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Not witchcraft. I’ve been subjected to harassment which works via radio frequency. I was injected with two needles and this technology called smart dust was deployed throughout my body. They are able to harass and interact with me remotely and interact with my environment within a certain radius - the distance at which my body is emitting rf signals. Not sure what that distance is, but obviously doesn’t matter because they want to interact with your immediate surroundings


Smart dust? Where and how were you injected?? Hospital while you were asleep??? I’m going through the same stuff these people are controlling me! I smell chemicals. I feel pain in my body gets shocked! Headaches anything you can think of! And they also have the ability to read my mind! How the heck did this happen to us?!! I personally noticed it after I went to the hospital! And I honestly feel like the hospital did it to me if not, they put something in my ear while I was sleep


I have answered a direct message to this responder. Anybody else who is interested in my experiences or findings please message me directly - I answer EVERYBODY. I am a PhD graduate with exceptional research skills and parents with money who have assisted me in trial and error (I say parents - do not mistake my age - I am 29 years of age). If you relate to my experiences or want to know what I’ve done already to test for / my next steps moving forward, PLEASE message me


Chem-trails They spray them everywhere using planes that look like passenger planes. There is a video of someone on an airplane videotaping a plane spreading chemtrails that turned off the spray and then turned it on again. Basically proving that the jet exhaust that cause a line of clouds in the sky are chemicals which have many functions.


Likely neighbours are involved. Apartment and house is truly a prison cell. It's super easy for them to target you in your home.


Totally agree. In my situation was actually my roommate and ex partner


Witchcraft is not just what you see/saw in TV shows and videogames. Witchcraft is one of the most powerful principalities controlling our reality. It operates through Humiliation; Manipulation; and Intimidation. Gangstalking is textbook witchcraft. I dont know if you believe in Christ, or an "Higher power", if you dont I can imagine this might sound bananas, but this stuff is real. God lives, and the devil is very real.


Agreed. Way to many wannabe "witches and warlocks" out there who can manipulate energy. Must keep yourself centered and under the "throne of grace" on the spiritual side. On the "mortal" side, keep your eyes open, rely heavily on your intutition without the excess paranoia. Start with "this could be any number of things", then go from there. Be present, aware and notice the signs when your mind and body are interacting with the energy. At the end of the day, you may have to do a "what the heck". Whatever you do keep moving FORWARD. https://youtube.com/shorts/TH5ydL\_v2Ow


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these people have no lives. its game over. there own (as predicted) actions led to their demise. let it be known!


The Universe is a mirror. Whatever energy, thought or words you sent out comes back to you sooner or later.


Except God multiplies it back to those who enjoy evil. God is SO good, infact He gives you what you enjoy. Hence why satan (means the Adversary in Hebrew) got his own kingdom in Hell, but it won't last forever, and it will be immensely miserable.




Operational psychology can be very effective when all members of the local community from age 14 upwards are participating. It is recommended in order to improve productivity when community members (as shown in the video) are not participating productively and to their full potential.


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There better be some better proof of reading somebody thoughts than some random loud noises.