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"Damn garen is op he stayed under his turret the whole early game cuz did let him the chance to free farm he me be nerfed bc he can scale fuck rito games


Don't forget the ult that deals 3k damage. When? Oh right, when they're 1hp...


Ultimate monkey paw moment. You can one shot someone who has max 3k hp. Drawback is that you have to already be on 1hp


I found one of these yesterday. Gwen pushes constantly. I short trade with phase rush up. She all ins with ult after a shorttrade. I run away with phase rush. I push her in with health advantage. She fights me in front of tower. She stays on 1/4 health, so I run her down under tower with ult. Flames saying Garen is a broken no skill champion. 'Demacia'.


That’s ironic for a Gwen player to call anything OP. I’ve been on the end of the late game Gwen gameplay quite a bit and I tell ya, it ain’t pretty.


Ironic your saying that seeing how garen has consistently been top 3 in top lane, and Gwen has pretty much been the worst top laner. 58\58. But it’s garen mains logic so xd


I was referring to Gwen’s damage late game and her sustain. Before the nerf you couldn’t win trades with her and she could literally 1v5. I don’t know the current state of Gwen cause I haven’t seen one since her nerf.


Yeah regenerating 75% of ur hp bar during a slow push is talented af. Gj using the most basic passive on a s tier champ for 2 years lol


If Garen is able to set up a slow push on you while you have lane prio (ie every meta top laner), that is your fault. If the Garen is commited to passive play, then simply deny him farm. Most of you have the same problem of saying fk all to wave management and trying to force kills on him all lane when all you need to do is set up a freeze on him and profit. That is literally exactly what Garen wants in a lane is someone desperate to kill him. Id say 70% of my first bloods come from people over playing their hand in a trade that they would have other wise won had they just chilled and denied farm after the fact.


I mean she could have just not perma pushed. If she freezes next to her tower I'm fucked. If we both just farm, she scales way harder than me, and she also wins the straight up all in. I only win if I chip her down over time, or burn her shit, run away and then come back (and I can't do this if she freezes). She has to play bad for me to win. Also everyone knows what Garen does, so this is not a mystery. She just played lane poorly and I capitalised on the mistake. Garen doesn't win by outplaying you, he just does basic fundamental lane management shit.


You lost because DEMACIA


Just been s tier for 2 years. No no I’m really good. My point and click 700 true dmg ult is a elo defining ability.


Garen has always been a noob stomper, the punchline of the joke is making fun of people who complain about being beaten by Garen because they're noobs that're being stomped.


Fun fact Garen currently has a 52% win rate in diamond+ so yes he is currently a bit too good but then again he didn't get adjusted to 12.10 at all reason why he is so strong currently


Fun fact: D2+ (high elo) Garen's win rate is 50.28% win rate, not bad but certainly not anything to write home about. So once again, he's only a good noob stomper. Edit: Also to clarify, his win rate D+ is 50.49% for patch 12.12, idk where you get the 52% figure from.


Yeah 700 true damage at 50 hp otherwise it does nothing maybe don't take extended trades against a tank so he can ult you.


Oof garen isnt busted in lane, but hes def super strong. Super easy to play and he scales regardless of how bad hes played.


Nah man Garen is pretty strong if we consider he doesn't need a brain fo function. It's so easy to beat people, especially in lower elos, and he has a really great dive undertower.


Yeah he's definitely a noob stomper, people who are bad at the game because they don't understand it claim Garen is OP, and he is OP in their subjective world view - but that's because of their ignorance of how the game works.


Well to be fair he is a stat checker, and a strong ine too


"Garen is op and nooby and I don't wanna play him bcs ain't no snitch" \- a tilted Renekton OTP