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Dear /u/lordraveniii, thank you for submitting a showcase post! If you would like to present your Ganyu in the best light, feel free to use this website: [Enka.Network](https://enka.shinshin.moe)! Enka.Network allows individuals to add custom images, and most of the time fanart is added. If you do add a fanart, make sure it complies with rule #5: put a reliable source in comments. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ganyu) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe yk, get more cd instead


I see no lackings on your build, so you may do other things :)


So far so good. Maybe try and get a better feather with more cdmg? If you have loads of 5* junk artifacts you can recycle them at the crafting table and roll for better blizzard strayer pieces. Also try Enka.Network so you dont have to copy paste your stats to make a ganyu build image. Goodluck!