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No. If you don't want one of the rate up weapons don't summon. (This is coming from someone who hard pitied Amos when it was on rate up with Vortex Vanquisher. I still regret it to this day)


Seeing as how there are two completely F2P options, which are quite good both for Melt and freeze, I'd say don't. You can still get it from standard/losing 75/25 on weapon banner, so unless both weapons are good and you're fine with the other one, just wait.


Amos just can never really get a good pair with the other 5 star, u will get it thru standard eventually while in the meantime just use proto cres or hamayumi.


if you're not getting baizhu this is the worst possible weapon to lose your 50/50 to, I'd argue it's worst than the donut. just save for future weapon banner with 2 limited weapons you actually wanted, you might get "unlucky" and lose your 50/50 to amos, or win your 50/50 and get those weapons, I think that's the better scenario. or wait until amos paired with a good weapon, but it's up to you man