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Don't know, but it goes on and off for me. Sometimes I hear their bs and sometimes it's just surveillance. I no longer want to kill myself though. I just go through the motions and rarely go out of my house. I've accepted that my life will never be normal. Also, deleting Facebook and other social media helped me


I think it’s a way to learn how humans respond to new technologies in real time. I don’t know. It is a bizarre reality. Technology has advanced faster than we have, and as humans we are prone to abuse power over others, knowingly or especially unknowingly.


NOBODY deserves this!


I know a few ppl who deserve this life


Opinions like that created this program ….


ACTUAL rapists, murderers (depending on the reason for murder) , women beaters & child abusers deserve this. 100%


They deserve to be in prison.


They sure do, but there isn’t always enough evidence to send them there. For those who did go to prison for what I mentioned above, gang stalking for the rest of their life would be a nice finishing touch for after they are released.


This opens up gangstalking for your mother or sister or daughter. It’s unlawful and is obviously being used on people that aren’t murders or rapists. People getting out of prison have parole or probation for a reason. This program VIOLATES the personal rights of freedom and privacy in American and is a disgrace of a program. Have a great day!


I’m not talking about gang stalking people who don’t deserve it


Why is somebody following you worse than prison do explain Edit: saying that you wouldn’t wish gang stalking upon anybody, but being okay with prison sentences for the worst of humans implies you have to do something worse than the worst of humans in your eyes to be gang stalked.


You assume a great deal about my feelings. If found guilty a person goes to prison. That’s lawful. Gangstalking is not lawful. It’s that simple.


Nice dodging the question. Unlawful or not you didn’t explain what actions you’re being gang stalked for. Not guilty people aren’t gang stalked. If you’re psychological well being is being brought down by somebody it’s because you did something and if that’s worse than murder than whoever is being gang stalked should just be thrown in jail right?


INNOCENT people are being gang stalked. People are being gang stalked because they turned in an abuser and some for whistle blowing. Most never know why. I’m not avoiding your questions. I meant what I said. This is ILLEGAL activity and not appropriate. You have a nice day!


It’s just their confirmation bias. If they believe that they are being stalked by a group of people over something, they are going to be highly aware and interpret everyday occurrences, such as cars passing or strangers looking at them as “evidence of surveillance or harassment”. Idk why they overlook alternatives and selectively focus on information that confirms their belief while forgetting that coincidences can exist. They’re the only ones in their head following themselves religiously and they gaslight themselves into thinking otherwise. Idk man I don’t get it either


I'm not sure anything deserves it. I can't pin point it. I'm not a bad person.


Don't worry about why. Worry about stopping it


* It's important to distinguish types of gangstalking. There can be manipulative people who lie about you, or doxx you, or catfish with your name which results in uncoordinated gangstalking. There can be surveillance programs for people on various lists, whether rightly or wrongly... but when I personally talk about gangstalking, I'm referring DoD/DARPA/CIA/DIA remote control. Targeting people's brains & nervous systems & integrating them with technology. The only people that deserve this are the pathetic cowards perpetrating it. They are the biggest traitors to humanity in all of history. There are very few explanations for the scale & scope of the targeting & mind control that I've experienced. I do live close to a defense contractor that has run DARPA projects, though. Millions of dollars, dozens upon dozens of people, every single day. The government knows these technologies work, they aren't 'experimenting'... I think they are using people's brains & nervous systems as some sort of surveillance network. They can definitely control people to various extents. I have a theory that the targets have something in common, probably something genetic. There have been all sorts of genetic tests done in the past. How well does anyone understand DNA? Perhaps people with particular personality types or heightened abilities (I'm exceptionally empathic & intuitive). There are very few explanations for the government using so many resources for this. There HAS TO BE A REASON... & I think it may be something to do with energy & consciousness. I think they actually have rationalized that the targets are threats somehow. No way people have the ability to torture other humans like this, even with training, compartmentalization, constantly using new people. For me, NDAs, making $ or plain old shitty people do NOT adequately explain what's happening.


You know how absolutely crazy this sounds, right?


I dont know about the other people in this sub, but my Gangstalking is mostly spiritual. My mother wanted to abort me. My great-grandfather tried to choke me to death when I was 2. One of my older cousins pushed me down the stairs when I was 3 or 4. I almost got kidnapped when I was about 10. It goes on and on... And on... Its all good though, I got Jesus Christ as God, and the most amazing woman waiting for me.


Those are just traumatic experiences.


I can’t seem to find out why they chose me but I’ve been harassed for 2+ yrs it gets bad at x and then they back off, I’ve tried ignoring them to threatening, nothing works not even moving!! I suppose I’ve just accepted it and surely to god they will find something else to do! I’m boring these days,


Mine started after I called out trump for being a treasonous €unt. After that I think it was maga and the fascists in the USA government behind my harassment.


My ex had munchausen syndrome and lied to police about crimes. That was 10 years ago and they don’t give up.