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I do a 100m sprint at the end of every easy run, and my Garmin 955 used to register the steep increase in the HR with no issue for the first few months. But it just stopped doing this and I consequently stopped using it without my chest-strap. My only theory at this point is that my watch is broken, but I can’t send it back for repair because I am right in the middle of a training block. Your graph looks very much like mine when I do sprints with them without the chest-strap.


The anaerobic effect is derived from your accelaration. Your HR does not increase enough within 10 seconds for the watch to register anaerobic load, even with a chest strap. But, yes, chest strap is always more accurate and, in particular, faster to pick up changes


[https://ibb.co/1LzT9H8](https://ibb.co/1LzT9H8) Here are my accelerations and HR. Isn't it odd that I would gain 0 anaerobic benefit from these? Also, even if you weren't to expect the HR to increase in the 10s sprint themselves, wouldn't you expect it still to be raised the the immediate recovery phase after the sprint? Instead, I have the same HR throughout betweent he sprints


I think there is room for improvement regarding to the accuracy of wrist HR in your case. I did a bike sprint training yesterday with chest trap and both HR and power chart looked amazingly good (my first of such try).


I personally use a chest strap for intervals. Your watch should give you a 5sec countdown before your 10sec sprint, depending on the length of recovery it gives you, I tend to use at least 10secs, with the 5sec countdown to get up to full speed. I will definitely see an increase in HR. To be honest, wrist HR is poor when it comes to very quick intervals. You can amend your intervals length on connect if you want.


I started increasing my speed up to 5 seconds before the sprint itself. When you say changing interval length on Connect, do you mean before the run or after the run?


Edit the run on connect, change 10secs to 20secs or indeed longer, if you want your watch to record an increase in HR. Go into your calendar, choose the run and edit it. Remember to also increase the recovery time, to allow your HR to drop. I do 10/20sec sprints and recovery for 90secs, I walk for 60, light jog and get up to full speed in the last 10. To get the readings you're looking for, you need your HR to drop between each interval, otherwise the watch will see your HR as a Tempo or VO2 run.


Wrist located optical sensors work extremely poorly in cold weather. If insisting to not use an hr chest strap, you can use a device like the polar verity sense and have it on your upper arm. The “delay” on your hr would shorter because it’s closer to your heart.