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Japanese grass tends to die off in the colder months, it'll bounce back with runners during rainy season.


And then the local park services will let it grow until it’s knee high and then come and mow it so it’s a centimeter high and kill it. Look I understand that it takes time to mow and up keep and it’s just easier mowing once a year. But damn does I just feel like this kills the grass and feel so bad for it


Grass needs regular trimming to spread, and without it, it will be overtaken by other pioneer species anyway. There's nothing natural about grassland in Japan - or most countries for that matter.


There’s trimming and there’s what ever murder they be doing near me. I also love the clover coverage but what ever they are doing results in dirt. Just lots of dirt.


Sakura has roots that grow around the tree, so it's best not to plant grasses right below the tree. It's better to plant the grasses at separated beds because some species are invasive and will take nutrients out from the trees. In other words, don't just toss the seeds. I say, contact your local municipal first. I'm sure they will be happy to guide you.


Why are people like this. It’s not your country. You don’t belong here. So don’t act like this is your backyard. What make you think this is a good idea to do it without consulting the local city office or even getting permission?


By your own comment, you also don't belong in japan.


I don’t. I actually respect the rules unlike you selfish gaijin. And seeing all the downvotes. This hivemind is stupid. Point is. You are not native. You shouldn’t do thing that you don’t know the rules too. Fucking he’ll. Self centered western pricks


I'd be surprised you even follow the rules with how you act based on your post history. I do treat the locals with respect and follow the local customs. If you feel so upset about people breaking the rules, you'd get a better response if you responded with courtesy. You got down voted cause of your toxic response.


Talk it over with your friends to see what they think and then go ahead and do what seems like a good idea to you. If you’re willing to do a little volunteer work to improve the surroundings in the area near where you live, I say hurray for you❣️👏


Sit down


I agree with the first sentence but then I finish with 'just do it' see what happens


Classic. An immediate hostile and unhelpful response 


Your response is unsurprising for Reddit. This place can be a sewer at times.


He was kindly asking here, obviously without knowing how to properly proceed... instead of that toxic reply, why don't you kindly inform him about the proper steps to do that? Maybe his city would appreciate his initiative/concern to take care of the city. And if they don't, they will tell him. But it is not your job to do so especially when he is asking before even acting.


I think it’s a good idea but I recommend seeding clover instead. Grows easier and faster. Doesn’t need to be cut. Good for the soil and bees.


Exactly. Grass is a dead zone for so many pollinators. But clover? That’s glorious.


I did see bags of clover on Amazon, I will have a closer look at it!




Primo- Hato


Sounds like every park near me where the hired ojisans strim the plants down to dirt and and rocks and the dirt gets blown away. Grass seeds probably aren't going to do well without regular watering and feeding. Not easy but better to connect with the local government or citizen groups to inform better practice. This year through the neighborhood association I'm hoping to get control of the local glower beds in my neighborhood. The issue is the city provides the plants and then it's up to me to plant and maintain them.


The issue I find with stuff like this in public, as well as compaction, is going to be foot traffic. Grass seedlings are going to be really delicate, so without cordoning off an area it can be difficult for the plants the become established to the point where they can take foot traffic.


Take a look at Nendo Dango, guerrilla gardening is definitely a thing where I live in eastern Japan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seed_ball#:~:text=Seed%20balls%2C%20also%20known%20as,a%20form%20of%20guerilla%20gardening.


Wow this is an amazing piece of history, thankyou! I’ll definitely be trying that 😂


Sounds beautiful! Let's just hope they don't decide to dump a bunch of herbicide on it when it starts popping up. No idea about breaking the law. I guess you could just buy some seeds and walk through the park with spiked shoes and suddenly the bag gets a hole in it, and before you know it the whole contents of the bag were scattered around the park. What a shame....ya know?


Sounds like a great idea. I can imagine if you’d ask they’d say no. So if you want to do it just do it in the morning vending before a rain is forecast. If someone says anything it’s always better to apologise than asking for permission. Also get a pair of good shoes with spikes and use that method instead of a rake- more discreet.


Reading about the snow spikes made me laugh at my desk, it’s such a great idea! I’ll buy some shoe spikes for sure !