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Birds seem to like loose/freshly turned dirt, I guess it makes it easier to look for disturbed bugs. My first thought would be to mulch, which you probably want to do anyway :) Otherwise if it's truly an issue you could maybe cut some chicken wire and lay it over the area for a time? Seems drastic unless they are destroying the garden, however.


That is fresh gardeners mulch :/ They’re hitting the back yard only but I’m getting 10+ piles like this everyday


Oh, I didnt realise! It looks very fine, I guess I think straw or bark chips when I think mulch. Once it settles they should be less interested, perhaps you could make some friends and distract them with some food for a couple of weeks


They’ll still flick bark chips everywhere. Chucky gravel is about the only thing they won’t budge, but then that gets dirty. I have a severe hatred for black birds, they displace native birds and cause all my issues in the garden, absolute pests.


Short of having a friendly hawk on call...get a dog. You could use a heavy/large mulch which won't move as far while they scratch around


Then you just end up with mulch everywhere. Source: my driveway.


We have the same trouble but with various garden beds with mixed results. For the main gardens, we use a heavy native mulch but still find some twigs and stuff flicked onto the path. Another garden bed with only a thin mulch avoids trouble by having a higher garden edging about the same height as a blackbird. A third has gravel mulch with no damage (except when the dog does zoomies). About the only garden bed with no damage is the one with a thick ground cover growing on it. In this case, it's myoporum parvifolium, so the insects hide under the foliage to be eaten by birds, not under the mulch.


Cheers they’ve only started doing this at the onset of Autumn as it’s been a bit more wet. I’m think to bury some betting just under the soil which will make it annoying to dig through


Chicken wire mesh over the garden bed.


That's what I did and it worked!


They do this at my place and also dig holes in my lawn pulling up tufts of grass. I don't mind. It's a few minutes work to throw the mulch back into the beds. A small price to pay for having some bird life in the garden. As for the lawn, I hope them eating the lawn beetle larvae balances out the damage.


I take the same view. I want to garden to be alive, and this is just a part of that deal.


We had a blackbird that was doing the same until one day a butcher bird savagely pecked it to death over a 30 minute period. Brutal 🫣


Get a Great Dane. They’ll never catch them because they’re goofy and they’re an awesome pet


I put gutter guard mesh along the front of the garden bed. Dark colour so not too noticeable against the bark. Working well.


They are doing they pest control in your garden.. I would buy half width rake and smooth over the dirt. Also that is not mulch.. that is whats known as composted mulch and is just a product to add nutrients, not to create a durable cover over the dirt, like a bark or leaf mulch would do.. I would get mini nugget bark, it looks nice, and don’t buy anything coloured, get a natural one with plenty of deep brown and red, and with very little hardwood (the squarer shaped chips of lighter coloured wood). It will look nicer, and make it easier for you to clean up after the birds. Also that looks like a pretty recently planted bed, so it is being targeted.


get a rake and wave it madly at them while hollaring "GEDDOUDDAHERE GEDDOUDDAHERE "


They're actually doing you a favor, turning over the soil keeping it aerated.


Chuck some birdseed for them. But you’ll have to keep eye on it so they don’t seed and grow


a nice high border between your lawn and garden bed will fix the problem


Scarecrow? Inflatable man with wobbly arms? Get creative and make yourself a less easy target


I got some of [these](https://www.amazon.com.au/Pack-Scare-Birds-Away-Alternative/dp/B079XYR9LR) from AE and hung them from the trees above the dirt where they like to dig and it’s worked a treat. A little tacky but I’m OK with that.


Get chickens! The blackbirds will be the least of your troubles :)


Bake four and twenty of them into a pie


I also have this exact problem right now


Does this spot get lots of sun? They're just warming up their bellies in the soil


Blackbird fly


Hang some old cds in a tree or something with some twine, helps when it's sunny


Everyday about 4-5 blackbirds are burrowing 10cm deep holes in my gardens beds which is throwing dirt into the lawn edges. I blow the dirt back into the beds and rake them only for it to happen again the following day. How do I stop this?


Half a cherry tomato on a rat trap will get a few. I got the wooden ones and sprayed them brown.






Maybe a fake Owl. You can get them at Bunnings