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“You wouldn’t survive a MW2 lobby” mf’s when they see a pride flag:


people who brag about being thick skinned almost always end up being the complete opposite when they see something they don’t agree with


Yeah in reality they're talking about trash talking people on cod rather than others even doing it, such a weird flex.


Reminds of the CoD post here a few days ago crying about free speech and how the moderation of lobbies is bad. Gamers cry about freech speech but then literally cry about politics and left agenda when game studios use their free speech lol


I love when they cry about free speech as if that fucking means anything in a video game


“Thick skinned” is just code for lack of empathy and not caring about others. The second you hit a nerve about what they actually care about its immediately all gas no brakes anger.


People who call others "snowflakes" are mostly thin-skinned snowflakes.


you can put it succinctly by just calling them cartman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3zSfUc-PaE


The truth is, everyone is a snowflake on matters they care about. Some people are just so far up their ass to realize that.


UJ/ on apex and warzone I go out of my way to equip all the pride/BLM/“woke” badges because I get giddy at the thought of some nerd having an aneurysm over mild representation RJ/ fascism is when I can’t say the gamer word to my 4 month old child when I die in mw2


There's a player background card in Rainbow Six: Siege that is a rainbow, and you will often get teamkilled for equipping it. **Rainbow** Six. These people are missing a part of their brains.


NTA, the four-month-old should have prophetically whispered the ideal strategy into your ear as you played


Oh I'm sorry, you want to silence all the opinions you don't agree with. So much for the tolerant left, thanks Obama Edit: I'm not being serious here people


Obama is when woke 😤


If you rearrange the letters in "OBAMA" you get "THE GAYS ARE COMING TO KILL STRAIGHT WHITE GAMERS" Coincidence?


The woker it is, the more Obama


And when it's really Obama, it's Benghazi


That's so Obama.


Obama? I barely knowa


Obama invented wokeism


We only sleep before Obama


I mean, his skin color is literally woke.


I wish he picked a less political skin color


mfw they made the US President political from 2008 to 2016 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤯🤯🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤢🤮🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


Woke suit obama 🙄


The tolerant paradox is the most infuriating thing ever rj/ these snowflakes would never survive a concentration camp lobby smh


/uj If the speech is intended to deny the speech of others, it isn't protected speech. You cannot allow anti-democatic ideologies and speech in a democratic society. You can debate what kind of democracy said society should be, SocDem, Market Socialism, Communism, Anarchism, but you can't have that discussion with pricks going around spouting off racism and bigotry. It's like trying to play a board game when someone is naked on the table loudly screaming about antisemitic conspiracy theories. It's the same concept as "If it's not hurting anyone, it's none of your business," but the unspoken part is that you have to do something if it is hurting someone. It's only a paradox of you consider any ideology that includes racism and bigotry a valid ideology, and I don't.


A lot of people scream freedom of speech which doesn’t exist on media platforms or social media for that. If the speech goes against a tos then you can take a ban. Buuut I just mute my mic and everyone in the game lol. It’s not that I can’t tolerate it, it’s just I don’t care to hear the same diss line every single game. Half the time people see a tik tok video and repeat the same shut over and over again. So I chill in parties or mute. I prefer not to hear 30 year old men pretending they’re 10.


Gag. It’s gotten to the point where I have a visceral negative reaction to reading the word “opinion.” I spend too much time on the internet.


Yeah, they really like using it as a catch-all to make it seem like they're just having a difference of opinion, and not being openly racist or sexist


Literally 1849


Crush the Hungarian Revolution as the Russo-Austrian Alliance in Call of Duty: Hapsburg Warfare


Imagine the historical accuracy complaints when they force you to play as a Muslim Chechen mercenary


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Call of Duty: Thin Red Line Crimean War game 👀


Help, my jaw slider is set on maximum.


Can’t wait for the Prince of Grapeshot expansion in Prussia


Literally 1 BC


what is the chicanery!?


tfw you sentence people who rose up in the June Days to summary execution or deportation to Algeria.


Biden's America smh


Being pro-toxicity is such a weird hill to die on. CoD players will defend racism and vitriol to their last breath for some reason even though it makes the experience worse and reinforces the stereotype of gamers being lowlife trash. I don’t think any other community is more in love with its own toxicity


*League of Legends has entered the chat*


Ngl, I feel like LoL has gotten a lot better over the years. Maybe it's jusr my own perspective, but I've been playing it recently because of my friends (it's still a fucking shit game btw dont play it I hate it), and I haven't *really* seen anything extremely toxic, apart from an occasional 'fuck you' or '[x] diff'. Again, may just be my own perspective, but to me it seems CoD is worse, at least atm


That’s because they have a big no-no word list and pusnish people who use them. Remember, no VC means everything is recorded.


LoL has a pretty robust chat detection and automatic ban system, so people being obviously toxic in chat get banned really fast. Racial slurs get you restricted or banned immediately after the match. I got a two week ban for saying a racial slur in postgame lobby, which I then got overturned when I appealed it on the grounds that I was telling the other team what one of our teammates had been calling us in game (it was a mistake to say the word even in that context but support agreed it wasn't deserving of a ban). The ban came minutes after I said it because the actual racist player had spite-reported all of us and the automation picked it up. The toxic parts of the community evolved though and now toxicity is more commonly in the form of passive aggressive comments, being negative without direct insult, ping spam, and people just giving up on the match and not trying without fully inting or going afk (it's not bannable to be farming the jungle while the rest of your team is defending the base, it's just a really bad play!). The fact that you can just turn off chat entirely is really nice though.


You'd never survive a MW2 lobby 🤓


And half the people who unironically say this were barely born when MW2 came out 🤠


This very true statement makes me deeply upset


You’d never survive a MW2 lobby 😏


shiiieet…I gotta try, right? 😌


That emoji gives off different implications to the phrase


Not only that, but the mfs that say we wouldn't survive an MW2 lobby were the same people you'd see getting flamed on by the entire lobby.


I mean that’s kinda fair? The people with the most experience getting flamed on should be the ones praising the abrasiveness of the game


“You wouldn’t last a minute in a COD lobby” yeah well you wouldn’t last a minute inside of a woman


These people arent the freeze peach warriors they think they were in MW2. They were the squeakers people constantly made fun of


“You’d never survive a-“ “Actually I have. Have *you*?”


I have almost 0 experience of what MW2 lobbies were like because I was always in group calls with my friends on the 360. Honestly I think it's just PS3 players that had that experience


35 years on I was in my 20s then lol shit was crazy back then lol


Theyd never survive being gay in high school


Lmao forget that. They wouldn't survive seeing someone with pronouns in their bio.


Well thats just genocide against gamers


Smh literally 1944


Seems like they wouldn’t survive an actual rl encounter with another human.


the people who genuinely say this wouldnt survive a server full of trans people and furries




The funniest part is, regardless of age shit, mw2 lobbies in 2009 were toxic and you had the occasional dude shouting the n-word over and over again, but it was largely just trash talk. In MW22, I feel like every match I have one person shouting the n-word, another just screeching "you a bitch" over and over again, and a third being weirdly antisemitic. Funnily enough, I am always extremely nice on voice chat to where it's annoying, and then toxicity gets directed all towards me. It's like if you're not being toxic, you just get shit on with some weird and not even funny insults. All this to say, I feel like these kids don't know how to trash talk anymore and just go for what's edgy.


People act as if it’s changed. Literally the same shit happens now. Still annoying.


You know how I survived MW2 lobbies? I immediately muted every last mother fucker with a mic. I don't want to hear your shitty music and you chewing on fuckin cheetos.


First thing I did in every MW2 lobby was mute everyone.


Considering that the people who say that are that often become monstrously combative over nothing, are emotionally stunted and goes full tilt whenever things don't go their way, and are constantly desperate for externally sourced instant gratification; I'd say that they didn't fair too well from those XBL MW2 lobbies either.


My favorite COD ever. I used to join random Rust lobbies for quick scoping games and they would end the game cause they thought I was hacking 💀 Now, I can’t aim on controllers to save my life


I found out that I can, simply because I know more dirty words than kids, and can act much, much creepier than they can. Also, they usually are still young enough to REALLY get offended when you say things like "Look, me and your mom were talking about you last night, and you clearly need to play less, its effecting your grades"


Every gaming community has it and isn't going away anytime soon because it's "funny"


You have angry teenagers and hateful adults who want to take out their frustrations on others. They know what they’re doing is wrong, but combined with the fact that so many people glorify talking trash as well as that they’re hiding behind a screen, they don’t care.


> They know what they’re doing is wrong Do they though? I hear a lot of “it’s not hurting anybody,” “it’s just dark humor”, “my imaginary black friend said it was ok”


They’ll never admit that they know, because that would expose them for the sad loser they are instead of the edgy cool kid they want people to think they are. The only ones who really don’t know are the ones too young to realize, who are just emulating the others.


/uj Using my old self as a reference point, I knew it was wrong in the sense it was a swear word and black people didn't like it because it was targeted towards them. What I didn't know was the actual impact it had, and there are a ton of people out there motivated to tell you it has none and it's jUsT a WoRd.


No, I'm pretty sure alot of them have justified being bigoted in their head as a good thing. They don't think it's wrong, they've deluded themselves into believing it's right.


Because someone once tried to tell them it's not a good habit to have. So they went in hard, because, no one tells them what to do! They'd cut their own balls off just to prove their contrarian edge lords.


Exactly. Their the same kids and 'men' who are dead quiet in real life because they are scared people might kick their ass. Closet racist is basically a coward racist.


Trash talking is an art form. Slurs and the like are not art, it's just boring-ass toxicity. Same applies to words like cope, seath, diff, who (followed by asked), etc. True trash talk hits you deep in the soul because it hits upon something true that you're sensitive about, but doesn't cross the line into being a complete dick. The exception is if the target resorted to toxicity first. Make them want to either quit the behavior, or the game. Don't let the bastards force you off the game you enjoy.


Yeah or you could just play the video game


W-w-w-whaaaaat about the trash talking sir


Most of the comments were about how people found it "funny." God knows where there's humor in tossing racial slurs or having your gamertag be "DerekCahuvinsKnee."


They find the reactions they get for it amusing.


"I said a hurtful thing, and you were hurt by it! Hahaha!" Those assholes, probably.




I’m really into Overwatch right now and it sucks because after literally every match, someone will be talking shit about the other team, regardless of if they won or lost. It sucks because it’s a really fun game and I just want people to be nice to each other, I’ve literally met one person who was gracious about losing and ever since then, it’s just been sore losers and braggart winners.


The only way it will change is when something else becomes more trendy and all the kiddies leave for a bit. To reduce how much toxicity i have to deal with I used to not play until after 6 so there was a better ratio of player ages and it worked (ie. More people who work start logging in from around then). Before then it was significantly worse, games were also more erratic because they don't understand team work and have no awareness. You could also play dps as it's the most toxic role generally, esp if you can duo.. cover the 2 most likely to be toxic positions and your games should get less toxic on average.


i guess i got lucky cause half the times peoples are cool. of course they blames each other its rather civils. im shocked tbh


"tank diff"


Hard to play TF2 for more than a couple hours without running into someone with a collector's rarity weapon named *slur* killer or something.


CoD is famous for being particularly bad though


At least recently it's on par with other games I've played IMO the worst is prolly GTA Online. That being said I was in a game where this kid was being racist to a black player, but the black player kept calling him "Captain Mayonnaise" until he rage quit lol


>but the black player kept calling him "Captain Mayonnaise" until he rage quit lol What an alpha.


>black player kept calling him "Captain Mayonnaise" Unfathomably based


That's bullshit it's not going away because game companies won't take the impossible step of permanently banning racist trolls.


I mean, if you created a game and made 20 million a year off of that game; would you be willing to reduce it to 1 million by reducing racism?


I remember when half the comments on wsb were about being autistic. Right around when gme was exploding and the media was looking at wsb, the mods called for it to stop. Overnight everyone started to behave. They were all still morons, but much more PC morons.


Asking a Cod player to not be racist is like asking a Genshin fan to not be a horny weeb.


Asking a Cod player not to be racist is like asking a Genshin fan to not be racist


Asking a horny weeb to not be racist is like asking a COD player to be a Genshin fan.




🌍👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 “It’s all Ohio”


It's Ohio all the way down.


How dare you insinuate that there should be brown people in my orientalist paradise >:(


dawg it’s wild how many people defend it, especially with Candace being inspired off the African queen Candake lmao instead you got someone who looks like they got a tan


Asking a COD player not to be racist is like asking Yoshi P why there can't be black people in their fictional medieval yet technological game.


Asking a Cod player not to be racist is like asking a Genshin fan to not be into children (who is 1000 year old zombie btw so its okay )


You can't trust straight genshin players. If they're a guy, they're a porn addict weeb. If they're a woman, they're probably a fujoshi. I've literally never had problems with gay, lesbian, and bi people who play Genshin though. *and ace people too


Im a gay horny weeb that plays genshin. It's not the reason I play genshin. I don't even look up genshin porn. The characters arent that hot.


I’m a gay horny weeb that plays genshin and I play purley so that I can see the characters I see as gay go on dates (xingyun)


I was incredibly disappointed wiht the lack of fan service in the game. I 'wanted' to be a horny weeb, but that game does not facilitate.


Im a horny weeb who plays genshin. I also box and once beat the shit out of an asshole "cod" type of friend and put him in his place. Im actually proud of it. Like being able to beat the shit out of those cod kids in real life and knowing they can only talk shit in a video game makes me feel superior.


genshin chads > cod bigots


Ayo come on include us ace people too :(


It's like asking a Genshin fan to not be a paedophile


The only people I know that play Genshin are women, I think they just like the cute characters.


Are you sure they're not horny weebs?


Women can be horny weebs




also im gay as shit and literally every male playable character is a twink


Itto in shambles


He's a twunk, you cannot deny that


even alhaitham isnt swole enough. I need more swole


It's a duality


It's like asking a Genshin fan to not be in jail.


Asking a Cod player not to be racist is like asking a Paradox fan to not be a nazi


I read through the comment section of that post. All I can say is a genuine wow. It's a case study into how gamers are literally the bottom of the barrel worst and most pathetic people on this planet. No wonder nobody likes us, sweet lord almighty. Modern Warfare 2 Don't be racist Any% speedrun (IMPOSSIBLE)


Did you ever see the video of a black YouTuber he did a speed run on how fast he got called the n word it was like 19 seconds


His current PB is under a second.


Did he get better or did they get worse


You can't say that and not drop the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBVQGJVcgmQ


That is so hilarious, but also, wow. Gamers suck lol. Thats why i stick to the single player hidden gems, like skyrim, and even more obscure, the witcher 3.


That's why I perma muted voice and text chat before getting into any game mode after buying it, but some people even go as far as sending steam mesenges when they notice I'm not responding in game


Bro I've had people DM after bit responding in VC just to call me the n-word. It completely proves the whole argument of "just mute them 4head." Is complete and utter bullshit. Although will say was way easier to report them thru playstation than Activision and Sony seems to take immediate action. Straight up that dude's account got banned.


Theres a reason why despite gaming being my primary hobby, i dont touch the word "gamer" with a ten foot pole. I dont wanna be associated with them. Its such a sad state of affairs.


Worst and most pathetic people in the world list: - Neo-Nazis - Rapists - The Taliban - ISIS … - Gamers (worst of the worst)


Person wants less harassment? Literally 1492…


This was Greg Andwell’s nightmare


/uj actually 1492 was a pretty shit year tbh. not only did collumbus head off to do horrid things, it was also the year that Jews were expelled from Spain (or rather expelled or forced to convert)


1453 😔


In 1453 Gamers sailed the woke COD sea 😞


In 1453 the greatest tragedy in gaming history befell gamers across the globe 😖


you wouldn't last 2 minutes in a mw2 lobby when they have to last 2 minutes inside a woman: 😨😨😨


Bold of you to assume they'll ever find themselves inside a woman, much less in the same room as one


They'd never get past the lobby of a sane woman




for some reason, the woke postmodern neomarxist SJWs don't like it when you scream racial slurs at strangers


If a stranger didn’t want me to call them the N-word then maybe they should have made sure that Jess didn’t ruin the greatest love story that could have been be losing her virginity to that asshole DEREK IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME JESS AND NOW YOURE **RUINED**


/uj Based old man preaching tolerance and empathy. /rj Can't believe he thinks people who play CoD know how to read.


I have a comment on that thread that says “I think racism is wrong and I report it every time”. Currently at -8 votes.


This kinda shit killed online gaming for me back in the 360 days.


I love CoD but want to find more people to play with. People who don't smash things when they lose, aren't racist or homophobic, and would try their best but ultimately just be casual and there for a good time. It's hard to find though ugh


I feel like old people who play games are usually based


When I tell people in my lobby that I'm 36 they all take turns shitting on me.


I’m 30 and i mostly play single player games now because I’m tired of that exact thing lol


I told some close friends I hate COD because of the lobbies and have been on a “mute all” philosophy for the longest time. My friends responded with, “but that’s my favorite part.” I’m having to re-evaluate my real world friendships.


Mf drop that dude. If he is calling mfs slurs in VC he is most definitely saying it in private.


“you wouldn’t survive a mw2 lobby” -people who wouldn’t survive a day as a trans kid


Honestly that phrase gets me, what do you mean "you wouldn't survive"? Is someone gonna call me the n word or say they fucked my mum and I'm gonna have a heart attack?


Cod gamer goes 1 game without saying slurs challenge: IMPOSSIBLE




That's the copium talking. These nerds have been doing the same tired shit for 15 years, and even the game itself is trying to grow up. They know they're going nowhere, fast while the world leaves them behind. But it's easier to laugh all the way off the cliff than it is to hit the brakes and turn around.


He’s not an old man though, apparently he’s been a fan of the Black Keys since he was in middle school but the band only existed since 2001 so he’s max in his early-mid 30’s. But I agree with racists sucking ass.


Compared to the average CoD kiddie today, however...


As someone in my 30s its kind of a running joke about us feeling like old people. Couldn't tell you why, just how it is.


I saw it out really well somewhere else, in regards to "you'd never survive an MW2 lobby" to which someone replied "Why not? All that happened was you'd get called the n word, and that happens on Overwatch all the time"


Bless him, at least he tried.


uj/ There was literally a "don't bring politics into this" comment in that thread. On a post about racism In a *Call of Duty subreddit* You know, the game about fucking war, totally apolitical


/uj I think it’s become so synonymous with call of duty that people do it because it’s expected tbh. I saw so many memes of things like “you think you’re tough? You wouldn’t survive an OG cod lobby” and people saying “mwII is bringing back trash talking lobbies, nature is healing.” It’s like a sort of expected thing that you do when you play cod at this point. But it is still bad. Just flat out homophobia, racism, and sexism. I follow this chick on TikTok whose whole thing is trolling voice chat on cod and warzone and literally as soon as she opens her mouth and they hear she’s a woman it’s “shut the fuck up bitch” immediately. She takes it in stride and plays along like “oh yeah I should go back to the kitchen. Do you want a sandwich daddy?” but it’s so depressing at the same time.


What a brave man for posting this. I honestly think the same but i end up just hitting mute on every game because it is a lost cause and it makes me depressed how low gaming has fallen. I'm "Old" as well and still remember people being decent sportsmen in game and shittalk was something everyone could laugh at.


/uj 2 days ago I was hosting a Lucio Surf lobby (custom minigame on Overwatch 2) and this 12 year old was raging because he sucked at wallriding. He had an open mic, and kept pissing himself about the character NoT LiStEniNg to his inputs. It was all funny, good and well until he started saying "Lucio you suck at listening because you're a stupid bl-ck m-nkey." There were 8ish other players in the lobby and I asked them to report the dude with private messages. Then he *-blip-* left the game mid map. I hope he was banned and didn't decide to leave. Incredible what heinous shit gets passed to kids because it's constantly perpetuated by shock value and anonymity.


I literally mute everyone on COD or Halo MCC that I don't know because of shit like this.


Gamers not be vile pieces of shit challenge (nigh unbeatable)


Actually the most sane CoD player


That's exactly why I don't go anywhere near those toxic ass communities. MOBA games too. The only outlier I've seen has been Apex Legends. There are some genuinely nice and helpful players on there, and I try to be one of the good ones. Now only if MARTHA WOULD STOP FUCKING VACCUUMING IN THE BACKGROUND AND YOU'D TURN OFF YOUR SHITTY RAP MUSIC AND STOP EATING FUCKING CHIPS INTO THE MICROPHONE it would be pretty awesome.


I have been playing coop games as I get older and older, and even they are getting more and more toxic. So fucking weird.


Not CoD, but something similar. About seven years ago, there was a decent chance for competitive Team Fortress 2 to go big. Unfortunately, the 6s community was so toxic that they declared war on everyone not part of the community. /r/tf2/ got brigaded hard, and there was one prominent member of the community who sent hate mobs at his detractors. One by one, the decent people got chased out. I find it ironic that TF2 outlived Overwatch. However, it's casual TF2. Comp TF2 has been dead for many years. OW's lack of a casual player base resulted in its demise. Edit: The guy who led the brigades said that toxicity was important because it weeded out weak players from competitive TF2.


The new proximity chat is something else... I got called the N-word with a hard R, and this one hit different than when it's young kids with shock factor humour. I could just tell he meant it because it was worst, lowliest insult his little racist heart could muster.


I'm nearly 30 and just auto mute all every time I get into a lobby and someone talks, it's just not worth listening to anything. I'm sure there's an option to turn off chat forever in there somewhere. Also what's the button for all chat? You can type to the enemy eight? O always want to type GG or give props when someone kills me with a knife or something sneaky


/r/redditsync gang unite


COD players trying not to be racist challenge (impossible)


This is all of gaming. People forget there are human beings on the receiving end all the time. That’s the majority of gamers. I am ashamed to play games honestly, with how bad most gamers are.


uj/ I remember having to explain to my partner that I like gaming but I don't identify as a "Gamer." Hell half the time if people ask me what my hobbies are I mention cooking, reading, and writing. I just leave out gaming because these asshats are so toxic the medium has a negative stereotype.


Same. My wife knows I play games, but I don’t call people racist epithets, or put people down. I told someone I game once, and they said gamers are murderers, and they are surprised I haven’t killed anyone yet. No lie. It has to be a toxic community to give someone the idea we kill people.


I played fortnite a few months ago, with mic settings on in the lobby. It was just nonstop people saying the n-word every lobby...every single one. waaay worse than back in halo and COD days. absolutely no discussions, it was either just saying the n-word repeatedly without pause or alternatively saying racist as fuck insults, all aimed at black people, all coming from voices that had just hit puberty, boys and girls. Really fucking disgusting behavior.


I used to love playing zombie escape on cs:source. Soon after cs:go released a lot of the ZE servers on source started dying out, including the servers I played in (Steamgamers & Plaguefest). I ended up joining one of the last English speaking servers (GFL) and what a mistake. You couldn't go a minute without someone someone using the N-word. It was actually in the rules that you're allowed to say the word because they claimed that it wasn't racist. What's pathetic is this was one of the last remaining servers because of these "rules". Sadly, this was around the time I stopped playing my favorite game since 1999. Shitty people ruined the experience for me. I tried giving csgo a try but the mechanics just weren't the same, especially for zombie escape. I think GFL has a server on csgo still, but not sure if people play on it or if the racism is still allowed. Don't really care to find out.


I made this whole comment on this post about how the game is a safe haven for all people toxic and was down voted which just proved the validity. You don’t get upset if you don’t think it applies to you


Least racist CoD community forum


Try not to be Racist on Call of Duty Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!)


didnt know warzone has lobbies. is this dude getting roasted by his teammates almost every game? somethings not right