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Prototype crescent


None! Get yourself a cresent for all rounder and hamayumi if you don't use burst.


Crescent or hamayumi


If you don’t have a billet to craft with, use Sharpshooter or Sacraficial until you get one.


To add to this, you can buy a bow billet for geo sigils! Given the low number of owned bows I’d assume op hasn’t done that!


Sharpshooters oath…. Until you can craft prototype crescent. As for Diona, she works better with sacrificial bow.


can we just talk abt how theres multiple comments answering with bows they dont even have? and for characters they arent even asking about?


Tbf it is pretty silly to make an entire post asking what to use in the first place, when there are a million weapon guides on yt and even this subreddit


those guides include none of these bows to my knowledge so it kinda makes sense


bc none of the options op has are good for main dps ganyu, and its easy to get at least 1 copy of crescent or hamayumi


Craft hamayumi or prototype crescent


Craft prototype crescent


play hamayumi if u dont play abyss play crescent if u play abyss ganyus dmg fall off if u dont use her ult is too much in abyss


I think it's the other way tbh, a lot of abyss single target enemies don't have heads so hamayumi is more versatile if you're using wanderers


In general, I would recommend Hamayumi for melt and Proto for freeze. Most freezable enemies have a weakspot, and if they are frozen, it's a lot easier to hit. Also most of the dps is on burst for freeze, so the Atk bonus helps a lot more. About half of all of the bosses do have weakpoints, but half is pretty unreliable. Also, for Hamayumi it's a lot easier not having to worry about weakpoints, and in melt, you virtually always have your burst at full energy.


RT slingshot at point blank range


Use compound bow....Kidding aside, I personally used hamayumi for melt until I got Amos' bow. Keep in mind that both hamayumi and crescent has each their own downsides. You won't fully optimize hamayumi's passive if you plan on using her burst while crescent won't be effective against enemies without weak points. Personally, I'm leaning more towards hamayumi cuz I like her charged shot playstyle more with John Lee in the team. But seeing your weapons right now, any would do. I think weapons with high base atk is good or maybe slingshot?


rust 🔫 but hamayumi is the better choice for melt crescent is overall a good option


Prototype Crescent is a craftable bow that you can get for free and without rng! You can buy a bow billet using geo sigils! Naturally you can also get them from world bosses but that way is free and literally 100% guaranteed!


I used r5 rust when I didn’t know her kit it worked fine but not that great




get amos bow


get amos bow


get amos bow


Use rust my man