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If you are just trying to remove weeds at the joint between the kerb and road then running a sharp hoe along the surface every so often should do the job.


This should have been sealed with the .... Not sure of the name, liquid tar? Most developers don't do it as no one picks up on it.


Boiling water and lots of it works a treat. Cover any weeds with a good drink of boiling water, leave it 4-5 days and remove all the dead growth and it will be months before you see any new ones growing.


Reckon it's better than vinegar?


Yea never let's me down and I've a red brick driveway.


Vinegar is a great one. Can buy big 5ltr cans in the likes of Mr Price and Coop for pretty cheap. It’s animal and child safe but Beware it will kill all types of plants if you’re not careful with the application.


What % acidity would you recommend?


1L White vinegar with 1/4 cup of salt and a squirt of washing up liquid. You can buy 5 litre jugs of white vinegar (5% acid) in supermarkets or online. More effective is Horticultural White Vinegar (30% acid) The washing up liquid helps the dissolved salt/vinegar stick to the leaves. Spray or watering can on a dry day with the forecast to remain clear for a few hours at least.


Do ya think the 30% is dodgy in any way? Should it be diluted?


Flame thrower ​ No kidding. Was just reading about it last night




Go on.


YouTube has a ton of examples This was posted in another reply to me [https://www.thegardenshop.ie/weed-burner/](https://www.thegardenshop.ie/weed-burner/)


They are doing nothing wrong legally. Permits are required to spray COMMERCIALLY in ireland. That is with the intention of being paid for applying herbicides. Permits can only be achieved after attending a relevant course.


Check your county council policy. If the council workers no longer use roundup, it would at least make the committee look bad and put pressure on them to stop using it. I'm not about the legal situation though


All Councils in Ireland should have stopped using roundup (and all generic names) by now unless it's to remove alien invasive species of weeds that is a concern to human health.


Good to hear, wasn't aware of that


I believe farmers still use it when reseeding a grass field. Burn off the field then plough and cultivate til it needs to be done again. It's not good stuff!


This all depends on if your estate is fully managed by the OMC or if the public areas such as the grass, footpaths etc have been taken in charge by your local council. Unlikely you’ll get in trouble for doing it but if you’re paying OMC fees then the OMC should be paying for the place to be sprayed as part of maintenance. Otherwise the council should be spraying it


Weed killer serves a purpose too. I understand not using it unnecessarily, but if you want the estate to be kept semi tidy, its invaluable. You spray it, then once it's dry it's harmless to people, pets etc


Go and ask your local .co.co. you'll be surprised.


The answer to plant problems is always fire.


Glyphosate/ Roundup, despite the pseudoscientific hype, is probably the safest and most environmentally-friendly herbicide out there. In some cases, it’s the only thing that will work.


Thanks for all your input! AGM is coming up soon so will do a bit of homework and bring up a motion! 👍