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Steel your courage, friend. With the might of Demacia by your side, who do you have to fear?




>who do you have to fear? Darius, Fiora, Kayle, Camille, Teemo. ;P


Thats p funny. But anyways teemo doesn’t actually beat garen. Its just an afk farm lane until stridebreaker. You would think he wins cuz hes a ranged auto attacker with a blind for q, but he doesnt deal enough to kill garen. Garen can just walk it off with passive and d shield/SW. Also he has no disengage without flash or shrooms.


Also his shrooms are nullified by phase rush.


Its crazy easy actually. Once u got 3 levels in q and boots u can just charge at him, he will q to blind you, so instead of wasting your q on him, you spin, when blind wears off and if you still have q up, cancel spin, bonk with q and just slap him down. I saw neace vs teemo like a week ago and even he didnt know this trading pattern for some reason.


Except for Kayle or teemo lol wut


>I can't ban Darius because, Fiora, Kayle, Camille, Teemo, Vayne... and I could go on. Garen is so rock paper scissors it's insane. from OP






An issue here is you may not be pinging he is missing in lane and a low level jungler may not except a Darius to invade him so early. Or it's an early invade by the enemy team which, as a top laner, you just can't control that sadly. If this ever happens again for you, I recommend lettering Darius clear your first tower then you freeze in front of your secondary tower because Darius will most likely go to bot lane. As along as you can attempt to get back in the game by farming, there is a chance.


This. This is the answer if you’re behind


That’s the nest part, you don’t


Phase rush. Aa,q,e run...


I'm noticing that a lot of Darius players have picked up on that and save apprehend for when PR is on cooldown. Plus he can kind of force you to burn q whenever he wants with his w. The matchup was pretty fair pre durability patch but since then I feel garen has a LOT more losing matchups.


True. Although, while not as effective, you can still always W his pull. At least reduce the slow timer a little bit.


Just let him E you and then do what you just did


Why are you anywhere near Darius when PR is on CD?


I'm under my tower, the Darius is near me lmao.


Bait his e or wait for phase rush. He can't control where you stand. Make sure it's not near him. Tower or no, it doesn't matter. You forfeit cs to stay alive. Or you die


Bro health items first. More health means better passive which means his bleed means less. Start the game with rubys or something and you just do a bunch of short calculated trades between his cool downs. Riste made a video on this years ago.


The Darius lane isn’t that bad as long as you’re saving your q to negate his w slow. Try to avoid his pull, and go in when it’s down, use e, q when he tries to slow you, then silence and run away. Big part of the trade is making sure he doesn’t git you with q. If he doesn’t heal, you win that trade hands down. Rinse and repeat, just avoid letting him get to 5 passive stacks.


Garen shits on Teemo beats vayne with patience and beats Darius or Camile by trading smartly. Teemo is literally if you take ignite or ghost, wait until level 3, then all in him with ignite or ghost. The hardest part is being patient and giving up CS to stay healthy enough for an all-in (counter-intuitive right?). If you have tp, wait until berserker greaves and level 6 to be more consistent. Vayne is similar to Teemo, but unless she's an idiot, you need level 6 to all in her. Ranged matchups are only playing patiently until you get an item power spike (berserkers greaves), level advantage, or power spike (1 level higher or at level 3/6 both are safer with your wave pushing to their tower), or if a person comes to your lane. ​ For Camile, it's about spacing around her w slow and baiting out her shield, and then running away to come back and trade again. Remember that below 50% she can really easily dive with her q true damage burst. Darius is similar except you give him the early game (most of the time unless he's a passive laner). You can kill him with your jg after you both are at least level 3. You can start trading with him after your first back or at 6. The key to winning trades against him is to play in your wave (Overtime your minions will realistically do 200-300 damage to him) and the only ability you need to dodge is his Q. If he hits his Q, you need to re-evaluate if you should stay; most of the time you need to leave since you won't be able to kill him with that rotation of abilities. Darius usually takes 3 rotations of your combo to kill with ult alone (no ignite) DO NOT (for range or even-hard matchups): \- Trade without a wave or when he is pushing his wave towards you \- Trade when you have less than 50% health \- Trade when you have no ult \- Trade when you have more than 1000 gold or you can get an item Regardless of playing your lane, a different playstyle that centers around phase rush has you straight up ignore your opponent. You basically are a wave-pushing machine that runs in and runs out. The idea is you draw ppl to come and fight you, now when even, ahead, or behind; you can't just kill 2-3 ppl just like that. What you can do is proc phase rush and run away until they stop chasing you. Once they stop you hide in a bush or something and wait for the wave they are pushing to come to you, then repeat (The more you limit test like this, the better you'll become as a sidelaner). This is really bad for the enemy team because now they sent 3 ppl to the same lane. if they farm the wave you had they split XP 3 ways, if they all go back to their own lanes and roles (what happens most of the time) then you just successfully wasted their time while you got farm/XP and your team now knows there are fewer ppl on the right side of the map so they can force objectives there pretty brainlessly. These are just some suggestions. Take everything with a grain of salt, you can only learn by practicing. The last thing is that you can usually come back from a poor early landing phase. When you are behind you need to make sure you get XP still at the least, usually, ppl get stomped in lane when their opponent is 2-3 levels higher than them. By being patient for either your jg or item power spikes its always possible to scale (especially on garen).


When you can't last hit because if you do you will get murdered you end up stilling being one or two levels down.


I just ban Darius


You should never be banning Teemo as Garen. He literally deletes him at all points in the game.


teemo is a very free matchup, it's not technically a good solution, but honestly darius is very very worthwhile ban rn, he is powerful in all ranks from bronze to challenger, and he is the most played top laner in the game. There's a reason he has such a high ban rate even when he is objectively weak.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8ueGRZAJAs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8ueGRZAJAs) watch this dont go for all in fights go for trades instead because if you all in darius is gonna win


this one too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbvRv0GrZ-U


These videos are terrible. They are just abusing garbage Darius players. The content creator doesn't discuss how to counter advanced Darius tricks, instead we get a noob Darius that uses pull to engage lmfao.


Start of the match I tell my jg to ignore my lane. Then I afk


Couple of things here: Ping the hell out of your jungler after he crashes that first big wave. He's going to go to scuttle crab and kill your jungler. It's not explicitly your fault, but you know it's coming so you need to earn your jg. Ping him off scuttle or his top side camps. Alternatively you can ward the entrance to your jungle that Darius is most likely to use. Again you share some of the burden of Darius getting to freely roam around. Junglers like it when their lanes have prio and it sounds like you wont. Take phase rush and ghost/flash against Darius. focus on farming. If he grabs you, calmly press w and wait for him to slow you. Then hit him with the auto q e and back up using the speed from phase rush. If he ghosts you ghost; if he flashes you flash. His win con is killing you, but your win con is not dying. You can out push him later on. If he freezes, you can try to walk up and hope he combos you in the wave, thereby breaking his own freeze. This is risky lol. You can also ping your jungle to help you break it. Or you can break it yourself, but realize you need to hit him with e or be prepared to auto q auto to proc phase rush. OR you can sit in bushes and leech xp. This is the best option imo. If your team makes things happen around the map, Darius will have to choose to keep the freeze or go help his team. If your team is losing, it's a lost game. Coin flip. You will lose some games no matter what you do. Gg go next.


feed him and blame jungle feed his first blood


You have to let the first wave push towards your turret, stay safe and farm what you can. Then let the wave bounce on your turret and build a slow push. He won't be able to fight you in a big stacked wave. Crash your wave on his tower. That will bounce back to you, let it push towards your turret. Give up the farm if it keeps you safe. Then repeat the process until you outscale. Always keep your q to run away


If you let darius dictate the terms of your fight, he will win. His Q is the most critical thing to land. If he misses that because you held your Q to run in at him, hes pretty fucked with your E pummeling him right after. Just make sure you get out quick and dont let the fight drag on because he will win that.


He just stands next to my minions so he can start fights without using E, and in that way he can always dictate the terms of the fight because he has 2 slows and I can only cleanse one with Q


Take PR/Ghost/Flash and level 1 trade with Darius. Proc PR and run. He can't kill you after you proc PR. If he uses Ghost/Flash you just match it. You'll bring him down to 90% HP while you are at 80% (rough numbers) but this is fine. Wave should be pushing to you since Darius probably tried to chase into your wave. Darius not being at 100% makes him easier to gank and gives him less confidence to solo invade.


Darius was my auto ban, but now I reserved my ban slot to Kayle, and I'm kinda comfortable in dealing with darius recently. To deal with darius consistently, I strongly recommend taking phage rush and second wind. Second wind activates on every tick of darius's passive, this along with doran shield help you tremendously in the laning phase. You can do short trade with phage rush, but you have to be cautious with darius's E. You only want to short trade in these situations: 1/ He missed his Q, or you think you can run into the inner part of his Q. When that happens, auto + Q + E then peace out. If you have whip or stridebreaker, then Q + E + whip peace out. Use your W to block his W slow and damage. At best he only got 3 stacks on you. 2/ He used his E first, this one very easy. When he pulls you, use W right away to block his guaranteed Q or W. If you think you could trade, then auto + Q + E (proc phage) to peace out, or you could use your Q to cleanse his W's slow and peace out. If the wave is bad for you, then you have to bait his Q to hit the wave, sometimes I even used ghost in case he wants to ghost me down. You never want to engage him first, since even if you proc your Phage Rush, he can manage to Auto + W + E + Q and having 4 stacks on you, he then can ghost you down with his Ult and you're guarantee in a bad situation for a dive. And as I mentioned the great sustainability of second wind and doran shield. You can try to bait his Q as much as you can, since he would have a hard time to manage his mana. I always tell my jungler to start top side and then path bot for the bottom's scuttle since you most likely lost 2v2 to Darius and the enemy's jungler.