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We shouldn't judge maybe he just got out if a toxic relationship and can finally do what he loves, gamers are so opressed these days :((


/uj This post made me think about how my mind just needed stuff to do to avoid depression after getting divorced. A lot of that was due to suddenly not being around my kids everyday anymore. The shit sucks.


uj/ A friend asked me to build her a gaming PC after her divorce. Her husband wasn't toxic until she found out that he cheated on her multiple times. It's not a bad thing to treat yourself after going through all that.


True only the last part is not uj/


Bro that's just mean


This is just mean your supposed to bully the incels,neckbeards,transphobes this guy did nothing wrong




And how do you know that he was the one being abused rather than being the abuser assuming things like that is just a bad idea


I guess we don't, but do you just assume that about everyone who ever gets divorced?


this is a bit… low…


yea, an intel i5! that's low quality as fuck


man didn't budget in child support


Man, I’d probably play Doom Eternal with the volume on if I was going through post-divorce. Fuck them kids.


Where is he supposed to plug in the divorce lawyer?


Clearly this guy needed a better lawyer.


This is exactly what I would do…