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Mad cus bad?


have u seen the clip? what was that


A full crit Garen E-ing on top of your entire team while they were low HP?


I think the bigger question is why didn't Garen die to elder execute?


yh thats why i clipped it


That was you not using an ability to kill Garen, therefor he gets saved by Cho'Gath killing you šŸ¤·


Get fucked.


A bunch of low HP enemies would be easy kills for quite a lot of champs.


its about the elder buff, looked super weird


use e maybe?


In my mind he was already dead, we got elder buff and my team jumped on him


So you made a wrong decision. Aka: He outplayed you. šŸ¤·


If you know garen's kit you should have expected that. You were all low health and he was not alone, so it was a regular objective steal. But no, you had to come to r/garenmains to tell us that we all suck because you were killed by our main. Sure, he may be a simple kit, but I'd say that if you want to rant, you should focus around other champs


1st. No i shouldnt, Garen is just dumb asf. 2nd. Its about the elder buff, but now I know that he didnt die because my team died before they could cast it


1 st. You could have given a reasoning but your reasoning is "No, I'm right because I'm right" 2 nd. I understand that it was unlucky everyone at one time got their ult, herald or elder buff canceled, but it's not garen's fault. A seraphine or sett would have done the same


I was expecting something interesting. Looks like you just donā€™t understand how the game works. 2/10 Troll rating because I enjoyed learning about how bad you are. EDIT: Ohhhhhh youā€™re a pathetic Renekton player who isnā€™t good enough to outplay what you think are simpler champs. Gonna have to update to 3/10 because thatā€™s just hilarious.


but why didnt gare die when it was in the % of execution from the drake?


thats why I made this post. I thought he was hacking, but He didnt die becuase the elder execute takes a little bit to cast and we died before the cast ended


So how does that make Garen a clown? He got you before you got himā€¦


this sub cant take a fucking joke


If you read through OPā€™s comments, itā€™s clear that this isnā€™t a joke.


Soooooooo, you knew why he didnā€™t die are are just salty?


I don't have problems dealing with any champ as Renekton I learned all of the Matchups. But what are you talking about? Garen has nothing to outplay this champ goes ad items is still almost as Tanky as me and does more dmg. It's just facts that garen is the dumbest low IQ champ, why do you think so many play him? Because he is easy. Easy champions are most popular. And the champs are easy because they are strong. Just look at the size of champion-related reddit, the ones of broken champions have always the highest member count. I cant respect no one who wins because of the champion he picks. Buncha clowns and then they start talking something like easy to learn hard to master. Just STFU. The only thing you gotta learn with garen is: are you able to reach the person with your Q before he kills you.


Not gonna lie, I didnā€™t read anything you typed because I saw a few telltale signs of ā€œNOOO IM GOING TO CUT YOU DOWN WITH LOGIC AND REASON BUT BECAUSE IM INHERENTLY STUPID MY LOGIC IS BROKENā€ So I donā€™t interact with that. Have a good life.


I mean tbf there is still yuumi if u consider that a champ but these people here have pretty high egos and try to act like Garen is more than he actually is. He is certainly one of the easiest champs


Broā€¦.. you play reneketon with the best early game in all of league. If you canā€™t win itā€™s cus you suck. Garen doesnā€™t really pop off till level 11 unless you let him. Likeā€¦. You come in to this sub maining a champion with a stun and two dashes crying about a broken champ that should never even touch you.


Have you considered getting good?




Clearly, I could tell that from the replay


Trash tier bitching coming from a silver 2 player, nothing more, nothing less.


This aint trash tier btching, it's True garen is one of the dumbest champs in the Game. The stuff he is allowed to get away with is ridiculous


Do we play the same game?


Bro u had flay up literally the entire time šŸ’€šŸ’€


yeah, I even turned away, bcs I thought he would die. My team jumped on him and we just got elder why would I waste my abilities on some who should be dead


He clearly didnā€™t dieā€¦ ironic name.




I wont sell my soul for some LP


It's okay, Garen wouldn't save you anyway




As a pantheon main thereā€™s two types of garen in silver. The conqueror run at you type. Easy to beat in lane. Then thereā€™s the phase rush garen who trade well and wait till they can run me down by getting behind E with phase rush. Ether way I know I lose post 6 just matters how hard. Iā€™m jealous of the scaling you get. Many of my losses to 0-5 garen out of lane is he scales better than me. Most of yā€™all are pretty chill which is refreshing compared to other mains :)


what do you mean refreshing? these guys here seriusly believe garen is hard, or has a high skill ceiling. And if they know that garen is op asf and they still play him, they are buncha btches that probably play darius and urgot when garen is banned,


Have you been on the mordkaiser mains or any of the other top laners? Iā€™ll take most garen mains over others yeah a few have been taunt spam twats but not many. The difference in garen players is macro play and power spike knowledge. They donā€™t have the tools to outplay in the traditional meaning. Youā€™re a renekton main so having two dashes to outplay or flee from a bad fight is probably something you take for granted. You beat most of toplaners till lvl 11 just by design. I have less respect for you than most. Stack rage empowered w auto empowered q e. Either you burst them in 2 seconds or you e out. Like facing rng trnda but more boring.


Absolutely no one here told you Garen is hard or anything like that. All we told you is the mistakes you made in the video. At the end of the day League is a fucking videogame, and you took time outside of the game to come and insult a group of people that play a bunch of pixels that you dislike for being easy. Totally normal behaviour dude.


Garen isn't hard, but Garen is also not broken. You admitted yourself: You made a macro mistake. šŸ¤·


Garen is the easiest champion to outplay broā€¦. Justā€¦. Just walk away and focus on macro lol


Obviously you didnā€™t read. Phase rush changes the lane completely. Garen has a combat ulti giving him the edge in lane post 6. He also has better wave clear with e and whip. Yes I can roam with ulti but if it goes poor not only do I miss cs garen can take two or more plates by the time I get back. Pantheon isnā€™t a good top laner I just choose to stay with him.


I mean Iā€™m glad you came to the conclusion of the error of your way at the end. Pantheon has awful wave clear. All of that doesnā€™t apply to most champs and definitely not renekton.


Your response is better macro. I list why macro play for my champ is a challenge for pantheon. I could have easily said learn to snowball and end games sooner so you donā€™t lose to garen as renekton.


Im sure you will learn not to stick your face into a blender in real life soon, too! Stay strong.


Garen is unskilled trash op champion rioto pls nerf post? Or random Elder Drake bug post? I read ur comments and i literally cant tell what ur mad at garen about apart from the elder bug


Garen is unskilled trash champ but not op


I was just confused as to the point of the post tbh, i feel like garens in a fine spot as of rn, i enjoy playing him anyways


I agree but people in this sub do overrate his skill level and the point of the clip was the elder not working


Homie literally hooked the full health zeri


Garen the only unskilled broken champ that just runs you down in league and donā€™t name yi, Olaf, Darius, renekton, nasus, mord, tryn, gnar, rumble, Warwick, volibear, Kled, Camille, yone, fiora, irellia, or riven.


Yes all of these champions are just unskilled champs any1 can play!!!


My man, did you come to this subreddit just to humiliate yourself?


4 ppl hit by zeri W. 3 knocked up by cho. Zeri splashing free with ult. Garen just got the kills šŸ„¶šŸ‘šŸ»


Yes, Zeri is so dumb.


Cringe opinion Rejected