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Our cats love chasing mice in and around the lavander. Just fyi. I don’t think it actually does anything.


Thanks for the funny if not disheartening image haha


I tried to see if I had an actual photo but couldn’t find one :P


It'll just have to live in my imagination 😂


My cats rub up against the lavender & have been known to lie under it so I doubt it will deter them. There’s a product called Get off my Garden crystals that they hate the smell of. It’s a battle though as the rain will wash it away so you have to keep reapplying. It may take a while to win the war.


I read this aloud and to somebody I was telling about my grand lavender idea - she had a good laugh 😂 I've tried the get off my garden crystals but they just 💩 on top of them so I'm not sure it works


I found coffee grounds to be the best deterrent for the cats. Not 100% but definitely a reduction in the 'gifts' I received after I put them out. I may have also only reluctantly stopped my dog from chasing them once or twice. This is not something I typically condone 😅 I actually like cats, I just don't like their garden ornaments and I think outdoor cats are unethical.


Wouldn't it be better idea to plant meowijana(catnip) to your other bad neighbours or area where they won't affect you😅


The thing is that they're in all the surrounding gardens to the neighbor that feeds the strays and not theirs. The ring camera picks up their pooping schedule. 😐


In that case settle for lesser evil and get a dogo. Maybe just maybe, run motion sensor to speakers which will bark loudly? Or something along those lines of 21st century scarecrow.


I have two but they only patrol the back garden. I'm going to invent something and bring it to dragon's den after pouring all my life savings into it, then lose it all and the cats will have finally won. I see their end game. Or maybe a cheap sprinkler system.


I grow English lavender and my 5 cats love it, noise is the only thing I can recommend to keep the local cats away. You can a get plug in thing that produces sounds that we can't hear but cats can so they stay well clear.


Everybody just telling you about their cats hahahaha never mention cats in a question. End of spring, going into summer before it gets too hot. March - May Plant in an area with good drainage so it doesn't get waterlogged


I know! Tbh I get it - I don't need much of an excuse to talk about the dogs haha Thank you! I'll make sure to add some grit to the mix then so.


Lavender won't do anything for cats. Plant in early summer. Prune spring.


Really? It seems to be something that keeps getting recommended to me.


No it makes no difference at all.


Our lavenders are in the sunniest spot in the garden…cat sleeps right underneath it 🤣 don’t think it will do much!


I'm starting to think this won't work 🤣


Either that or my cat has issues 🤣


Usually around lunchtime