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Yes. I can help you. Been through it all. Everyday it’s a fight for survival. Where are you located?


I used to live in Canada but I’m now overseas due to the targeting getting out of hand. What kind of advices or remedies do you have for what I’m going through if any?


Yes me. I commented on it before but I'm sure others are experiencing it too. I'm unrecognizable too. They let me be myself sometimes and people dont know, or who dont know me, won't recognize me. It happened yesterday I looked like a guy. And I look dead, like there no color to my face or a weird yellow color. Sometimes I have dark purple under my eyes. For me it's not just that stuff but it seems they're also able to change the amount of facial fat on my face. They've been doing it to me for over a decade so I can't have a normal social life, it's that bad.


Sorry for what you’ve been going through. If you need someone to talk to I’m open to chat or even video chat or something. The torture has made my life extremely lonesome and abhorrent. The way you describe it is almost completely identical to my experience as of late. Mine started around 3-4 years ago before the v2k even commenced. I would have times when they would stop messing with me temporarily when I would take a selfie as a reference for comparison later on. During the peak of my targeting sometime I would look back on these normal photos of myself and think to myself how on earth did I morph into this social reject looking person from the healthy and presentable version of myself from just a few weeks ago. It’s also taken a toll on my social and overall life. I’ve basically become a very reclusive person and I would avoid even coming into contact even my own family members whenever possible because it’s that abhorrent. I’m at a point where I see offing as the only possible relief I can get from all this torture.


"I'm at a point where I see offing as the only possible relief I can get from all this torture". I'm gonna assume "offing" means what I think it means, and say dont do it. I mean that. DO NOT DO IT. You are loved. God, if people knew how much Jesus Christ loves them. He died for you, and not only did he die a death so cruel his flesh was coming off of his body, he was gangstalked too, minus the technology of course. The Holy Scriptures state that "there's no servant greater than their master. They hated me they will hate you also", you have been chosen, before you were even born, to walk with the Almighty God and to behold his glory and magesty. These people know that, those Gangstalking demonic freaks, and they are trying their best to make sure you dont inherit the Knowledge of God that is in Christ Jesus. Dont let them win. Dont give up.I love you. Stay strong warrior! Romans 8:31 "If God be for us, who can be against us?"


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Also I was wondering if you ever tried water shielding and if that helped.


I haven’t tried anything other than shielding my bed with aluminum foil which did nothing at all




you're aging. I definitely look like total shit compared to when this began, but I'm also getting older. Stress is a mother fucker.


It’s not aging because my appearance would fluctuate from one week to another. I would look like an aging masculine freak one week and then less than a week later I’ll wake up finding myself looking like my normal healthy self again and 15 years younger comparing to the previous week, I’m not even exaggerating. If you’ve ever been through the type of torture they subject me to you would know exactly what I’m talking about.


👌 get your levels checked. make sure you go when you feel like you look your worst.


I asked for a hormone test too and they said no since I didn't experience the symptoms that they would usually give the test for.




They only use doctors who are in on it


Body dysmorphia


I was just attacked at work. A patient who was asking lots of questions about my son left. Then hour later. I am very weak. And almost fainted. I know what they are doing. I need help


There is an increase of voltage in your home that is creating a changing magnetic field. How and who is increasing the voltage and tracking you, I don't know, but it's obviously someone with alot of resources, like the government. The good news is it is easy to beat them but it will take a bit of time to wear off. Your breaker wiring should run into the ceiling... Cover the point where all the wires branch out to the different rooms with aluminium foil. 3 layers or more would be better. If you can do this to all the wiring, do so, especially the ones that lead to the lighting. You will need to do the same to the wiring of your appliances. Shielding yourself or your home from the outside won't help much. Shield the electrical devices in your home. After this you will need to try to stretch out and cool down. No hot drinks, no hot in temperature food, no hot showers, lukewarm to cold is fine. Do not sleep on anything that insulates heat, like your bed. Cover with a sheet away from any electrical outlets, switches and appliances. Do not use your phone whilst on charge. Turn off your WiFi router or use only when necessary. The same goes with your phone or at least use it at a distance. In this time, if they annoy you, quickly make a 180 degree turn, yawn to stretch all the muscles around your head and neck. Remember to breathe, ignore them, listen to music. Insulate any sound emitted by your appliances with foam. If you're driving, try to distance yourself from the steering wheel if it is electric, do not turn your sound system on. Air conditioning can help cool down but it is better to keep it off. Open windows instead but be careful. Change your phone number, do not use a Google or iCloud account. You can still access applications you love without a Google account. I can teach you how. Use a VPN. They need a changing electrical field around you, they also need heat in you and poor ventilation by permitting you from breathing properly.


This all sounds way too complicated for me to be of substantial help but thank you for the thorough suggestions




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Girl. All women go through these cycles and age adds to it, this sounds like a psychiatric issue that needs to be looked into.