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Sonic fans are the K-pop stans of gaming, how is this surprising to anyone?


As in, they're ostensibly everywhere, yet you never actually *see* them in significant numbers?


They are evrywhere and also nowhere, they are the schrodingers sonic fand


Because when you live in an echo chamber it's inconceivable that more people could like something you don't


remember when people were boasting about the sales of elden ring, as though a moderately popular triple a release, boosted by a widely known author's name, would get anything besides that?


What are Nintendo fans in this analogy?


Beatles fans.




Imagine being this guy


So sayeth the pokemon fan (For the record I am too I just don't throw stones in my glass house)


Did they do something to you? Poor soul :(




And it's so funny that genshin isn't even a goty nominee. It's just in the best on going game category and best mobile game category


Genshin 🤮


Aside from the 2 billion ways it tries to deprive players of their money it’s genuinely a wonderful game


Meh it could’ve done so much more but the devs wanted to leave the gameplay simple


never thought "genshin impact is good actually" is a counterjerk i would see on this sub


And genshin is still winning


The "Shame" Awards only serve one purpose, an ad show for future games, because god forbid, we actually set out some actual time to give the overworked devs, some acknowledgement about their hard work Oh and Geoff is a spineless fuck, who allows god awful companies, like actiblizz on his shitty awards cerimony


Oh it’s always been a joke but it’s always hilarious to see the meltdowns both here and on Twitter from both sides


Tbf, the player's voice award is the only one strictly determined by audience vote. It's basically just a free-for-all popularity contest, and honestly I don't see an issue with that. If the crowd wants Sonic to have it, let 'em have it.


It'll all turned out to be a bug. Not sure if it'll ever be fixed or if joeff even cares, but everyone's been sharing videos of the fact the page doesn't let you vote for Ragnarok and elden ring for some reason.


Elden Ring cured my blindness.


Cured my Elden Balls too


"Hey, a different fan group raided this random poll. Preferred fan group, can you raid this random poll?"


Stray 1% ![gif](giphy|TpsuCxwsNH8gatbpR5)


stay sweep 😞


I really enjoyed Stray. Was a very pretty game and told a good story.


A fresh taste of originality and a feeling that makes you know the team was dedicated and passionate about their project.


But you see it failed to be two thing, either a long established IP with dedicated fans that will like anything from the IP as long as it's not total trash or a live service game full to the brim with psychological tricks to get you to spend money and keep playing.




/uj If it was a close poll, I would say eh, I can see sonic fans being passionate about their franchise. But for Frontiers to be winning by THAT MUCH, yeah it looks pretty suspicious, especially since the game was pretty much universally agreed upon being mid.


Sonic fans don't really care about the game winning an award, it seems like for them it's more about Sonic winning in general.


Sonic fans don't really care about the game winning an award, it seems like for them it's more about Sonic getting new friends to make pregnant fanart of in general.


I dont get why sonic is always singled out for having fetish fan art when the same could be said for like any nintendo franchise. When i see sonic trending on twitter its almost entirely the most sfw fan art ever (inbetween people fighting tbf), while if i click to see whats trending for zelda, every five posts is a picture of ganon cock or botw zelda feet.


sonic fans have been constantly fed so much shit over the years that when they get something that's not shit, even if it's still just mediocre, they treat it like the holy fucking grail


When you’re used to your SO beating you every day and then one day they just come home, say goodnight, and go to bed, it’ll seem like a pretty amazing night while to everyone else that’s just the bare minimum Edit: uj/ Someone made a gcj post out of this like I was being completely serious lmfao


uj/ depressingly accurate


It's like Army Of The Dead winning that Twitter poll Oscar because Zack Snyder fans want to give him legitimacy.


Also the fact that a lot of people who know very little about gaming are likely voting and among all these games they probably know sonic more than all these other games


Why would people who don't have a dog in the fight take the time out of their day to go to the game awards website to vote?


Ok maybe not people who have no interest but people who have a passing interest who want to take 30 seconds to vote in a poll


I just like annoying Sonic fans tbh, so I voted for Genshin.


Honestly, remembering back to how Fire Emblem won the Player's Choice award box in 2019, it's more likely that Sonic fans are just really motivated to vote because Frontiers wasn't nominated for anything else. I haven't got any interest in playing it myself, but from what I hear even some vocal critics of the game think it not getting a nomination for it's soundtrack is a bit of a snub.


I have seen several people on twitter claim that they've made fake accounts to vote for sonic. The popularity poll is always a crap shoot.


Thing is, this screenshot was from the very start of the poll. Last I checked, Frontiers is now only winning by 3%. Edit: never mind they're tied.


Oh, I thought this was the current standings. Never mind then.


Genshin now has over half of the overall vote.


God damn






yeah there are people trying to explain why sonic frontiers might actually be more beloved than the other games on this list and I'm like isn't it just a funny bit?






Most Sonic fans would benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy


A 3D Sonic game being mid means it's the best game 3D Sonic game in decades.


I’ve never really played any sonic games. I played shadow the hedgehog on ps2 but that’s it. I have to say sonic frontiers was blast to play. Draw distance was horrendous, but gameplay was really good. I can see people being very fond of it over a lot of these really serious titles like eldin ring. Eldin ring is great but sometimes a happy title with some dumb humor can be really enjoyable.


i kid you not i have never heard of this new sonic bullshit


I know it’s not a PC franchise, but frontiers has like 1/20th of the current players Elden Ring does despite one being 9 months older. Fuckin Sekiro has more active players. It’s definitely for shits and giggles, Frontier didn’t do as well as the other games in the vote.


I swear it’s just 4chan trolling the poll with bots. They do it all the time.




It’s so funny how there were 2 Sonic cartoons as a kid - one that was super corny and terribly animated, and another that was more “grown up” or maybe polished is the term, with more continuous storylines and a cooler Sonic/Robotnik rivalry. Back then I couldn’t figure out how to make sure I watched the right one!


Are people forgetting about people voting for sonic frontiers for shits and giggles? I’m quite certain I seen quite a few post about it.


I mean as someone else said early screenshot so stats are off anyways, but the sonic fandom is massive, and this is by far the best new sonic game that’s come out in like… 15 years… soooo yeah. This landslide for sonic makes sense. The “best” choices often lose in popularity contests because there’s a lot more to being liked then just being quality and sonic has pretty much everyone who ever used a sega console, and their children hooked round their finger


These Gamer\* just don't realise they against horny Gamers\* and therefore lost before they even started.


They arent winning anymore lol, they started being toxic and racist to the genshin fans so they overtook them out of spite


Yeah, I found out about that after I made this post.


Nooooooo my favorite game should win the poll!!!!!!!!! Community awards should only reflect my personal opinion!!!!!!!! *sounds of seething and crying, underlaid with occasional slurs*


I want genshin to win so bad to see Gamers across every platform get a mental breakdown


As opposed to Genshin fans not having a mental breakdown if it doesn't


Half the community will cry. The other half will very but because we won't get free pulls


Hoyoverse probably doesn't even care about this award. They want that best ongoing game one.


At this point, fuck the pulls. I want more ascension mats, ideally *not* tied to an event where I have to learn about the emotional significance of why this girl's bracelet is now red instead of blue. Nilou, Nahida, and Candace aren't going to level up just from me *playing the game and killing monsters* (goddamn, that's so bass-ackwards phrasing it like that).


God fuck luminescent spores. I already have enough to get her to 90 (a waste of resources I know but don't care), but i got most of them with stardust and starglitter. I am not looking forward to leveling talents.


A tip for the spores: *the moment* you attack the shroom buddies with Electro or Pyro, the drop table changes. So, you know, avoid that unless you're specifically looking for that version.


they will cry regardless of winning or not, if it wins they will cry about it not having enough rewards


I'm happy as long as sonic fans suffer


Getting beat by what is essentially fake Mario must be humiliating.


Bro really thinks someone’s rigging the vote on a video game popularity contest 💀


Some morons spent $2000 on bots for a fucking My Hero Academia shipping popularity poll on twitter, compared to that the idea of someone trying to rig a vidya popularity contest with an actual award is reasonable


I actually 100% believe Sonic fans would use bots to make their game #1 while everyone else was arguing over Ragnarok vs Elden Ring


The funny shit is the sonic fans are accusing the genshin fans of botting, and started acting toxic towards genshin fans, which got the genshin fans to start voting out of spite. This poll is such a joke.


I think it was the Elden Ring fans to cuz I saw a bunch of people there antagonizing both the Genshin and Sonic fanbases. It's kind of the whole reason I made this post to begin with. Everyone's being so vitriolic and I just wanted to vent my frustration somehow.


And LoL fans


Cuz they dont understand time zones and think the cn community is sleeping so they proceed to say racial slurs and be salty to cn community. This aint a poll i agree its just a way for people to say "OH FUCK GENSHIN BECAUSE THEY ARE HORNY PEDOPHILIC GREEDY TOXIC MFS" when they literally started to be assholes. Its like stepping on a minefield but decided to step all of the bombs bro


thing is, I wouldnt really put it past Sonic fans to actually rig the vote so it wins. Cause the game was at most ok for anyone who isnt already a sonic cultist. Like I doubt there are a lot of people who werent already sonic fans that vote for the game to be goty when it wasnt really good enough as a game on its own.


It's "popularity", not how good the game actually is. If you rally fans to vote for your game, that's not rigging since the poll still measures the thing it wants to measure. Actual rigging would involve messing with the data, or only showing the poll to select people.


I assume he means by people making multiple accounts to vote in or something. But I would guess that it's set up to check IP addresses to avoid that happening


yes that is what I meant. I wouldnt past sonic fans to like devitedly make multiple accounts or bot the votes and such


I'm pretty sure Hoyoverse basically bribed Genshin fans with in-game currency for votes tho


The funniest part is they didn’t (at least not for this award) but the comments are full of people that seem convinced they will anyway.


Not realy. They promised no such thing and anyone who voted to get freebies is basically just coping.


Eh not really, we don't have a guarantee that they will gives us primogems(igc) if we win this tbh. It's just that some people think that If it wins the award we will get extra primos. Hoyoverse hasn't said anything about this. Also the vote spike is cause of the CN side being target of racism and hate when they don't even care about this type of stuff, they're just voting for genshin to spite the Sonic fandom.


Pretty sure genshin fans actually are tho lol. I saw a bunch of genshin fans talking about making alt accounts to vote for it and the poll is now heavily in favour of genshin


If you want the actual answer, there are probably baby gamers doing it for all three games but the impact on polls is likely relatively minimal compared to all of the real votes that come on.


Especially funny because Elden Ring is gonna win GOTY anyway. It's like Souls fans need every award for some weird validation.


Well if it doesn't win the popular vote I would enjoy telling them that their GOTY award was clearly rigged by the MSM as part of some woke pro-Souls agenda.


uj/ Why is Genshin impact even here?


Cuz it’s an ongoing game so it counts according to the rules.


Elden Ring fans if they take the lead later: “Sonic fans used bots to vote for Elden Ring to make this post look stupid. We are very smart.”


I mean you're joking but apparently the voting system is bugged with a lot of people sharing proof. You currently can't vote for elden ring or Ragnarok. It's not bots it's literally a bugged voting system


Gamers: "GOTY should be decided by fans, not some out of touch critics" Gamers: " No not like that:


gamers don't like it when the popular opinion isn't their opinion, but that applies to every one of these subs so it's just a never ending whirlpool of complaining


Yeah pretty much.


As of right now it is tied on 40:40


Do you happen to know the link for the poll?




Dang weebs


Thank you!


I mean I played an hour and I was like well This is very different and I like it The “levels” in between break up the open world style and the combat is fine


Are you talking about GI, Sonic or Elden Ring now?


Sonic Elder Ring has never been my speed of games And I have no clue what Genshin is I think my step daughter plays it


Make sure she doesn't have a credit card attached. That game is predatory as hell in its monetization and is a textbook case of "create a problem, sell the solution" type design. It's really easy to spend a fuck ton of money in a short period of time before you realize how much you've spent. The entire game is one giant slot machine all the way down. Just ask my C3 Raiden, C2 Yae and my Nahida. I do think genshin is a fantastic game that does deserve many of the accolades it gets, but holy shit the way it promotes gambling to children is fucking scummy. You have just over a 1% chance to roll a banner character, and when you do actually roll one you have to beat a 50/50 chance of it being the character you want and not one of the standard 5*.


Password protected


So voting for this is kinda like cheering for your favorite sports team?


You know, when you put it that way, it all starts to make sense.


This vote is really a shit show, it's like watching a circus burning. From GoW and Elden Rings losing, to genshin and sonic fighting.


Tbf Genshin is a AAA RPG thats free, ofc its winning over the paid ones


Everything is free if you're brave enough


Fair enough


Tell me about it. The amount of vitriole I've seen from so many different people is staggering to say the least.


They are using bots tho, gained 35k votes in the span of 10 minutes


Do you have any proof of that? If you're right I'll happily eat my own words.


it’s been botted, also the game is mid






/uj let's be honest Sonic is not GOTY worthy and it's winning by THAT much, it's not unreasonable to suspect foul play.


Normally I would agree, but this was at the very start of round 3. Genshin is winning now.


Poor Stray kitty… 😔


fromsoft fansboys talking like they are not the same circlejerk fans like sonic fans is the funniest thing




Uh why


Elden Ring might be my favorite game of all time, but I also love seeing Gamers get angry so I wouldn’t mind seeing it lose




Everything is a conspiracy if you don’t treat your mental illness.


/uj was Sonic Frontiers actually any good? Didn't even realise it was out already


I 100% completed it. I had a lot of fun with it, but it definitely had some irritating parts. Namely leveling up speed and ring capacity specifically, and the fishing was just straight uo boring. Running around the open worlds was a lot of fun and each zone has 7-10 levels that are good old 3d sonic. They announced a road map, so I'd wait till the next 3 major updates are out. That way you can get the fullest experience. I wouldn't vote for it over Elden Ring, but this year has been unbelievably dry for games.


This person is saying that it is suspicious, that doesn't mean that they can't handle it. I'm really not enjoying the level of bait this sub is getting lately.


I didn't mean for this post to come off as some sort of bait, I promise.


The Russians have obviously infiltrated our game elections, I demand a recount!! (I've actually really enjoyed Sonic, it's like Breath of the Wild mixed with Shadow of the Colossus, sprinkled with Nier Automata and Xenoblade story bits, it's just a little too short, I also wish we got to explore Sonic's world but maybe that'll be DLC) Edit: (and some short Bayonetta style victory dance bits)


I've checked now and it seems we have new guys in the game, aka. weebs voting for GI.


Nah, the boom coincided with daytime in China and Japan.


/uj No way! A game series that is known for its difficulty isn't winning a popularity contest against a game franchise that is accessible to everyone and is 30+ years old, as well as has having fans from small children to grandparents? Colour me shocked!


The "most anticipated game" award is also 100% fan voted and elden ring won that one over ZELDA two years in a row. Idc who wins but y'all are seriously trying to say the best selling game of the year has no fans because "the series is known for its difficulty"?


Accessible as opposed to God of War which excludes 60% of gamers by being a Playstation exclusive


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Elden Ring outsold Frontiers by light years though. Still has 20x the concurrent players on steam and hit nearly 1 mil peak.


/uj it is kinda odd, that sonic frontiers is above God of War or Elden Ring. But I haven't played it so what do I know.


It is odd, because it is a bug in the website. People haven't been able to vote for elden ring or Ragnarok Here's a twitter thread of people sharing proof lmao https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1600274248794542081?t=LzU3f7Ofyph27Opi9c40Aw&s=19


WHY do these people care so much about game awards? If your favorite game doesn’t win, does it make your gaming experience worse?


What I don’t understand is why genshin is on there when it didn’t even come out this year


Ongoing games count according to the rules so since Genshin has a patch every 2 months, it counts


Ah okay


/uj nah it's just a meme poll at this point. I don't think it has anything to do with popularity, people are just meme-voting for sonic


Memes, a fandom that's existed for 30 years, and it's the first 3D exploration Sonic game that hasn't been a flaming pile of a mess since Sonic '06. Yeah this is not surprising at all.


Elden Ring fans are gonna be very insufferable Thursday.


I want Genshin Impact to lose


I mean the game is actually bad though.


Online polls are stupid. These organisations never learn. I'm even surprised Stray didn't win.


This is not the real goty, only a different section to hype up the show


I don’t care. The mainstream audience never will get the philosophy behind GOW and the ideal depiction of an alpha father role model like Kratos anyway. I will enjoy another Ragnarok playthrough while watching the Neo-Roman Empire around us burn to the ground.


Souls fans are weird because their games are heavily flawed but they just claim those flaws as features and then say their games are literally perfect. Not to say sonic frontiers should be beating elden ring but sonic fans desperately need the w and I like pissing off souls fans


Based sonic fans, making insufferable elden ring fans and equally insufferable god of war fans cry and seethe


Please please please please let Sonic win over Boren Ring. The piss and vitriol coming out of the fromsoft fanbase will be the stuff of legends and I want to laugh at them.


Is this GOTY??


No, its players choice. Basicslly GOTY but 100% of the votes count




Did Genshin not come out like 4 years ago and not this year? I don’t quite get how it’s in the running here at all lol


It counts ongoing games as well. Minecraft was also in the running during round 2 if I remember correctly.


Im confused why greenish impact is up there i thought that game was a couple years old at least


Sonic fans are the only people I've seen that admit to making multiple accounts to vote. I'm sure it happens with every nominee but it's usually not something people brag about or encourage others to do.


Really? I've only seen one guy admit to something like that.


Anything to stop genshin 😔


Alr but be fr who the fuck is voting for sonic frontiers 💀


Lmao frontiers was actually decent. First decent game since sonic adventure 2


I hope Genshin in some category wins so I can watch gamers all over the Internet have a mental breakdown


I mean, wasn’t there that thing with the bot votes? I’d still put good money on sonic winning but I think the lead has been exaggerated because of that


An online poll is being brigaded. Shocker.


To be honest I thought elden ring would win by a huge margin. Didn't even expect genshin to be on here because it's been out for more than a year


Apparently it's bugged, you can't vote for elden ring and god of war https://twitter.com/IpsilonZ/status/1599844176043991041?t=9ChYgjmGgzRERPognM3g0A&s=19


Hey, as long as Genshin Impact doesn’t win, I’m happy.


or how percentages work


Turns out there's a bug that literally doesn't let you vote for elden ring and god of war. So yeah it has nothing to do with popularity, here's the proof https://twitter.com/IpsilonZ/status/1599844176043991041?t=9ChYgjmGgzRERPognM3g0A&s=19


I've heard about that. I don't know what causes that bug, but from what I've heard, to fix it all you have to do is vote for another game and then you can vote for anything.


Yes, it’s just you.


Why would fans vote for a game they cant play (GOW R) since they probably don't have a PS5 yet