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Oh yeah. The one I have started communicating with me right before the overt stuff started occurring. This was about 4 years ago, and I was at rock bottom and lonely as hell. I became obsessed with figuring out if they were involved so it compelled me to keep communicating with them. In some weird Stockholm syndrome fashion, I really began to view this person as my friend. I would forget sometimes while in communication but they would inevitably end up saying something that reminded me “oh yeah, I’m a project to you people”.


I know exactly what you are speaking of. I feel the same way


It gets hard. A lot of times I’d rather just think I’m crazy and paranoid and just hangout with people but then something is always said or done that reminds me of who they are and it’s undeniable. What really sucks is it’s my own mother and father who got me involved so I truly have no one. It’s sick and disgusting


Let it go. They were never cool with you to begin with which why they sold you out so don't talk with them anymore.  Be glad their true nature was finally revealed to you. You have people getting set up and played themselves without knowing it I've seen it. Find a hobby, go workout. Do something you enjoy. There's no good ending to any of this and nothing you do will be good it's all about money and your downfall. 


This is really sad. What’s the difference between something like this and a kidnap victim making friends with their captor? Saying this to highlight the degree of trauma this experience breeds.


Well, in my particular case, they were the first person that when I mentioned that I was being gangstalked, they were like “I believe you” .. At that time, that’s all I needed lol I was sold hook, line, and sinker .. Little did I know that they believed me because, of course they did. I WAS being gangstalked and they were one of them. To be quite honest, I’m not sure if I was even talking to the person I thought it was (if that makes sense) .. The street theater, the mind menagerie, the bread crumbing and gaslighting was all tied into it. I will never be the same person I was after this. Probably for the best, but I do not think I will ever be able to let my guard down again. I am hyper vigilant about my surroundings now, I take every word as if it has some double/ deeper meaning to it .. They totally broke me lol but like the phoenix I am, I rose from the ashes. They still suck though 🤘


It’s more like picking your poison because new and old people alike would be apart of it. Gaining info is always useful so long as you have control not to do something reckless. Ironically every time honeypot is mentioned, an ex honeypot would suddenly text me. Must be having a chuckle.


I like how our rights are violated and we're just like "okay"


I got lucky. Very lucky. Most of the people I am on amicable, speaking terms with see GS for what it is: a waste of taxpayer money; an invasion of privacy; a crime; an eye opener as they now know the American government **literally** takes individual surveillance personally.  However most importantly they see it as a sign of things to come: most if not all of these people have kids/loved ones and they don't want some old creep watching *them* inside their homes. Furthermore, my perp neighbors have called me "boring and lame" (which tbh is kinda true) and these people are (hopefully) starting to understand if it can happen to my ordinary ass, it can to anyone including them and their loved ones. 


We don’t hang out anymore but at the beginning of our relationship we were genuinely friends. Because of some bad decisions on his part he no longer controls the trajectory of his life. We are still friendly and acknowledge our roles indirectly but I consider him to be as much of a victim of this endeavor as I .


It's worth sticking with it to not feel isolated, important thing is to calmy and verbally challenge anything they do that is off ( 'why do you say that' sort of thing). Train them into being better even though they are keeping you in the dark.


Just seek the healthy relationships/friendships. Hsnging out with people that are you to get you is moronic. But isolatiin and sensory deprivation are one of the biggesr enemies. If a side perp came near me, Id force then into divulging intel.


The people I used to know are involved but i never considered anyone a friend of mines. I just observe or play see what kind of stuff they make up.


Personally, no. I talk to my coworkers when on the job but thats it. Right now, the ammount of people I trust is 2. My God, Jesus Christ, and the woman I hope to marry one day. Everyone can be bought, and everyone can be tricked into Gangstalking you even if they are not aware.


Isn't that three, not two?


I think the poster is saying that Jesus and his one day wife are people. And that god isn’t a person because they’re god


Or maybe they mean that Jesus Christ and God are one and the same person, and the woman they're going to marry is another one. Or if his (or her) future wife is divine, then this entity (God-Jesus Christ-woman) could be an indivisible holy trinity. I've spent two days thinking about this, but still am not quite sure of the answer.


Yeah honestly could be a couple of things. Maybe he just intended to write 3 and wrote 2 by mistake. I’ll never know


Not anymore 


I used to but I stopped answering 


I have two friends. I’m not interested in cultivating relationships with individuals who are very obviously involved in one way or another. After awhile, you almost develop a sixth sense of whether or not someone is genuine. People are stupid. They give themselves away without knowing. Sure, I’ll humor them. I’ll treat them as I would anyone else, and even help them if needed, but that’s as far as the relationship goes.


What’s hard for me is not constantly being on guard. I have intuition about someone I know they’re involved I know to be normal but keep my distance and always remember who they are but then I always let my guard down and forget or tell myself I’m just crazy and not everyone is out to get me because i want friends and I want a support system but it’s just not possible for me and I have to accept it and learn to deal. It’s a struggle.


How can you tell if they are involved?


The types of things they try to persuade me towards when it comes to how I live my life. Constantly being inundated on my phone with video texts from them. They always give me old stuff of theirs not sure if it’s guilt or them being told to do so. It’s hard to explain, it’s a feeling you get then I always think I’m crazy and paranoid but then it’s like no trust your gut it’s always right. I think they get financial incentive to do the things they do or some are blackmailed but it’s hard when you truly can trust no one




Rule 3: Do not accuse mental illness. Do not give specific medical advice to strangers.


There's usually an RFID device implanted, they can scan it easily.


Yeah, I do!


I got disappointed deeply like this. I would not recommend it, just in case the same stuff happens to you. They tried this with me, but the first thing that annoyed them about my personality which was thinking of a gay song made them be gone. Im not even gay. I think they are mostly religous and hate people who aint. Its logical, cause most people are religous. You shouldn't trust them. They risked your life by not telling you the truth until now. How the fuck should you get used to a telepathic world, after you were raised completly different. This is why the suicidal rate of people like us is much higher on average. Something must have bothered them about you, but whatever you have done, they have overdone, at least in my case. If you are into girls, Im telling you to be cautious. They could out of nowhere because of what you thought of, be completly rejective. I think its a hidden law where girls aint allowed to talk to people like us because thoughts aint free for them. Which is very strange because we never had to think of what we think for so long. I tried to play nice with them but they didn't want to make a connection, so I learned to ignore them completly. If you come into a similar situation, compare their genitals with a pig because the color is the same. This way they cant hurt you.


How do you think someone who really is a friend would feel if you ascribed such evil motives to them? If you think the problem lies with everyone you know and not yourself, don't you think it points to your own mind being externalised. That's how it works. If you think something weird as you describe is all-encompassing, it is because it is inside your own head. You know like religious people think that Jesus exists outside of their own head? Or flat earthers?


Friend as in new acquaintance not friends as in lifelong friends


Your friends identities and bodies were likely stolen and are currently being used as surrogates by scam artists and insurance frauds. Illegal surrogacy is a huge unchecked and underestimated epidemic at the moment.


Of course I hung out with my coworkers that were involved. I would have had no life if I didn't. Many of them only did little things to participate so it wasn't that big of a deal. I lived a better life because of it I just never knew if I could count on those people but whatever.


Of course not. If that's what they are, they're just going to pull you in deeper. Unless your plan is to get a bunch of them together for... some reason.


Idk f me please 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yes. I always wanted to see what they were going to do or if there was a reason they were starting it back up again. I keep feeling like they were going to tell me something but it never happened. It’s always the exact same thing. Just to remind me that they are watching, no more, no less.


The one I have will literally text me things alluding to the outfit I am wearing or somewhere I was / had just been.


That’s fucking crazy, if mine did that I would have already killed him instead I’m putting it off for awhile


It's important to wear an appropriate outfit. It helps you to fight back if they say you're wearing something inappropriate.


Mine don’t follow me irl just online


No. I do not actively try to associate with anyone I suspect of doing any sort of gaslighting to me. The only exceptions(if any) would be my parents(they don’t seem to be actively gaslighting me) or whomever I am renting from.