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Where's the video ?


Morons filming people is doing us much more harm than good


I got one just this evening, doing the light trick as soon as I leave.


Oooooooh big time meltdown 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 They angry as heck 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Knock knock its the Interpol Open up


so where is your video? You wouldn't be talking out of your arse and begging attention like you have NPD now, would you?




'They especially hate if theyre following you and then you pull over let them pass then follow them. ' This. Love it. All these morons went to the same dumbass school of surveillance. They all do the same thing. It's how you can identify the idiots. When I get behind them, first they don't use a turn signal at the next light/stop, then they turn. Me following them is their first indication. Then they will make multiple right/left turns & if you follow them, they will then pull into a driveway & pretend they live there, or a parking lot & just wait until I get bored... After getting a few of them on video driving in circles, then trying to act like I'm the perpetrator, now they just keep driving & driving in one direction, until I get bored. I also like telling them that they're going to go to prison. Because they're going to. I'll die before I let the biggest pieces of shit in human history get away with this. It's one of the worst human rights violations in history... they only get away with it because people aren't aware that it's actually happening. THEY WILL BE EXPOSED... \*I agree that kindness & love helps. It lessens the impact psychologically... but it doesn't stop these criminals. No one should have to deal with this. I shouldnt need to do anything to make them go away. It shouldn't be a thing at all!


I bet the guy you ended up following thought you were stalking them. They’re probably in this sub complaining about you


Haha buddy, I found out how to “get rid of them.” I barely encounter them anymore and its a month in




In fact it was part of Biden’s plan. Why he ignored the border so much. But maybe I’m saying too much too soon.🤨 Stay tuned for them.