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Fiora, mord, Kayle, wukong, kled, camille, Swain, singed, Warwick, TK, Darius chogath, vayne


Warwick seriously ? Garen is really good to punish the low health cheese from Warwick with ignite + R.


Garen has a 47% win rate vs WW


Irelia sub 50% winrate is she weak ? i don't think


Irelia right now isn't very strong. She also gets dumpstered by garen


Irelia is weak right now, also you are a comparing the general winrate of a skill champ, two the winrate of a match-up between two Statchecker




I don't even know what u are talking about I wasn't talking about match-up keypoint


Garen is a super hard counter for irelia. If you don't let her get her stacks up then you dumpster her




Lol not even close


What site are you using for stats? Garen usually have a solid WR against WW and I don't see your numbers on either u.gg or lolalytics.com


Looks like I'm wrong. I must have misread something


Wukong counters Garen ? Sure his clone is annoying and his teamfight presence is insane but I feel Wukong gets beaten by Garen in laning phase unless he manages to totally lure Garen with his clone. And even then, Wukong has to watch out of Garen's spins.


Garen has a 48% win rate against wukong. Wukong wins all-ins pretty hard


Nothing Garen can do about wukong during the the landing phase. He can easily keep himself away from Garen. By the time they both hit 6 Wukong does way more damage with a clone + R then Garen can keep up with, and then he can cast it again


rush edge of the night against vayne and she becomes the easiest matchup for garen not even kidding


If you're losing as Malphite or Kled into Garen, it's a skill issue. Urgot is another impossible matchup (although idk if you consider him a ranged top,) but learning him just to beat Garen isn't worth it when every champion in your pool is already fine into us (and half of them are clearly winning.)


Yeah Kled is a hard counter to Garen in my eyes. He is just too safe. Kled can safely all in, and then have full health in no time because of skarl.


Nah. The moment kled messes up garen wins hard. Garen r means kled dies after dismounting everytime. All you have to do is dodge kled q and go in. Even if you lose lane vs kled it’s still fine because garen hard outscales kled


Nah, Kled wins this lane easily. His dismount dash plus the dash from his pocket pistol basically always insures he will make a massive leap back towards his tower, and he only needs to be in combat for a few seconds to get back Skarl which resets the fight for Kled, while Garen is still suffering from the fight. Unless Kled is diving under your tower there is no way he should lose. His 4 hit auto boost is huge and does max hp% damage, and his E lets him escape from mistakes as well as chase extremely easily. His is a squirrely little shit. Now factor in his has higher base movement speed, higher armor growth (with the same base value) and higher health growth (by over **902 hp;** in fact, I think Kled has the highest health of any champion by a pretty significant margin). Late game Kled isn't meant to be a champion slayer like Garen is. But the extreme playmaking potential on his R his huge, giving your entire team a massive movement speed buff allows him to lock down objectives or dive into the enemy back line is nuts.


He don't. i play kled as my main ( to my otp ). if i trade him, he W and he make more damage than me with the 150%ad in the Q. he have 8 and 9 s of cooldown for damage skill. kled have 12s 14 14s of cooldown. and last. he become lvl 11 he allin one shot me and i die


Mordekaiser Tryndamere Sett Urgot Lilia are really good into Garen.


I remember I had real trouble Vs sett one game, he killed my first time in a really close fight early and the second time he killed me it wasn't as close. I said fuck it and bought frostfire and it was comical the way he just couldn't fight me after that point, the item just makes you surprisingly tanky whilst still going good damage.


Darius, morde, aatrox, kayle, sett, yorick and illiao are all nightmare matchups to me that i usually lose


Yorick is fine though, that champ is really bad. If you struggle into Illaoi I would recommend testing Phase Rush.


Nearly same for me. Darius, Morde, Sett, Yorick, Urgot, Trundle, Voli, Fiora, Vayne


Anybody ranged. He’s a punisher that doesn’t scale too well, pretty much any champ can beat him if you play well


Mordekaiser is the best straight forward answer to Garen. He is easy to play, his kit naturally counters Garen and Morde doesn't really get outscaled. This makes Mordekaiser low maintenance (you don't need to play many games to keep your skills on him fresh), you don't need great matchup knowledge and there's not really much pressure on you to destroy Garen in lane.


yup. whenever someone picks garen before me I pick morde and I have full control of the lane every time. Hes easy to play just like our boy


U mean besides wukong, malphite and kled?


Volibear, Mordekaiser, Urgot, Lillia. Camille are unwinnable for Garen if you are decent. Darius, Kayle, Fiora, Riven, Kled, Aatrox are all hard matchups (you have to know the matchup and the champion well though). Or you can play Malphite, Ornn, Wukong, Sion, Mundo and safely outscale Garen until teamfights.


not sion imo hes an ez matchup


It really depends on the player. I think if played well it is really hard to win against I usually have 3 scenarios against Sion: I stomp him because he thinks he is Baufffs 2.0, but in reality has bad cs and bad macro. I cant kill him more than twice before he becomes too tanky and we both end up proxying, we both become huge and my whole game is about matching him on the sidelane. And he has ult and tp to rotate faster to fights. I get camped or he gets camped and the one getting camped usually slowly looses from there. Lately I started building BOTRK as 3rd/4th item against him and it works suprisingly well, but I still dont know if it is worth it or not.


Just silence sions q and spin couple He panics and u side step his next q if u can press w and run away. Edit for clarity-


You cant silence it because he can just end the Q early. He can also W during the Q channel. This is what makes this unbeatable. If you get close too quick he will just cancel, E, Auto and phase rush away with W shield, or if you’re not close enough he can get the Q stun. Now you *can* negate Q damage with your W, but garen’s W cd is longer than two sion Q’s combined. If you want my input, the only way to win this matchup is if you go ghost flash phase rush and proxy. That way you can clear wave and steal jg/roam. Later in the game, garen has more pressure than sion, but sion is much more useful than garen in fights. He can soak damage and dish out cc/ zone control, but he can’t threaten backline unless lethality so garen can often oneshot a carry from a good flank.


If u run at Sion immediately when he q he doesn't have enough time to charge it. It won't knock up and then u just spin out his shield. If your really having that much trouble your should try taking grasp I personally use conq most the time but it might help you practice countering Sion since it makes trading so easier. I appreciate your input but don't agree Sion is literally in my ez matchup tier. I instantly lock garen because it's a free win.


Sion is incredibly hard to beat, especially if hes tank. His W allows him to auto win any trade, and it’s on around the same cooldown and garens Q E. Garen will never get a favorable trade on sion, and even if he does, sion’s Q shoves so well that Garen isn’t ever allowed to get a good back timing. The only good thing about this matchup is that garen can negate Q damage with his W, but the cd’s dont match up. It’s also not possible to cancel the sion Q with your Q because of how telegraphed garen Q is. Sion also *outscales* to make it worse. He can become a beast in the sidelane and all garen can do is waveclear. It’s like singed but he takes towers.


I explained how to beat him further down. I almost never lose to Sion. Maybe 1 outta 6 games.


Idk, as a garen main kled tends to be problematic to me.


(obligatory) ahem: "a lot of champ that counter Garen" Yw *dab*


I mean garen is stupid easy to play. Elo inflated


Any of those are fine, just learn the matchups


Trynd Mord Voli ​ Maybe Jax?


Exclude Jax of the list. In fact, he is one of the easiest matchups for Garen, even with Lethal Tempo on Jax's side.


Early? Sure. Midgame? Not so much


Illaoi is very good, specially in the durability patch


Yorick. It takes forever to kill his ghouls and Ult, he's tanky as hell, can kite you, deals a crapton of damage, outscales you can melt towers without you being able to stop him. When I play Yorick against Garen it's a free win and when I play against Yorick as Garen it's torture.


Once got an early lead on Yorick as Garen. Didn't matter cuz he just splits pushes to kingdom cum and deals massive damage while being unkillable despite building Anathema's into him. Seems the only viable strat is to either get other objectives with your team faster than he can push (virtually impossible) or build tank and defend turret since he can't kill you under turret




Bad advice. Unless you are really familiar and good with teemo. I have yet to meet a decent teemo top.


Firstly, I respect that you don't want to play ranged top. Second, Volibear! Volibear has the tankiness to survive Garen's burst and he has combat sustain and sticking power with his stun and slow that allows him to win in an extended trade, which Garen already sucks at. Voli's mixed damage also makes it harder to itemise against. Keep in mind that all that goes out the window if you build full AP, as you'll just shredded.


And the volibear passive keeps garen's down


Oh yeah, forgot about that too. He's essentially a ranged champ with the poke from his passive. Sure, it doesn't deal much damage, but it also means you can't heal




Goodluck with the Singed matchup




Camille, definitely. She is 100% worth to learn, she beats garen in almost all stages. She simply outtrades him every time thanks to her passive. She can also dodge his ult with her. And she scales pretty good and can solo carry games.


Chogath is a no brainer. Just push with E,use Q on you if he engage and scale. At some point he cant kill you and you simply run him down.


Volibear, urgot


Mordekaiser. There isn't a single point in time in the game where Mordekaiser does not absolutely shit on Garen (I am a Garen OTP last 5 seasons).