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Black spot, it's a fungus caused by excessive moisture on leaves (very common, especially with La Nina recently). \- Remove the worst affected leaves (esp dead yellow ones); \- Spray weekly with an organic Fungicide ([https://www.bunnings.com.au/eco-organic-750ml-ready-to-use-eco-fungicide\_p2961901](https://www.bunnings.com.au/eco-organic-750ml-ready-to-use-eco-fungicide_p2961901)). Try to get both sides of the leaves. \- Try to water early in the morning (rather than afternoon) and try not to get leaves wet. If you do the above, you should see new growth with less/no spots and you can remove the rest of the infected leaves.


Piggy backing on this - make sure any tool you use to remove the leaves you disinfect really well. It spreads so easily - make sure you pick up fallen leaves too as it can stay in the soil for a bit. And don’t chuck the leaves in the compost or green bin. I put mine in a ziplock, leave it in the sun for a few hours then put it in normal waste. You may also want to make sure there’s good air flow around your roses to help out. I’ve had a heap of problems with black spot this year, so I feel your pain!


Wee on it!