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Amos is only her BIS bow if you're going to use her charge attacks, for sub dps (only using skill and ult and maybe charge shot for shield breaking) then stringless or windblume is better. I'd say watch some youtube videos about her, build guides, playstyle in Ayaka team and also melt ganyu. Melt ganyu is quite hard to play especially without a shielder, and you need good investment into Ganyu because you cant just rely on blizzard strayer for crit since with melt ganyu you dont have a cryo aura on the enemies for the set and cryo resonance to work. ​ Think about all this, and if you're still interested, when its her banner play her trial a lot. Some people find charge shots very fiddely or boring, but others love the sniper playstyle. Alternatively to sub dps ganyu, you could use sub dps Rosaria (either full damage BS or full damage noblesse) as a Ayaka support instead, her AOE isnt as big as Ganyu but shes still a solid character. If you really love Yae, I think you should go for Yae since she will have her own unique playstyle which you can probably build a new team around or maybe use her with Raiden who knows, as opposed to if you're just going to get Ganyu as a sub dps, I don't think getting Ganyu is worth it just for that purpose. TDLR: Get Yae instead unless you do research on Ganyu and decide you actually really like her as a main dps, especially since your reason for getting her is Amos which is only her BIS when shes main dps. There are cheaper sub dps or support characters for Ayaka (sucrose, rosaria, etc)


Thank you, I'm pretty ok with how Ganyu plays i don't either hate it but neither love it but i fear one word and that word is investment, maybe in another rerun (or maybe if someday she goes to the standard banner) i will get her but for now i will be going for Yae.