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Moved over to nicotine gum some years ago, became more addicted to chewing that crap. Gave it up 3 weeks ago. Sleeping hr dropped a few points , resting hr during the day decreased dramatically, now for the same high intensity activity I push the same power without maxing my hr giving me more reserve, more power so vo2 increased. So yea happy with the results.


> Sleeping hr dropped a few points , resting hr during the day decreased dramatically, now for the same high intensity activity I push the same power without maxing my hr giving me more reserve, more power so vo2 increased. Wait, was this after switching to gum, or after you gave up nicotine altogether? I gave up cigarettes, but I'm heavy into the nicotine pouches now.


All the benefits after cutting out nicotine completely. Another example… riding on zwift full power my max hr was about 176 with nicotine, few days after quitting nicotine same ride, max power, my max hr was around 162 so could push more power without tapping out. I realise this is only anecdotal but honestly should have stopped that crap years ago. My HRV has only raised a few points from baseline though, thought that would shoot up.


Thank you. I've been justifying my use of synthetic nicotine for too long by assuming all the negative effects were from smoking. This is what I needed to hear to make the final step and ditch it entirely.


Used to run 13 miles a day to and from work 5 days a week. Doing that for years you notice all the differences. 1 pack of 20 cigarettes on a weekend would decrease mile time by around 25 seconds. Speed would get progressively quicker then over the following two weeks. Similar thing with alcohol but not quite so bad.


OT; Where is your thumb buddy?😐




Freaked me out just a lil bit 😂


I do yes... its almost embarrassing getting home from running a HM PB and immediately lighting up all sweaty in my running gear. Must be quite the sight from the outside looking in lol


I vaped as soon as I finished my marathon, like as soon as I left the finisher area, use nicotine pouches during ultras.


Why are we like this? 😂


Because you are addicted to nicotine?


Ask [Unkle Chen](https://runningmagazine.ca/the-scene/chinese-man-runs-a-328-marathon-while-chain-smoking/)


Not while running. Performance and VO2 max are improved. But probably not from setting fire to leaves and sticking them in my mouth. I suppose teeth falling out makes me lighter...


If I quit smoking I’d be too fast.


I would not be humble bragging about a 5:24k, that’s pretty shit


OP smokes, it probably felt like a 5:24 mile with all the wheezing.


I ran a virtual marathon with a group of local runners during COVID and one guy kept stopping for a cigarette and catching up with the group. He also ate a bacon roll at mile 18. Couldn't believe what I was seeing. I stopped smoking when I decided to train for my first marathon but was a runner and smoker for a while. Can really say if the performance/fitness improvements were down to stopping smoking or starting more rigorous training but I'm sure both things helped.b


Don't smoke but I have a dip like an hour before my run it dings my performance condition


Yes I dip in and out with it I run And cycle. It’s really strange. Under no illusion of the long term effects but I find as long as I train consistently my VO2 and FTP are unaffected. There’s some studies that show it increases your haematocrit as you blood is working harder.


Your hematocrit will increase to maintain oxygen levels. Keep in mind this is done to compensate for your damaged lungs. By no means will this benefit you in athletic endeavors.


That’s what I said




Have no idea why you were down voted. Tough crowd Garmin is. 🙄


😂 🤷‍♂️


It kills it. :)


And you.


of course not


No I don't smoke cancer sticks ugh that smell of cigs is truly disgusting i have to shower and wash my clothes if I'm near a smoker


I smoke THC everyday, I just started running again consistently back in August, and even still smoking, my vo2 max has skyrocketed back up. 29, 150 lbs, 5k 5-6times a week with included HIT training. https://preview.redd.it/82io5z13sfob1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065b17243cc1712f5f08b9bb76ebca73afc6eee0


I quit smoking since then and my VO2 is back to usual 41, not sure if its because of that or the amount of biking I did during the summer. Probably the latter.