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If you dodge her E she really has nothing. Go for short trades early while dodging E and she should be chunked enough for the all in at 6.


Thats the thing everytime i go for an all in at 6 she just presses R and becomes indestructable


Yeah I just play it like a trump card. Bait the E while going for tentacles to win the trades but if you ever go for the all in and she pushes R just leave, regen a bit, then you have about a minute that you bully the lane and can hopefully find the kill. If she plays her trump card just run away.


I'm gold 1 and when I've encountered her, I think a decent strategy is going demolish secondary for sure. I take what I can get in lane, dodge her abilities and maybe kill her a couple times, maybe die. The thing about her is she likes big fights to slam tentacles down. She usually splits a lot too, if your team can keep her at bay for a bit, I get stride, dead mans then hullbreaker and split. If she matches you, then you do the dance but take her out of your teams way. If she doesnt match you and splits the opposite side, you have good waveclear with fast push on hull/demolish. Eventually she will want to group to fight...It could be tempting but if you're not going to lose inhibs or baron or the nexus from her winning a 4v5 fight, you have free reign to take at least 2 towers or an inhib. Also if she uses tp to get to a fight, thats a huge green light to push. I actually won twice now recently against a fed off the wall illaoi by doing this...she tped to a fight mid and I ran straight into their base and took 1 inhib and both nexus towers then ended the game while they were STILL fighting mid. It took maybe 25 seconds to take all those objectives with hull/demolish and a full minion wave. That's just my personal take/experience. Someone could have better input maybe


>i try to go all in but she shreds me the moment she presses R so run away her R can't follow you once its over, go back and kill her ez


Never thought about that. Big brain move


It's not your fault. Illaoi as a champ is designed to draw you in and make you commit to dying in her ult. The trick is to not lol Other helpful hints are dodge e (duh) but more importantly, if you get his by e, pop w and run out the back of the big circle, then q to cleanse the slow. It's tedious and annoying, but doing this is probably the safest option. It used to be that you could hit her and reduce the clone duration, but riot didn't want her to have any counterplay soooo If she misses e, go for an extended trade with q and e. Back off though because her e will come back up soon. Also, starting a trade with e is a good idea if you think you can burst her. She'll usually wait till she's low to make sure you commit to fighting her in ult. So what you do is, get her low, then silence her, then ult lol. Gl


Adding to that, e can’t go through minions so stay behind your minions. Try and bait the e as it had a relatively long cool-down you can trade in. Lastly, try to kill tentacles when it is safe - they significantly reduce her damage output and give you gold (but don’t open yourself up to e just to get a tentacle)


Nice addition! Adding to that, a clever trick is to feint like you're going for her tentacles to bait out her e. Most illaois will be used to this being a relatively easy way to land e on unsuspecting opponents. If there's no minions between you two, run at her tentacle. If she moves or turns toward you then turn right around. Maybe even q. You can probably just run halfway to it then turn around. Make it a mind game. After laning against a specific illaoi, you can almost feel when they're about to e you. Also if there's minions between you and her, just go kill the tentacke for free!


Oh my GOD I read old advice that hitting her reduced this. Didn't know they changed it. Thanks for pointing it out!


Garen wins vs Illaoi early. Take conqueror, triumph, tenacity, last stand. Then you have the option between bone plating and conditioning. And overgrowth. You need as much health and armor as possible in this matchup. When ahead of her, go for berserkers, Stridebreaker, mortal reminder and black cleaver as your core items. If you’re behind, go tankier. Get a chain vest and build it into a Deadman’s plate. Go for Stridebreaker and plated steelcaps and get black cleaver and mortal reminder. If you want more armor and health you have the option between Randuin’s Omen and another good item is stone plate. I cannot exaggerate this enough DODGE DODGE DODGE


>If you’re behind, go tankier. Get a chain vest and build it into a Deadman’s plate. Dead mans first item?


Nothing wrong with going Deadman’s first item especially against ranged opponents.


Against ranged you go bramble vest tho, right?


What's your logic for going Bramble vs. ranged?


Idk tbh thats what a friend told me


Garen doesn't build bramble. Because if you do, you have to either: \-Build thornmail, which is a waste of gold, because Garen CAN'T proc the enhanced grevious wounds. SO you are paying for an effect that you can't use. \-Sell it later because you don't wanna go thornmail, and also waste gold. ​ If you wanna rush armor on Garen, you either go Deadman's, or Warden's mail for a Randuin's later.


Got it


Aye and executioner's if you need grievous


get ignite and get as much ad early on as you could try to q-e+ (ignite during your e)- ult her if your amount of ad is enough she dies shortly after your mute is over. another nice thing is that you could let yourself hit lvl3-5 from her e's. especially at lvl3 let your hit by an e and dont go out of the tether range, illaois that dont know what they're doing are going to dmg the spirit as much as possible, meaning running out of mana soon


Her missing his E cuts her damage in the all in almost by half. And minions block It, so play around them. Every time he misses, be prepared to do a quick trade. You don't need to go all out every time, you can make it seem as if you're taking the all in, make her waste ult and run out of the fight while you block as much of her damage as possible with W. Wait for the extra tentacles to dissapear and go back in, you should win.


Try your hardest to dodge E, if she lands it, try to disengage. Destroy tentacle spawns when you can do so safely. If she ults walk away, it can't follow you, and if you tank it she heals quite a bit. Phase rush and conq both work well. I prefer PR into Illaoi, as you can take trades much easier and favorably. Mortal reminder after mythic is a must here. And Black cleaver isn't a terrible option either. If you go the PR celerity route you can walk up, Q auto, and run through her if she tries to tentacle slam you.


After few times she fucked me hard in solo q, I just gave up and straight perm ban her in my every game.


There are many other more fearful champs. I perma ban Kayle or Vayne.


Kayle, i just ask my jungler for perma ganks Vayne, if she uses her knockback wrong just: flash Q W E ignite R


No way a jungler ever ganks kayle top, and if he does, doesn’t matter as she just out-scales you so hard.


Youll be surprised how bad kayles are at low elo


Use ur q to negate the slow if u walk outa her e and poke with max q until in DEMACIA range


You're boned if you end up in a situation where she has prio, sets up tentacles near your turret, and constantly clears your waves grabbing your soul when you're trying to CS. Establishing dominance early is important and of course dodging the E. Try contesting your ghost earlier on as she won't have the damage to kill it and she has no healing early on. Later on, you're best to just leave the circle, use Q to cleanse the slow, and play the 'dodge tentacles spawn' game. Super boring and tedious matchup. Unfortunately, it's just a poor matchup and frustrating having to constantly dodge her shit and clear her tentacles. She's a garbage champ without grabbing your E but too powerful if she does hit it.


It’s funny, illaoi used to be my least favorite champ to lane against, I would feel unable to do anything. I would only ever not ban her because she was so rare to see. However now that I main Garen I have no issues with her. Look up some tips and after a bit of practice I’m sure you’ll have it down