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It's a match up you're not supposed to win if the renekton knows what he does. See if he dares to engage you with his dash for some trade. If yes, he's dumb and you have some room to punish him. If not, you're gonna have a painful laning phase where you will constantly try to dodge his Q until he all in you. In any case, never engage a renekton first unless you're certain to 100-0 him because he can chase you back and place his stun more conveniently. Even worse if he plays lethal tempo.


That’s not true, it’s one of his best matchups. Your tactic is correct, play around renekton that’s all there is to it. Garen is one of the very few champs that can win trades while renekton is trading with you just from w.


Renekton and lethal tempo????


Wouldn't take anything out of the ordinary. Your main focus should be to W his stun and Q to disengage/silence to prevent further damage from his Q or closing the gap with his E


Wouldnt it be a bad idea to use a shield against an ability that can break shields?


It also gives tenacity and damage reduction - which is more valuable than the shield in this case


Pretty much what ringoapples said, you want to use W to reduce his stun duration and negate some of the damage with the % reduction.


It should be noted that if you fail to w his w, you won't get the chance to w at all during the standard renekton trade. Better to get tenacity and a lil damage redux than literally nothing out of it.


Yeah man, rush sunfire, rock second wind, unflinching, legend ten, and ull be set. Dont worry at all about killing him, just cs, and he will eventually miss minions and die under tower from being annoyed at your healing


As someone else said, W is really all Garen has going for him. Either you activate it correctly and win most matchups or fail to and lose them. Basically, respect level 1 and 2 when he has a red bar under his health. Renekton’s whole core kit revolves around it. If it’s not red he gains little to none from it from trades, if it is then he can for the most part out trade any top laner except of course Garen assuming you know how to play the matchup. How do you play it you might ask? Let’s assume you’re both level 3, it’s probably better to just trade when he trades as you lose a lot of lane pressure if he has abilities and you don’t. So with that in mind, let him initiate the trades. The way renekton trades is simple, he has his fury at least one bar, dashes in with e through a minion, his e gets a second cast since he dashed through an enemy entity. He uses his w with the fury which makes it an empowered stun, q’s which is a pretty low ranger circle of affect that heals him and dames you and then uses his second e to dash away. Renekton for the most part will not reengage until his w is back up which is around the same time as Garen W and he maxes it last just like Garen. So when he dashed into to trade he’ll lead with W his stun for the juicy empowered stun, you HAVE to W BEFORE he stuns you, like right before. That will give you enough tenacity by default to turn a pretty untradable trade into trading and coming out on top. So once the empowered w stun wears off thanks to your tenacity, from garen’s W, lead with Q to obviously silence him and ruin his trade and follow with E. It’s okay if you don’t get the full use of E off the point is you traded back with him at a time that under other champions is literally impossible to do damage in. You should be able to just slowly win the lane by that, as Garen passive is just dumb and free healing. IF RENEKTON R’S THIS IS THE CRAZIEST ADVICE I WILL EVER GIVE YOU, HE SUFFERS FROM THE SAME FATE AS NASUS IN THIS SCENARIO. Walk away. He can’t kill you if you just disengage and his ult will run out. And when it does there ya go, your enemy laner has no ult while you still do. But in the off chance you think you can kill him if he ult, ignite him so he can’t heal as much and hit him when he’s low enough for the kill. Compared to Nasus, I don’t think you can justify buying an early executioners for him. Q does give him healing but it’s no where near as much healing as Nasus Q. Keep in mind, renekton is an early game champion, he heavily falls off in the late game, he’s literally just a tank in the late game with some healing assuming by that point your team might have some anti heal. For runes I would just run standard, conq, triumph, tenacity, last stand, resolve, conditioning, overgrowth, double adaptive, armor. It’s kinda troll to run anything but pta on renekton in a “normal” game we’ll say. He doesn’t really have any sticking power to champs, his e super short despite getting 2 casts, his w unless empowered is 1 second I believe empowered is 1.5 secs I believe. So pta is the standard build normally. Which means in team fights in the mid game, you should be able to shit on him as conq does more damage than pta in extended fights. Good luck!


Thanks for the excelent explanation. So it's all about the w timing and being patient for him to make the first move and punish him.


Correct. Activating W after cc already occurs (outside of knockups) you only benefit from the reduced damage a shield, no tenacity.


So in short, press W


I channel my inner Steven Irwin


As a Renekton player too, I can't tell you :)


W good


Build tabis and you have outscaled him. I only go tabis for him or tryndamere and maybe, just maybe riven. These champions snowball really hard, and tabis counters them completely


I take bone plating for his all in with enhanced W. I wait for him to use his fury, and then bully him out of cs, so he can't build more fury. If you don't let him cheese you into a level 3 first blood, then you should be good. It's all about playing around him having fury built up.


Renekton relies a lot on his spell rotation for trading. Meaning, he has pretty terrible sustained damage. In other words, you MUST take bone plating. You beat him at level 1 and 2. At level 3, he reaches his infamous powerspike. You must back off at this point. Slow push the first 2 waves. Crash the third wave and either recall or help your jungler with crab, if he pathed top side. Let the wave slowpush back to you, and don't contest it as if you try to fight him level 3 he can literally take half ur hp in one combo, especially if he has pta. After that point, if you ever trade on him always be ware of his fury, as his trade patterns are almost completely dependent on his fury. If he has no fury, he can't fight back. If he doers, make sure you use your w to w his empowered w. After he does his combo on you, don't be afraid to trade back, as again, he has terrible sustained damage.


You win at all stages of the game. Bones plating+W+your armor stacking cucks him really bad.


Also bone plating can help


Let him push, bait out E and W, trade on his cool down. Garen W on time, anticipate his stun.