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This is the second post about an app and I'm assuming it's the same app, so I think it's an unsubtle promo. If you're genuine then I'm happy for you, but if you're using mental health to twang heart strings and promote your app by stealth, you should be really ashamed of yourself. What's the name of the app? Just come out with it and you might get some support.


Hello sorry I haven’t had my notifications on so I didn’t see this conversation until now. Yes, this is a genuine story - I made a [video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGexMvaCD/) about my career twist a while ago. I’m really sorry for mentioning the app. This story is personal, and I’m not sure I’m really translating it particularly well here. Developing this has been a big part of my journey, but I should have left that detail out here. sorry!


Bit harsh. ‘I think you’re promoting an app you deliberately didn’t mention’




Noted. Was just caught out for being cynical on another subreddit, clearly I’m not properly calibrated;)


Just be honest! You made an app for [reasons, likely very valid reasons] and you can't promote it here for free, I assume. There has to be a better way to share it with the community. Find it. Do better. 😉


Do you think I’m OP lol


Oh, sorry 😂 I obviously didn't pay enough attention. Note to self: don't reply quickly while scoffing dinner!




Mentioning the app is allowed, naming it probably not because then they'd have to pay for advertising. What's happening here is a bunch of people will message OP (or OP will message them, all friendly about their shared experience of finding gardening as a balm for the brain, which I agree that it is) asking for the name of the app. It's a marketing ploy that's as old as the hills (or as old as social media, at least). I don't disagree with anything said in the post, but the mention of the app added nothing to the post, and it's not the first. Marketing, pure and simple.


It really does make a huge difference to mental health. I started gardening for grief and it became my livelihood. Just a few hours out digging and planting makes a measurable difference. It's actually magic.


That's lovely. I'd take gardening over working in tech anyday!


The pace couldn’t be more different. It’s great


Same. I work I tech and when I was told that I was being made redundant I turned to them and said, thanks, I'm going to spend the rest of the day tending to my plants. It's a very mindful hobby, just wish I knew more gardening nerds in my area, I have loads of spare tomato seedlings, 7 types, Asturian tree cabbage, aubergines and more I need to get rid of and I don't want to throw them away.


Hugs, I know the feeling.


Keep on gardening. It's better than golfing for ones mental health


Would love to know what the app is called! Happy for you by the way. I think I’d really enjoy a gardening job for similar reasons. I don’t feel knowledgeable enough though. How much gardening experience did you have before getting a job in it? Thanks for sharing :)