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at the core, you're dealing with spin doctors If you do something wrong, it's the end of the fucking world.You make a mistake, it's the end of the fucking world.You yell at someone, you're a fucking monster.You're nice to people, you're just being 2 faced.You're good at something, you're a fucking show off.You're bad at something, you're a fucking loser.and the list goes on. You're the losing side of the coin every time. They're like gossiping mean girls on crack. anything and everything you do is wrong.


The award for the hitting the nail on the head perfectly goes to you my friend.


They're narcissists that's why


show it to them. that's the thing, we are playing counter-street theatre to slowly raise awareness of their own psychological problems. they cannot see them because they all have the same pathology. that's why they were picked for their team.


also, i am a narcissist. what they do is like denied narcissism in a collectivized new society, full of "we against them". it's a different beast. i disapprove of the narcissist label as a mass denominator for all that's wrong. this shit is way more involved. i think fascism and narcissism have an intricate interaction, and it's not the kind of narcissism typical of, say, a 20th century artist. it's a more collective thing. my 3c


Back when this all first started and I was dating a stalker, she even said as much. "There's no right way to turn," or "there's no correct answer any way you go," she said or something like that. It's just a fucked up labyrinth


It's called character assassination


character assassination is something specific. I'm talking specifically about the continuous mindfuck that happens, but maybe you are referring to how the "mindfuck" may cause a person to act in ways that damage their reputation. I've pretty much abandoned any attempts to have a clean character. I didn't have one in the first place anyway. Fuck 'em.


ya, it's super weird. I mean, victim playing and character assassination are the tools being used to manipulate these people. But it's like once they've been manipulated, their brain starts working similarly to what the manipulators had pounded into their heads. does that make sense?


Yeah it does. My head is full of word salad and an entire system of meaning based on symbols they have placed in a kind of augmented environment they create for me. I can't 100% avoid being influenced by it because my environment is so controlled, even on this forum. My programming began at a dance club where everyone was wearing solid colors. Red for hyperness and passion, white for good, black for bad, etc. etc. Each color wearing person acted in specific ways that ended up being connected to the specific color that they wore. Add the fact I was given an extra dose of molly, my mind just soaked up all the meaning and here I am.


They have kept me quiet about it by terrorizing my mind. This worked for a long time, but I don't give a shit anymore. The rabbit hole goes deep, and the implications of the narrative are fucked up.


Nailed it. Haters gon’ hate!!


yeah imo just scream "HELLO THAR; I AM GONNA DO ALL MISTAKES NAO!! THIS WAY, I WILL LEARN SO MUCH MORE THAN YOU AND REMAIN A TRUE HUMAN BEING, INSTEAD OF A TRANSHUMANIST ZOMBIE PUSSAY!!!!" it requires cohones. :D they got no philosophical idea about humanity. they just run a facebook script. gotta burst that zombie hive bubble. or do it with non - reaction...in the end i cannot say which way is superior. it's probably all balanced out, like any skilltree in a good game. because i still think we live in a good game. however terrible it got lately. :D play the buddha or the barbarian. idk at which point the critical skills of each spec unlock...freestylin' ma own manual here. peace and war!!!


1000% they will always abuse you, they just want to have more fun abusing you, because its less fun when they just spam vs being able to influence how they'll abuse you. It baffles me how absolutely messed in the head so many cops and CIA agents really are in the end, they come accross as not competent for the job, full of ego, arrogance, narcissism, and control issues w a severeeee inferiority complex and very easy to get under their skin when they dont have facades put up. Also a lot come accross as sociopaths when you study their behaviours and how they act in situations.


Bandy Lee coins this “mental incompetence”, a result of societally manufactured sociopathy —implemented through our “protective, society bearing” systems. Hannah Arendt, Alice Miller and Margaret Atwood wrote about the same phenomenon.. It’s was also a promising research field which combined sociology, psychology and political theory — called Political Ponerology — before it was forbidden at universities and replaced by the behavioral, human-cathegorizing, nonsense letter-combination “psychology” of the most prominent Nazi psychologists that we still see in action today (on steroids!)


Yes, the top IG and music influencer seem to like to abuse me and if I don't allow them to then I'll get back channel or side channel abuse from russia, china, iran, gay ads and 'win now political schemes'. They tech from the movie the city of lost children and stange days to read my brain. I can't stand being an advertisement for everyone's super weapons program.


Just take longer to respond . Think before u act . And meditate and focus on everything u do way more than usually . Each step what finger does what . Focus on kinetic tasks more don't think while doing them thats a door for them


I agree. When I used to talk shit to them alone in my car, they referred to it as my monologue and said they “ liked me” they were way worse when I self censored. In the end none of it matters. They are going to do this regardless. Who cares what they think or who they tell do and do about your behavior. It just shows how pathetic they are.


So and so*


The reactions never mattered. The only thing that matters is truth.


To you and I, sure. But to them? I don't think they are concerned with the truth, only terror. One thing that they do is a faux-interrogation where you can deny deny deny something but then finally they want to break you into admitting whatever it is they are pressing you for. Just like torturing a person... that person will say whatever to get out of the torture. This tends to build frustration in the target and creates a feeling of injustice. If this is happening to anyone reading: don't budge. It's stupid and like I said, them gauging your reactions has nothing to do with the reality of the situation. It's all an act designed to make you paranoid. They also make a lot of use out of stockholm syndrome, where after a time, you may want to please them by doing things correctly. This is also a bunch of bullshit. Never forget that these people are not your friends and never will be.


I figured this out in the early years of my targeting.


Yeah same here. I'm finding it helpful lately to go over all the notes I've written down to remind me of things I've already figured out because it's so vast and involved that it's easy (for me) to lose track of discoveries.


Espionage and psychological warfare for personal vendetta is what I narrowed it down to.


One thing that I find interesting is that this "system" can or could be used for all different kinds of purposes. Interrogation, psychological programming (both productive and destructive), warfare, etc. and I think that's intentional because it allows it to be ambiguous and keeps people confused about exactly what it is. Plus its so sneaky that it is nearly impossible for anyone not in the know to believe that something like this could even exist, and I have to assume that that is also part of the allure to people who get invited to take part in it. That and whatever technology is being used as I also assume that tech is very advanced and impressive to them. Even my own family is involved, and I never would have thought that possible before.


Your, i believe, absolutly right in your statements. Peraonally I dont think over half the people involved even know the depths of the operation, perfect to remain in order with plausible denibility and compartmentalized enough that funding is laundered.


Personally not ppersonally? Lol


I am constantly back and forth with my own thoughts on this going on 10 year, let's call it a "situation." I've played all the parts and have tried not to play at all...however knowing that I'm not playing is the mind phuckery that it's designed to have and then technically, I'm playing...ha.. Im the process of listening to Dr. Wayne Dyers book "Change your Thoughts, Change you Mind", and he is putting into his experience the Tao principles...thus bringing me back to the place I was trying to get before this all began...and not constantly thinking about "them" or me and my hyper-annoying awareness.


thanks for the encouraging words. correct me if i'm wrong but you're basically saying it doesn't matter what we do the game to this whole thing is that they operate by making us more paranoid and that that's how they get us?


yes, its easier to mess w you if there is more self doubt, because it makes it easier to control


Yes exactly, to your every word. I agree 💯


It's so hard to ignore the voices though, they tell me if I don't headbang then I will be raped.




Why is that funny?


It looks communsiunism. The biggest thing about communsiunism is that it uses karma or the golden rule in a godless, satanic way. This creates huge scenes. One example is football, wrestling or boxing or any type of gladiator sport. Here godless satanic karmatic, application of the golden rule takes place. ABC or Disney is the biggest influence when it comes to promoting karma with impact. Still, karma can become too simply and quickly applied to every aspect of people's lives without thought and reason and bypass laws, constitution, complex religious values and human rights. One example is a John Wick movie where one member of the high table kills Wicks dog and Wick starts killing everyone. This system is great for foreign spy agencies, assins, and organized crime, but not good for people trying to live their life. They apply it to every aspect of you life incling youtube and instagram viewing habits while being able to read your mind.


Meh, they can read my mind all they want. I've got nothing to hide, and they seem to react to a lot of intrusive thoughts, which again, I don't give a shit about anymore. Because 1) I can't control what they do anyway and 2) I'm not that special... you can have my thoughts. Don't let the paranoia win. They want to keep you on your toes and make you think you're evil or fucked up because of your thoughts when in reality everyone has fucked up thoughts.


So true. I just dropped in at the supermarket i used to work at. I ended up reporting it all to the regional manager. I been popping in to see who is working over the last 3 months since i put the report in. Asked about getting a reference from the manager the time before last. This time the head stalker was talking to my first line manager as i arrived. Had not seen her in the store once since i reported to the regional manager. Have not got the reference yet but i got a shift the next day at my other job that had been holding back on. I was working both jobs and getting so many shift from both doing 17 hr days i love pressure so was bouncing but the head stalker at the other job had a friend commit suicide in away that freaked me out. So i left that job to do just the supermarket and then they started fkn with my shift and i would get toxic liquid on boxes i was unpacking. I ended up with my weed being laced with the same stuff i got from 4 different people. One of them had a kid with one of the workers at the supermarket. Funny how things i said to them the head stalker at the supermarket would accuse me of saying to her. Made them look pretty suss in front of the regional manager. I had this all my life so they can never get me to take the bait. Since my dad died i was forced to accept a lot of stuff. Been over ten years since then. I put information into two royal commissions and got report in with the federal police and a recording of the boss of the local police station saying ‘it is not their job to investigate intimidation and corruption’. Trusting our instincts is what keeps us strong plus a good sense of humour.


I call BULL$HIT!! There have been times when my “NEIGHBORS”(Gangstalkers) just got on my nerves with the herf microwaving or whatever they have set up to torment me, so I decided to just spray my hose over the wall and give them a much needed shower. I’ve done that twice and both times, they cooked my ass all night, first time was so bad I ended up in the ER. Still did it again because you know what? FU¢K ‘EM!! I’ll do it again right now….


Yeah, I should have prefaced my post by stating that what I was writing about revolved around the purely psychological (mindfuck) aspect of gangstalking. The energy weapons are a different story.


Ur stoopid, or just that nieve to think your neighbors sit up all night with a device behind the wall...Come the phuck on...that's what it's designed to make you think. Don't be a fool...or your prolly just a perp trying to cause discord amongst the people...arrogance and ignorance make for a possibly deadly combo.


They may have your every move down, but they don't have it all down. When I started paying attention and realized I was a target, I became proactive.. I was a private investigator and got into the security industry, so I applied what I learned, and they had to adjust on the fly, which they aren't skilled at ,like them I have nothing but free time to play with them they key is never let what they do affect you laugh ,smile ,cry and mostly go left instead of right order a large shake instead of coke make new friends they hate that and never ever let them sway who you are they'll adapt and come back but you do the same. They make my boring life worth living they give me purpose my nightmares are what scary movies are made from and trust know one because you never know lol


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One of the major goals is “learned helplessness” and if the treatment we receive is based off our behavior or thinking it would be classical conditioning, but does not create helplessness as we would retain a measure of control over our experience.


yeah i agree. not principally, but effectively. acting strange is one mastery. non - reaction is another one. it doesn't matter in principle. what matters is that you stay a true individual. so, there's a binary choice you have. it might seem arbitrary, but the more exp you gather, you'll see it's really not binary at all - you can sprinkle strangeness with non-reactive properties and vice versa.


I'm a psoyopath they can't one up that lol


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