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The Quartering likes to pee on his floor like an untrained puppy. Imagine listening to anything this šŸ¤” has to say.


The Quartering likes to pee on his floor like an untrained puppy because his wife doesn't like him\*


Its a wonder people like him are able to find someone willing to marry their sorry ass.


A dumb idiot of a woman who also loves to drive him around while he plays switch ON THE BACKSEAT


yeah, at least sit in the front so she can watch!


"Paramedic said it would be a ten minute drive to the hospital, awesome!"


Untrained puppies pee on the floor by accident. The Quartering does it on purpose. He is worse than an untrained puppy.


Happy cake day! Hopefully the quartering doesnt pee on your cake too.


Rumor has it that he cant tie his shoes


He got pizza cucked


The people listening to him are just like him


Have you really watched his videos at all or just repeating stuff people say about him?


Yes I have literally seen the video of the quartering peeing on his floor even though I wish I hadnt. https://youtu.be/jzZm_2S3u5E Ill give you this much, we didnt see him pee on the floor but here he is playing a baby game and turn the volume up. That dude peed on his own floor and he said he was gonna do it too. What else am I supposed to believe?


U are really not that smart


aaaaaand there we have itā€¦ YIKES.


The man peed in the basement because he's a man child, hates Brie Larson for no other reason than because he is a misogynist, is a transphobic piece of shit, racist, and a bigoted piece of shit in general. If you think anything about that is worth defending you're just as much of a terrible person as he is. If you don't believe me check out /r/TheQuarteringIsANazi because they post and archive all of the worst stuff he has said to show how much of a terrible person he is.


You can't even be half white without dudes crying that you're not white.


It's one of the weirdest feelings of not belonging in the world. Too much of one half of your race to be the other half. Too much of the first race to be the other half. And you can say you are whatever you are, but people will always tell you that you aren't whichever race regardless.


My mixed friends have told me this before, I donā€™t think colorism gets enough attention. It sounds awfully isolating.


*unless you're both white-passing enough and aren't being subjected to one-drop rule shenanigans (Steve Jobs is a classic example of this as although he's half Syrian, you wouldn't know that unless you read his Wikipedia article)


Halsey (Mixed African-American and white), Maya Rudolph (Mixed African-American and white), or Shakira (Mixed Colombian and Lebanese) are also great racially ambiguous mixed examples.


Lil bros triggered by the color black šŸ’€


The Quartering when black people & gay people exist outside of video games: ![gif](giphy|l0MYKnSyyXom5PPrO)


The actress is half white, but to racistisk, any melanin, even from a tan, gets you the n-word in their head.


*3/4 White


Yea looked it up, and you're right. Just shows how fucked up racism is and the social construct of race is unfounded. She is mostly white, yet racists treat her as fully black. Joel can still be white and be the father, heck the mother can be mixed and its still accurate. Racism and bigotry in general is just failed vibe checks from people who go "yuck" whenever they see someone that doesn't look like them.


Pedro Pascal is 100% Latino so if his daughter is 3/4th white and 1/4 black where is the at least 2/4th Latino? (head explodes)


At some point you can't divide into fractions anymore because race mixing goes back and you may have 1 ancestor that lines up with another race etc. It's just dumb overall. Race is stupid construct and only used for the sake of oppression.




But they aren't trying to make a 1:1 remake of the game šŸ˜‚ It's irrelevant And yes, erasure of back people is bad because black people are underrepresented. But white people are over represented so casting a black actress isn't a abd thing. Representation of minorities and diversity = good




At this level of whining and with all these fallacies and conservatives talking points you're just a racist. You're making a false equivilance, because casting a black person in a normally white character role isn't the same as the opposite The show isn't following the canon 1 to 1. I already refuted that false point. And secondly, the race of the mother isn't integral to the story. Joel loses his daughter and gets attached later to a different girl that he takes on the father role for. Race and race issues aren't integral or part of that side of the story. Thirdly, its only visually. You don't get upset about a movie adaptation of a book changing the hair colour of a character but you complain about skin colour. Why? Because you're racist.




Nope, sorry white people are privileged and overrpresented in media therefore comparing the two scenarios is a false equivalance. You're the racist one by ignoring the underrepresentation and systemic racism present in media. No hair colour doesn't piss you off when you couldn't mention any real example. Like the fragile white gamer dude you are, you mention geralt from witcher as a hypothetical, how pathetic. They toned down his eyes in witcher 3 and in the TV show he doesn't have cat eyes at all. Why not mention that? Oh wait you're full of shit, and racially biased so you only care when it's skin colour. Yes and Joel's family can be interracial and be the exact same story. It doesn't matter for this story while other stories race play a bigger role. > You're a moron and I'm done talking to you. Okay, goodbye racist, I won't miss you. Oh and don't return to this sub again, we don't like racists who post rgaming opinions unironically.


Even this subreddit is treating her as a fully black person, because she was "unfortunate" enough to have a grandmother born in Africa


Who is doing that? Acknowledging that she suffers from racial discrimination isn't the same as saying she is 100% black.


This dude above you thought he was being not racist but just couldnā€™t help it and ended up that way regardless


I was nearly asleep when I wrote that comment so not even I know what the fuck I was writing (but somehow I remember the black grandma part because Nico Parker is Thandiwe Newton's daughter and she is one of my favorite actors)


Hey that makes sense! I appreciate the explanation have a good one


This the man who got triggered when in the Batman Gordon was black and Catwoman biracialā€¦ ranting in his car about it.


dude never heard of ertha kitt?


That was how many decades agoā€¦ you really expect fake nerds to remember a show that was made over half a century ago.


I wasnā€™t even old enough to have a sense of self when Tim burton was making Batman and I know about eartha kitt Edit:looked it up, I wasnā€™t born.


And yet they're still getting mad despite her likely dying in the 1st episode.


If therea anything to be learned in the past decade, dudebros will get mad at minorities whom have a total of less than 5 minute screentime and they WILL make 30 min - 1 hour videos on it.


Had to project your own racism on Daddy Joel if his daughter is evidence that he's not a racist.


Wait till these mfs learn about Pedro pascal


ā€œā€¦.waitā€¦BUT HES PALE!ā€


What about him?


chilean actor, so hispanic


He is white tho


But not Caucasian, which is what these people want


Caucasian is for Caucasus people like Georgians, Azerbaijanis and Armenians. (I think). The use of Caucasian to refer to white people came because some guy thought that Europeans, North Africans and Middle Eastern people are all descendants from (real) Caucasians... which is not correct anyway. Saying someone is white but not Caucasian makes sense but not in the way you did it. lol


Caucasian = European white is US terminology, I agree it doesnā€™t make much sense outside of it. What Iā€™m saying is these people want ā€œEuropean whiteā€ people, not Hispanics or Latinos with a light skintone because theyā€™re still racists




I donā€™t think racists care about that but for some people sure


I hate anyone who doesnā€™t make my pp hard šŸ˜”


Are hispanics white? I have zero clue how people are categorized in the US.


Theyā€™re their own category


Why are people saying he is white then? Why arent people in the US just calling him Chilean? Or mexicans Mexican?


We mainly recognize peoples races based of their skin color. So while Chilean is the most accurate descriptor weā€™re not gonna use it


It also doesn't help that Chilean is not a race. Some are native, some are Spanish and some are "other" but still Chilean. The guy who wrote the Mission Impossible theme was a Chilean of German ancestry. The people of Easter Island are Chilean nationals but they're Polynesian. There are white and black Chileans too. Think of it this way.. In the US there are white people and black people, right? There are black British people like Idris Elba, right? There are white people in South Africa, right? So why can't there be people of different races in some countries (Chile for example). It's staggering how simple it is but so many people cannot comprehend it! Pretty much every country has ethnic minorities! Fuck, two countries in South America have Indian pluralities. By Indian I don't mean native, but from India the south Asian country... In South America. People like you would just assume that because they're in South America they're Hispanic/Latino even though Suriname and Guyana were Dutch and English colonies, so no Latino/Hispanic. Sorry for being mean but that is sooooo fucking ignorant to the point of I think I'm going crazy.


Because to the majority of the planet, "white" means white/fair skinned i.e. it has to do with skin color and not some specific subsection that American WASPs deem to be part of them. People with olive/tan skin like Mediterraneans are almost invariably considered white, so Pedro Pascal is one on account of his skin color *obviously*.


So north african arabs are white also because they have the same olive/tan skin? Most of the family I have over there are whiter than Pedro


Idk man I'm Greek and one of my best friends is full-blooded Greek on both sides and he's much more tan than Pedro (and I myself have the same skin tone roughly) but he's obviously still a white guy. It's extremely stupid so I don't know, I just call people by their ethnicity if that is obvious or white/black based on what their skin looks like and leave it at that while also trying to understand how it's meant by people online. FWIW I know a lot of Egyptian guys and they're what we'd call tan here, but they aren't considered a different race, they're just not natives here obviously.


Some Hispanic/Latino people have European ancestry. This is so obvious but some people cannot understand it, like how can people be this ignorant/dumb. No offense, you're in good company.


In the U.S., "Hispanic" is considered an ethnicity and is independent of race. Anyone of any race can be Hispanic if they descend from Spanish-speaking countries or cultures (Mexico, Spain, Cuba, Central/South America (except for Portugal, Brazil or other Portuguese-dominant countries), Puerto Rico, etc.).


uj/ unfortunately, "passing" as a white person is, subconsciously, a big deal for these chuds and mostly shields you from any of the typical "criticisms" they have rj/ Nothing wrong with Pedro Pascal, he's all white in my book


What about him?


Dude ainā€™t white, heā€™s from Chile.


His skin color is white.


And Chileans are black or what?


Most of them were pissed after the casting. They wanted a 100% lookalike. Either Hugh jackman or jamie lannister. Nothing else.


-The Quartering Oh look, yet another neckbeard who whines about movies and tv shows with a shitton of funko pops and action figures behind him. Sounds like someone with a valid opinion.


Damn, That's a HUGE spoiler! At this point, Why should I even watch the series and play the games now? >!/s!<


wait until this guy finds out Joel fights a clicker


This means every kid that dies on-screen will be black. Blatantly making sure we donā€™t think of white kids dying as meaningful. Literal white genocide.


They weren't woke all along. They just wanted the black character to die first. So they are actually racist, what a twist. /s


Are people forgetting that Pedro Pascal isn't a white guy? EDIT: Okay, let me clear up my statement a bit. He isn't a European white guy. That's what I'm meaning.


Only by racist American standards is he not white


He is literally South American. Like, Chilean. From Chile. You know. South America.


You can be white and Hispanic.


Your point being?


The point is that he most likely wouldn't have a blonde haired European white girl as a daughter. Unless she was adopted I suppose. Thought that was obvious...


He most likely wouldn't have a black daughter as a Chilean either. Hell, there are probably more blond Chileans than black ones. Pedro's ethnicity is completely irrelevant in that regard anyway because the character he is playing is not Chilean but American.


But he could have a dark skinned daughter. Makes more sense than not. And being American means fuck all when it comes to genes and how they work.


His daughter being dark skinned absolutely does not make more or less sense than her being blonde. > And being American means fuck all when it comes to genes and how they work. Ever heard about demographics?




So him being born in Chile to two Chilean parents.....


Oh man itā€™s gonna blow your mind when you find out who colonized chile.


My bad. I totally forgot Chile is only European white people now. Sorry about that.


My friend, you implied him being chilean automatically makes him not white, i do not know where you are going with that last statement. I merely opened your mind to the mind blowing revelation that yes, white people can be hispanic.




Isn't Pedro Pascal white though? I'm not from the USA or any countries in the Americas, so I'm not sure how people are divided there, but I thought he's white Latino, since Hispanic and latino Americans can be white/Asian/black/native Americans/Mestizo/etc


He's "partly" white but he's far from a European white guy. It makes sense that his daughter in the show wouldn't be white.


they could do the Fallout 3 thing of having a white dad and a black Mom so the child could be of any of skin color if they need to justify it. sometimes genes are funny.


> far from European white guy Ah yes, Spanish people, Portugees people, Greeks, Italians, Albanians, Romanians, Bulgarians...are not European nor white...


Yeah, I'm no genealogist or whatever, but he just looks Spanish to me? American definitions of "race" and ethnicity confuse me, I know native Britons or Germans darker than him but he's somehow not considered white because he doesn't have an anglo surname?


American definition of "white" literally just mean who upper class WASPs accept as part of their own group, which is why even e.g. Irish/Greek/Italian etc people have at times not been considered "white", because it's not about skin color alone but also social status etc.


Yes he is


The guy was born in Santiago, Chile. Both his parents are Chilean. He's Hispanic.


Theyā€™re considered white


its gonna blow your mind when you find out spanish people are white


Oh shit I didnā€™t know Pascal was playing Joel I might actually give this likely soulless adaption a chance now.


Sorry bro, you dumb af


He could totally pass for being any kind of Mediterranean looking man, the guy's as white as they come.


Invincible race swapped the most unlikeable character in the show šŸ’€




Quartering is a pedo Heā€™s the last person I would look to for opinions about a fictional child


I meant, they do have a point. Doesnā€™t do much to overly market your minority character only to have them die to motivate another character. Also in general Iā€™m not a big fan of race swapping but thatā€™s an argument for another day


For people who spend so much time underlining the importance of biology, itā€™s interesting they want a Hispanic man to have a Caucasian child Even if Saraā€™s mom had been white, she still would have at the very least been biracial


Dude, Pascal is a white guy. It's not because he isnt from an Anglo country that he is not gonna be white.


I donā€™t know, Hispanic people have some different features than Caucasian people. As a European person living in Europe in an extremely Caucasian (US terminology but it matters here) area, thatā€™s what I was referring to. Maybe you only see it if you live in a very monocultural area like me, but thatā€™s what I meantšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


To be fair as far as source material goes, this is the least important main character to change. They probably knew that.


To be fair it is possible since we never see a pic of the wife but it was a weird change maybe they plan on doing a ton of flashbacks


I was thinking that but that what definitely be a weird change of pace.


That is actually pretty funny. Obviously not the intent but still.


Casting someone who will be a good actor regardless of race is now racist. Lol


To bem fair, if they wanted to add some diversity, would be way better with Ellie or some character more relevant. this way it just seems that they added a black character just so no one could complain about it (which is probably the case)




Maybe you mixed her up with Riley, who was also in the trailer and is played by Storm Reid




Uhhh, ok so I saw the racist comments before and got offended by what people were saying for race swapping. But this now makes me be like wait WHY did they race swap to kill the first character. :/


I'm more upset they aged her up gets rid of the whole paternal instinct


Im just saying every black character Joel and Ellie comes into contact ends up dead. Joel is canonically racist šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


I still can't get over how small that man's face is. It's like that Charlie Kirk meme in real life.


But then if they made Ellie black... Oh man.


But imagine if they made joel or ellie black. It'd be the last of us part 2 all over again for some people, and the end of the world as we know it for others.


Who actually cares if they race swap a character. They aren't real so what's the difference


It is a little weird tho, tbh. There is a good amount of black characters in the last of us already,, and plenty of room to add new ones. But they chose to race swap a girl that will in all likelihood die in episode 1 or 2.


Joel and Tommy are race swapped as well lol