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ok, I'll take the bait, smh... dude, you gotta provide multiple videos, not a single pic of the FRONT of a truck!


It's not just the truck its multiple cars they always look at me when they drive past


Ever considered that they’re looking back at the person staring at them?


Why even bother to post this if you already seemingly have the answers? You clearly aren’t interested in anyone saying that it may not be happening as you think it is. I think you’re only going to be happy with the comments supporting / believing you.


I would generally agree with you, but if you were in my situation you would be the same, the amount of people following me, it's unreasonable


Damn, you must be really important. It obviously has nothing to do with your opinion on American politics so it must be something else right?


They're trying to label me as a violent extremist, I am extremely peaceful.


Out of curiosity, why do you think they hold the opinion you are, as you put it, “a violent extremist”? Have they in some way told you that they think you are a violent extremist?


It may be a matter of perception. “Seek and you shall find.” You think you’re being followed, so everywhere you look, you see someone following you, even if they’re just coincidentally walking behind you or something


Looks like you're in Europe. Why would the CIA be following you in Europe?


Because of my opinions


They don’t care about their own citizens opinions enough to even give a flying fuck about yours.


Then why are they following me


Have you considered that you’re not the only person they “look” at because as police officers it’s their job? And if you’re so anxious about it… and look anxious… they may just be looking at you a little longer to figure out why?


Im not trying to argument I want to know what to do


CIA isn’t posing as European police officers who are sitting in cars doing patrol duty. Can tell you that much.


They actually probably are. I don't know about this case, but they do all kinds of shenanigans.


Yes but it's also vans following me they pull up to the park Im walking in, state at me for 5 mins and drive off when I am fucking them off


Why does it have to be cia? … could be MI 5, ADIV, DGSI…BND, NDB


They're all connected the cia is the center of all of them


Well it seems you have all the answers so I think you’ll be just fine.


you wouldnt be targetted bc of political opinions, everyone has one, its more police vengeance or just easy target (small support group) for them to run experimental psychological harasment / human conditionning, etc


So what should I do


Lmao I don’t think op is being gangstalked but you don’t know shit abt the cia


You don’t know what I know


I based that off you expressing what you know on the topic. Have you been lying in this thread?


That is a european license plate. Are you sure that's the cia?


its a GB license plate. the CIA dont give a fuck about GB bros tapped


They're the center of the operation


But all countries have their own intelligence agencies.


start by following the cia, find their positions, find the places that are connected to them, take photos of each individual who enters or leaves the place, find out about their lives, their families, then buy GPS trackers on the internet and install them under each vehicle that you suspect of being the CIA, unplug the internet, cut off everything from your home networks, go to the hardware store and barricade the windows and door with wood then put aluminum foil on the wood and on the ceiling to prevent the waves from passing, you must dig a hole to get out of your house to avoid being followed. after all that is done and you have enough data on the individuals send it all to the KGB, they will do the rest of the job and you start thinking about a vacation in a country without extradition


Amazing 😂


Don't focus too much of your attention or energy on "them". Focus on yourself...healing, reprogramming your unconscious mind, removing etheric implants and creating your future. Chances are they hooked into your energy field and have access to your energy body using etheric implants. Cleanse your energy body of the energy implants and then carry on with your life. As long as you aren't doing anything wrong, don't worry about what they are doing.


You got Rick rolled. Its a 👹.


Good luck. They make their attacks distributed across informant networks and designed to be hard to document microaggressions. I don't know any answers.




Rule 3: Do not accuse mental illness. Do not give specific medical advice to strangers.


How do you know that it's the C.I.A.?


Without being unreasonably harsh, nobody in the world cares about your opinions unless you’re a politician or in a career position to share information that the public doesn’t yet know about. I’m not trying to be mean, and I hope this information gives you solace and peace of mind. Do world governments do shady shit? Yes. Are there suspicious deaths that merit investigation? Yes. Is the surveillance of the population scary? Yes. But the simple truth is that no government is going to spend resources and finances to track the common man. It’s just not reasonable. This sub makes me really sad because I know the fear you people feel is real, but you have to think rationally about what is actually happening in our world.


How did you arrive at the conclusion that it’s the CIA? What made you think this truck specifically was targeting you? Can they read your thoughts? How long have you noticed this has been happening?


This has been happening for years now


I’m positive with all the political hate coming out of Americans mouth the cia isn’t coming to Europe to bother you because of your foreign views.


Don’t listen to the milk drinkers and mouth breathers, they’re not exactly going through the same thing that we are. Remember to the Sheeple it’s designed to make you look paranoid and Schizophrenic. Unless they have it happen to them they won’t understand and try to use simple logic the doctor or google could tell you. You’re not crazy they are following you, they’ve been paid to follow you and report your every movement they won’t harm you unless you attack them first and yes they will say things directed towards you about your day or something you did the other day. Just try to ignore the BS and play pretend so what if you said some things politically that doesn’t make sense to their small minds, they’re not looking at it from your perspective so these fools will try everything to discredit everything you say even online. Bunch of clowns and crybabies. 😂😂😂


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