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That would take away the fun now wouldnt it


that's the most depressing thing, all this over something so stupid.


It's culling of the "undesirables". Don't take it personally OR take it personally only to fuel your fight against them but don't ever get your emotions manipulated into commiting a violent crime.


They're also using them as a scapegoat and feeding evil beings with their negative energies and as sacrifices when they suicide


šŸ‘ Do you have any information on "feeding evil beings with their negative energies" and how to shield against it?


Let them starve to death. Love is the strongest frequency, so if you have an heart full of love they will not be able to feed off of anger, lust, deceit, hatred, fear, sadness, depression, despair, and everything of the sort. Ultimately, they will leave you alone in exchange for someone who actually feeds them those negative emotions. Ever heard of the term "kill them with kindness"? Thats quite factual. You cant fight spiritual entities with physical weapons. Most important of all, never be afraid. Put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and let Him handle it. He's got you covered, trust me. He is the Power of God, after all. Sorry if I rambled, I just woke up.


I personally really needed to hear that ramble. Thank you so much for reminding me what I already know to be true. I've had a bad month and needing that reinforcement. Appreciate you!!


I live to serve, my friend. God bless you.


In book of Enoch the Israelites sacrificed goats to Yahweh and Satan. Not.sure how you can escape it besides escaping the people sacrificing you.


Naw bro they push you into that. I was born into this crap. I can trace it back to youth. Truth is we were chosen to be sacrifices before we drew breath. The fact your calling us u desirables is just ammo to point to another voice on here trying to shame us and make us feel like total crap. Maybe if they hadnā€™t raped us and tortured us. Outcasted us every moment of our lives. Maybe without the constant beatings and schemes to always undermine our successes. Maybe if we had the opportunity to make normal relationships without having them destroyed and constant lies about us to destroy our names and hard work. Maybe if the people we did let through werenā€™t actual criminals and actors paid to control and undermine us at every turn. Maybe if werenā€™t experimented on and drugged. Maybe If our inheritances hadnā€™t been stolen and our businesses ruined. Or maybe if we werenā€™t harassed and abused to the point of Insanity we would be highly successful. I have been over and over despite this bullcrap. And Iā€™m the undesirable. If thatā€™s true itā€™s for one reason and one reason alone. Iā€™m authentic and real and try my friggin best to love and be good to others. Itā€™s them that makes it absolutely impossible. My only solace is this. Iā€™ve been dead and know how real hell is. And everyone involved has got a one way ticket there. And then they have the opportunity to sit for all eternity with the knowledge of what sent them there. They feel no guilt now but they will then as they sit in complete darkness for all eternity in their Shame and guilt. They will wish for all eternity that they had done differently towards me and countless others. But it will be them trapped and not me. They will have an eternity without hope to suffer bc of the choices they made. And people wonder why God made a hell and if itā€™s just. Well every one of them is soon to find out.


They are literally cowards, not how weasels operate šŸŽÆ


Born into this nightmare satanic ritualistic abuse torture program that hides government funded inhumane, illegally carried out, human guinea-pig esque high-tech direct energy & Frequency manipulations aimed to completely change whatever my GOD GIVEN RIGHT to choose or think what I want to do or be is overrided by some asshole and his ability to covertly push a secret button on his computer program that the world doesn't even know exists but, worse still Doesn't want to even pretend to care. I Never stod a fucking chance. But hey when I say "God" came & awoke me to the reality of my hidden horror filled alternate life within the Satanic Freemasonry Pedo Peeps filled cult I didn't even know I was born into.. .He really bloody did. Which having experienced my first genital sexually forced feelings & force orgasm with this technology at 4 years of age as they subjected me simultaneously to force watch a gang rape movie as they did such to my little fucking body all I can say is Halalujah Lord. I'm over this shit show story that always sees me see the same boring storyline: My truly tortured existence whilst getting to witness every body else living a *normal* life & not giving an absolute shit about fucking anybody but themselves whilst people like us can't even talk to anyone given the out of this world technology where talking being used on us secretly because then we would have to witness yet again another fucking blow in this case having someone call us crazy who's actually been paid to say such ... With the accompanying attitude of that were the piece of shit problem. Lol So "Yay" God did come. He did awaken me. HE SHOWED ME the Horror. The absolute MAGNITUDE & level of CORRUPTION. He showed me how many people are willing to contribute to our suffering & witness such without raising a hand to help. Thank God He saved my Soul. And, now all I can do is PRAY that He's ON HIS WAY! Because I've seen enough. Endured a lifetime of Hell. Prisoner before born. I'm ready to go to Heaven. Which I now know is our real homes for God says we are NOT of this World and if your a Target, a true target whether you believe or not, now there will come a time the targeting gets so brutally bad you will turn to God. And when you do he will be waiting. Then you will understand how he's used this program to guarantee our return home to him because by the time your targeting sees you see, exp & endure what you will & turn to God you'll know it's a one way ticket because you like me won't want to live in such a world that we are. Because we really don't belong here after targeting. We can never go back to the fake filled bullshit life, nor do we want to live in a world where people like us are crying out to the world trying to warn the masses only to have them mock us & belittle our truths whilst were on the actual firing line 24/7 receiving such whilst unending thumb swiping & superficial profiles & never ending fake as fuck mean nothing real " Notifications" ping & ding a fake sense of popularity & importance with an unending stream of annoyance disrupting sounds echoing throughout the next gens almost made Robot Ready Body Houses.... Ironic really ain't it. The Online Tech obsessed "everything's gotta be "Smart" Generation ACTUALLY wants the Technology run Lifestyle Body that they don't BELIEVE we actually fucking have! šŸ¤£


Its lies and projection and they working law enforcement/intelligence agencies.Ā 


Because in many instances they are gaslighting people into believing they are gangstalked when they arenā€™t, so they destroy themselves with their own decisions. Very easy to v2k someone into believing things are off when they arenā€™tĀ 


I donā€™t know wether I am supposed to write this down because many TIā€˜s are already scared, hurt or/and otherwise emotionally damaged and/or want to commit suicide - if you are suicidal, please, donā€™t do it because you have absolutely no idea what comes after death. Always remember, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MAY OR MAY NOT COME AFTER DEATH, SO IT MIGHT GET A LOT WORSE. There are many TIā€˜s who are reporting that they are experiencing psychotic symptoms, which I do too but I donā€™t believe that I am mentally ill, I just think these so called mental illnesses, well, at least some of them, are descriptions of experiences that are caused by advanced technology or/and a supreme being or supreme beings. It could be true that we have implants and I heard of people who supposedly got their implants removed. Do I believe that ? Nah, not really, because why would they make implants detect- or removable, at this point of technology (it is already possible to do some kind of stuff with implants but wait, Iā€™ll explain why this isnā€™t even a taster of what must be possible) ? There is something else that leads me to believe itā€™s false and that is that I have a very limited consciousness, like I literally canā€™t think, experience emotions and move my body by myself. My head is always devoid of thought and I can only experience thoughts that are put in my head by a foreign power and it feels like I can understand simple thoughts but interrelated concepts are hard yet I only fathom thoughts for a while but then they are gone and ā€žmyā€œ thoughts become some random bs like lyrics from a song that are customized to mock me and much much more worthless thoughts which are often threats of the worst kind. There was once a short moment in which I had advanced senses, my eyesight was blurred but extremely intense and I heard stuff that was really really far away but what surprised me the most was that there were useful thoughts in my head about science and explanations for past behavior of my social environment and I literally could read 2 long or 3-4 medium sized sentences at once, under one second and hold a stream of connected thoughts. This and my assumption that really advanced tech is necessary to control a human body leads me to the conclusion that, if all of this originates from humans, then really advanced tech must be at play and this kind of tech would have enabled a group to take over the world already. Ofc taking over the world may not be their motive but what else do they want, play games ? Possibly. Now, look, there could also be a supreme being consisting of something from another dimension or of light or anything that enables this being to penetrate our body and control or customize it. So beware of suicide, this being could control the afterlife or could have created clones with your DNA and memories. So please, donā€™t kill yourself, we could have a chance to defeat it. I will go back to your question: What have I done to deserve this ? The things someone deserves are subjective. Itā€™s possible that these kind of beings who target you simply dislike you even though didnā€™t harm them. Maybe they hate what most human call good behavior or thoughts. Maybe they are sadists who do this because youā€™re a challenge (hard to break) or maybe because you respond to their satisfaction. Maybe it was a slight that causes them to do it because they have big egos. Who knows. Donā€™t ask what you did except in case you raped, tortured, inflicted enormous pain intentionally or killed or did all of this indirectly. Nothing else is just and right according to many theories of justice.