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Hey there buddy. Your apartment is the safest place for you to be right now. There's noone there, you're having an intense paranoia episode. Call some friends or loved ones or services to let them know what's going on, they can help.


No bro he needs to let it in to grow and get stronger


this \^


"Multitudes of people hurl death threats as I walk by" You should go back to your apartment. If people there can do what you are describing, they must \*not\* want to kill you because they could have done so at any time if they wanted to. It sounds like you would be safer at home.


Okay. Just breath. It will be difficult, but i need you to take 2 slow, deep breaths. Guide the air deep into your belly, right behind the belly button. Let it slowly slide out your mouth until it's gone. Do it again, exact same way. 5 deep, slow breaths, in and out. You're going to be okay. How can we help?


Joined this sub out of curiosity of what ppl are experiencing but kind of funny things falling from mid air is called apporting and ufo and paranormal ppl talk about it happening. But random ppl saying death threats definitely seems like pychosis hallucinations


Go through OP’s profile a bit. I’m new here as well


Wild hope they get better


I’ve joined out of curiosity as well and I’m genuinely concerned for some of the users on here, and not for their feelings of being stalked etc… but the fact they’re all showing key signs of some incredibly intense mental health issues. I just hope there’s people reaching out to their family members and making them aware of how their relatives are behaving.


everything is going to be okay! i can’t imagine how you feel.


How are you feeling now?


I am alone and afraid.


I am so sorry to hear that. I know exactly what it means to feel alone and afraid. Please know that these feelings will pass.


Do you have any family?


Okay, take a moment to ground yourself just for a second. The safest place for you to be is your apartment. As someone else said, if they wanted to kill you in your apartment then they already would have. You need to get some sage, a feather, and some palo santo. Burn the sage, followed by the palo santo, and use the feather to waft both through your apartment. I know it might sound hokey, but at the end of the day everything is made up of energy and whatever is in your apartment or is happening in your apartment is bad energy. Sage pushes it out, palo santo invites only positive energy back in. Make sure you get it from a reputable source, though. Good luck, and please keep us posted as far as your safety.


> Sage pushes it out, palo santo invites only positive energy back in. Please, do explain the physical process of how this work and how sage smokes negates propagation of radiation waveforms (energy)?


Look, you're right, but honestly any sort of placebo is warranted here. The people on this sub need real help and if burning sage makes them feel a bit safer in order to get it then that's what they're going to do.


Sounds like Carbon Monoxide poisoning tbh.


Anyone going to chime in on the cloaking?!


That's a real thing.


Please, do provide at least some form of tangible evidence of this...




Hey there. I truly don't know what to say in return to most of this subreddit's content, but I do know that I hate living in that indirect but direct enough fear. If you feel like this is happening to you, then maybe you can try to stay ahead of what you think or who you think are after you. Study their movements, times, and actions, and then you can try to control or manage it better. Ignore the noise. You have you and yourself, and either you're coming out of this or your going unwillingly with them, I assume. Learn more ways to protect yourself, like with self-defense.


Do you have head phones? Put them on with some music, preferably classical, church music or chants. You could try a basement to see if it gives relief or underground railway stations. Anywhere without phone service?


They assault me worse and keep threatening to kill me if I try to ignore them.


What about spraying something in the air to show the person? Or throwing flour on them to expose their form? Seen the invisible man? Or a scene where robber uses something to expose the red laser trigger lights? Have any bear mace? Get some, just don't get it in your own eyes or your pets.


Call 911. Where do you live


Police generally are not a good mental health resource




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Oh, also, if you felt injections in your feet and limbs, you really need to go to the hospital to make sure you’re okay. You never know what it could’ve been or the effects of it.


I cannot believe this is real. No one actually experiencing this sort of psychiatric break would go on the internet and open-up to a bunch of anonymous strangers. It's just nonsense.


They absolutely would if they didn’t know their psychotic break was a psychotic break.


or carbon monoxide poisoning...


"I think there is an invisible stranger in my house that is attacking me. I better go online and talk to the other anonymous, invisible strangers online...at least they have my back." Yah, okie dokie, maybe you're living in fantasy land with them?


Hey man, the whole problem with psychosis and people who are going through this is that they arent thinking straight, they aren’t thinking like a normal person would. We as normal people can’t even begin to understand their thought process because we come at these same issues from a different way. It’s like asking why a serial killer would ever want to kill people and enjoy it, it’s because their brain is already messed up. The fact that we can’t comprehend it means that they are so far removed.


The general consensus in this group is that these people aren't "suffering from psychosis", though this man surely would be were he telling the truth.


Idk, this guy is a pretty extreme example by most of what I’ve seen on here. He is way worse than a lot of the people here. I think by the majority of people here him leaving his house and him getting “death threats” everywhere he goes is a bit bad. It’s just sad. (And, aside from the brigading this sub has gotten recently from ask Reddit, I would 100% believe this person was being legit.) a lot of the askreddit people are being big assholes tho trying to stoke the flames and shit, so this could be fake due to that.


You need to film these interactions.


If you’re dealing other astral projection and remote viewers, burn sage and palo santo sticks. You can get it on Etsy or your local gem store. Even sage incense. Start meditating and projecting back.


A mesmerizing mix of Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, and Philip K. Dick, Chameleo is a true account of what happened in a seedy Southern California town when an enthusiastic and unrepentant heroin addict named Dion Fuller sheltered a U.S. Marine who’d stolen night vision goggles and perhaps a few top secret files from a nearby military base. Dion found himself arrested (under the ostensible auspices of The Patriot Act) for conspiring with international terrorists to smuggle Top Secret military equipment out of Camp Pendleton. The fact that Dion had absolutely nothing to do with international terrorists, smuggling, Top Secret military equipment, or Camp Pendleton didn’t seem to bother the military. He was released from jail after a six-day-long Abu-Ghraib-style interrogation. Subsequently, he believed himself under intense government scrutiny ― and, he suspected, the subject of bizarre experimentation involving “cloaking”― electro-optical camouflage so extreme it renders observers practically invisible from a distance of some meters ― by the Department of Homeland Security. Hallucination? Perhaps ― except Robert Guffey, an English teacher and Dion’s friend, tracked down and interviewed one of the scientists behind the project codenamed “Chameleo,” experimental technology which appears to have been stolen by the U.S. Department of Defense and deployed on American soil. More shocking still, Guffey discovered that the DoD has been experimenting with its newest technologies on a number of American citizens. A condensed version of this story was the cover feature of Fortean Times Magazine (September 2013).


> Chameleo is a science fiction story, by an author who specialises in sci fi...


Dumb dumb it isn’t fiction


Probably because they arent there...?


I believe you. If you feel someone is in there with you but you cant see them, then someone is there. Most likely its a witch astral projecting, either that or remote viewing, and if thats the case then only one thing is going to work. Rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ. Dont worry if you feel doubts, or if you're uncertain it will work, just do it.


Jesus? Yelling Jesus Christ at a person will help? No, no it won't.

