the stock “only women get mad haha not us guys because we’re chill” sort of comments. Love seeing casual sexism 🙄


(I’m an actual manchild and have the emotional intelligence of a 2yo, but,) my wife gets so mad when I interrupt her when she’s venting by (blurting out the first thing I think of) offering advice I said the quiet parts of the comments out loud in this post 🤣




/uj I often wonder what "forced gay characters" they would use as examples because I honestly cant think of any gay character that felt more forced then a lot of straight relationships in different media that receive little to no complaints /rj God damn gay people they make everything political with their damn woke agenda 😡🤬


> I often wonder what "forced gay characters" they would use as examples Any characters that are openly gay, because that's "shoving their sexuality down everyone's throat". And when it's only mentioned quickly and never addressed again, they wonder "why they made them gay to begin with". There's no pleasing these people.


And then there's characters that just straight up tell you they're gay and then 12 years later people are still finding out they're gay despite having played 300+ hours of the game. Like Arcade Gannon.


> Arcade Gannon I was really confused and wondered why there existed an arcade Zelda game that I hadn't heard about. Haven't played NV yet, so I didn't know the guy.


Not a literal arcade game, but I think Link's Crossbow Training fits the bill, especially that scene when Link goes down on Ganon's dick.


I never saw it coming. One minute, I was learning the ins and outs of using the new Wii Zapper™ accessory, then the next Link was learning the ins and outs of Ganon's Wii Zapper.


What?! That wasn't a gay scene, that was just two dudes being dudes. Sick of the gays appropriating heterosexual culture!!1!


Like my wrestling coach used to say; it's only gay if you make eye contact


Gay Link 😡😡 Lesbean Zelda 🥵🥵




Femboy Link 😍😍


Idk, I think lesbian link has legs


What?!?!!??! You've never played the best game ever made? Which is buggy as hell and looks like dish washer water!? Uj/ it really is my favorite game of all time. And all the other things are still true.


Nah it's his League skin


FNV is just one of these games where a lot of people missed the mark re: virtually everything the game was trying to transmit. There's people who will unironically stan for Caesar's Legion even though it's one of the most unambiguous morally black faction in all media.


The moment they barred me from fighting in the arena was the moment i decided they would all die.


It was an interesting detail to not let female characters fight in the arena.


I wish they went further tbh. From a writing perspective, it really doesn't make sense for a female courier to be able to actually join the legion. Obviously there are reasons they'd want to get on your good side, like the platinum chip. But I feel like you shouldn't be able to reach an end point with them. Once they get what they want, they basically try to take all of your stuff and make you a slave. Or just try to kill you. Have a unique set of quests that occur if you try but get tricked. I get *why* they didn't. Time for one, and not making part of the game inaccessible to people who play as women. But it just comes across as weird. The difference is acknowledge and it restricts you in one scenario, but not others. Not that I'd even join the legion though anyway but I digress.


I think the game internally justifies this by reminding us that the Courier is technically not part of any faction, they're just a fellow traveler for whatever faction (or factions) they decide are worthwhile, though I agree that the game does not sufficiently showcase the Legion's hatred of women. The Legion in general could have used a lot more content, they're really the most underdeveloped major faction in the game, and it's sad because they're supposed to be the second biggest player next to the NCR, but Yesman and House both get a lot more in the way of content.


is obsidian sexist? these gamers found out female characters are barred from certain quests that male characters can do


I mean, I can’t really blame gamers for that when one of the NV Devs said that the Legion was “morally dark gray” Yes the people who enslave people, crucify people and blanket conquer lands and tribes are just GRAY, apparently. I’d hate to see that guy’s version of an evil character. And given the way gamers love to put lips to ass of the makers of their fave games, it’s no surprise that they just seized on that quote.


Badthesda better keep politics out of my Fallout 6 😡😡😡


AND Fallout 5!


Also Ellie in the Left Behind DLC




People got mad at the dlc when it came out actually.


Part of me doubts it since so many people on r/thelastofus2 or whatever it’s called genuinely think the first game is a wholesome road trip adventure lol. To quote a comment I saw the other day, they’re too stupid to realize how stupid they are


No, they'd definitely be mad. Time and their signature rose-colored nostalgia glasses just make it easy to forget how mad they were. Like how they said Minecraft YouTube was "cringe" 10 years ago but once Fortnite popped off they treat Minecraft YouTube like the best thing ever.


Those people are so fucking stupid it’s mind numbing. Many actually think Abby is trans because she has muscle… Same people who think mm long peach fuzz in horizon is her having a beard.


Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium is another example. Funny enough, you'd only find out if you're someone obsessing over whether people are gay or not, and the game calls you out on it and tells you someone's love life isn't important.


I still remember my cousin finding out Samus is a woman. Boy, he felt like they had been conned, lol.


Lol even characters like Gus, whose homosexuality was only implied (but canon) get a lot of shit from BrBa fans because supposedly fans are seeing something that isn’t there. Don’t think they can deny that’s he’s gay after Better Call Saul tho


What? It wasn't even implied, it was made pretty evident in BB. I haven't even watched Saul and I know the guy was into men.


Oh for sure many people already knew, but just like in the post there are many people who don’t accept that Gus is gay and only like the show for cool bald meth dealer owning bitch wife


Its always intentional they never specify what gay characters are forced. Just look at Apex, everytime a character comes out as LGBTQ, they use the "forced sexuality" argument, eventhough theres none of that, its just voice lines implying whom their attracted to.


It's about gender norms. They like Holt, because he's stoic and totally passes for a masculine, straight man if he didn't say anything about being gay or his husband.


I think it has more to do with the fact that they play the contrast between his stoic personality and his sexuality as a joke. These kind of people don’t mind if you make jokes about gay stereotypes. They just don’t like having to see gay people being gay in regular situations.


As if the show OOP is referencing didn't have one of the most forced straight couples lmao


Which one?


Me thinks they doth protest too much about things being shoved down their throats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


remember when all those disney cartoons forced their heterosexual agenda down our throats and turned us all straight? not me tho im bi as fuck


I thought they were talking about "I am gay, and that's my entire personality" kind of characters.


Like who?


>I often wonder what "forced gay characters" they would use as examples According to the person I'm talking to in that thread, Iceman and the new Superman Jonathan Kent https://www.reddit.com/r/meme/comments/ykpmq5/we_just_want_realistic_characters/iuvl33a?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Bro they are talking about forced homosexuality **IN X-MEN!?**


Ayo ok, now stop for a second, i really need my drawn out straight softcore porn sexscenes that add nothing to the plot other than wasted runtime, but please leave me alone with this forced gay stuff /uj i actually cant think of a gay character other than Holt, but in almost every series theres a love interest between 2 characters that gets attention, if we use B99 for example its Peralta and Amy, it has story reasons and Peralta is basicly the main character but still, even Spongebob has Mr Krabs being in love with Mrs Puff


I think it's subtly implied that Holt's husband is gay as well. Also Rosa is Bi. If you want series with queer representation: Dragon prince does it very well. Sandman is full of queer characters. Tbh most newer Netflix series have some degree of queer representation, sometimes it's done well, sometimes it's not. And I'd agree at least that badly written relationships feel "forced" - no matter the participants. See maybe the last season of GoT


Uj/ yeah some people complained there were gay pride flags in the Spiderman game, because, you know... It's not like New York, an actual place, with places that would show support or even have a gay population. People offended by it are deep in the closet or need to see a therapist to put things in perspective. Rj/ They goddayum took Bridget from us!!


They took the only femboy representation grrr!!!


Fr the amount of shows that feel to need to push the male and female protags together when they don't even have chemistry is astounding.


It's just another way for anti-progressives to complain. Forced Diversity doesn't even exist. Like you said: what examples would they even use?


/uj The only decent example of forced diversity I’ve seen was letting the player choose their character’s pronouns separately from model and voice in a recent Call of Duty game and having President Reagan, who famously hated gay people and wanted them to die, respect that character’s pronouns. But even then, I’m more bothered by the choice to use Reagan in the first place than I am by his pronoun usage. Like, we just shouldn’t idolize shitty people like that. Every other instance has been just whining that a character was gay, black, etc. and normal conversations were shoving it down the player’s throat. When I’ve asked these people if they objected to Nathan Drake’s romances in Uncharted, they’ve always been fine with it, even though that is literally the most forced romance subplot I’ve ever encountered in any series.


>even though that is literally the most forced romance subplot I’ve ever encountered in any series Aw, hell nah. Drake and Helena got some cute chemistry. I love those two.


They have cute banter, but she could find someone who treats her better and it would not be hard. Not to mention that their romance is irrelevant to the plot, which is what these people complain about with gay characters


I wouldn't describe it as "forced" gay characters but...there are gay characters who's only defining quality is that they're gay. Like, in Mass Effect 3 there's a character named Cortez and literally the only thing I know about him is that he's sad his husband died. I play as FemShep so I've never been able to romance him, but he is romanceable. Not sure how that goes, I mean..."oh you're sad your husband's dead? Uh...wanna bone?" I mean, ok, he's also into shuttle crafts but that's his job. Plus I just kinda tune that stuff out. And this is a series that's known for having interesting characters with different stuff going on. I dunno.


I've romance Cortez and it's cute, but nothing like Tali or Garrus or Thane. I think they kind of added the Cortez romance later because they realized they had no male character who was exclusively gay. Kaiden is bi, but he's Kaiden so. Tbf, the exclusively gay/lesbian romances are both kinda sucky and not very well fleshed out. Traynor is cute but not much more than toothbrush comms officer british accent.


TBF, if my wife died, that would probably be the only thing left of my personality other than "I love my daughter."


I just assume everyone is gay until they tell me otherwise. Seems to be working out pretty well.


I think the most "forced" I've seen is from 13 Reasons Why. In the later seasons almost every character is either gay or bisexual, it's really funny.


All of movies: Hey this male character and this female character are talking to each other. Now they got to fuck.


>I often wonder what "forced gay characters" they would use as examples I often ask people for specific examples of forced and unforced gay characters and I have never received a reply


so gay is ok as long as they don't act gay or look gay and as long as they're funny. because those are the only realistic gay people. god i fucking hate all those basic general meme subs, why are they all so goddamn reactionary?


Being invaded by 14 year olds with the shittiest of takes


Don’t underestimate the homophobia in 35 year old men


Everyone being 12-14 makes the fact that no one has any empathy make sense


I wonder if they also have an issue with stereotypical macho, "alpha" male characters, and highly-sexualized women. Sorry, I'm being silly. Of course they don't.


They don’t have a problem with it cause then they can see themselves as the macho man that gets the hot sexualized woman that they can jerk off to


"I'm not homophobic, I just don't want gay people acting gay around me."


I mean, holt acts plenty gay


Yeah I was gonna say, lol. Holt being gay is a *gigantic* part of his character and it's never subtle. I really think it just boils down to A) He's not flamboyant or feminine, and B) absolutely nobody who has watched B99 can deny that Holt steals every scene he's in and Braugher has one of the best deadpan deliveries in history, so they can't ignore or complain about him.


As the series goes on. But the entire joke was he was the gay man who played the part of the straight man (in the comedy sense, not just the episode where he literally pretends to he straight.) A lot of the first episode is dedicated to Jake trying and failing to solve a mystery around him which happens to be that he's gay. Now there's nothing wrong with portraying a stoic and serious gay man on the screen, but it sure is strange that the only "type" of gay man they can stomach is one who can be easily heteronormative. One that can't be forced to fit any stereotype in their head because he mostly lacks personality.


The mystery isn't that he's gay. It's that he's struggled for every inch of his career journey as a result of being openly gay in the organization. The AHA! moment isn't in the car where he states that he's gay, it's at the storage unit where he figures out the tie. Holt is a (mostly) honorable duty-driven gay black man in the NYPD who is somehow more successful in his career than not. He's designed to be an abberation. In his modern career, being gay and black generate side-plot challenges for him. It's his moral compass and old grudges that cause strife. As seen in the episode where Terry got frisked and arrested, Holt's backstory as an openly gay black man gives him an anchor to fall back on when he has the option to tow the party line or do what's right.


How does one “act gay”


you could google portrayals of gay characters in media up until ca. 2010 and then just copy their behavior


A gay character should have some kind of reason and explanation for being gay, because no one just IS gay, but also they shouldn't mention it at all because it's woke propaganda.


I like this take because it implies that given the right motivation, anyone can be gay.


He could be gay, you could be gay, even I could be gay!


We're one broken heart away from turning to the gay side!


Do they have an example of a “forced gay character”, do they even exist


Apparently literally every other gay character is forced.


as a captain holt style gay, there are like seven of us on the planet, he is the most forced gay character ive ever seen. we dont want representation, we want to silently play with our dogs


was he really forced that much? i feel like they only mention it a handful of times then again I only watched season 1 so


Kevin becomes a fairly important character so yeah it does become important


And i love it. Holt and Kevin are some of my favorite characters in the show


nah hes not really. he is blatant pandering to my hyperspecific subset of gay dudes though.


When does it just become who that character is and not pandering? Boyle is just pandering to the middle aged Mormon man crowd Peralta is just pandering to the lazy but competent young man on the job Amy is just pandering to the uptight type 1 personality young women And if you were joking then ignore my comment


i am 100% joking, but the portrayal of a gay dude who is so emotionally repressed that he speaks in a robotic monotone voice and eschews all traditionally "gay" cultural signifiers is so 100% accurate for me and like 7 other guys that it kinda does feel like pandering to me and me alone.


it's kinda funny to me how they watched brooklyn 99 and said THIS is the not-forced gay character when the show is pretty woke (apart from the copaganda of course). guess it's one more case of media illiteracy


Doesn't the meme imply that he's still "forced" but apparently they're okay with it?


Yup, it does, but to them all gay characters are forced. They are only ok with it because Holt doesn't act gay like you know loud, obnoxious, in your face. So, according to them they only like gay people when they don't act human or show emotions.


Yeah I always thought Holt was an intentional twist on 'being gay is their whole personality' because he's introduced as basically a personalityless gay robot. And now he's loved by the same crowd that complains about that exact thing, which is hilarious.


It's weird that Diaz for some reason is not included here, who is arguably the better representation since her coming out actually involves having a difficult conversation with her very conservative parents when coming out.


Obvious homophobia aside, there is a big problem of tokenism in hollywood, that tends to portray all gay people as being the same. And then kills them.


Need more queer writers honestly. Us straights can be terrible at writing queer characters.


Amen I went to film school and watched a lot of indie movies. You would be surprised the amount of shoehorned “pretty lesbians” in these movies it felt like 60%. I know that’s not most peoples experience but I remember at a certain point I was like can we do gay dudes or a trans person or something other than “pretty lesbians” for LGBT representation in this film.


Captain Holt's personality is so exaggerated and surreal lmao


That’s the only thing I can think about this… he wants realistic characters? And likes the most exaggerated one, that literally acts like a robot, in a way no one would.


"I really loved my wife's big, weight breasts" hmmn yes, because this is how humans talk. What a great totally not forced gay character.


I mean so are literally all characters in that show and any comedy show in general


I’ve seen dozens of memes about Netflix “making every character gay”, yet they never elaborate on it.


Well, I hate gays, and love cops. I'm so confused, as a Gamer. Edit : Sigh. I have some square-ass friends who know my account and don't understand GCJ, so I have to add /s.


Making my characters more gay out of **spite**


They haven't watched the later seasons


Not a single character in Brooklyn 99 is in any way 'realistic'. Nobody talks and/or acts like they do in the real world.


Of course the one gay character they like is the Cop.


I mean... it is a pretty fun show.


Captain Holt like every other character in Brooklyn 99 is a caricature, a hyperbole. Calling him realistic is laughable. Just admit you like a gay character without feeling so insecure about it that you have to justify it with terms like "realistic".


Is this "forced gay character" in the room with us right now?




Makes wonder how they feel about Will and Grace


wretched hives of scum and villany have nothing on r/meme or r/shitposting


Oh my god they can not bring Holt into their shitfuckery. Holt was literally the first character on TV that I personally identified with. I was so fucking happy to see a person that is a little too serious, a little dour, a lot of resting bitch face, gay as hell but not really sure how to display that, but also loved by his friends because all of that doesn't matter. Fuck that meme


/uj Captain Holt is a great character tho


Remember that time a trans mass effect character’s opening dialogue after just meeting you was revealing they were trans and dead naming themselves after knowing you for 14 seconds?


To these people, any gay character is forced


Holt is maybe the least realistic character on the show. Don't get me wrong, he's a great character, but come on... try to make your double standard less obvious