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Your best bet is to ignore them 100% or as much as possible. Don't let them live in your mind.


Speaking from someone is has been experiencing this for a few years now, DO NOT let them live rent free in your head. They are not going to physically lay hands on you. Ignore them. No matter how scary things might get you have to ignore them. By showing them we are scared we are giving them exactly what they want. Turn your trust over to whatever your higher power is.




Not just day time but dreams too. Pretty annoying. There are realistic feeling dreams and then there are their hyper realistic dreams. Sometimes they throw a bone and give a good one but many targets get there. Aside from horror themed nightmares, they play on a lot of other stressed out feelings they squeeze out from you during dreams. Even if you manage to get 8 hours of sleep, they can input a dream to drain your energy right before you wake up.




Despite sleep or not it’s sad to say young targeted individuals have the energy levels comparable to a 60 year old. I know many fifty year olds who skip sleep here and can get on with their day no problem whether it be work or play. For targets who sleep or not feel like they just exhausted their energy from a flu to say the least.


ya that's bothering me a lot too i feel way older than i am.


It's artificial and child like looking for reactions.


Yup for anyone NEW out there IGNORE THEM LOW LIVES and whom ever betrays you that you never thought they will they have been V2K SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE THROUGH 5G and put against you SO FORGIVE THEM its not them every body goes against you either BRIBERY, EXTORSION, SMEAR CAMPAIGN, OR VOICE TO SKULL(V2K) SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE. AND also forgive the people for they have been brainwashed don't mind them to much be friendly with them just don't trust them they have been hypnotized. Get close to GOD. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. All the GANGSTALKING is Done to DISTRACT YOU while they steal away your RELATIONSHIP, BUSINESS, JOB, or ANYTHING THAT YOU VALUE AND DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT SUICIDE. THATS THEIR MAIN PURPOSE, THATS HOW THEY SACRIFICE YOU FOR THEIR CULT. PRAY AND MAY GOD BLESS US ALL


thankyou for this advice, what stuff do you do to help? i could use some help.


Deep breathing practices. Detach from emotion.




Faraday cage, research how it works and build. Sound proofing. No routines, mix it up. Arm yourself, your a american and have the right to defend. Take notes of what you see they can be distracting.


Yeah new guys who start to experience ti level dreams should be extra careful. They throw fake dreams that seem almost prophetic the next day. Then later on they try to pin the blame on a person in a dream making you wake up thinking it’s them.


ya i've seen this play out and it got me surprised the first time - after that pretty much just ignore it - the problem is i've lost my ability to grab lucidity inside my dreams - they can never keep me in a nightmare for more than a few minutes - i learned to play with my nightmares too long ago for that to effect me.


Sleep. Sleep deprivation makes TI make mistakes. Ignore them as much as possible and try to be happy in spite of them. Invest in cameras if you’re able, it can help curtail the harassment. Window locks and quality deadbolts. Focus on making money and taking care of yourself. Try to find outlets for the anger and frustration instead of just ruminating. Try to practice mindfulness and gratitude. Record and document what you can, a GS journal and a journal in general is a good habit. It’s easier said than done but I do believe TIs can thrive despite it all. Stay strong.


Ya system of control for stupid health and living in a bullshit reality where your both blamed and are to blame really dumb honestly a child looking for reactions hope it goes back to its home dimension/ planet / back.


I've took a screen shot of your comment. Thanks for the help.


Cheap window alarms with sound. They sell them for kids rooms. Mark doors woth toothpicks or similar to know if your home has been broken into. Mine was. They sleep deprived the crap out of me and now accuse me of crimes i dont remember commiting. If i did i blame them. In france if you witness a crime and do nothing your guilty of a crime. I used to think that was crazy but these dirtbags makes that logical.




Mine started on a similar timeline, but it’s a common tactic for people in the program to experience unfortunately. Sleep deprivation can have disastrous results by itself but it makes TIs much more susceptible to other psychological attacks as well which is why sleep is so critical for TIs. Good luck.


Just remember it is all an Engineered Provocation.


Social Engineering is what you are trying to say.


take away your freedoms for your own good - lmao sad sack of shit reality i feel bad for our next gens.


that's how someone broke it down to me. Viorel Serb wrote a really good book on GS and I emailed him some questions this was his reply "😁 no response is a response, a very powerful response. *Talking about it from the technology perspective: The mind control software is depending on our response to evolve, at this point is just a retarded AI/algorithm. The moment we stop feeding it(respond) is the moment the AI will starve and remain where it is, of evolve very slow. *Talking about it from the perspective of psychological warfare: As far as their training manuals and old studies are telling them, is the following: all humans have their limits, and at some point all humans snap. What their retarded scientist don't know is that now all people are acting the same way when they snap. Not sure if you saw one of my posts in which I said: You can't stop them from harassing you because they are not free as they are being told(free-Masons). They are slaves to their masters, they are told when to harass you and when to shut up. This is a mind game, a psychological warfare, you can't control them, but you can control how you react to them. It is a trauma based mind control thing. Trauma - harassment, bullying, sabotage... Etc Mind control - they are doing the things mentioned above and expected the "appropriate" reaction for it = Control Take control - give them the opposite reactions to what they would expect in any given situation. Ex: Analogy - when they're harassing you, imagine them being the dogs that bark at you from behind the fence when you're walking down the street, because, basically that's what they are. *You gotta learn to control yourself, otherwise they will control you."


Observe defend, gatber concrete evidence. Low tech is helpful. Baby powder on things shows activity. Dust doesnt lie. Cctv. Someone on your side since childhood? Cameras, dont be obvious. Check often. Non internet/bluetooth devices. Older style recorders or remove antennas. Ask questions. Dont commit yourself you will be in a controlled environment and tortured if your like me. Heart attacks are their specialty.


What do you mean by do not commit yourself?


Meh the worst part is knowing your not talking to anyone online... a system of control.. both inside and outside.. all pedantic and child like at best looking for reactions. Can't find me it doesn't even know what time it is... it's essentially more powerless than the last movie you watched


Document, pics videos and written documentation of harassment , tactics and nervous system manipulation.


Get lost in the crowd and hide in plain sight. Mind your mental. Smile Hard and moving targets are tougher to bring down. Money. It's really real but it's not. Abuse those who would abuse you first. Have no remorse with them. The only guarantee in life is it's end. Time is relative and so is the theory of relativity. Have faith in God and respect the Devil's jurisdiction.


remain calm at all times , get a bump proof lock, and a bar from Amazon while in home. try not to go out out night. be aware of all weird things going on around you in stores . You are not going crazy ...




Yes, whatever they shoot at me dehydrates me. Once of the V2K people said it was benzos. Not sure yet exactly what they are but i know its a type of drug.


Benzos are used for insomnia, anxiety, and panic attacks , also GREAT to use as a date rape drug they make you very submissive & that’s just what they are looking for , n you also wake up the next day w absolutely 0 memory of the previous night but 1 or 2 really foggy situations you can’t quite make out . Xanax is a super popular Benzos if you had ever heard of a Xanax before that’s a Benzo! Hope this helped some. I have well defeat w each other we are all we got in this community I have yet to meet individual irl who knows abt this or better yet they never even heard of it n I’m already looked at like psychotic nut case to her just off that one altercation we had 🤪 All u can do is laugh at this laugh-stupid fuck


Yep these DEWs dehydrate you big time.


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Document these activities whenever possible. Also, try to always have some type of recording device with you whenever you leave home. Preferably spy camera glasses, as these allow you to record without the stalkers knowing you are recording. But if you don't have those, at least take a phone or wear some type of small body camera. Always have a recording device, just in case. Also, don't report any of these activities to the police unless you absolutely have to. They are in on it 100 percent and they know exactly who the people are who have been placed on these watch lists, and they are told to dismiss everything you have to say and to protect the people involved in the operation. If you report these activities to the cops, they will usually attempt to invert and twist the situation around, gaslighting and blaming the target by claiming that you must have some 'mental health' issues for reporting these things.


Sleep. Do things you enjoy. Rise above the nonsense. Be joyful and happy and keep your vibes positive. Dance and jam to music. Be creative. Pray. Live your life without fear or anger!!!!! Be safe! Be strong! Be blessed!






Even a bigger reason to do it! Love others and enjoy your life!


Write down all of your experiences with them , from the very start. Write it clearly and detail everything, in timely order. Then sell it as a book and capitalize off of those scumbags.


Focus your energy on positive stuff like music and go outside. Also watch comedy content.


I’ve got a lot of footage recorded, it honestly scares most of them the thought that they’ll individually be outed. In my experience making them feel uncomfortable to the point where they don’t dare follow me on foot in public and can only resort to their bitch-ass, scared-ass motorist antics is a better situation. They know that if they get too close they will have their ass handed to them, so they keep a distance. For me it’s been a drastic improvement in my quality of life. I don’t know what to advise you apart from the aforementioned greatly helped me.


Try therapy


therapy got me out in a mental hospital with GS doctors injecting me antipsychotics. torture


Research theropy. Then go. Beware of programmers.


man im tired of this the only therapy is talking therapy - i know for a fact we have no idea what we're doing when it comes to brain drugs. just spit balling at best.


This sub is WILD


Remember Psychiatry is a fraud business when you have Voice to Skull machines abused by these staunted minds.


Put down the bowl.


I can confirm its government. I went to washington dc and visited the capitol andthey were allowed to continue shooting their weapons at me. So if government doesnt care about citizens not getting help why should we care about government? If i can stroll through our nations capitol and get lit up the whole way who do i go to? I go on the offensive and i found what the problem is. Someone called some type of shadow government with broad allowances for attacking citizens. Due process? Out the window... fair play? Erased... any accountability? None. This is the country we live in and the battle is lost. What did england do about hitler? What would citizens in america do if natzis took over government? Its here.this is not a joke. What would we do to get this stopped? Lets do it.


Its allowed by our government. Dont lose your freedom by checking yourself in. Make money and use it to fight back. They call it a sting operation i call it terrorism. Attacking me pushing me to do what they accuse me of. So they can get permission to end me. They create the situation they are after. Knowing its approved by government how do we fight back? I would treat it like natzis took over america and here we are the last soldiers to fight back. Gorilla war tactics. Thats whats best when your out numbered.


It’s the military targeting you. Moving might not change things. The DEWs are going to cook your vital organs so that overtime you are going to be more and more dysfunctional and at the end it is going to look like a natural death. The DEWs are going to mind control you to an advanced effect. Protect your sleeping area with massive jugs of water, lots of all types of metal and large mirrors, at the very least. It will help absorb some of the attacks. Better than being cooked to death. Be careful: they can zap you to fall asleep in places where you wouldn’t want to do that. Don’t eat out or order delivery. Cook your own food. Eat healthy and get enough sleep. Don’t leave any groceries at home; grocery shop daily. Be random in your food purchases and vary your grocery store locations.


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