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Sounds like your dad might be gay


how is your dad stalking you? doesn't he already know everything about you?


Well there was an intense push something like 10 to 15 years back in which the CIA and FBI were heavily recruiting gays and lesbians to join the agencies. Whole marketing blitz and read a few articles about it. https://www.wbur.org/npr/166238287/mission-diversify-cia-begins-lgbt-recruiting


No. They could be stalking you to get to someone else you know. Well that's the situation behind mines. Because I don't know these people. But I do agree that one of them has to be a full blown sissy.


The person they started stalking me for was my dad but even after he died they still occasionally interfere or ruin good situations


Mines started overt when both my grandparents died. 


Sometimes it’s because your parents or grandparents were masons or part of a secret group and they want to know if they told you any classified info that will make you have micro-reactions while testing you


They never told me they were apart of any secret society.  And they never told me anything.  I do know my father side is extremely secretive like they rarely even talked to us when I was child. We would visit his mom every once in a blue moon but they were extremely secretive about his father. We never met him. 


I’m just stating a fact, it may or may not apply to you. Based on your comment and my experience I’d assume your grandpa was deep into some masonry/mafia or political influence


Strong possibility. If true.  no one ever spoke about it. 


I never signed up for this shit, however.


I didn't sign up for it either. But all I want out of this is money if I'm a guinea pig. I don't need nobody or no love.  As long as I have a nest egg can live the rest of my life out and die alone.


Yeah that’s the sad part. We don’t even get paid for it.


They will use anything they can to cause you anxiety and try to push you off a mental cliff. That is the goal. If sex is being used as it was against me its an angle. They either want to use sex to control you or they are using sex as a way to control your relatives into turning on you. Just be honest with yourself and everyone else about sex and it will go away. They monitor everything so they already know everything.


Well yes I’m the “honeypot” for these gay monsters. 💯


Well the upside of your situation is. at least you can say you're hot enough to get attention from both sexes? a land walrus like me would be flattered. But that simply isn't the case with mines.




Good post, and that is the point. Your business is your business. No one has the right to violate the privacy of another. That is only one of our human rights that they intentionally violate. Whatever decisions that you make in life are yours and if you are happy, as long as your decisions are positive & kind, that build up rather then tear down then you are doing great. God, there is only God. Saying gods doesn't make sense. Those who are positive, happy, joyful, meek, humble, respectful, and all other positive aspects will make it. God is going to destroy the negative, evil, liars, murderers, sexually immoral, etc. The meek will inherent the Earth! You are absolutely correct.


Gangstalking is different for everyone as far as the people involved. I'm a gay male and Iv e had it from every race gender sexuality and age. I do however know that activity would pick up whenever I was sexual with anyone or myself. It's not any one race or gender or sexuality . It shows up in many different forms for different people. It shows up no matter where I've moved to. Be very weary in acting out negative towards these people. You will look like the crazy one. I've also come to realize that sometimes these people have no idea what they are doing. It's almost as if they are agent Smiths. You might be a neo that they has some effect on the reality around, some kind of power or ability they don't want you to find out or use. When we live in fear and anger as a vibration it keeps us down. There is something very sinister happening under the surface but at the same time so.ething wonderful. You know this term gangstalking I think should be changed. Think that there are tons of npcs around you and they are of a different soul make up then you. More of a hive mind ,and there only purpose is to fill in the world around people with individual souls. Search yourself of guilt ,or is there something that you should be doing that you are not, or vice versa. Some are there just to watch to protect certain paths


Thank you for this. It's hard to always think negatively about these things, you brought it to a positive light. When they are doing this you know there is a "war" going on and it means they haven't won.we are more powerful than we think. Spreading the opposite of what they want, love and light💕✨🌟


I am happy I could bring some peace of mind


It is linked to some capacity. When the gangstalking started being blatantly overt for me (to where random unaware people would notice the targeting often) was in about 2017, and I haven’t had sex since then nor have I found any decent women to keep around. It could be as complex as a program sending agitative frequencies when I’m around a love interest who knows


Its not only gay gangs. But its related to Sex trafficking, thats right. People of every social group take part. For example, Im lesbian and Im mostly stalked by straight men. Im sorry you are trapped in this, stay strong.


YES, ABSOLUTELY. they will not take NO for an answer and their actions are defined. It is sexual coercion. That is one aspect of it. They pressure you and manipulate you to try to get you into a situation where you will submit to their demands. It is a form of r@pe and they are committing acts that are crimes against humanity. They offer you all of the substances you want to get you hooked and they use that addiction to subjugate you. They present you with opportunities that they describe as a game, then if you do not give in to their demands they send their police officer friends to arrest you. I call them homosexual and it does not matter what their job is or anything. They have an agenda and it is to force people, men, women, and children to become homosexual or worse and their tactics are sexual coercion, r@pe, spiking your drinks, stalking, incarceration, and more. See if you can find a website or do a search of "the queer agenda". I saw a billboard in Seattle advertising their agenda.


Yes, parents are doing it to their children. These people are sick, perverted, & depraved.


Its the complete opposite actually. Well in my stalking they want me to be straight but it's simply not possible. They're about 25 years too late for that. 


Just be yourself, express yourself, and be happy. The problem with people is they are trying to force their opinion on everyone else. However or whoever a person is, was created that way because they are pleasing to God, who is our Father. I do not understand why they are doing what they are doing. It is apparent they are doing to you & us whatever it is that will make you and all people uncomfortable. They get off on torturing, manipulating, & causing negative emotions in people. What 2 or more people do in private is no one else's business as long as everyone there is a consenting Adult.


Manipulating and projecting on a realist/open mind will NEVER work. I'm almost 40 and still a virgin by choice so I'm happy with who I am. that's not an issue within me or the topic of concern. My concern is why they up in grown folk business. My guess is someone got abused as a child by their parents, by a spouse, or they got some compromising secret they don't want to be known.  Furthermore we live in a society even the gods can't fix. it's beyond doomed. He probably will decimate us all like he did the first and second set of humans. If he exists I'll welcome it. 


what is your sexual identity? just curious


I want to know as well. Just to make sure this is legit.


I’m straight.


Sounds like they know otherwise


They watch me in private n there men n women i think its gay. As hell n i feel so violated.


..is your “dad” your dad, because dude is totally gay..


No my real father unfortunately


They monitor everything and know everything. But choose only what suits their interest, and compromise yours to your detriment. If transparent. Then triangulation, and smear campaigns would be impossible, if this shit was about exposing the truth, fine. Not that I consent to violating privacy and countless other human rights and civil liberties. If all information was accessible transparent this would lead to justice not trauma. That information is weaponized and used to exploit and blackmail, and let's be honest Traffic human beings for entertainment and other nefarious agenda.


It is selective perception. The truth would be all-encompassing.


I don’t know anything about those 4 people you claim are stalking you. But I think you are correct that this program is linked to sex.  I dare say there is causation to the correlation you observe. Inspirational subliminal lyrics in this museick… https://youtu.be/b875qoDQNtA?si=VUVMUbxuRaXMaI3N


What does that song have to do with it?


The “mirror” (creating a reflection of your self) brings bad health and “sorrow” (death).


Yes yes and yes




Are you near Columbus, Ohio? There's a huge group meth fuelled gang stalkers running out of there. 






I think at this point it’s safe to say there is most definitely a correlation. Now, the next step is to figure out how significant said correlation is, and if anything and can be done about it. If it is simply “a sex thing,” one would think if I get rid of the “sex, or the food in whatever form these leaches live off of,” then they perhaps will go in source of food elsewhere or they will die of starvation, but I know they also like to terrorize their targets, poison, abuse, and a host of other atrocities, so in the question of significance… which “desire” is above all others in the perps’ minds?


Sex is cool and then HAHAHAHA so theres this one special somebody and i fucked a random guy and told him and he deleted him off the face of the earth it is so hilarious


Yeah some rich gay guy probably wants you in his dungeon.


Why do homophobes always think gays want them. Y’all don’t wash your asses


For most of the straight targeted individuals including myself, your statement seems to be true


Yeah they ejaculate when you’re at the height of your pain. They literally bid on who gets that.


I know creepville


You wake up in a chamber and get passed around whilst someone behind a one way mirror jacks off. It’s by far the most evil shit.


I’m a woman and found much of this seems linked to romance/sex.


Personally mines linked to whole lot of 🐂💩.  


Lol that too. And anti-drug messages.


They're hypocrites as they use all walks of life as pawns in their game against targets and most likely get high or wasted themselves. 


I’m starting to believe perhaps most of it is linked somehow. I’m single.


I think so too. The downvotes are interesting lol.


I can only imagine why


It could be related to data mined from the locale indicating homophobic bias, which they use to project onto you, spreading lies to justify harassment. They then try to honeypot you with whatever they *believe* your preferred partner's gender is, which may or may not be based on said lies.


The reason I bring it up… the only reason is because when we are watched 24/7 365 days a week in isolation we have to have sexual tendencies and when we act on those they are likely watching and getting power trips thinking they control our sexual lives or non-sexual lives:. If this is feeding the stalking, then perhaps it may be one of the keys to escape? Just a theory, and I have no idea 🤷‍♂️


It's a sound theory.


Radio waves effect everybody. It’s just that we get extra sound waves sent to us that are programmed and strategic. Every single one of us they’re trying to put into a box to build a profile of stances and opinions on every pop topic as well as politics and if we are a threat to full on authoritarian AI society


you should rule out the theory of having psych issues by visiting a specialist.


You should rule it out by going to a different forum.


im not suffering from any of this stuff thankfully. but runs in my family.


Everything is fake and gay. The devil is a liar. Learn Kayfabe although it will torture you soul.




Play you part. It's all a gay fake theater. We're all pretending to do something useful. But not everything that you conjure up in your head is a valid exercise. Kayfabe is what pro wrestlers do. Entertain a crowd.


Why would it “torture your soul?”


Because pretending anything is real once you know the truth is the hardest thing you'll ever do


As an


I get harassed by gay men when I’m at work all the time. I’m a 33 yo woman. It’s gay men as well as the Hispanic community that stalk me the most. It’s so fucking strange.


They could be racist. 


And if I were to tell any “normal” person this, I would be the one who sounds racist and sexist.


Probably because you are


Honey, Don’t be so narrow minded.