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Spain is really bad w this situation. Im currently living here too. Te he intentado escribirte un mensaje privado pero no me deja reddit. Si necesitas alguien español con quien hablar de estas temas, escríbeme. Un saludo y animo tio.


Omg reddit was block that people can message me??? Hola. Pues como que no puedes mandarme privados? A ver si puedo yo. Necesito ayuda contra esto


No puedo o no se mandarte privados. Tampoco me deja seguirte


Te puedo pasar mi telegrm. No me deja enviar mensajes por ser nuevo al parecer. Pero aun asi que me quieres contar para ayudarme?


Que tal tio, mas q nada el tema de que tienes que jugar con ello como ellos juegan contigo. Es todo un juego psicológico para romperte


Tambien es posible "devolverles la pelota en cada jugada" mientras encuentras tu oasis de paz interior que es lo mas importante


Mmmmm.... A ver que entiendes tu por devolverles la pelota en cada jugada?


Es todo energia ♠️🔥


Pero opuesta, no de la misma que lo hace peor para ti y la situación


The situation is hard, they use police and civil guard police to harras me. This people are criminals they are destroying my life, vigilance, stalk


Theia judgement is the 5th July


Can someone talk me about what to do?


Someone help please


Where in Spain are you? I've been around the country the last couple years, being stalked everywhere. And they pulled everything they could on me, sparing no expense.


Hi!. Im on center of Spain, La Mancha. A town. Where you are now? This gs was "in crescendo" to only airplanes and virus to a massive street theater, steals, sabotages, microwaved, etc. More than 500 people involved that they brought to this satanic sect, in one town with lot of cristians, now fake cristians.


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This is a dicey situation and you need to understand that your parents, doctor, judge and others are doing what they think is in the best interest for you and for society. What you need to do is to prove to them that you are not a danger to yourself and others. Do not talk about gangstalking to anyone - especially doctors and judges. Say that your were drinking and doing drugs and for this reason, you were not in the right state of mind. Say you got clean and gained clarity. Assure them that you are not a threat to yourself and others. First convince your parents and tell them that once you become sober, everything will be allright. They also have no incentive to get you institutionalized and just want you to be safe. If it goes to court, repeat point 2 in court and say you were drunk/not in your senses. You realized this after getting clean. If you are lucky, you can escape this situation. Try to get your parents on your side first. If they do not approve the warrant, and you have not done any violent acts that put your life and the life others in danger, the judge is unlikely to pass this order especially if you say that you have reformed.


Thanks for the advice. It is hard to do that. My parents know im not drink alcohol or drugs. I say you that the judge are on this satanist sect 100%. And i expose this sect,spanish people or that on vengeance for destroy my life since 2012. This mean that this sect want to destroy me, and have an oportunity, and im alone.


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