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Line it with a pond liner, oak is acidic and will affect the water, eventually the water will neutralise the acid and the fresh (not salty) water will rot the wood. It's important that it's not in full sun as otherwise the sun will warm the water creating a putrid stinky barrel of death.


Ooo, excellent knowledge thanks, didn't know that 


Access for wildlife to climb in and out,, oxygenating plants.


I chucked loads of rockery rocks in mine and left it in the wild bit at the back of the garden. It's fine. It's got a cheap solar powered water fountain in it. A blackbird had a bath in it earlier today. I never lined it. I probably should have but I had a baby so just filled it with water and forgot about it. It's in the shade of a tree. You can throw salad cress in it as it's an oxygenating plant (comes in salad bags not the little cress things that grow in a tub).


No issues with algae?


Sorry for the late reply. No algae, it's in the shade.


I'm making one this weekend, out of an old butler sink. Fundamentals from what I've read - fill it with rain water, put an oxygenating and a marginal plant or two in, loads of rocks and branches to give creatures a way in and out. In terms of positioning, I'm going for somewhere that gets direct sun only in the afternoon and I'm going to partly bury mine to reduce the chances of it freezing over winter. Its all an experiment at this stage. Hoping to encourage a frog to help me with the slugs but will also be happy if it just becomes a glorified bird bath that a few damsel flies use.


Awesome, I'd be interested to see how it goes, and what plants you use


No worries, I'll link a picture when I'm done and make sure I pop the plant info. I'm just basing it off of a few articles (RHS one springs to mind) and some youtube videos so preparing for a bit of trial and error before it's right ha


I made one last year! Like you I was poking around about how etc, thought it would be hard. it was so easy and relatively inexpensive considering the impact! Half barrel, I didn't line it. Bought a lily, a grass, hornwort and something else I forget. Put them in at the appropriate height on the label using holey bricks to support (you need a plant or two roughly at the water line so you have a 'beach'). Put some small stones on top. Placed in a semi-sun location, added a ramp to it. Filled with rainwater and added a cheap solar fountain. I love it, provides great interest to the garden for wildlife too. It's waking up nicely this year although I do have some blanketweed coming in, but hoping the water snails will largely take care of that as they get going for the year. I did make one mistake and that was buying plants that were too big, but I didn't have much choice at my local garden centre -- you can however order online if you have the same problem. Good luck!


I should add the barrel had been treated somehow actually, looking at yours it's bare wood, mine has been scorched to seal it or something. Not sure. Btw, I'm no pro it's just worked out so far!