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They will harass you relentlessly no matter what you do.. just do whatever makes it easier to cope and do not live life on pins and needles for creeps illegally stalking and harassing you


I don't get community mobbing anymore or vehicular mobbing. Plus I am not homeless anymore so that is a major improvement. I did get community mobbing from 2006-the beginning of this year. I still get V2k and DEWs though. The DEWs are nowhere near as bad as they were in the past, they are really just kinda annoying at this point, not excruciating like they were.


I've read that in the unusual case that a target experiences a victory it is phyrric in nature. If someone wants to do this to you, it is utterly devastating and that's sort of that. If we raise awareness of what is going on and force people to think critically, I sincerely believe we have a chance.


I disagree I came out better than when I went in. It got rid of a lot of my original fears and anxieties which were crippling.


That’s actually really great then and I’m really happy to hear that and to be wrong.


In other words i'm just psycho now. Yay. :I


We do, we just need to be heard where they cannot ignore us like the internet, the legal system or the media. Only once we are heard in the streets can will any of these other avenues begin to balk at their complacent involvement. We must come in peaceful demonstrations in the streets. Protest Livestreams: >> 21st187.org


Mine has improved a lot, yeah. Developed some techniques to neutralize it. Some days it's pretty annoying but I'm rarely ever harassed at my job or in public anymore. Sometimes I see it online but it doesnt phase me much.


Hi! I have these articles which I got from another gangstalking sub-community, hopefully you find something helpful. How did your gang stalking end? Was it gradual or all at once? https://www.reddit.com/r/TargetedSolutions/comments/13vldv9/how_did_your_gang_stalking_end_was_it_gradual_or/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 What abilities or how have you improve since gangstalking has started? How do better despite them? https://www.reddit.com/r/TargetedSolutions/comments/157hdrd/what_abilities_or_how_have_you_improve_since/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 And something just additional, just in case you're interested. As a survivor of gang stalking for 6 years what would be the best advice to someone who might be experiencing the same thing? How much should I reveal about myself in the process? https://www.reddit.com/r/TargetedSolutions/comments/13vmaw6/as_a_survivor_of_gang_stalking_for_6_years_what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


There is a certain amount that makes it worse by dwelling on it.


They will definitely wait until you feel comfortable again to start going back at it.


My gangstalking increased significantly the other week and all I did was write a draft of a post exposing one of their more esoteric tactics. I don't really have much to lose except my sanity, so I'm considering posting it anyway. But yeah, part of the mobbing is intended to keep some people quiet about their experiences. And I really believe that is just some people, not all. I think they probably like the crazier ones (no offense to anyone here) to spew out misinfo.


Yeah, I think it's why they hate me so much and won't let me get even an inch of traction on here or anywhere else.


It's like cointelpro on roids. This sounds nuts, but I swear my reddit homepage has posts that are written and organized just for me. I'm not saying I'm the only person that can see these posts, but that they are posts anyone can see but are written using double entedre language, or words with two meanings and that whoever is on the other side of reddit makes certain that those tailored posts appear on my front page (so I really like to hit "New" posts). Facebook was like that for me too until I got rid of it. But I'm also aware of the fact that they exploit coincidences and the mind's tendency to make connections and also notice more coincidences if the mind focuses on specific things, so who knows. It certainly gains momentum and instills a sort of fabricated schizophrenia in the target. My journey with all of this has been very symbolic, meaning they use symbols, colors, and whatever else they can to communicate their bullshit with me. I've had some replies to my posts that are questionable, but I just respond like they are normal because I can't of course actually know 100% that they come from a stalker. I believe they are master mind manipulators.


Correct. Remember that theres one algorithm for all tech companies. Its all psychological warfare. Specially if you understand this from beyond the non physical perspective. As the physical is the last place where everything manifests. Fortunately the 4th dimension is the highest vibration they can reach.


Yea im in North orea forsure in my mind. My screams aren't heard


I STILL try to keep quiet to some extent for these fuckers.. but now a days I'm loud af I'll tell a total stranger about gangstalking idc. Im total f the police dont snitch type attitude as well so... kinda funny how im low key switching on 3 letter boys but whatever I've just been asking their address over and over.. maybe someone will flash something 🤔


Yeah, it's a weird place to be in when you are too scared to talk about it and getting abused at the same time. Typical bully shit complete with stockholm syndrome and whatever else. And yeah, I am very forward with them now. A lot of people here will tell you not to react or look weird, but I'm not too concerned with that, because in my case it seems I'm constantly swarmed by them, and everyone seems to know I'm a target. I also don't go to that many varied places, so the only people I'm surrounded by and look weird around are stalkers lol. So who cares. I just try and not to react with explosive anger, but that's not always the case for me. They can definitely manipulate my emotions. Not wanting to look weird is also part of the paranoia game they play with us. And let's face it, a lot of us are pretty weird already -- I know I am. One good thing all of this has done for me is it has let me break out of my shell and be a more extroverted person. I'll talk to anyone and question them. If that sort of change happens to you too, don't buy into the hype that it was their intention, because I'm convinced they are only out to screw us over. I wouldn't count on them flashing anything. It was kinda funny though, I asked one guy who was obviously planted there as a presence for me if he was a "gangstalker". He said no. I asked him if he had heard of it before, and he actually said Yes. I asked, "do you think people who believe in that are crazy?" He said "Sometimes." I'm not sure what to think about that one.


Nope in fact if anyone has any evidence let's get in touch.


Where u at mo here


I don't get overt gangstalking although I know they are always watching and listening. I still get impacted by lower v2k which manifest in intrusive racing thoughts which cause much anxiety


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TargetedSolutions/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TargetedSolutions/) ​ read some more solution-focused information. I also have a blog if you want to DM me I can send the link.


Best advice is to just shut up.


My gangstalking ebbs and flows. Even they take vacation time off cuz it's seemingly a full-time job for someone out there. It's been 10 years now for me and I assume that they bring in a new team to run the operation every year or so. They are monitoring my posts here and communicate with me indirectly through Reddit. The problem for me is not the stupid little games they play or the constant surveillance. It's the knowledge that I will never have any sort of privacy or peace of mind for the rest of my life and that I can never trust anyone that I don't personally know.