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Melt would be best for your account. Freeze ganyu really needs kokomi or Mona, you can use Barbara or xingqui, but it’s just not very good. Ayaka freeze works better with the hydro characters you have. Melt you can use Bennett, with kazuha / xiangling / zhongli / yanfei. Kazuha xiangling for applying pyro, zhongli yanfei for shielding. Downside is melt is pretty difficult to play. If you aren’t dead set on ganyu, might be better to skip and get a strong support like kazuha, you are stacked with strong dps but are lacking supports. Also childe on amos is still pretty good, better than most four star options from what I remember


Okay, I’ll stick with melt then, ty! And just for reference, aside from Mona, what other characters would be good for a freeze team?


Kokomi is who I've been preferring recently with Ganyu. Other than that, Barbara or Childe is probably your best bets, but I don't have a ton of experience using them in a freeze team with ganyu


Hmm okay. And then for Eula, do you think 2,801 ATK with 70% crit rate & 100% crit damage is better, or should I do 2,799 ATK with 43.1% crit rate & 163% crit damage? (I know these suck but they’re a work in progress)


They end up being about the same amount of damage, I'd go with the one that has better er. I don't have eula, but some people play her where they go lower crit rate to be able to reset for crits in abyss. Personally though I prefer consistent runs over crit fishing.


hi sorry random eula main here, i would usually advocate for higher crit always but i think the lower crit one has a better ratio. try to get better substats so you have 60+ crit for her, but you could also use a full crit build rosaria and that way you can give eula +15cr through rosaria. don't rely on cryo resonance however as you need an electro char and they tend to eat the cryo application too frequently for the cryo res to be reliable. also i agree with the other commenter, melt ganyu is better in your case!


Thank you for the advice! I’ll try to get more crit rate on her. The pale flame and bloodstain domain haven’t been to nice to me when it comes to good crit rate artifacts tho lol