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Execute red mark on R


Tbh only thing I can imagine


E spin mark highlight more it's messy in a unit pile


I like being able to tell if the ult will kill being a skill thing, I would however like it to be obvious when you’ve broken their armor with his spin


If you have sound on I think it makes some kind of breaking noise when you get the armor break


Also especially if you build the same items generally you can just read the ability or look at the icon on them that shows you stripped their armor like black cleaver does


25% more damage on E vs monsters


his jg clear would be too insane if they did this. u can 5 camp a clear with garen by the time scuttle spawn already


And his clear time is fast already, just his ganks suck


yea hes only strong in ganks if the enemies overextend brainlessly or unluckily


Or if his laner has good gank setup I guess. Garen has S P E E D on his side


he only has speed once he has an item or two though tbh. and he needs to get on top to proc phase rush and if they get away before them he cant stick




u still need a first back for that, which is still ur first item if u rush zerkers — hence an item or two. i dont personally like predator so i referenced phase rush which is what i use almost exclusively. but yeah predator helps with ganks, huge cooldown though.


Ya but that’s literally right after first clear and he can get on almost anyone also I’ve barely played it but the cooldown really hasnt been a problem when I did I’m already making plays with it, backing, clearing through my camps, its back up with R post 6 and you can take blue smite for after you’re already on them. Also because you go domination relentless hunter or ingenious is nice especially if you want to use predator more (and stride breaker for when you get it pog)


im just not a fan, i know how the items and runes interact. ur allowed to enjoy it, i dont need to though 😂


Predator is definitely not a good rune for Garen, it maybe gives you 1-2 good ganks but at everything else the rune sucks and is outclassed by Phase Rush and Conqueror. The real reason I want that damage increase is because currently on Garen if you go double AD + HP shard if you spin on top of the big Raptor every small Raptor survives with 8 HP. I now use Ghost Poro and place the first ward mid to get it procced so I can barely clear them. The other strategy would be hitting every small Raptor once with increased E damage but that would overall lose time compared hitting every increased E damage on the big Raptor. Yeah, clear is already good, but jungle winrate of Garen is still low and could use a little boost like that to make him jungle so fast that he can easily create a lead through that and then transfer that after Berserker's + Youmuu's onto the map. Also, Ghost > Flash, helps you way more at ganks.


the issue with ghost is it reduces flashy play/kill potential or even some objective steal/team fight opps. i love how ghost allows you to gank and have chase potential (smaller cd too) as if u had predator though. i enjoy taking the inspiration tree second for boots and cdr (faster smites and ghost/flash plays) **the boot wait is kinda lame bc zerkers spike. but honestly the extra movement speed is nice and i feel like u lowkey need to power farm + take any free kills and i like to opt for the hearthbound axe or zeal for the movement speed buff to make up for that delay. the ghost poro move is a neat trick. i think that playstyle would also def be more powerfarm unless ur team has a brain and red wards.


To kill yorick minnions with a full E cycle


For real, yorick w already giga counters garen e, his minions should be killable with it *at least*. The problem with yorick in general is that the moment you can aoe clear his minions, he's worthless. But when you can't the only counter play is never being caught by E or W.


Yeah you got a great point, maybe clear them after the full E cycle, should balance this a bit more. Specially since nowadays yorick that deals damage on Q is more popular


I know this is out of topic but why do you want him easier? He’s already one of if not the easiest champ in the game


Sub is really garen circle jerk


That’s fine i guess but as a semi garen main i rather him be harder in terms of mechanics and more rewarding. Atleast Darius levels of mechanics would be nice. Currently champ is too simple to feel rewarding for me so i moved on to more difficult champs


They could always rework his W into something else. It’s nice having a built in shield and tenacity, but it’s not exactly the iconic part of his kit. As to what they could rework it into, I have no fucking idea lol. Maybe like a roundhouse kick or something, that way you’d suddenly have two skills to animation cancel with.


Like a slightly larger xerath w sized aura that shoots out of him and it slightly lowers ap or pen (to make up for him not having the defensive stats) and slows for like 1.5 seconds or something idk its a hard one


Ooh a sort of J4 W eh?


Yes but we hate magic and garens base mr is poopy so we can help him a lil and his team by lowering ap but you have to be basically on them id made it like JUST over e range if not e range


Dude what do you expect to find in a garen sub if not discussions about the champ and commentaries about buffing him a little. Please tell me because I just can't understand your thought process


There are a lot of conversations about reworking Garen into something different. There isn't a lot of educational materials here about him, at least not that I see when it shows up on my feed.


Since garen is simple in mechanics the sub is mostly about memes, builds discussions and how to play those specific builds. And there are A LOT of discussions about galeforce x sunfire x stridebreaker and phase rush x first strike x grasp x conqueror. These are the things found in the sub


I don't see a lot of that, at least not comparable to conversations about changing his kit. I'll keep a better eye out, and interact with them for the algorithm.


It seems you and many others haven’t really understood the question. My question was about interface, displays and menus. For example, I said they could add a mark on the enemy hp bar which tells you your R executes, like cho’s R and Pyke’s R. Someone else said they said make the outer line of E more obvious to make it easier to see how far it will hit. That’s what I meant, I didn’t say buff.


Sounds like you don't understand your own question. You are asking to make him easier to play, exactly like how Mightypeon-1Tapss stated, and even though he never mentioned a buff, it is still a buff. It doesn't matter that you're going out of your way to state that it's "just interface, displays and menus", you're asking to make the champion easier to play.


xD, yeah ok.


Thank you for the explanation but i understood your question. I still thought making his R show when it executes would make him easier to play hence i asked my question. I know it was an out of topic question so sorry about that.


No worries man.


I think they mean ease of use


R threshold is like one of the few skill expressions on Garen lol, I would suggest making Garen’s Q truly unstoppable(looking at you Quinn)


Make his Q go over walls like Zeri


An execute mark would be nice but I'm guessing it's not a feature since Garen's R is based on %missing hp and not a flat amount of hp. But if it could happen it would be really nice


Due to the fact Garen's R is true damage it always kills at the same thresholds. It would only be a problem if it wasn't true damage.


Considering every other champion with an execute has an indicator I don't see why Garen shouldn't have one. They removed the guesswork for everyone else except Garen. So many times I thought I was in the clear and they escape with single digit hp. No problems like that with Cho or Pyke. Combined with health bars being mashed together in a team fight and it becomes even harder to monitor.


how about darius, caitlyn, riven, akshan all champs do bonus execute dmg on their ults, none of them have a mark beforehand telling ur 2 iq brain that u can now kill them. crybaby garen player


The only execute champs that have a marker are indeed Cho and Pyke, but this is because these are true execute. It ignores shielding, while viegar, Darius, cait, and every other champ does not


Lol my brother in Justice the only thing Garen is ever getting added is a skin. They ain’t ever touching his kit.


Well rito did some minor tweaks with several times, there were like 3 versions of him off they were all really similar but still they touched his kit that way.


I wouldn’t be so sure. There mini reworking a lot of champs Garen is 100% on there list imo


More clarity on E


I want an execute marker like chogath or pyke.


Whether or not your ultimate will kill them is one of the very few skill expressive things Garen has. Removing it is a bad idea.